Annual Report
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2016 ANNUAL REPORT The National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International Contents Joint Message: 100 Years and Counting: A legacy of resilience and trust 100 year Anniversary spread ................................... 4-5 Programs Membership .......................................................... 7 Advocacy ............................................................... 8-9 CDF Annual Report International Programs ........................................... 10 2016 Active Programs ............................................ 13-18 Donors & Partners .................................................... 19-21 Audited Financial Report .......................................... 22-23 Board Members ........................................................ 24 Senior Leadership Team ........................................... 25 MESSAGE FROM Through our international projects, NCBA CLUSA leader on economic security in today’s economy. has impacted the lives of 1.5 million people. In They explored the question: If 100 million THE PRESIDENT & CEO 2016, we implemented over $45 million in 20 cooperative voices in the United States where AND CHAIRMAN countries focusing on our core practice areas mobilized, how would we be a “Force for Good” of building resilient communities, providing in society? This question challenges the cooper- Judy Ziewacz, economic opportunities and strengthening ative community to think outside of itself. cooperatives and producer groups. Over 800 President & CEO How would you answer: staff members around the world work to improve the quality of life for millions of individuals, If 100 million cooperative voices families and communites. where mobilized, how could they impact the world? Andrew Jacob, We are proud of the legacy cooperatives have Chairman of the Board built over the past 100 years. In this annual Coupling this trust with action, in January of report, you’ll learn more about our commemora- 2016 NCBA CLUSA formally launched the tive year, the worldwide footprint of cooperative Congressional Cooperative Business Caucus. development and the activities your membership Co-chaired by Reps. Mark Pocan (D-WI) and Ed 100 Years and Counting supports. Strong financial rigor continues to Royce (R-CA), this caucus provides cooperatives A legacy of resilience and trust provide a firm foundation for NCBA CLUSA’s with a strong platform and is a milestone for the activities and has ensured the continued growth cooperative movement. Having a voice in Con- The cooperative enthusiasts, as they were and impact of our organization. We constantly gress is a necessity for any industry. With the known over 150 years ago, were a group of seek opportunities to elevate the cooperative caucus, the cooperative movement is now better community members in England who established business model as a solution to societal and equipped to mobilize its collective voice. the Rochdale Pioneers Society. This cooperative economic challenges. society developed the Rochdale Principles, a set The Next 100 years of seven cultural and philosophical guidelines Trusted Leadership The cooperative movement evolves and adapts that govern the operation of cooperatives Now more than ever, people are looking for with every new socioeconomic challenge our and continue to underpin these businesses businesses and services that they can trust. A country faces. We—a united cooperative com- worldwide. In 2016, NCBA CLUSA was proud to new wave of workers and consumers is seeking munity—can leverage our trust to help people share in that history as it celebrated 100 years out organizations that are principled and prioritize own and control their jobs into the future. We of supporting cooperative businesses that build community empowerment. They are looking to are using cooperative principles to help resilient a better world. use their purchasing decisions for impact in their communities emerge overseas and in the United Over the past 100 years, NCBA CLUSA has community. These individuals are making deci- States, building on the foundation of trust. supported cooperatives that have shaped the sions about where they work based on ownership Looking ahead to the next century, cooperatives fabric of our society. From delivering reliable, and societal benefit rather than personal gain. are well positioned to have a greater impact. affordable power to tens of millions of rural The cooperative principle of ownership resonates Society is trending toward collective ownership, households, to providing solutions for people with community leadership. Our ability to amplify democratic governance and local investment. seeking access to healthy and nutritious food, that sentiment to policymakers at all levels of More and more, cooperative businesses are better wages, affordable housing and home government is paramount to our mission. coming into focus for those trying to live a life health care, cooperatives continue to be the best Cooperatives have always been uniquely and that is in harmony with their values. NCBA solution to sustainable communities. highly regarded by consumers. In a survey we CLUSA will continue to be the primary voice in Our centennial celebration focused on amplifying released in 2016, 70 percent of respondents the United States for those who use cooperatives the good work being done by cooperatives: we said they believe co-ops have their best interests to build a better world and we are committed to profiled our members, penned dozens of opinion in mind. This level of trust has consistently been unifying that voice across all sectors, deepening pieces and partnered with the Public Television reflected in polls conducted by cooperatives over the cooperative footprint in communities across series Visionaries for an hour long documentary the past 25 years. the nation and around the world. that featured cooperatives in the United States With that trust in mind, throughout 2016 our and highlighted NCBA CLUSA flagship projects in board members and management team worked Mozambique and East Timor. to position NCBA CLUSA as a national thought NCBA CLUSA Annual Report 2016 1 Celebrating 100 Years of Supporting Cooperatives that Build a Better World 2016 marked our 100th anniversary, Congressional Cooperative Business reflecting on the impact cooperative Caucus with co-chairs Reps. Ed Royce businesses have had on our nation (R-CA) and Mark Pocan (D-WI). At the press throughout history and looking toward conference in Washington DC, cooperative the next 100 years of a strengthened leaders heard about the importance of co-op movement. co-ops in districts around the country, and From our organization’s founding in 1916, learned that cooperatives are more trusted to the founding of CARE in 1945, to the first than conventional businesses, according ever Federal Interagency Working Group to a consumer perception survey of co-ops on Co-ops established in 2015, the U.S. conducted in April 2015. co-op community continues to exemplify We celebrated our official 100th year the incredible societal and economic impact anniversary on March 18, 2016, launching that can be achieved through principled our 100th anniversary website with a cooperation and a cross-sector, globally timeline infographic and resources on oriented movement. the history of the cooperative movement. We began the year “Celebrating 100 years Those historical pieces came to life at of Cooperation” with a National Press our interactive museum exhibit during the Club event that announced the Bipartisan International Summit of Cooperatives in 2 NCBA CLUSA Annual Report 2016 Quebec City, Canada in October. U.S. The co-op community has held by NCBA CLUSA in the 1980s with Throughout the year we focused on the nearly 100 screenings in 10 countries the “CLUSA Approach,” which functions good work being done by cooperatives and around the world. as guiding principles for sustainable worked with cooperative leaders to draft During May we held our Annual Member development, has in building a op-eds for local and national newspapers, Meeting, highlighting “Co-op Impact” and better world. articulating the cooperative advantage and advocating for cooperative issues on Capitol NCBA CLUSA was also featured in the shining a spotlight on the cooperative story. Hill. We tripled the membership of the newly International Cooperative Alliance (ICA)’s Cooperative focused op-eds were published formed Congressional Cooperative Business exhibit at the United Nations this year, in over 15 publications including the Caucus and have made significant progress featuring the work of co-ops to impact the Huffington Post and Forbes magazine. in getting co-ops represented in the 2017 Sustainable Development Goals. As NCBA We placed special attention on our Economic Census! CLUSA looks toward our next 100 years, members, profiling over 36 cooperatives, the Co-ops for 2030 campaign works once per week during our 100th to highlight co-ops as the sustainable anniversary highlighting the depth and business model. breadth of the co-op community and IMPACT 2016 the myriad ways co-ops build resilient NCBA CLUSA • Annual Cooperatives Conference To celebrate Co-op Month last year communities and promote economic we teamed up with cooperators opportunities in their local regions and across sectors to highlight why business sectors. Annual Meeting Hike the Hill participants Cooperatives Build a Better World. also pressed Congress to pass the Global We also partnered with the weekly radio As we look to our next 100 years, we show Everything