US 2008.0035538A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0035538A1 Cormier et al. (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 14, 2008 (54) APPARATUS FOR AND METHOD OF Related U.S. Application Data DENTRIFYING WASTEWATER (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 60/796,893, (76) Inventors: Murphy J. Cormier, Lake Charles, LA filed on May 3, 2006. (US); Ronald R. Suchecki JR., China Spring, TX (US); Robert K. Pertuit, Publication Classification Sulphur, LA (US); Donald L. Brown, Flint, TX (US); Troy L. Cormier, Lake (51) Int. C. Charles, LA (US) BOID 2L/30 (2006.01) BOID 24/38 (2006.01) Correspondence Address: (52) U.S. Cl. ............................................ 210/104; 210/139 EMERGING STRATEGIES, PLLC 544.031ST STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, DC 20015-1346 (US) (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 11/721,995 Disclosed is a method of denitrifying a solution including PCT Fed: May 4, 2007 introducing into the Solution an amount of a carbon source (22) within a duration and at a frequency so that indigenous (86) PCT No.: PCT/USO7/68288 heterotrophic bacteria deplete dissolved oxygen in the solu tion and decompose oxygen from nitrate in the Solution to S 371(c)(1), obtain its combined oxygen. Related apparatuses and com (2), (4) Date: Jun. 18, 2007 pounds also are disclosed. Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2008 Sheet 1 of 3 US 2008/0035538A1 Fig. 2 Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2008 Sheet 2 of 3 US 2008/0035538A1 Fig. 3 Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2008 Sheet 3 of 3 US 2008/0035538A1 500 Y 505 Measuring a Parameter of Wastewater and Defining a Measurement 510 Comparing the Measurement with a Predetermined Value 515 introducing into the Wastewater an Amount of a Carbon Source, Wherein One or More of a Frequency of Said Introducing, a Duration of Said introducing and the Amount Is Determined According to a Relationship Between the Measurement and the Predetermined Value Fig. 4 US 2008/0035538 A1 Feb. 14, 2008 APPARATUS FOR AND METHOD OF Nitrite (NO, ) is unstable and is easily converted into DENTRIFYING WASTEWATER nitrate. The total conversion of ammonia (NH) to nitrate (NO-) requires 4.6 parts oxygen and 7.1 parts alkalinity to REFERENCE TO EARLIER APPLICATIONS convert 1 part ammonia (NH). 0001. This application incorporates by reference and is a 00.15 Denitrification is the conversion of nitrate (NO ) National Phase of International Patent Application No. PCT/ to nitrogen gas (N). Heterotrophic bacteria use nitrate US07/68288, filed May 4, 2007. This application claims (NO ) as an oxygen source under anoxic conditions to priority to and incorporates by reference Patent Application break down organic Substances as follows: Ser. No. 60/796,893, filed May 5, 2006. Nitrates (NO-)+Organics--Heterotrophic bacteria= Nitrogen Gas--Oxygen-Alkalinity BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0016. In practice, only certain forms of nitrogen are monitored in wastewater treatment facilities with special 0002 Denitrification of solutions is useful for many ized testing equipment. Testing for TKN involves a test that reasons, such as limiting the total nitrogen discharged in many wastewater treatment facility laboratories are not wastewater to comply with local permits. Other reasons equipped to perform. If testing for TKN is not possible, other include: improving freshwater quality; controlling alkalinity methods are used for monitoring the nitrogen cycle. and oxygen recovery, producing stabilized effluent, and reducing issues Stemming from sludge accumulation in the 0017. Typically, ammonia (NH) values are approxi clarifier. mately 60% of the TKN values, and the organic nitrogen generally is removed to the settled sludge. Also, total 0003 Removing nitrogen from wastewater requires Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) generally equals 15-20% of the understanding the different forms of nitrogen and some Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) of the raw sewage. commonly referred to terms: Testing the following aid in monitoring and controlling the 0004 Total Nitrogen (TN) is the sum of all nitrogen nitrogen cycle: pH, alkalinity, ammonia (NH), nitrite forms or: (NO ) and nitrate (NO ). All major laboratory supply companies sell field test kits that are inexpensive, easy to Total Nitrogen=TKN--NO +NO use, and provide quick relatively accurate results. where: 0018. Having a good understanding of the form and 0005 TKN stands for Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, which is extent of nitrogen in a wastewater treatment facility requires the sum of NH+Organic Nitrogen; a good sampling program that gives a complete profile of the system. The first sampling point should test the raw influent, 0006 NH3 stands for Ammonia Nitrogen or Ammonium or primary effluent if the system has a primary clarifier. ion (NH ); Typically, what enters the system is high in alkalinity and 0007 Organic Nitrogen is derived from amino acids, ammonia (NH) with little to no nitrite (NO-) or nitrate proteins, urea, uric acid, etc.; (NO, ). A quick way to determine if additional alkalinity may be needed is to multiply the amount of ammonia (NH) 0008) NO represents a Nitrite ion: by 7.1 mg/L. If this number exceeds the influent alkalinity 0009) NO represents a Nitrate ion; and concentration, Sodium hydroxide or lime may be needed to be added to the aeration tank. 0010 N represents Nitrogen Gas. 0019 pH is significant because, when ammonia (NH) 0011 Refractory Nitrogen cannot be decomposed bio begins converting to nitrate (NO-) in the aeration tank, logically. many hydrogen ions are released. When alkalinity drops 0012 Alkalinity is defined as the ability to resist a drop below 50 mg/L, pH can drop dramatically. The pH of the in pH. For every part ammonia (NH) converted to nitrate aeration tank should never drop below 6.5, otherwise desired (NO, ), 7.1 parts of alkalinity are depleted, and for every biological activity will be inhibited and toxic ammonia part nitrate (NO ) removed, 3.6 parts of alkalinity are (NH) can bleed through the system to the environment. recovered. 0020 Ammonia (NH) should have extremely low con 0013 An anoxic Zone is a basin, or portion that is mixed, centrations. Nitrite (NO, ) should be very low to non but not aerated. The dissolved oxygen levels must be less detectable, with the majority of the nitrogen in the nitrate than 1.0 mg/L, and avoid as low as 0.0 mg/L. In an anoxic (NO, ) form. If a suitable environment is maintained in the Zone, denitrifying bacteria derive oxygen from the nitrate aeration tank, most of the ammonia (NH) will be converted (NO-) compounds. to nitrate (NO ) by the time it leaves the tank. 0021 All tested nitrite (NO, ) levels should be very 0014) Nitrification and denitrification are two terms that low. High levels of nitrite (NO, ) in the system indicate an are commonly misunderstood. Both are individually distinct existing or anticipate problem with the nitrification cycle. processes. Nitrification is the conversion of ammonia (NH) to nitrate (NO ). This is a two-step process involving 0022 Nitrosomonas bacteria are hardier than Nitrobacter oxygen and two types of bacteria, Nitrosomonas and Nitro bacteria. If the Nitrobacter bacteria die off, the Nitrosomo bacter, known collectively as nitrifiers, represented as fol nas bacteria will continue working on the ammonia (NH) lows: and the cycle will overload with high levels of nitrite Ammonia (NH)+Oxygen (O2)+Alkalinity+Ni (NO ). An effluent with high nitrite (NO, ) concentra trosomonas=Nitrite (NO2—)+Oxygen (O2)+Alkalin tions is difficult to disinfect because of the tremendous ity+Nitrobacter=Nitrate (NO-) chlorine demand it poses. US 2008/0035538 A1 Feb. 14, 2008 0023. Other problems also can occur during nitrification. other words, the carbon Source-to-microorganisms ratio A decrease in the aeration tank pH due to insufficient should be in the proper range, on the lower end, for the type alkalinity causes ammonia (NH) to bleed through the of process operating. The pH of the anoxic Zone should be system, which causes decreased microbiological activity. close to neutral (7.0) and never drop below 6.5. Other factors that prevent complete nitrification include: a lack of dissolved oxygen; high mixed liquor suspended 0030 Optimal denitrification occurs when as much as Solids; low mean cell retention time; and cold temperatures. possible of the nitrate (NO ) is converted into nitrogen gas (N2). Achieving this requires a Sufficient amount of a 0024 All of these factors can inhibit the nitrification carbon source so that the indigenous heterotrophic bacteria cycle. High ammonia (NH) discharges can affect toxicity will consume all of the dissolved oxygen as well as the testing. High nitrite (NO, ) levels will cause a tremendous oxygen from the nitrate (NO ), thereby converting as chlorine demand making disinfection difficult, jeopardizing much as possible of the nitrate (NO-) into nitrogen gas fecal coliform limits. Leaving sludge that is high in nitrate (N). (NO ) too long in a secondary clarifier can cause it to rise to the Surface when the nitrogen gas is released. This is 0031 Many carbon sources for denitrification have been messy and jeopardizes TSS limits. studied and utilized in wastewater treatment systems. The most popular include the simple alcohols methanol 15 and 0025. Although problematic, nitrifying wastewater is ethanol 3. Acetate in the form of either acetic acid 1 or important for many reasons. Aside from permit limits, some acetate salt, e.g. sodium acetate 7), has also been ammonia (NH) is toxic to fish and other aquatic life. used. "Acetate' refers to either the ion, as in sodium acetate, Ammonia (NH) discharges also place a very high oxygen or the substituent group, as in ethyl acetate 6). The studies demand on the receiving streams. Nitrification also aids in frequently indicate acetate 7 as the most effective of these producing a highly stabilized effluent. listed, and the many other compounds Subjected to these 0026.
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