ICH DIEN THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL REGIMENT OF CANADA ASSOCIATION ONCE A ROYAL, ALWAYS A ROYAL October 2020 Issue 14 www.rregtc-assoc.org 2 The Executive of the Royal Regiment of Canada Association wishes to extend their heartfelt appreciation and thanks to the following donors who have contributed financially to assist in the publication and postage of ICH DIEN, our Association journal. It is through the gener- osity of all our members who contribute to this that the Association is able to maintain our support to the Regimental Family. We wish to recognize at this time: Anthony Graham, former Honorary Colonel (HCol) of The Royal Regiment of Canada, Blake Goldring, former HCol of the Army, and former HCol of The Royal Regiment of Cana- da, Colonel Robert Douglas, retired, former Commanding Officer, former HCol of The Royal Reg- iment of Canada and former HCol of the Grey and Simcoe Foresters. PRESIDENT CWO (ret’ d) John Clark CD 416-605-5483
[email protected] 3, 4 President’s Message 5 From the Editor 6 Operation Laser (DND) 7 Op LASER - 32 CBG Domestic Response Company 8 Summer Trg Bn & A Lone Trumpeter 9 Dieppe blue beach - every man remembered VICE PRESIDENT 10, 11, 21 Museum Renewal 12 Scholarships and Welfare Sgt (ret' d) Norm Matheis 13, 14 CO’s Message 905-960-8648
[email protected] 15 Veteran’s Service Card 16, 17 Vignette by the late Major B. Bennett 18 Change of RSM 19 Did You Know? 20 Last Post & Future Dates 21 Canadian Army Town Hall SECRETARY Leo Afonso No Photo ICH DIEN 905-441-0519 Available
[email protected] is a biannual publication of The Royal Regiment of Canada Association Front cover - Members of Garrison Petawawa participate in Combat TREASURER First Aid training, 26 May 2020.