OECD SIDS TRIACETIN FOREWORD INTRODUCTION TRIACETIN CAS N°:102-76-1 UNEP PUBLICATIONS 1 OECD SIDS TRIACETIN SIDS Initial Assessment Report For SIAM 15 Boston, 22-25 October 2002 1. Chemical Name: Triacetin 2. CAS Number: 102-76-1 3. Sponsor Country: Japan National SIDS Contact Points in Sponsor Country: Mr. Yasuhisa Kawamura Director Second Organisations Div. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2–2-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 110 4. Shared Partnership with: 5. Roles/Responsibilities of the Partners: • Name of industry sponsor Dr. Tsuneo Baba /consortium Daicel Chemical Industries, Ltd. E-mail:
[email protected] • Process used 6. Sponsorship History • How was the chemical or This substance is sponsored by Japan under the ICCA category brought into the Initiative and is submitted for first discussion at SIAM 15 OECD HPV Chemicals Programme ? 7. Review Process Prior to The industry consortium collected new data and prepared the the SIAM: updated IUCLID, draft versions of the SIAR and SIAP. Japanese government peer-reviewed the documents, audited selected studies. 8. Quality check process: No testing (X) Testing ( ) 9. Date of Submission: 13 August 2002 Deadline for Circulation: 9 August 2002 10. Date of last Update: 11. Comments: The Industry contact point is Dr. Tsuneo Baba, Daicel Chemical Industries Ltd acting on behalf of the Triacetin Consortium 2 UNEP PUBLICATIONS OECD SIDS TRIACETIN Industries, Ltd. acting on behalf of the Triacetin Consortium (consortium members: Bayer AG, Cognis Deutschland GmbH, Eastman Chemical Company, Tessenderlo Chemie NV and Uniqema) UNEP PUBLICATIONS 3 OECD SIDS TRIACETIN SIDS INITIAL ASSESSMENT PROFILE CAS No. 102-76-1 Chemical Name Triacetin CH2 OCOCH3 Structural Formula CHOCOCH3 CH OCOCH 2 3 SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS OF THE SIAR Human Health Triacetin is readily hydrolyzed to free glycerol and acetic acid, when incubated with rat intestine in vitro.