Third Party software and services register Contact Number or Name of Company/Supplier Name of product Website Address Process/Function Whose data Where is data held How data is transmitted Email ParentMail, Litton House, Email and text communications Direct link to RM Integris and Saville Road, Peterborough to Parents and Parents Evening direct input into ParentMail 123Comms Ltd ParentMail PE3 7PR 01733 595959 Booking system Whole School Cloud - EEA system 2Simple Software, Enterprise House, 2 The Pupil observations, 2 Build a Profile / Evidence https://www.2buildaprofile Crest Hendon, London, Assessments and reports to 2 simple Me .com NW4 2HN 020 8203 1781 parents Reception Pupils Cloud - EEA Internet & csv upload to site Wilkinson House, Jordan Hill, Oxford, OX2 8EJ OR https://www.activelearnpri 0845 313 8888 OR Data Protection Officer,
[email protected] Pearson, 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL Active Learn (Pearson) Bug Club Reading Cloud Pupils and Staff Cloud - EEA / Pupil Bookmarks Internet / Paper /gp/help/customer/display. Supply of purchases made by Account Holder - School Cloud - EEA and USA under EU- Amazon Amazon html?nodeId=201909010 n/a
[email protected] the school Business Manager U.S. Privacy Shield Internet, delivery service Bristol Ambulance EMS, Paper copy of data handed to Jacwyn House, 1 Kings Park Emergency Service Avenue, St. Phillips, Bristol, Individual Pupil or Staff Practitioner at