The Saalburg.Pdf
Fig. 1. — Model of The Saalburg. THE SAALBURG « A ROMAN FORT IN GERMANY Robert C. Horn AMONG the most interesting side ing pictures taken at that time, excites /A trips for an intelligent traveler in the interest of any students or lovers of +■ A Germany, particularly one with the classics, that is all it intends to do. an interest in classical life and art, is that I believe that this trip would be an to the Saalburg. A great many trav inspiration to a teacher of Caesar; for elers along the Rhine stop at the inter my part, I am able now to visualize a esting city of Frankfurt; but few, even Roman camp more clearly and more students of the classics, know how near satisfactorily than ever before. Cf . Fig. 1 . and easily accessible is a Roman camp, To reach the Saalburg one sets out not in ruins but restored. Amid what from Frankfurt by trolley for Hom- has been written about this camp, I burg, twelve miles distant, a small town take pleasure in referring to an article, but a famous resort, well known as "The Saalburg Collection," by Profes Homburg vor der Hoehe. Before us sor F. W. Shipley, in the Classical are the fir-clad Taunus Mountains. Weekly of January 23, 1909. Illustra From Homburg the electric car takes tions and pictures of the camp, apart us up the steep grade of the mountain from the postcards which may be pur side; it is a very pleasant ride. The chased at the Saalburg, are very un terminus is not far from the Saalburg; usual.
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