1979 Committee Report: Developments in Aging: 1978
96rH CONGWAZS I IATBamos 18t SesinUT 1 No. 98-65 PART 1 DEVELOPMENTS IN AGING: 1978 A REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING UNITED STATES SENATE PURSUANT TO S. RES. 375, MARCH 6, 1978, AND S. RES. 376, MARCH 6, 1978 Resolutions Authorizing a Study of the Problems of the Aged and Aging TOGETHER WITH ADDITIONAL VIEWS MAoH 80, i1m9.-Ordered to be printed Wiled, under authority of the order of the Senate of March 29, 1979 98TH CONGRESS SENATE REPORT 18t Session No. 96-55 PART 1 DEVELOPMENTS IN AGING: 1978 A REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING UNITED STATES SENATE PURSTANT TO S. RES. 375, MARCH 6, 1978, AND S. RES. 376, MARCH 6, 1978 Resolutions Authorizing a Study of the Problems of the Aged and Aging TOGETHER WITH ADDITIONAL VIEWS MARCH 30, 1979.-Ordered to be printed Filed, under authority of the order of the Senate of March 29, 1979 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 41-39 0 WASHINGTON : 1979 SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING' LAWTON CHILES. Florida, Chairman FRANK CHURCH, Idaho PETE V. DOMENICI, New Mexico JOHN GLENN, Ohio CHARLES H. PERCY, Illinois JOHN MELCHER, Montana JOHN HINZ, Pennsylvania DAVID PRYOR, Arkansas NANCY LANDON KASSEBAUM, Kansas BILL BRADLEY, New Jersey WILLIAM S. COHEN, Maine QUENTIN N. BURDICK, North Dakota E. BENTLEY LIPsCOMB, Staff Director DAVID A. AFFELDT, Chief Counsel DAVID A. RusT, Minority Staff Director 1 Amendment No. 23 to S. Res. 4, Reorganization of the Senate Committee System, agreed to Feb. 1, 1977, established the Special Committee on Agng as a permanent, non- legislative committee under the rules of the Senate.
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