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Human Mitochondrial DNA Replication

Ian J. Holt and Aurelio Reyes

MRC Mitochondrial Unit, Cambridge, United Kingdom Correspondence: [email protected]

Elucidation of the process of DNA replication in mitochondria is in its infancy. For many years, maintenance of the mitochondrial was regarded as greatly simplified com- pared to the nucleus. Mammalian mitochondria were reported to lack all DNA repair systems, to eschew DNA recombination, and to possess but a single DNA , polymerase g.Polg was said to replicate mitochondrial DNA exclusively via one mecha- nism, involving only two priming events and a handful of . In this “strand-displace- ment model,” leading strand DNA synthesis begins at a specific site and advances approx- imately two-thirds of the way around the molecule before DNA synthesis is initiated on the “lagging” strand. Although the displaced strand was long-held to be coated with , RNA has more recently been proposed in its place. Furthermore, mitochondrial DNA mol- ecules with all the features of products of conventional bidirectional replication have been documented, suggesting that the process and regulation of replication in mitochondria is complex, as befits a genome that is a core factor in human health and longevity.

uman mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) typ- Attardi 1989). Nevertheless, not even a simple Hically forms 5-mm circles, or 16.5 kilobases, free-living multicellular , such as the 1 genome in length. Outside the king- nematode worm, can survive without mtDNA dom, mtDNA varies prodigiously in size and (Bratic et al. 2009). form, yet it invariably exists to provide the The mtDNA of all vertebrates is very simil- with essential components of the respiratory ar to that of humans, almost all the noncod- chain (and ATP synthase). Hence, ing DNA is concentrated in one region, of little of mtDNA can cause respiratory chain dysfunc- more than a kilobase, known as the major non- tion, which in turn causes rare diseases in , or NCR (Fig. 1). Although most (Levings and Pring 1976; Newton and Coe 1986) of the mtDNA sequence variation among hu- and humans (Holt et al. 1988). Budding mans is found in the NCR, it is not evenly dis- has the option of growing anaerobically and so tributed but concentrated in three hypervari- can manage without mtDNA (Goldring et al. able sections (Ingman et al. 2000). In the early 1970), and remarkably vertebrate cells cultivated 1970s, two groups reported that many mtDNA in the laboratory can achieve the same feat, on a molecules contain a triple-stranded region, diet of glucose far less concentrated than a typ- which forms a displacement or D-loop (Arnberg ical soda (Desjardins et al. 1985; King and et al. 1971; Kasamatsu et al. 1971). The D-loop

Editors: Stephen D. Bell, Marcel Me´chali, and Melvin L. DePamphilis Additional Perspectives on DNA Replication available at www.cshperspectives.org Copyright # 2012 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a012971 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2012;4:a012971

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I.J. Holt and A. Reyes


HSP1 D-loop

Ori-z LSP OH Ori-b CSB 3, 2, and 1 OH

Human Direction of mitochondrial DNA Direction of leading strand DNA synthesis

Direction of lagging strand DNA synthesis 16,569 nt

Protein Ribosomal RNA OL Noncoding region Transfer RNA

Replication initiation zone

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the human mitochondrial genome. Human mtDNA encodes 13 proteins that are essential for oxidative phosphorylation, and the ribosomal and transfer necessary for their . RITOLS replication initiates in the major noncoding region, at OH and Ori-b, and OL is a major initiation site of lagging strand DNA synthesis in mammals. Conversely, conventional bidirectional replication of mtDNA can initiate almost anywhere in the mitochondrial genome, with most such events occurring in a region of several kilobases adjacent to the major noncoding region (NCR), Ori-z (see main text for details). LSP, light strand promoter; HSP, heavy strand promoter; CSBs, conserved sequence blocks.

occupies much but not all, of the NCR, and so Schatz 1963); yet the existence of mitochondrial the terms are not interchangeable. The NCR is DNA (mtDNA), was inferred much earlier, also known as the control region as it contains when some heritable traits were shown to be important cis-elements for transcription and transmitted via the cytoplasm, rather than the two putative origins of replication. The critic- nucleus (Ephrussi 1953; Caspari 1955). al importance of the NCR to genome main- tenance is attested to by the fact that all, of the many, partially deleted mtDNAs that have MECHANISMS OF MITOCHONDRIAL been characterized in humans retain the NCR DNA REPLICATION (Samuels et al. 2004), although at least a quarter Strand-Displacement Replication of the D-loop region appears to be dispensable (Behar et al. 2008). A mechanism of replication for mammalian Many researchers date the discovery of DNA mtDNA was elaborated in the early 1970s from in mitochondria to the 1960s, when Nass pub- EM images of DNA isolated from rodent mito- lished electron micrograph images of structures chondria by cesium chloride density centrifu- with the staining properties of DNA in chicken gation (Kasamatsu and Vinograd 1973). The liver mitochondria, and Schatz isolated DNA mechanism is quite different from that of from yeast mitochondria (Nass and Nass 1963; bacterial chromosomal replication and DNA

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Human Mitochondrial DNA Replication

replication in the nucleus, as almost all the “the- Wolstenholme 1974; Wolstenholme et al. 1974). ta”-like molecules had several kilobases of sin- Today we would recognize this as a potential gle-stranded DNA on one branch. Thus, the EM strand-switching mode of replication (Michel images of mouse mtDNA suggested a model et al. 2004). The fact that other articles from whereby leading strand synthesis started at a Wolstenholme’sowngroupemphasizedthenov- specific site and advanced approximately two- elty of the partially single-stranded intermedi- thirds of the way around the molecule before ates of replicating mtDNA (e.g., Wolstenholme second-strand DNA synthesis initiated (Kasa- et al. 1974), doubtless contributed to the ful- matsu and Vinograd 1973). The mechanism ly duplex species being largely ignored for three has enjoyed a number of names: asynchronous, decades. Moreover,SDM was elaborated in some asymmetric, and strand-displacement replica- detail over the course of the next decade (Clay- tion, but none is entirely satisfactory: uncou- ton and Larsson 2006, and references therein), pled (leading and lagging strand DNA synthe- whereasnonewdataemergedtosupporttheidea sis) replication is perhaps a more informative of multiple sites of initiation on the lagging name, but we will continue to employ the acro- strand. Thus, it wasn’t until restriction digested nym SDM (strand-displacement mechanism), human and rodent mtDNAwere shown to form for reasons of continuity. In apparent sup- arcs of replication intermediates characteristic port of SDM, free 50 ends of DNA, were mapped of fully duplex DNA, using neutral two-dimen- 11 kilobases apart and on opposite strands sional agarose gel electrophoresis (2D-AGE), (Clayton 1982). These are candidate initiation that the dominance of the strand-displacement 1 1 sites for leading (OH) and lagging (OL) strand model was seriously challenged (Holt et al. DNA synthesis (see Fig. 1), although as discuss- 2000). 2D-AGE resolves DNA molecules on the ed below free 50 ends of DNA are not necessarily basis of a combination of shape and mass; afi- synonymous with replication initiation sites. cionados of DNA replication love the method, Although starkly different from nuclear DNA because it captures the entire process and pro- replication, SDM was not unprecedented, as vides detailed mechanistic insight (Brewer and several and have a protracted Fangman 1987, 1991; Friedman and Brewer delay between the initiation of leading and lag- 1995). However, it is generally loathed by the ging strand DNA synthesis (Khan 1997). wider world because it takes considerable time David Wolstenholme and colleagues pro- and effort to learn to interpret the complex arcs duced electron micrographs of replicating mol- and spotstowhich the method gives rise: it says it ecules of rat liver mtDNA that were fully du- all that the children of one of the investigators plex, as long ago as the late 1960s (Kirschner et referred to the autoradiographs of replicat- al.1968),althoughthesamegrouplaterreported ing mtDNA scattered about the house as the that other preparations of mammalian mtDNA “squashed-fly pictures.” Actually, the arcs com- contained many partially single-stranded rep- prise a complete series of intermediates from all licating molecules, leading them to propose stages of the replication cycle. Fortunately, for a step-wise mode of replication, in addition to nonspecialists and specialists alike, some nucle- SDM. In the former case, repeated pausing of ic acid modifying dramatically alter leading strand DNA synthesis at approximately the patterns of replication intermediates (RIs), 2.5 kb intervals acts as the prelude to the initia- greatly aiding interpretation. In the first such tion of second-strand DNA synthesis (Koike and study of mammalian mtDNA replication (Holt et al. 2000), the use of single-stranded was especially helpful as it degraded all partially 1The two strands of mitochondrial DNA have different buoyant densities on denaturing caesium chloride gradients single-stranded species (Fig. 2); thus, the surviv- because of differences in their composition and ing mitochondrial RIs did not simply have the so they are denoted H (heavy) and L (light) strands; the shape and mobility of fully duplex intermedi- putative initiation sites were named the heavy and light ates, they proved resistant to enzymes that strand origins of replication (OH and OL, respectively), accordingly. degrade single-stranded DNA. In mitochondria

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I.J. Holt and A. Reyes

Figure 2. Some mitochondrial replication intermediates form standard replication fork arcs and are resistant to single-strand nuclease. In the example shown mouse liver mtDNAwas digested with DraI and half the digested was additionally treated with S1 nuclease prior to 2D-AGE. After blotting the DraI filter was hybridized with probe that detected a 4.5 kb fragment of mouse mtDNA, np 5 276–9 817. ssDNA, single-stranded DNA; ds mtRIs, double-stranded mitochondrial replication intermediates.

of human cells and placenta, and mouse liver, on one branch.2 At first inspection, the phenom- the signal along the length of many of the rep- enon of the slow-moving arcs appeared com- lication arcs was sufficiently even to exclude not patible with SDM, because most restriction only SDM, but also the regimented step-wise enzymes cannot cut single-stranded DNA. replication model of Wolstenholme (Koike and However, several other features and properties Wolstenholme 1974). Instead, the single-strand of the slow-moving arcs could not be reconciled nuclease resistant mtRIs were proposed to be with SDM. Based on their masses, the species of the products of coupled leading and lagging the slow-moving arcs were fully duplex (Fig. 3A) strand DNA synthesis (Holt et al. 2000), which and (Yasukawa et al. 2006). A more clear-cut is discussed in more detail in the next section distinction was provided by the few restriction but one. endonucleases that can cut single-stranded, as well as duplex, DNA. Crucially, such enzymes would not produce slow-moving replication RNA INCORPORATION DURING MTDNA fork arcs in the case of SDM, instead they would REPLICATION: RITOLS create arcs that begin at the usual point imme- The presumed products of strand-coupled DNA diately adjacent to nonreplicating fragments of synthesis appeared to be in the minority, relative DNA (termed 1n species) but end prematurely, to the partially single-stranded species, and the at 1.5n rather than the usual 2n. In practice, latter were at that time attributed to SDM (Holt digesting gradient-purified mtDNA with en- et al. 2000). However, later more highly purifi- zymes that cut both duplex and single-stranded ed mitochondria yielded unusually large DNA DNA gave rise to the same slow-moving Yarcs, as molecules forming slow-moving arcs of replica- tion intermediates, in place of the partially sin- gle-stranded species (Fig. 3A) (Yanget al. 2002). 2Enzymes that cut a replicating molecule on both branches The components of the slow-moving arcs corre- produce so-called replication fork, or Y arcs, enzymes cut- ting neither branch will yield bubble structures; in the case sponded to molecules that the restriction en- of mtDNA, enzymes were frequently cutting only one zymes were unable to cut at one or more sites branch of the bubble (Yasukawa et al. 2006 and Figure 3).

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Human Mitochondrial DNA Replication

A ii i Duplex arc i: 13,096–17,341

Duplex arc ii: 17,078–21,060

“Single-stranded arc” i: 10,744–12,866

“Single-stranded arc” ii: 12,603–14,594 1n 4146 23,994 17,053 15,004 10,086 B

1.5n SMY Y

18.8 kb

2n 1n 12.4 kb 10 kb 1n Mouse Accl 5 kb C 12 3 b1 b1 b2 b1 b2

SMY Modified arcs SMY arcs Untreated RNase H RNase H + S1

Figure 3. Replicating molecules of mtDNA produce duplex slow-moving arcs, which are sensitive to RNase H. (A) 2D-AGE of BclI digested mouse liver mtDNA reveals a pair of slow-moving replication fork (SMY) arcs, after hybridization to a probe detecting the 4 kb fragment 12,027–16,174. SMYarcs result from blocked restriction sites and are essentially duplex, based on their mass, arc i has a theoretical mass of 13,096 bp initially, increasing to 17,341 bp if fully duplex, whereas it would begin at 10,744 and end at 12,866 bp if it contained a single-stranded DNA branch. Arc ii spans 17,078–21,060 if duplex; 12,603–14,594 if it follows SDM. The spans of the arcs predicted by SDM are indicated in gray font, as no such arcs were detected when gradient-purified mtDNAwas analyzed. (B) 2D-AGE of AccI digested mouse liver mtDNA reveals a slow-moving replication fork (SMY) arc, after hybridization to a probe detecting the 5-kb fragment, nucleotides 9602–14,654. N.B., AccI cleaves both single-stranded and double-stranded DNA. Dashed line corresponds to the expected arc in the case of SDM replication. (C) The same digest of purified mouse liver mtDNA as shown in panel Awas incubated with and without RNase H and single-stranded (S1) nuclease, and analyzed by 2D-AGE. SMYarcs are inferred to have ribonucleotides at one or more restriction sites, in part because the SMYarcs are grossly modified by RNase H. Similarly, bubble arc b2 is also sensitive to RNase H and therefore contains significant amounts of RNA, as opposed to bubble arc b1; see also main text and Yasukawa et al. (2006) for details.

enzymes that cannot cut single-stranded DNA with protease and phenol-chloroform extract- (Fig. 3B) (Yasukawa et al. 2006). If the novel arcs ed, sometimes repeatedly, protein was unlikely were not partially single-stranded, what then to account for the slow-moving arcs. Lipid and could be responsible for these unusual species? carbohydrate seemed even more improbable, Based on their mass and shape they were indis- and so that left RNA. tinguishable from duplex DNA; nevertheless, Nature had thoughtfully provided the pre- they were not cut by REs on one branch. Be- cise tool to test this hypothesis. RNase H de- cause the samples had been treated thoroughly grades RNA only if it is hybridized to DNA,

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I.J. Holt and A. Reyes

and it proved highly effective at modifying mi- concurrently and both mark “OL” as a major tochondrial RIs (Fig. 3C) (Yanget al. 2002). The initiation site of second-strand DNA synthesis presence of RNA complementary to the lagging in mammals. Strip away the RNA from RITOLS strand template was confirmed by extracting intermediates and one is left with molecules mtRIs from 2D gels, subjecting them to denatu- that conform, to a first approximation, to inter- ration, 1D-AGE and hybridization to reveal L- mediates of SDM. Or put another way SDM þ strand RNAs of 200–600 nucleotides in length lagging strand RNA ¼ RITOLS replication. The (Yasukawa et al. 2006). Therefore, we proposed RITOLS mechanism also retains the major non- that RNAwas incorporated throughout the lag- coding region (NCR) as the origin-containing ging strand during the replication of mtDNA: region, although there appear to be not one, but the RITOLS model of mtDNA replication (Fig. two origins in this region (Yasukawa et al. 2006), 4). The source of the RNA has not yet been es- roughly speaking at either end of the D-loop. tablished, but twopossible models weremooted: One potential advantage of RITOLS over the RNA might be the product of an exuberant SDM is avoiding exposing direct repeats as sin- , synthesizing long RNA “primers,” or gle-stranded DNA, which in bacterial plasmids the RNA could be derived from preformed tran- increases the frequency of deletion formation scripts which were threaded onto the lagging (Bron et al. 1991). Many pathological partial strand template, the so-called bootlace model deletions of mtDNA have a residual direct re- (Yasukawa et al. 2006). peat at the deletion junction (Mita et al. 1990), The RITOLS model of replication has much and these might be much more frequent with- in common with the SDM. Both models predict out RNA to protect the lagging strand template. that the two strands of DNA are not synthesized It has been suggested that the truth may lie






Template or or Nascent DNA RNA

Figure 4. The RITOLS model of mitochondrial DNA replication. Replication initiates at one of two sites (OH or Ori-b), here conflated to OR, for . Leading strand DNA synthesis progresses with concurrent incorporation of RNA on the lagging strand. At some point (frequently OL), lagging strand DNA synthesis initiates and the lagging strand RNA is replaced by, or converted to, DNA.

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Human Mitochondrial DNA Replication

somewhere between the SDM and the RITOLS cible of the , in which reactive models; i.e., some sections of the lagging strand oxygen species are all too frequent by-products template might be hybridized to RNA, where- of respiration. Alternatively or additionally, as other sections might be coated with the mi- RITOLS may be designed to prevent the delete- tochondrial single-stranded binding protein rious consequences of collisions between tran- (mtSSB) (Wanrooij and Falkenberg 2010). Of scription and replication complexes (Pomerantz course it would come as no surprise if there and O’Donnell 2010), either by inhibiting tran- were some mtSSB at the replication fork, as per scription altogether on replicating molecules conventional strand-coupled DNA replication, (Bentin et al. 2005) or to reduce the speed of yet the data firmly predict that RNA coats replication, thereby, quite literally, reducing the much, if not essentially all, of the lagging strand. impact of any such collisions. First, the slow-moving arcs accounted for the Why then hasn’t RITOLS been more widely same proportion of mitochondrial RIs irrespec- adopted? It may well be that it is simply too tive of an ’s ability to cut ssDNA; second, slow—mtDNA replication being notoriously the masses of the mitochondrial RIs corres- laggardly, at least in (Bogenhagen ponded to fully duplex DNA, within the limits and Clayton 1977). Moreover, if RITOLS uses of the technique (Fig. 3A) (Yang et al. 2002; Ya- preformed transcripts (the bootlace model) sukawa et al. 2006). Thus, we estimate RNA cov- thenitcouldonlybeadoptedforDNAsequences erage of the lagging strand to be at least 80% that are constitutively transcribed. This would based on 2D-AGE analysis. More recent EM im- exclude many bacterial in which dif- ages revealed no gaps whatsoever in the vast ma- ferent are expressed under different con- jority of replicating molecules of mtDNA (Poh- ditions, which would create gaps were RITOLS joismaki et al. 2010). This result suggests that replication to be used, and the nuclear genome, single-stranded regions account for no more which comprises mainly noncoding sequences. than 100–200 nucleotides of mtDNA. There is Nevertheless, it might be worthwhile to inspect a good reason to expect the coverage to be all but closely the replication of nuclear ribosomal DNA total; RNA has a major theoretical advantage genes. The long lengths of noncoding DNA in over protein. Although the fidelity of RNA syn- mtDNAs also suggest that it will eschew thesis is lower than DNA synthesis, RNA and RITOLS replication, for the most part. DNA contain the same genetic information, and so RNA could be used to repair any damage COUPLED LEADING AND that occursto the lagging strand template during LAGGING STRAND DNA SYNTHESIS mtDNA replication; no protein could perform thisrole.IfthisisthereasonthatRNAispreferred The first 2D-AGE study of mammalian mtDNA to mtSSB, the entire displaced lagging strand replication concluded that a proportion of mi- template will be hybridized to RNA. Ironically, tochondrial RIs comprised fully duplex DNA given the predictions of extensive single-strand- and so they were proposed to be the products edness that are inherent to SDM, RNA incorpo- of coupled leading and lagging strand DNA rep- ration affords the possibility of having even less lication (Holt et al. 2000). This was a tentative single-strandedness than conventional replica- conclusion, although it did suggest as a mini- tion mechanisms, if it follows the aforemen- mum that second-strand DNA synthesis could tioned bootlace model. This is because the use initiate at many positions on the circle. A later of preformed transcripts would dispense with study (Bowmaker et al. 2003) provided further the need to loop out the lagging strand for Oka- insight, yet was handicapped by the fact that the zaki fragment synthesis. If true, then this might RITOLS mechanism (Yasukawa et al. 2006) had explain why RITOLS evolved, as it could reduce yettobeelaborated.For thebenefitofreaders,we the risk of DNA damage imposed by the forma- will attempt to reconstruct events with the ben- tion of single-stranded DNA at the replication efit of hindsight. The 2003 study mapped the fork. This may be critically important in the cru- majority of replication initiation sites to a zone

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I.J. Holt and A. Reyes

of several kilobases outside the NCR, suggesting derivatives of RITOLS replication. This was that initiation of replication rarely starts at the highlighted by the use of that most popular of widely recognized unidirectional origin, OH.In drugs among mtDNA researchers, ethidium apparent contradiction of these results, the 2006 bromide. Without going into detail, ethidium study mapped the start of replication to two bromide accumulates in mitochondria, and so tightly defined areas both within the NCR, one low doses inhibit mtDNA replication, with little of which was OH. The explanation for this ap- effect on nuclear DNA. Hence, three days expo- parent discrepancy is that the two reports delin- sure of growing cells to 125-mM ethidium bro- eated two different mechanisms of replication, mide results in a tenfold decrease in mtDNA the later one earmarking the NCR as the exclu- copy number, with no change in the generation sive start region for RITOLS replication (Fig. 4). time. Removal of the drug is followed by a burst In contrast, the 2003 report (Bowmaker et al. of mtDNA replication to restore copy number to 2003) characterized fully duplex DNA interme- normal. Harvesting mtDNA during the recovery diates, the presumed products of coupled lead- phase revealed fully duplex mitochondrial RIs, ing and lagging strand DNA synthesis, although which were suggestive of coupled leading and nowhere is this explicitly stated in the manu- lagging strand DNA replication originating at a script for the aforementioned reasons. Another bidirectional origin within the NCR (Yasukawa contrasting feature between the intermediates of et al. 2005). At the time, we suggested this could RITOLS replication and strand-coupled DNA be the result of either a contraction of the previ- synthesis is directionality: RITOLS is substan- ously defined initiation zone, or rapid conver- tially unidirectional (2006), whereas the replica- sion of the “RITOLS” RNA to DNA (Fig. 5A) tioninitiationzonegaverisetobidirectionalrep- (Yasukawa et al. 2005). The rapid conversion of lication forks (Bowmaker et al. 2003). Further RNA to DNA, or early maturation hypothesis evidence of bidirectional replication of mtDNA was strengthened when initiation of RITOLS came from the study of mitochondrial RIs of replication was mapped to two sites in the birds(Reyes etal.2005). Unfortunately,this con- NCR (Yasukawa et al. 2006), one of which cor- clusion relied on an understanding of fork-di- responded to the novel origin identified in the rection gels (Friedman and Brewer 1995), whose study (see below for more on interpretation is even more challenging than the origins of replication). It is probably the case standard 2D gel system. In essence, an in-gel di- that residual ethidium bromide causes stalling gestion step trims the replication forks at one or of leading strand DNA synthesis and that stalling other end, which generates one of two modified promotes initiation of second-strand DNA syn- arcs, dependent on whether the fork entered the thesis. If this were to occur via strand-switching, fragment at one end or the other—predicting it would breath fresh into the early Wolsten- the effects of different in-gel digests makes a holme model of mtDNA replication (Koike great parlor game that all the family can enjoy! and Wolstenholme 1974). It is also noteworthy Based on a series of such digests, we were able to that forms of the mitochondrial DNA establish that replication forks enter many frag- , Twinkle, produce substantially the ments of mtDNA from either end, again indi- same effect on the pattern of mtRIs as recovery cating that replication initiation occurs across a from transient depletion, although the stalling is broad zone of several kilobases. Thus, both birds so severe that it causes mtDNA depletion and mammals operate bidirectional strand-cou- (Wanrooij et al. 2007; Goffart et al. 2009). pled DNA replication, initiating across a broad initiation zone (Reyes et al. 2005). LET US START AT THE VERY BEGINNING Currently the replication initiation zone is the only firm evidence we have for conventional The initiation of replication must necessarily coupled leading and lagging strand DNA syn- create a piece of with a free 50 end; thesis in mitochondria, because mitochondrial typically this is the first base of a short RNA RIs with duplex DNA on all branches can be primer, which is conjugated to DNA. The RNA

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Human Mitochondrial DNA Replication

A Maturation

Strand-switching? RITOLS RNA

Leading strand


Ter Ori

Leading strand 5′ end

Persistent 5′ end

Figure 5. Maturation of RITOLS RNA, and the formation of free 50 ends of DNA during DNA replication. Replication stalling is associated with an increase in fully duplex DNA intermediates, which could be the result of RNA replacement with DNA (A). This could be the result of strand-switching by the replicative DNA polymer- ase. (B) One of a pair of replication forks derived from a bidirectional origin of replication has just reached the terminus (Ter) causing arrest of leading strand DNA synthesis; the are joined to make the lagging strand continuous, leaving a single free 50 end remaining at the terminus, whereas the origin is no longer detectable.

primer is chemically more labile than DNA and transcripts initiated at LSP could be processed so it may degrade during nucleic acid extrac- to generate primers for the initiation of DNA tion and processing. Even if the RNA primer synthesis, and so RNA processing of L-strand is preserved, many DNA will not transcripts would be the first critical step in read through RNA, therefore primer exten- the initiation of mtDNA replication (Chang sion can be used to map free 50 ends of DNA, et al. 1985). It has been suggested that a catalytic and this procedure was for many years the (7–2/MRP) RNA is responsible for this RNA method of choice for defining origins of repli- processing step (Topper et al. 1992), although cation. In this way, the origin of replication of there appears to be little if any 7–2/MRP in mtDNA was mapped to specific nucleotides in some mitochondrial preparations (Kiss and the NCR, especially nucleotide 191 of human Filipowicz 1992). mtDNA, aka OH (Crews et al. 1979). Later RNA Many features of this model may prove to be species that spanned the region from the light correct, but in light of recent history in the field, strand promoter (LSP) to, approximately, OH it is worthwhile considering several caveats. were identified, leading to the suggestion that First, there are abundant 7S DNA molecules of

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I.J. Holt and A. Reyes

mitochondrial D-loops,the50 endsofthesemol- well as a few points in between); although we ecules map to aclusterof nucleotides in the NCR did not detect ends at CSB2, our samples were including nucleotide 191. Ordinarily, they are not treated with RNase H. No final ruling can be far more abundant than RIs, and so (labeled) made as to the precise location of OH, but there primers should be placed outside the NCR is little doubt an origin (and terminus) is locat- to be confident that they are not contributing ed in the vicinity of nucleotide 191. The second to the results. Second, 50 ends of DNA need not origin in the NCR revealed by the ethidium necessarily mark an initiation site: persistent bromide study (Yasukawa et al. 2005) maps to nicks will give the same output. Third, origins the other end of the D-loop, around nucleotide dispersed across a zone of several kilobases will 16,197 (aka Ori-b). This discovery raised the produce variable 50 ends of DNA, which will al- intriguing possibility that Ori-b may be the ma- most certainly be below the limits of detection jor or primary origin, and OH is the replication because, fourth, initiation sites of bidirectional terminus. In this model, bidirectional replica- replication are ephemeral creatures (Fig. 5B). tion from Ori-b produces a nascent leading Fifth,afree50 endofDNAmaymarkareplication strand of DNA that encounters the terminus pause or termination site, both of which will after a mere half a kilobase. Concurrent Okazaki generate far more prominent 50 ends of DNA fragment synthesis fills in on the lagging strand than even a discrete origin of replication (Fig. template back to Ori-b (Fig. 5), and so the newly 5B) (Santamaria et al. 1998; Hyvarinen et al. synthesized H-strand DNA from OH to Ori-b is 2007), unless, that is, it is a unidirectional origin technically lagging strand, not leading strand, of replication. DNA. However, when RNA is incorporated on Currently there are several candidate initia- the L-strand template, the same piece of nascent tion sites for leading strand mtDNA synthesis. H-strand DNA (OH-Ori-b) cannot be said to be Early reports agreed that the most abundant free lagging strand, it then becomes a second initia- 50 ends of DNA lay at or close to nucleotide 191 tion event on the leading strand; notwithstand- of human mtDNA (e.g., Crews et al. 1979). ing, this remains a subsidiary event to initiation Much later, Giuseppe Attardi revisited the ques- at Ori-b. tion, and concluded that the major start site was a hundred or so nucleotides downstream of nu- THE ENDGAME cleotide 191, at nucleotide 57 (Fish et al. 2004). In contrast, Falkenberg and colleagues RNase H Almost nothing is known about the termina- treated their samples and found prominent tion of mtDNA replication beyond its location. primer extension products mapping upstream Terminal replication intermediates contain two of nucleotide 191, at the second of three con- forks, one or both of which is advancing toward served sequence blocks in the NCR, CSB2 (i.e., the other, creating so-called double Yarcs on 2D nucleotide 300) (Pham et al. 2006). Because gels. When the two forks meet, the molecule the sites identified in these studies were all in the mimics a four-way junction (or X structure), vicinity of one another they were all compatible before separating into the two daughter mole- with the early EM data (Kasamatsu and Vino- cules. In most cells and tissues, double Y arcs grad 1973). Our mapping of free 50 ends of DNA of mtDNA are the exclusive preserve of frag- relied on ligation-mediated PCR, which we ments that contain the NCR, and the termina- readily acknowledge is far from perfect, as the tion site maps to OH. In , termination of amplification process is at best semi-quantita- replication and resolution of replication inter- tive. However, the fine mapping was coupled to mediates is a well-orchestrated process, which 2D-AGE analysis. The bubble arcs on 2D gels, requires a site-specific recombination apparatus which are a signature of replication origins, (Grainge et al. 2011). To date, we merely have mapped a “RITOLS” origin (or terminus) ap- the suggestion that three proteins of the mTERF proximately to OH, and LM-PCR revealed free family, mTERF, mTERFD1, and mTERFD3, in 50 ends of DNA at nucleotides 54 and 191 (as some way contribute to the termination of DNA

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Human Mitochondrial DNA Replication

replication. Overexpression of mTERF induces over, mitochondria of Trypanosomes have four 0 an increase in 5 ends at OH without altering DNA polymerases (Klingbeil et al. 2002) and mtDNA copy number (Hyvarinen et al. 2007), while it is true they have a bizarre arrangement which is suggestive of prolonged termination of mtDNA, we doubt that more sophisticated (Pohjoismaki and Goffart 2011). And -si- mammals ration themselves to a single enzyme, lencing of mTERFD1 and mTERFD3 leads to given the importance of the mitochondrial ge- the accumulation of X species, centered on OH nome. (Hyvarinen et al. 2011). REPLICATION AND SELECTION OF MUTANT THE MACHINERY OF MITOCHONDRIAL MITOCHONDRIAL DNA DNA REPLICATION: WHERE’S THE BEEF? InterestinmitochondrialDNAreplicationstems Remarkably few enzymes are known to be crit- in part from the human diseases caused by mu- ical for mtDNA replication in mammals, those tant mtDNA. Pathological mutations in human known or inferred to be essential are mitochon- mtDNAwere first described early in 1988; these drial DNA polymerase g (Hance et al. 2005), were partial deletions that resulted in the loss Twinkle DNA helicase (Tyynismaa et al. 2004), of multiple genes (Holt et al. 1988). A key dis- mitochondrial RNA polymerase, single-strand- tinction from nuclear DNA mutations is that ed DNA binding protein, RNase H1 (Cerritelli mutant mtDNA does not follow Mendelian ge- et al. 2003), DNA ligase III (Simsek et al. 2011), netics, both because mtDNA is maternally in- and . We confidently predict herited and because there are typically thou- that this is very far from a full list, despite the sands of copies of mtDNA per cell. Thus, a fact that the first two, with mtSSB and TFAM, variant of mtDNA may account for anywhere can synthesize pieces of DNA up to 16 kilobases between 0.1% and 99.9% of the mitochondrial in length, (Korhonen et al. 2004). genotype. In most individuals, the vast majority If conventional strand-coupled DNA repli- of mtDNA molecules share the same sequence cation occurs in mitochondria then there must (homoplasmy), whereas deleterious be the apparatus for Okazaki fragment mat- often coexist with wild-type molecules (hetero- uration, the sealing of the discontinuous seg- plasmy). Clearly this suggests competition be- ments of DNA that comprise the nascent lag- tween different mitochondrial genotypes. Mu- ging strand of DNA. One firm possibility is that tants, such as partial deletions, that result in the enzymes involved are shared with the nucle- complete loss of function can never achieve to- us (Holt 2009). PIF1 (Futami et al. 2007), FEN1 tal dominance (homoplasmy) in complex or- (Liu et al. 2008), and DNA2 (Duxin et al. 2009) ganisms, because aerobic energy production is have each been reported to be present in mito- essential for life, yet there is no question that chondria, as well as in the nucleus, but the last mutant mtDNA can accumulate to levels that two might be used exclusively in DNA repair, seriously impair respiration and produce dev- equally PIF1 could have functions unrelated to astating diseases, as was clear from the very first DNA replication. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy report (Holt et al. 1988). Although we are still that all the apparatus of Okazaki fragment mat- grappling with the forces that drive selection uration appears to be present in mitochondria of mutant mtDNA, the underlying problem of — it would be a pity to ignore it. replicative advantage is becoming clear, at least If, as the data suggest, mitochondria operate in some cases. The danger for the cell is that any two, or more, mechanisms of replication then that confers on mtDNA a replicative there is no reason a priori why they should re- advantage will result in the selection of the mu- strict themselves to a single DNA polymerase. tant genotype irrespective of its effect on mito- We forgot at our peril that the field of bacterial chondrial function. DNA replication blithely believed pol I was the What do we mean by the rather nebulous replicative DNA polymerase for 15 years. More- concept of replicative advantage? As has been

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widely recognized, partial deletions of mtDNA tion, or mtDNA maintenance. TFAM, which is will complete the replication cycle ahead of their absolutely essential for mtDNA maintenance full-length, wild-type counterparts, and so they (Larsson et al. 1998), has thus far never been will be the first daughter molecules available linked to a human pathology. Moreover, if pro- for subsequent rounds of replication (Diaz et teins are shared between the mitochondria and al. 2002). Partial duplications have more rather the nucleus many mutations will prove lethal than less mtDNA to copy and so should have a because of their effects on nuclear DNA, or if marked disadvantage; however, this is more than they permit survival they may produce unusual compensated for if, as is invariably the case in phenotypes; that said, given the huge diversityof patients, the extra DNA contains an additional phenotypes associated with mitochondrial dys- origin(s) of replication (Holt et al. 1997). The function it is hard to picture an atypical set of most frequently associated with signs and symptoms. disease in humans resides at nucleotide position 3243 (Goto et al. 1990), far from any predicted CONCLUDING REMARKS origin of replication, yet it too is thought to con- fer a selective advantage to its owner. Nucleotide As the opening sentence of the abstract indi- 3243 is located in the binding site for a protein cated, there is much work to be performed, known as the mitochondrial transcription ter- and the full text should have left the reader in mination factor, mTERF. Overexpression of no doubt as to the many gaps in our knowledge, mTERF enhances replication pausing around which are unlikely all to be filled by mtSSB. The nucleotide 3243 (Hyvarinen et al. 2007). Cru- single most pressing issue is to confirm or refute cially, the m.3243G mutation reduces the affini- the presence of RNA in mitochondrial replica- ty of binding of mTERF (Hess et al. 1991), and tion intermediates, as this lies at the heart of the so it is predicted to reduce replication paus- competing RITOLS and SD mechanisms. If ing; hence, m.3243G can confer a replicative confirmed, what is the source of the RITOLS advantage. Although it is not clear if every one RNA, and does it function to slow replication of the hundreds of pathological mtDNA mu- or inhibit transcription, as here proposed? Can tations confers a direct replicative advantage, mtDNA replication proceed via SDM in the ab- there is currently no other hypothesis to ex- sence of the RITOLS RNA, and if not, why not? plain the preferential accumulation of delete- Mitochondrial RNA polymerase appears to have rious mitochondrial variants. Although im- a multiple roles in mtDNA replication, for ex- paired mitochondrial clearance (mitophagy) ample (Fuste et al. 2010), and further study could permit mitochondria containing mutant of it, and the relationship between transcription DNA to thrive, such a defect should result in any and replication, are also likely to yield further and every mutant mtDNA variant persisting, insight into the mechanisms of mtDNA repli- rather than the fixation of specific mutants, as cation. We anticipate the identification of new is seen in mitochondrial diseases. enzymes involved in mtDNA replication will help enormously to unravel the mechanics of the process. As if two (or three?) mechanisms NUCLEAR DNA MUTATIONS AFFECTING weren’t enough, there is additionally evidence of MITOCHONDRIAL DNA recombination-dependent replication operat- Mitochondrial DNA of humans and most other ing in some solid tissues of adults (Pohjoismaki is entirely reliant on the nucleus for its et al. 2009), which awaits detailed investigation. existence. This is amply shown by the many dis- Major topics such as replication restart and ease-causing mutations in genes required for fork-rescue have barely been touched on in mi- mtDNA maintenance: POLG1, Twinkle (Spel- tochondria, and even if the mechanics of initia- brink et al. 2001; Van Goethem et al. 2001). tion of leading strand DNA synthesis are as sim- However, this is not a reliable method of assess- ple as some have suggested, we still know almost ing a protein’s credentials for a role in replica- nothing of how it is regulated.

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Human Mitochondrial DNA Replication

Ian J. Holt and Aurelio Reyes

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2012; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a012971 originally published online November 9, 2012

Subject Collection DNA Replication

Replication of Epstein−Barr Viral DNA Endoreplication Wolfgang Hammerschmidt and Bill Sugden Norman Zielke, Bruce A. Edgar and Melvin L. DePamphilis Replication Proteins and Human Disease Replication-Fork Dynamics Andrew P. Jackson, Ronald A. Laskey and Karl E. Duderstadt, Rodrigo Reyes-Lamothe, Nicholas Coleman Antoine M. van Oijen, et al. Break-Induced DNA Replication Helicase Activation and Establishment of Ranjith P. Anand, Susan T. Lovett and James E. Replication Forks at Chromosomal Origins of Haber Replication Seiji Tanaka and Hiroyuki Araki Regulating DNA Replication in Eukarya Poxvirus DNA Replication Khalid Siddiqui, Kin Fan On and John F.X. Diffley Bernard Moss Archaeology of Eukaryotic DNA Replication The Maintenance Replicative Kira S. Makarova and Eugene V. Koonin Helicase Stephen D. Bell and Michael R. Botchan Translesion DNA Polymerases DNA Replication Origins Myron F. Goodman and Roger Woodgate Alan C. Leonard and Marcel Méchali Human Papillomavirus Infections: Warts or Principles and Concepts of DNA Replication in ? Bacteria, , and Eukarya Louise T. Chow and Thomas R. Broker Michael O'Donnell, Lance Langston and Bruce Stillman and DNA Replication DNA David M. MacAlpine and Geneviève Almouzni Nicholas Rhind and David M. Gilbert

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