Page Twvrenty-Two THE SENTINEL

JUDAISM AND THE HEROIC IDEAL What Future For The ? HERE'S ONE FOOD THAT By DR. IGNAZ MAYBAUM I HAVE NEVER FELT SO MUCH AT EASE ABOUT BEING A NON- COSTS LESS! Zionist as now. The reason is that I regard it as of no practical consequence in these days. Whether we are Zionists or non-Zionists, we must back the Jewish State which is now a fact. The fifty-year-old controversy between Zionists and non-Zionists has, under the stress of the present emergency, no impact on the decisions in Jewish public life as we live it from day to day. Zionists and non- Zionists are united in the effort to help be what it is without the heritage of Palestinian Jewry in the many tasks the Greece-Roman which have to be tackled. world. But the world of Western civilization is in Although the controversy between danger of becoming a place of utter Zionists and non-Zionists is at the mo- self-destruction, if the heroic ideal of ment not an issue, it is, nevertheless, of the citizen-soldier is not checked and the utmost importance. It is my firm in the end superseded by the teachings conviction that the Jewish State will be which came into the world from Jeru- in need of the spiritual assistance of BIG PLATES salem. What is called "secularism" is 06 non-Zionist Jewry. Not only in the not an ignoble thing. But it is without FOR LESS THAN Diaspora but also within the Jewish hope-more than that, it is the philos- Cut food costs-serve l State itself non-Zionist often I Six must ophy of man without hope. Mrs. Grass' come into its own again. plates of nourishing, A PLATE A Secular World delicious soup from each box- The world has fallen very low; tribal Man without add only waterl Real economy! nationalism and cruel totalitarianism hope has a secular world around him, force us Jews to go into ways which we the world without God. What shall would not enter in a morally healthy I do in this world without God, he asks world. We have had to adapt ourselves in his loneliness. The Greek answer was: to nationalism and the policy of hitting there is art, culture, and there is politics: back. We pray for the success of the the high- est fulfillment of man Zionist enterprise, but we must also is self-destruction in the service or art, of culture, pray that should become aware self- destruction in the that Jewry was not free in choosing the service of the State. The splendid richness way of fighting and killing to achieve of the heathen world, their works of art, their shelter and peace for our people. We world- conquering politics pray our twofold prayer; we pray for are nothing but the attempt to escape hopelessness, Pagan the success of the Zionist enterprise, and heorism -is escapism. we pray that all Jews may again be al- The world is view- ed through the lowed, and be able, to be Jews. We pray eye of the pessimist; therefore, nothing that the world should become a place is left but the at- tempt to escape. of peace and brotherhood, and Zionism, Pagan heroism is ni- hilism; the world, seen without God, " therefore, should no longer be the only , is nothingless. way out for Jewry, the dire necessity In the self-destruction which it is at present. of pagan heroism the dying citizen-soldier is not Judaism and Heroism humbly seen as a man who gives his We westernized Jews, fascinated life for the defence of his brothers, by the ideals of Western civilization, but as a demi-god; he ceases to be a and foremost by its heroic ideal, must man and becomes a hero. Such was the not overlook the difference between hero. Such was the heathen world, Sold at Your Local Dealer Throughout the Year Judaism and heroism. Heroic Judaism such the place of hopelessness, of lone- in all its splendor is an established liness, of cruelty and nihilism, when WINE CORPORATION fact in history. In the past there is the the word from Jerusalem changed glorious Maccabean chapter, in the last everything, and the Gentiles, accepting Judaism, became Christians. But to- OF AMERICA 150 years there is the noble record of CHICAGO 10, U. S. A. day Jews have the Jewish citizen-soldier fighting and been forced to stop being Jews. Under the pressure of the dying on every European battlefield world they have had to become like from the Napoleonic wars to the second the Gentiles, aiming at a State for World War and the battles of Haganah. ACE ELECTROTYPE CO. themselves. We witness to-day the he- Electrotypes Nickeltyp®e practising We do not cut a bad figure roic Judaism of the Zionist and the Stereotypes and Mats Lead Molds the Roman virtue of dying as fighting world cannot but praise it. Praise is due soldiers. We are good disciples of the to them, but also this warning: heroic 426 SOUTH CLINTON STREET Phone: Harrison 5733 NATIONAL philosophy of Greece and Rome which Judaism is noble, but it is not the faith A PERSONAL SERVICE CHEESE CO. proclaims, "Dulce et decorum est pro of our fathers. 544 . 646 West Randolph Street patria mori"" It is sweet and hon- The heroic Judaism of the Zionists orable to die for one's country." We has been forced on Jewry by the cruel- BERNARD J. have tasted the bitterness of this sweet- ty of the world. We did not really want DICK TYNER IRV SASS ness. We know what. heroism is. People to become heroic fighters, killing others ELFMAN'S DICK'S QUALITY who have no use for the heroic ideal are and making this killing the duty of the since 1926 Chicago's Most Famous MARKET either barbarians or cbwards. We must citizen-soldier of the Jewish State. In stating that fact, we save ourselves S FINEST QUALITY not reject this ideal but we must get RED HOTS MEATS AT ALL TIMES from pride which would see the heroic 76 W. Madison 38 W. Randolph I beyond it. Judaism, being the message deeds of our brothers in Palestine as 27-29 W. Adams 106 N. Dearborn of man, redeems the of the re-demption something good in itself. Hero-worship hero from his cruel ideal. is not Jewish. Our Prayer Book says: As the word of God, the revelation, "are not all the Giborim, all the heroes, the redemption of man came into the as naught before Thee ?" We pray that world from Jerusalem, so the philosophy the day may soon come when the g..L ,COgONg Catering at Its Best of heroism came into the world from heroism of our brothers is no longer City Wide Service for All Occasions Jerusalem, so the philosophy of heroism necessary and the citizen-soldier of C £ IrAl ZION KOSHER RESTAURANT AND BANQUET HALLS came into the world from Athens and the Jewish State can return to a Jewish S w. Rm-velt 1. SAC. t14 Rome. Western civilization would not life of doing deeds of loving-kindness.