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" All Fol'Dll 0 . - SPECIAL PRICES Insurance oN NEW 1962 BEDfORD, VANS. Contact THE ': DAILY NEWS Water St. r[RRA NOVA MOTORS f1962) ,LTD. Elizabeth Av • R • 50's oVle rea • • eence u. s. To I Russian Missile .. launching Subs Try.' Six- Outflank N.. America Defence Syste~ By DAVE MciNTOSH , Orbit Flight I OTTAWA (CP)-The existence of Russian missile - launching sub . , ,n~rines means that North America's defence system has been largely Ho·w D01es REET WASHINGTON (API - 'l'lel United States announced Wed· ,utflanked, officials said Wednesday. ,. nC.ldny plans to try the next bIg, step in its man-in-space 111'0- I They emphasized that this doesn" make North A~e~tca~ Air D~. An.MP gram, a six - orbit journey ;'ance Command obsolete because the air thl'eat to thiS contment WIll around the earth ending in mid- ~ Paciflc late this summer. continue, 'd' E \ .. MER Navy cmdr. Walter Schirra, But whereas the ballistic missile warning system r.m Distant ar y , Resign? a 39-year·0Id combat pilol, was W"'rn'lng radar' ·\'Ine ,'n the Canodia n Arctic, Alaska and .Gr.eenland i By JA:llES NELSON fER picked as the astronaut. If he .. I b '1 OTTAWA (CPJ - A fourth- : I is unable to make the !light, could alert North America to rocket or bomber attack, a mlssl e om· term socialist member, of Par. ,. his backup pilot, air force Capt, Id' h t • liament has created a iegal L. Gordon Cooper, 36, will ~e barment by submarine cou come Wit ou warn,"~, I tangle by apparently wanting to in the capsule.
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