The Diocese of the West The Orthodox Church in America St. Susanna Orthodox Church 10825 Robinwood Lane* Sonora, CA 95370 U.S.A. 209-280-8376 February 2019 Pastor: Fr.JosephRamos By Your nativity, You did sanctify the Virgin’s womb, / And (209)280-8376 did bless Simeon’s hands, O Christ God. / Now You have
[email protected] come and saved us through love. / Grant peace to all SubdeaconNicolasTeshin Orthodox Christians, O only Lover of man! (209)743-7544 Kontakion — Tone 1 Natalie Teshin Dear Brothers and Sisters, “Are you a sinner? Do not become discour- (209)984-2199 Ithasbeenagreatblessingto“journey aged, and come to Church to put forward together”aswehavegonetoeachothers’ repentance. Have you sinned? Then tell homestoparticipateinTheophanyHouse God, ‘I have sinned.’ What manner of toil is Blessings.Thisannualcleansingandsanc- this, what prescribed course of life, what tifyingofourhomesisaninvitationtohave affliction? What manner of difficulty is it to make one statement, ‘I have sinned’? God’spresencetocomeanddwellwithus. Perhaps if you do not call yourself a sinner, It’snottoolatetohaveyourhomeblessed. you do not have the devil as an accuser? SignupintheParishHallorcontactFr. Anti-cipate this and snatch the honor Josephtoarrangeaconvenienttime. away from him, because it is his purpose ThismonthwewillcelebratetheMeet- to accuse. Therefore, why do you not pre- ingofChristintheTemple.Wewillserve vent him, and why do you not tell your sin VespersonFridaynight,Feb.1st,at6:00 and wipe it out, since you know that you p.m.andthentheFestalLiturgyonSaturday have such an accuser who cannot remain morning,Feb.2nd,at9:00a.m. silent? Have you sinned? Come to Church. ThisSunday(Feb.3rd)everyoneis Tell God, ‘I have sinned.’ I do not demand invitedtotheRectory.Wewillhavethe anything else of you than this.