View of First Floor Window, Through Which TRUMBLE Is Seen to Enter Room with Light
NOT GUILTY. IN F O U R A C T S . BY WATTS PHILLIPS, ESQ., AUTHOR OF Tha Dead Heart, Camilla's Husband, Ticket of Leave, His Last Victory, Paul's Return, Story of the '45, Theodora, Huguenot Captain, Woman in Mauve, Land Rats and Water Rats, Nobody's Child, Maud's Peril, Lost in London, A Golden Fetter. A Lion at Bay. &c. &c. THOMAS HAILES LACY, 89, STRAND, LONDON. NOT GUILTY. 3 4 NOT GUILTY. [This drama is the property of Mr. T. H. Lacy.] NOT GUILTY. SCENE FIRST.—Southampton Bar. Archway c, backed by streets in perspective. Act opens upon a corner of a street in Southampton; R. and L. of 2nd grooves, two houses built out—one L., a military rendezvous and recruiting house, called, " The Iron Dulce, kept by J. Dobbs," the sign representing the Wellington effigy. The walls of the "public" bear the usual recruiting post bills—"Fine Young Men wanted," " Who'll serve the Queen?" &c, the other house, R. , forming corner of a street, is a well-to- do looking middle-class residence. On the door is a large plate, upon which appears the name of " Trumble, Solicitor." As curtain rises—to the tune of the " British Grenadiers "—WATTLES, a recruiting sergeant, is dis- covered fixing huge bunch of ribbons on a countryman's hat. TRIGGS, POLLY DOBBS and others, male and female, looking on a girl pouring out liquor. Some soldiers are lounging about door, and a semi-drunken band, consisting of a drummer and a fifer are playing at intervals— while, through the large open French window of Trumble's house, first floor, R., (this window must be so constructed that the action going on within the room is visible to the entire audience) TRUMBLE writing at an old-fashioned, bureau covered with papers.
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