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221A Wentworth Avenue , Pendle Hill Get In Touch Phone : (02) 9631 2003 | Fax : (02) 9631 2004 Email : [email protected] Kalaizh Chuwei 2014 Program

6:00 pm Welcome address by the President

6:05 pm Lighting of traditional lamp - by the chief guest Dr. & Mrs. Ragavan

6:07 pm Thamil Valthu, Australian anthem & anthem

6:15 pm Live Music part 1 by Puthya Poobalam

7:10 pm Presentation of projects and thank you note

7:20 pm “Kalakkapovathu Yaaru” Stand-up comedy competition

8:00 pm Dinner break

8:30 pm Live Music part 2

9:30 pm Student’s awards and honouring main sponsors

9:40 pm Live Music part 3

10:20 pm Kalakkapovathu Yaaru winner

10:30 pm Conclusion President’s Message

Dear Members and Well-wishers I am delighted to welcome you all for the fifth year annual cultural program Kalaizh Chuwei 2014. It has been a sensational journey to bring this annual fund raiser to this new level. The quality of the program has been going upwards each year. We are confident tonight’s program will prove this way again. Tonight we are going to experience an excellent talented young Tamil music group from Melbourne called “Puthiya Poobalam”. The director of this group Niroshan Sathiyamoorthy is well known to us. He has some extraordinary talent and we are confident the group will deliver an excellent show. “Helping Education” is our mantra and we have introduced three ways to achieve this since last year. Our prime focus is to help Hartley College to improve the student’s performances in studies and sports (also part of education). We help needy students in the war affected Vanni area and also support needy projects in the Eastern part of Island. In addition, last year we introduced an award program to encourage local Tamil students in NSW and we have expanded this program further this year. Awards categories for this year include outstanding performances in education, community works, and non-academic. The winners will be honoured tonight and my best wishes to them. For school, we have contributed to purchase 10 new computers, funded to meet basic needs for 5 selected students, furniture refurbishment, special coaching class, land purchase at a strategic location, soccer expenses, to encourage A/L and O/L students by recognising the best performing A/L students to share their knowledge with O/L students, sponsored six encouragement awards to students, and initiated sporting facility improvement project. Total contribution in this year is about $13,000. For community projects, we funded to build a community/educational facility at Vishvamadu and employed two teachers to support needy students in the affected areas, contributed for maintenance works at Vishvamadu centre, sponsored 100 English books for needy students through Rama Krishna Mission, funding A/L tuition for Mullaitivu zone, donating essential books for feeder schools for Hartley College, and funding Vision 2020 appeal through Assist RR. The total contribution this year is about $7,300. Highlight of this year is to bring Mr.Mathivanan (former Secretary and vice-President of cricket board) on board to help us initiating the sporting facility improvement works for Hartley College. I also would like to thank HCPPA NSW members Mr. R. Manimaran, Mr. J.Reginold, and Mr. B.Kuganesan for their excellent effort in bringing other Hartley OBAs together for a special meeting (2 June 2014) at Hartley College. This meeting was chaired by Mr. Mathivanan. I hope we shall get the full support of other OBAs for this improvement project once we start implementing. I would like to thank you for your overwhelming support tonight and in the past. This gives a tremendous moral boost to us. Special thanks to all the committee members and the volunteers for their hard works to make this event successful. I thank all the sponsors who have contributed generously towards this event. I also thank our members who have contributed through member sponsorship. Without your support, this event wouldn’t be successful. My special thanks go to all the artists who are performing in today’s program. I also would like to thank Dr. Ragavan and Mrs. Ragavan for accepting our invitation to be the chief guest for tonight. Please visit our web site regularly to get updates on all activities. R. Krishnakumaran, President HCPPA (NSW) Message from Chief Guest

I am honoured to be the chief guest for the annual Kalaizh Chuwei programme for 2014. I am privileged that I come from a family where my father, mother and all 4 of my brothers have studied at Hartley College. Hartley is like our ancestral school. But the circumstances made us to migrate out of the island looking for safer and greener pastures. Since I left Sri Lanka, I have lived in Seychelles, Zambia and South Africa and now made Australia as my home. Unfortunately, this external migration of ours had made it impossible for our children to study at Hartley.

I joined Hartley College at grade 8 because there was a period when Hartley temporarily ceased taking in any new students from 1969 to 1970. It is difficult to forget the rich and fond memories of being a student of this great school, the classrooms, wonderful and dedicated teachers, our classmates & friends, cricket field, athletics, etc., even our next door neighbours at our sister schools. It was the foundation given by Hartley which made me to become captain of University cricket team, academic Head of Family & Emergency Medicines of Limpopo (Northern) province of South Africa and Director of Emergency Department of Broken Hill Base Hospital, Australia and at present a General Practitioner in private practice. We know for sure that there are many Hartleyites who have achieved much more.

Lately after 1983, Hartley has gone through hard times and even had to be displaced to Puttalai from Point Pedro for a significant period due to the college area becoming untenable for students to attend school due to the war. Even though the war has come to an end and the school is back at its original place, the continuation of the conflict had made it challenging for the teachers and pupils. With the Diaspora of past pupils’ support and with the guidance of the past pupils living in the country and the persistent hard work and intelligence of teachers and pupils, Hartley is still able to fly its’ colours in excellence in all areas by modernising and keeping up to the challenges of the fast changing technological world.

Our children should also come up to help build their parents’ and grandparents’ school to continue to prosper as one of the leading schools in our homeland as this is our pay-back time. This could be promoted and achieved by forming social, cultural & sports clubs for children under the Past Pupils’ Associations in different countries.

I would like to take this opportunity to end my message by remembering the Hartleyites who were killed, made disabled, displaced, lost properties due to the war, and more especially, those brave Hartleyites who sacrificed their life in the hope of making Tamils to live in peace and dignity.

Fiat Lux - Let There Be Light

Dr. Ragavan Message from Principal

I am indeed privileged to send a message on the eve of the annual event of the NSW branch of the HCPPA.

The President of the NSW has impressed me to a very great extent by his enthusiasm and willingness in his approach towards attending to the requirements of the College and its development activities. The cordial discussions and a clear understanding between the college and the Branch always consolidated the successful implementation of the projects undertaken and that too within the targeted timeframe. The millions of rupees spent on various projects in the college substantiate the support by the members of the EX-co of the NSW Branch. The keenness inherited in them in this regard is magnificient.

Moreover the Determination they have, to contribute to deserving projects for the College is reflected by one example. Though the Branch was not in favour of the procuring of the plot of land adjoining the hostel at the initial stage, the moment they were made to realize the indispensability of this act, they were the first to make the contributions to make the project a reality. Their act is undisputably applaudable.

I welcome on behalf of the school community, the visit to the school by the President and a few members of the NSW Branch and making a feasibility study for the development of the playground to ensure and enhance the sports activities in the future.

The telephone and the e-mail facilities keep the NSW branch in close contact to exchange views and suggestions concerning the educational and other development programmes of the college.

I wish that the role to be played by the NSW Branch of the HCPPA in the future development projects will become still more important with a wider scope.

Mr.N.Theivendrarajah, Principal, Hartley College, Point Pedro June 2014 Message from Secretary

I consider it as an honour to share this message with you all who have been supporting the activities of Hartley College Past Pupils’ Association (HCPPA) NSW. The Association has been functioning for the last 23 years. I have been fortunate enough to be part of the Association’s Committee for the last four years. On behalf of the executive committee of the Association, I have great pleasure in welcoming you all to the cultural event, Kalaizh Chuwei 2014. This year is the 5th consecutive year of staging Kalaizh Chuwei by HCPPA NSW. The Association, while continuing to support the needs of Hartley College, also assists the wider community in our mother land in various ways in the recent years. It has only been possible due to the continuing support by all of you including the members of the association and well-wishers. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for that. I’d like to share with you the details of some of the community projects supported by the Association in the last 12 months. • Swami Vivekananda Educational Centre, Visuvamadu: Funded Aus $1,800 through Ramakrishna Mission for the completion of building works (HCPPA NSW also funded $2,300 in 2013), teachers’ salary payment and English learning books • After-school tuition Centres for O/L & A/L students, Mullaitivu district: Funded Aus $2,600 through AssistRR • Cataract Surgery through Vision 2020, North & East of SL: Funded Aus $1,900 through AssistRR • Books donation to 5 schools in Vadamarachi East: Funded Aus $940 through local students association Two members of our executive committee, the president Mr R Krishnakumaran and the treasurer Mr A Aravinthan visited in January 2014 various areas in Vanni including Visuvamadu, Mullaitivu and Puthukkudiyiruppu witnessing benefits of projects completed and met with various officers including GA Mullaitivu discussing challenges faced by the people in those areas. During the last 12 months, the Association assisted Hartley College by funding to purchase 10 new computers ($4,200), carry out furniture repairs ($900), teacher payments for targeted learning courses ($1,000), contribution for sport activities and facilities ($1,000), financial support for needy students ($850) and contribution for the purchase of a land adjacent to the school grounds and hostel ($4,200). Many members contributed generously when special request was made to fund some of these projects. Some members individually sponsor various annual academic awards ($750), through the Association. Some members of the Association visited the school late last year and identified the need to improve sporting facilities of the school. The Association has initiated a feasibility study as the first step towards this. Mr Krishnakumaran and Mr Aravinthan also visited the school in December 2013 and met with the Principal and some staff members. I also visited the school in January 2014 after nearly 25 years. I would like to take this opportunity also to thank all the committee members past, present & future and the vice patrons for their valuable contribution to the Association. Hope you all have enjoyed Kalaizh Chuwei 2014. See you all again next year. Thank you!!! Ganeshan Vaseeharan ÄJï ØÄBéVáö[ ØÄF]

vk; cwTfNs ! khiy tzf;fk; ! vkJ rq;fj;jpd; Ie;jhtJ Mz;L fiyr;Rit epfo;r;rpf;F cq;fis tUf tUfntd tuNtw;gjpy; kfpo;r;rpailfpNwhk;.

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,jDila Nkyjpf tpguq;fis vq;fs; mwpf;iffspYk; ,d;iwa epfo;r;rpapYk; fz;Lnfhs;tPHfs;.

,e;j fiyepfo;r;rpapd; %yk; vkJ jha;nkhop kw;Wk; fiyfis Cf;Ftpg;gNjhL vkJ ,isa rKjhaj;jpdiuAk; vq;fSila gazj;jpy; ,izj;Jf;nfhs;fpNwhk;.

'fly; fle;Njhk;> fhy; gjpj;J xb te;Njhk;> fq;fhU ehL te;Njhk; ehk;> fz;iz %Nlhk;> ifiaf; fl;b epw;fkhl;Nlhk; ehk; ,q;Nf> vk; cwTfs; fyq;Fk;NghJ mq;Nf> fhw;NwhL fhw;whf vk; jhaf fdTld; tpj;jhfpg;Nghd me;j capu;fis epidj;J> fhg;Nghk; vk; cwTfis ,U fuk; ePl;b> njhlu;Nthk; vk; gzp...... Xu; ,dkha; ,t;Tyfpy;...... "

'tho;f vk; ,dk;> kyHf vk; kz;" 'tho;f vk; fy;Yhup> kyHf vk; fy;tp" ed;wp g.r.gukNjth HARTLEY COLLEGE PAST PUPILS ASSOCIATION OF NSW INC. AUSTRALIA COMMITTEE MEMBERS - 2013 / 14

Seated : (L-R) - Mr R Naganathan, Mr P Elango, Mr G Vaseeharan, Mr R Krishnakumaran, Mr A Aravinthan, Mr S Subenthiran, Mr K Kaneshalingam

Standing : (L-R) -Mr Sutha Ratnasingam, Mr S Fredrick Thinesh, Mr S Gopinath, Mr S Janakan, Mr S Ragavan, Mr S Yoganathan, Mr G Thirukumaran, Mr S Kananathan, Mr P S Paramatheva

Absent : Mr N Karunakaran Hartley College Sporting Facilities Improvement

Hartley College has been one of the leading educational institutions in Sri Lanka. The school has not only been popular for producing high academic achievers but also for producing leading sports personnel.

The civil war has had a great impact on school activities affecting badly the academic and sporting performances. After 2009 most of the parents appear to be solely focussed in their childrens’ education neglecting any investment of time in sports. Consequently tuition has become almost compulsory in a student’s life at the expense of other activities at school. Most schools in the Northern Province are used as tuition centres after school hours. This is because the parents feel that success in education is the only way to secure the best future for their children.

It is true that education should be the number one priority for our people in the current environment. However, sports and other extra-curricular activities are also important for any students to become fully fledged future leaders. We (PPAs) have a role to sow the seeds of this awareness in the minds of parents, teachers and students. We believe by improving (or providing) the existing (or new) sporting facilities which will re-ignite interest in sporting activities. It will also benefit the students and school to achieve high standards in this area.

Recently Hartley College Past Pupil Association NSW (HCPPA NSW) has initiated a project called “Sporting Facility Improvement Project”. HCPPA NSW then had number of discussion with the Principal, the Trust and the Hartleyites Sports Club (HSC, a locally established club by some dedicated old students). Following these discussion we have come up with an action plan. The first step of this plan is to initiate a feasibility study with the objective to prepare a staged implementation plan to:

• improve the condition of playing field and sporting facilities.

• introduce appropriate new sporting facilitates in consultation with the school, students and staff.

We submitted a project brief to the Principal in Feb 2014 to initiate this feasibility study. Unfortunately we did not get a good progress. This triggered HCPPA NSW to initiate new efforts to get the project back on track with the help of few sport loving members. We organised a special meeting at school on 2 June 2014 to have discussions on this subject.

This special meeting was chaired by K. Mathivanan, former secretary and vice Cricket. A number of representatives from Colombo who are members of PPA (Colombo) and the Global Trust also attended the meeting along with the principal and past pupils in Point Pedro who are keen supporters of this project. The president of PPA (Canada) was also in attendance. Three members, J. Reginold, B. Kuganesan & R. Manimaran of Hartley College PPA (NSW) attended this meeting on behalf of HCPPA NSW. The forum discussed the slow progress of the feasibility study initiated by the PPA (NSW) and nominated members for the Local interest group.

Discussions were had on the re-establishment of the first eleven cricket team and the immediate sporting requirements, in terms of equipment and also sports coaches.

HCPPA NSW began acting on some of actions of the meeting. We decided to carry out the feasibility study here in Sydney with the help of HCPPA NSW member Mr. Ram Baskaran and we would like to thank him for that. With the help of Mr.Baskaran we have now submitted a detailed task breakdown for a survey report to be carried out locally (Point Pedro). We are communicating with the Trust to find a suitable candidate to complete the survey report.

The survey report is very important to complete the feasibility study in order to prepare the master plan. The master plan will have a staged implementation plan with approximate cost for various stages of works. Once we complete the master plan, we shall approach other PPAs to pick up or support various stages of work for implementation.


President, HCPPA NSW Community Projects by HCPPA(NSW)


In partnership with Vision 2020, Assist RR has organised six cataract surgery camps restoring vision to more than 600 patients within the last 14 months in North and East of Sri Lanka. They also provide lenses and consumables to assist surgeries to needy patients at hospitals, where there are house surgeons.

Vision 2020 mostly depends on donors to supply lenses and consumables. If we could donate lenses and other necessary items at a cost of around $30 dollars per surgery and they will supply these to hospitals in the North and East of SL. Vision 2020 confirmed that they will arrange list of patients benefiting from these surgeries, and acknowledgement letters from Vision 2020 and the surgeons.

We are delighted to inform you all that many members came forward and donated generously. We were able to collect $1900.00 within a short period of time exceeding our expectation of $1500.00. Lenses and medicine required for 66 surgeries are being donated to Hospitals in need. A report will be provided when the project is completed. Vision 2020 will provide letters from the surgeons from these 4 hospitals in the near future.


HCPPA NSW decided to support Book donation to five Schools from Vadamarachchi East. Each school received Rs.20,000 as the stage 1 support (plus transport cost, total of $970). Stage 2 will be considered at a later stage based on the need. SWAMI VIVEKANANDA EDUCATIONAL CENTRE VISUVAMADU

Visuvamadu Educational Centre run by Ramakrishna Mission is running very well. Our committee members visited the centre and met the teachers and students.The centre is being efficiently managed and the students are doing well.The existing cadjan roof of the second temporary building is currently being replaced using our contribution of Rs 25,000.00. Electricity connection has also been completed at a cost of 35,000.00. 100 English learning books were also donated to the center and is being distributed to the children as and when it is needed.


Assist RR has been funding the above programme to help O/L & A/L students in Mullaithivu district since June 2013. Hartley College Past Pupils’ Association of NSW, Australia’s contribution of Rs 25,600 per month for one year has been very helpful for the continuation of the classes. Monthly cost for the region is around Rs350,000.00 Assist RR is struggling to keep this going and appeals for more funding.

As part of this project, Assist RR recently carried out an evaluation process, assisted by Mr Sivasithamparam, former Karaveddy Vigneswara College principal and Mr Gunalseelan, former Hartley College principal. The results of Mullaithivu zone are very encouraging and indicate that the pass rates have improved since 2011. However, the results show that they need more support especially in Chemistry and Physics.

Annual award - 2014 HCPPA-NSW aims to recognise and encourages young talents in our Sri Lankan Tamil community in NSW. An award is a testament to one’s commitment. The winners aren’t made from something they have deep inside them - a burning desire, a dream, a vision. We are proud to identify and recognise those talents in our community. Best Tamil Student (HSC) of the Year - Vithoosharan Sivanathan Mr Vithoosharan studied in James Ruse Agricultural High School (7-12) and completed HSC in 2013 with ATAR of 99.90. He achieved state rank in HSC Chemistry and also NSW Premier’s All Rounder Excellence award. He received a ’s scholarship with university of Melbourne to complete a combined, Bio Medicine / of Medicine and another Scholarship to complete a combined actuarial study in UNSW. Vithoo is currently studying medicine at University of Melbourne.

During school days he excelled in both academics and sports activities. He excelled in maths and chemistry especially winning chemistry Olympiad medals in 2011 and 12. He was a sports captain, cadet, active volunteer and member of school band.

Best Young Tamil Community Ambassador - Lakshmi Logathasan Lakshmi Logathasan, is a second year International studies and law student in the University of Western Sydney and have received a prestigious award “2014 New South Wales Young Woman of the Year” for her initiatives to provide underprivileged communities with computers and IT skills. Lakshmi received the award from NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell at a gala ceremony in Sydney. The Laptop project is Lakshmi’s brain child where she collects schools laptops and put them in valuable use in Srilanka, Cambodia and Kenyan communities. This project is been running for three years and we wish all the success for this project. Lakshmi has fine leadership skills like the school captain, conducted various leadership and community workshops in NSW and taught English to the rural students in Srilanka etc.

HCPPA-NSW together with Lakshmi are planning a brainstorming session in few months’ time. The discussion topic, date and venue will be communicated in October this year. We welcome all young Tamil members to participate the session. The session details will be published on our web http:// or you could obtain them by emailing to [email protected] during October.

Young talent (non-academic) of the year - Aravinth Kushelakumaran Mr Aravinth is an emerging young talent excelling in studies and cricket. He is now studying Year 10 at Penrith High school. Aravinth has been selected to represent NSW Under 16 cricket team for 2014/15 season out of 80 preselected young cricketers all over NSW.

Aravinth’s key achievements are: • Under 15 Rebel E G Weblin Shield - Leading wicket taker in 2013/14 Cricket Season for NSW District Cricket competition • AW Green Shield – Played for Sydney university at the age of 14 for under 16 competition for Sydney Grade Clubs (will play this year as well). • Leading wicket taker - Parramatta district cricket local clubs competition in 2013/14 and 2010/11 • Seven hills cricket club Junior cricketer of the year during 2013/14 and 2012/13 • (Broke under 15 records for best bowling average – 5.46 batting 371 runs for the season with average 61.43) • Broke Pendle hill under 12 bowling record, 40 wickets in 2010/11 season News from School.... HARTLEY COLLEGE PAST PUPILS ASSOCIATION OF NSW INCORPORATED, AUSTRALIA

Treasurer’s Report for the year 2013/14

During the financial year ended on 30 June 2014, the association continued to maintain the momentum of the recent years - in fundraising as well as utilising funds to improve conditions in school and in our homeland.

A snapshot of key financial activities-

We raised: • $13,000 from Kalai Chuwei 2013 event • $1,900 from a special appeal for Vision 2000 project • $2,100 from a special appeal to contribute towards school land purchase

We used: School Projects • $4,200 for purchase of 10 brand new computers in two phases • $4,200 as our contribution to the purchase of land adjoining the school hostel • $900 for repairing school furniture • $850 for fulfilling basic necessities of students identified by principal • $750 for cost of special course on diary writing in school • $500 for building a boundary wall

Beyond Hartley projects • $940 for purchase of library books for a number of schools from Vadamaratchi East under Hartley Feeder schools program • $1,900 for undertaking Cataract surgeries for 200 patients through ASSISTRR • $1,800 for ongoing expenses of Ramakrishna Mission Educational Centre in Visuvamadu (Teachers’ Salaries and Roof maintenance) • $2,600 for providing after-school tuition for 325 A/L students in Mullaitivu through ASSISTRR

I would like to thank the wider Hartley community for their support to the association and in particular appreciate the courtesy displayed during financial dealings with the association. (For complete audited financials please refer to the Financial Report which will be distributed three weeks prior to the Annual General meeting to be held on Sunday 19th of October 2014)

A.Aravinthan, Treasurer 02 September 2014 Project Spending Summary 2013 / 14 Puthiya Poobalam – Tamil Music Band from Melbourne Under the direction and tutelage of Niroshan Sathiyamoorthy, Puthiya Poobalam Isai Kuzhu is one of Australia’s most distinguished and leading Tamil music bands. With international recognition and its flair for backing renowned Indian playback singers, Puthiya Poobalam is highly recognised for its ability to recreate the feel of any original Tamil song through its diverse team of multi-talented musicians.

Although the team are currently in their twenties, none of them were over the age of fifteen when the band originated back in 2003. Having had plenty of training from Sruthilaya East West Music School, which offered Piano, Guitar, Miruthangam and Drum lessons, they were later handpicked by the directors of the school Niroshan and his mother Sumathy Sathiyamoorthy.

Puthiya Poobalam’s first show was Ilam Thulir 2003 in which they were the first young band in Australia to perform Tamil cinema music. Sri Lanka’s B.H Abdul Hameed, who attended the show that year, made special mention of the group’s individual and collective talent, also creating the group’s name which translates to “Young Stars” in English. Puthiya Poobalam have since performed on several occasions and hope to inspire many other young individuals to becoming successful musicians.

The musicians that make up Puthiya Poobalam are:

Acktshan Vasavan F High Distinction in Year 12 Music – Specialised in Drum Kit F Miruthanga Arengetram completed in 2011 F Performing today – Drum Kit, Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Octopad and Hand Sonic FFavourite instrument - Miruthangam

Krishna Ragunathan F Music & Commerce bachelors – Specialising in the double bass F Miruthanga Arengetram completed in 2010 F Performing today – Bass Guitar, Flute, Keyboard, Acoustic Guitar, Dholak and Miruthangam F Favourite instrument – Double Bass

Vignesh Shanmugapalan F Drummer for a rock band F Favourite Genre – Rock and Hip Hop F Performing today – Drum Kit, Octopad, Hand Sonic, Percussion F Favourite instrument – Drum Kit

Janakan Srikantharajah F Keyboard strength – Intricate chord progressions F Performing today – Keyboard, Gatam, Octopad & Percussion F Favourite instrument – Piano

Dr Ambujaan Raviendran F Keyboard strength – Fast notes and trills F Performing today – Keyboard, Melodica & Percussion F Favourite instrument - Harmonium

Luxshan Arulnesathasan F Performing today – Bass Guitar, Vocals, Keyboard & Percussion F Favourite instrument – Bass Guitar

Niroshan Sathiyamoorthy F Solo music album released in 2008 F Miruthanga Arengetram completed in 2001 F Favourite instrument – Drum Kit F Performing today – Keyboard, Flute, Tavil, Miruthangam, Acoustic Guitar, Tabla, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Classical Guitar, Chorus & Vocals Puthiya Poobalam are also privileged to perform this year with a locally renowned musician from Sydney: Gana Arulneswaran F Performing today – Acoustic Guitar, Veena, Electric Guitar, Keyboard, Trumpet & Drum Kit F Current music passion – Learning new instruments fyf;fg;NghFk; fiyQHfs;...

Group 1: Mr Manoharan Ramanathan For Ramanathan Manoharan (Known as France Mano), theatre is a tool to convey his socially conscious messages. His theatrical endeavours began at the tender age of thirteen when he staged his first play in Tholpuram with his friends. His play on the evils of dowry was a mega hit at Chulipuram Victoria College in the eighties. He continued his passion when he migrated to France, appearing on stage in many performances. Since 1995, Mano is settled in Australia, and continues to perform on stage and street theatre with numerous theatre artists in Australia, including the world famous Annaviyaar, Elaiya Pathmanathan (Pathanna).

Group 2: Mr Muhunthan Eswarinathan

Eswarinathan Muhunthan, a Veterinarian practising in Melbourne VIC, a committee member of HCPPA Victoria. He had participated in few cultural competitions at schools and the University of Peredeniya. He is a keen participant and organiser of many Hartley College PPA events in Victoria. He is a keen cricketer & one of the organiser of JHC Vs Hartley College PPA matches in Victoria.

Group 3: Ms. Brremini Rajalingam & Mr Ravishankar Thanablasingham

Ms. Brremini Rajalingam Mr Ravishankar Thanablasingham

She was keen in stage dramas He is an old boy of Hartley from her childhood and College, also was a committee groomed by experts in dram arts member in HCPPA, NSW in the Mrs Kokila Magenthiran, year 2012. He has 25 Years of Kuzhanthai Sanmugalingam, experience in the field of Stage lecturer Mr Thevanda back in Sri Dramas including Acting/ Lanka. She had performed lots Directing/Script writing and of dramas at Jaffna University Stage Lighting. Participated in under these gurus’ guidance. more than 25 dramas, Directed Since childhood she had 5 Dramas and received many performed music and dramas awards of those apex is the Best in Temple and School functions back in Sri Lanka. Last Drama Director and Best Script Writer awarded by seven years, she has been teaching at Eastwood Tamil Thamil Sangam - University of for the year School and the last two years she took extra duty as of 1995/96. the centre’s principal. She is a member of Tamil School Federation, Auburn Tamil Ladies Organisation, and Sydney Tamil Literature Centre.

Group 4: Mr Ramesh Nadarajah & Mr Manogharan Sivaguru

Mr Ramesh Nadarajah Mr Manogharan Sivaguru

Ramesh is an old boy of Jaffna He is a qualified licensed builder Hindu College. He is an active and work as a building & member of Tamil community; construction manager. Last 28 he involves in sports, mainly with years he has been performing STM & Hartley College vs Jaffna and assisting to stage many Hindu College PPA annual sports cultural activities in Sydney. He events. He acted in many stage is well known for his acting ability drams in Sydney. He is a fun & make up creativeness. He is a loving person. He loves to help good drama director as well as and support any charitable drama scripts writer. He is also a causes. He often dragged in mentor for the future generation. to dramas and other musical performances in the He is having plans to bring young talents in the future stage by his friends and he takes the challenges.dies in the same nature. Organisation, and Sydney Tamil Literature Centre. My First Trip to Sri Lanka Manjari Manimaran

Embarking on a trip to Sri Lanka in late May, I had the experience of a lifetime. Not just sightseeing but also learning how to actually play cricket. Even though I have been introduced from a young age, I never really understood how to play cricket. The only thing I knew was that you had to hit the ball and run. Now I know what overs and runs are which helps when watching cricket.

It was a hectic journey as we visited a number of places including Jaffna, Trincomalee, Batticaloa, , Ella, Unawatuna and Colombo in 16 days.

At the start of our trip, we went to Point Pedro in Jaffna and visited my Appa’s old primary school, Vada Hindu Girls College. I was startled at the difference in schools across different parts of the world and if I lived in Sri Lanka and visited Australia, I would be just as shocked. Cow Coming to Watch Cricket in Jaffna From Jaffna we went to Kandy, via Trincomalee, which was definitely different to the rest of the towns we visited. It was more modern and felt a bit more like Sydney. The conditions people lived in were not so bad compared to other places like Jaffna, for instance. The temperature was cooler and more bearable than the abominable heat from everywhere else.

Scorching as it was, I got used to the heat after a while. The hottest summers in Australia could not compete with the climate of Sri Lanka. It was hard coming back to Sydney after 3 weeks when it was winter here and freezing which was quite the opposite of Sri Lanka.

Some of the highlights from our trip include staying at the Ella Jungle Resort. Our first experience from it was trekking down a long path and crossing a bridge across water all Flying Fox Ride at night! This was definitely not a normal hotel. On hearing that we were staying in a tent, I was terrified at the thought of the animals I would encounter at night especially after finding a lizard in the bed. The next day we were introduced to a flying fox ride which I agreed to try but hesitant to do. Nevertheless, it was amazing and I went twice.

While on a river safari on Madu Ganga, we stopped at Cinnamon Island and sampled cinnamon as well as had a fish massage. The massage was unique and it tickled, making me take my feet in and out of the water. The fish were meant to eat the dry skin off my feet.

Overall, this trip was probably the best I have ever been on (of the holidays I can remember). I saw the big difference in the way of living between different countries and cultures. I learnt not only to always try different things but also how to play cricket and I’m sure that will help while watching cricket games in the future.


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DANGEROUS BLACK MAGIC REMOVING Open 7 Days Call for Appointment 4/130 Pendle Way, 0426 411 133 Pendle Hill 0405 959 672 NSW 2145 Generous Sponsor Ticket Supporters

A. Aarooran R. Krishnakumaran T Ravishankar K. Amirthalingam W. Krishnathasan K. Retnavel S. Annalingam B. Kuganesan G. Saravanabavan M Aravindan Devika Kumar Gopinath Satcunarajah B. Aravinthan S. Kunasingam T. Sathiamoorthy A. Aravinthan A. Loganathan R. Savanathan K. Arulventhan R. Manimaran B. Selvananthan P. Athithan M. Manoharadas P. Senthan G. Baskaran K. Manomohan Suresh Sithamparapillai Satcunarajah Cathiramalai V. Mathivanar Suji Siva V. Easwaran A. Murugananthan Rajaram Sivam P. Elango K. Murugathas T. Sivarasa R. Elankeeran Dr. Naganathan Charles Somasundaram S. Fredrick Thinesh R. Naganathan K. Sreetharan Updendran Ganesh K. Nagarajan S. Srianandarajah G. Gnananatham S. Nanthakumar Kandeepan Srikantharajah A. Gnanendran S. Navaneethan A. Srikumar R. Gopyrmanan B. Nimalsri R. Sriramanan K Gowreeswaran K. Nirmalan K. Srirangan V. Gunaranjithan. S. Paheerathan S. Subenthiran David Gunaratnam K. Panchalingam V. Sugumar S Janakan P. S. Paramatheva Sabesan Sundaram M. Jega Rajan S. Paraparan B. Sutharsan P. Jeganathan K. Paskarajothy T. Thangavel S. Jeya Seelan P. Paskaranathan G. Thavalingam S. Jeyadevan T. Prabhakaran Suganthan Theivendran V. Jeyakumar V. Premalal V. Thevashangar V. Jeyamenon T. Premathasan G. Thiraviyarajah J. Johnson S. Premkumar G. Thirukumaran Reginald Kanagarasa S. Ragavan V. Thivyakumar S. Kananathan A. Raguramankumar G. Vallipuranathan Sivanesan Kanapathippillai Ramesh Rajendran K. Vasanthan K. Kaneshalingam Rama Ramachandran G. Vaseeharan B. Kannan Jeyanandan Ramachandran M. Vashanthan K. Katheesuran G. Ramanan S P Vijayakumar Kams Kathirkamanathan S Ranjaan K. Visakulan R. Kesavan Sutha Rantnasingam S. Yoganathan Easan Ketheesan S. Ratnarajah Wellwishers Ponmailainathan Ketheswaran M. Raveendran


HCPPA-NSW branch’s 23rd Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 19th October 2014 at West Pennant Hills Valley Community Centre (42A Hill Road, West Pennant Hills) from 11 am.

This AGM is again organised in a family friendly manner with sports for children, food items and BBQ for all. Food will be available from 12 pm for kids and others could join after the AGM. fiyr;Rit 2013

tUlhe;j tpisahl;L epfo;T VOTE OF THANKS

We would like to thank the following people and organisations for their invaluable contribution for the successful staging of tonight’s event: • Our chief guests Dr Sittampalam Ragavan and Dr (Mrs) Manohari Ragavan • Seyoon Ragavan and Maaye Ragavan for singing Thamil Mozhi Vazhthu, Australian National Anthem and the College Song • Our MCs tonight Seyoon Ragavan & Aloysius Jeyachandra for their great work • All of our generous Sponsors • Lead Sponsors: Yarl Function Centre, Pendle Hill & Lycamobile • Special Sponsor: Bridgeview Medical Centre • Sponsors: TSS Worldwide Money Transfer Pendle Hill, Sri Accounting & Business Services Toongabbie, VIM Tech Pendle Hill, Professional Accountants & Services Pendle Hill, Heaven Function Centre Liverpool and Civic Park Medical Centre Pendle Hill. • Silver Sponsors: Tharun’s Jewellery Pendle Hill, Raja’s Supermarket (Fruit & Veg) Pendle Hill, Abie’s Restaurant Pendle Hill, Sakthi Take Away Toongabbie, Spice Mini Mart Toongabbie, Excellent Jewellers Wentworthville, Spice Corner Supermarket Pendle Hill, Spad Pty Ltd Annandale, Sri Ganesh Selections Pendle Hill, Sivalogan Solicitors & Barristers Kings Langley, Vahas Emporium Pendle Hill, Dr Ragavan Lidcombe, Sun Catering Wentworthville, LJ Freight Pendle Hill, New World Bakery Toongabbie, Eagle Boys Toongabbie, A Small World Child Care Centre (Kannan) Seven Hills, Libra Jewellers Homebush, Dr Param Paramsothy Wentworthville, Thamilarasan Selliah Solicitors Parramatta, Indo Lankan Food Bar Seven Hills, Gnanakaran Solicitors Wentworthville and BJ Accounting & Taxation Services Wentworthville. • Bronze Sponsors: Ray White Wentworthville, Flynns Beach Resort Port Macquarie, Sydney Physiotherapy Toongabbie, James An College Wentworthville, Secure Finvest Sydney, Adroit Group Alarm Systems Mt Druitt, Baskaran Gurusamy Solicitors Toongabbie and Parkview Medical Centre Toongabbie. • Student Awards Sponsor: Rammy Associates Pty Ltd • Advertisers, donors and well-wishers for their support • ATBC, SBS and Tamil Australian Magazine for the publicity provided for tonight’s event • V Mohanathasan and K Vasanthan for their great skills in video mixing and presentation • All the contestants of Kalakkappovathu Yaaru comedy competition • The Music Band ‘Puthiya Poobalam’ for the wonderful entertainment provided • Sydney Bahai Centre for providing us this great venue • Sound and lighting engineer Alnoor and his team for the quality of sound and lighting service • Sapthaswaras’ Bala Balachandran & Srithas Narayanadas for Stage arrangement • Mr J Jeiram & Mr A Nimalendran for Audition judgement (Kalakkappovathu Yaaru) • S Subenthiran for the quality photography • Sun Video for the video recording of tonight’s event • 24 Seven Imaging for Kalaizh Chuwei 2014 souvenir printing • Tamil Coordinating Centre (TCC) for the delicious dinner • S Paramatheva, Social Event Coordinator and his team for the great effort in detailed planning and implementation for Kalaizh Chuwei 2014 event to be a success • All the volunteers for their help • ALL OF YOU, THE AUDIENCE WHO CONTINUE TO SUPPORT US TO MAKE THIS ANNUAL FUND-RAISING EVENT POSSIBLE. THANK YOU!!! Ganeshan Vaseeharan, Secretary, HCPPA NSW Bridgeview Medical Practice

Award Winning Practice Practice of the Year NSW-2013

Shop 3, 27-30 Portico Parade, Toongabbie, NSW 2146


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