Guideline for SWYAA Annual Country Reports January to December 2012 This is a general guideline for each SWYAA when writing the annual report. Each Alumni Association has the freedom to add/delete specific information. The annual report will be uploaded on the SWYAA official website. Photos (maximum 10 pictures in high resolution, please add explanation) related to major post-program activities of each Alumni Association should be attached to the annual report. Deadline of submission of the annual reports: January 20, 2013 Please submit your report to:
[email protected] Tick (✓ or ☒ ) relevant answer/s or write necessary information. BASIC FACTS Basic facts about your country’s Alumni Association: Country Spain Name of the organization SWYAA Spain Organisational structure □ Umbrella organization of the government □ Officially registered X Voluntary group □ Other ( ) Board members President: Almudena Ramos Martín (Name/batch) Vice President: Paloma Fernández de la Peña Treasurer: Number of members Total number of ex-PYs: 60 Active members: 30 Affiliate members: Annual membership fee □ Yes How much? ( ) X No Basic facts about your country’s participation in SWY: Which batches has your country SWY 4 (1992), SWY 12 (1999), SWY 13 (2000), SWY 15 (2002), participated in? SWY 20 (2008) and SWY 24 (2012) Which institution has conducted X Japanese Embassy the selection process? □ Government X Youth organization (in the case of SWY 24) X SWYAA (except for SWY 24) □ Other ( ) Which institution has conducted □ Japanese Embassy the pre-departure training?