19-40016 Document: 00515351760 Page: 1 Date Filed: 03/19/2020
Case: 19-40016 Document: 00515351760 Page: 1 Date Filed: 03/19/2020 No. 19-40016 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. NORMAN VARNER, Defendant-Appellant. On Appeal from the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, No. 4:11-cr-00014 ________________________________________________ BRIEF OF AMICI CURIAE LAMBDA LEGAL DEFENSE AND EDUCATION FUND, INC., HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN, NATIONAL CENTER FOR TRANSGENDER EQUALITY, NATIONAL LGBT BAR ASSOCIATION, NATIONAL TRANS BAR ASSOCIATION, AND TRANSGENDER LAW CENTER, IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT- APPELLANT’S PETITION FOR REHEARING EN BANC ________________________________________________ Ethan Rice Shelly Lynn Skeen Richard Saenz Texas State Bar No. 24010511 LAMBDA LEGAL DEFENSE AND LAMBDA LEGAL DEFENSE AND EDUCATION FUND, INC. EDUCATION FUND, INC. 120 Wall Street, 19th floor 3500 Oak Lawn Avenue, Suite 500 New York, NY 10005 Dallas, TX 75219-722 T: (212) 809-8585 Texas Bar No. 24010511 F: (212) 809-0055 T: (214) 219-8585 erice@lambdalegal.org F: (214) 219-4455 rsaenz@lambdalegal.org sskeen@lambdalegal.org i Case: 19-40016 Document: 00515351760 Page: 2 Date Filed: 03/19/2020 Sharon McGowan Diana Flynn LAMBDA LEGAL DEFENSE AND EDUCATION FUND, INC. 1776 K Street, NW, 8th Floor Washington, DC 20006 T: (202) 804-6245 smcgowan@lambdalegal.org dflynn@lambdalegal.org Counsel for Amici Curiae ii Case: 19-40016 Document: 00515351760 Page: 3 Date Filed: 03/19/2020 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PERSONS The undersigned counsel of record certifies that the following listed persons and entities as described in the fourth sentence of Rule 28.2.1 have an interest in the outcome of this case.
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