Finding List
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I LUINO I S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2011. COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2011 1ol - 1a ; M f FINDING LIST OF THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY MACOMB, ILLINOIS. PRICE 10 CENTS. FINDING LIST -OF THE- SPULBLIICI RARY9 MACOMB, ILLINOIS. Organized Novenber 22, 1881. Opened To Public April 8, 1882. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1897T. President, Mr. Chas. W. Flack. Secretary, Mr. P. E. Kiting. qrs. W. S. Bailey. Mrs. A. Blount. Mrs. J. M. K'ee-fe er. Tjt[r. A. McLean. Mr. A. K. Lodge. Mr. W. H. Bloll lv Mr. L. F. Gumbart. Librarian, Miss Mahala Phelps. MACOMB, ILLINOIS: THE EAGLE PRINTING COMPANY. 1897. 2 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. FIules a9d eu1a io9rs. As Revised at Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors March 29, 1897. 1st. The officers of said Board of Direct- which shall at all times be open to the in- ors shall consist of a President, Vice-Presi- spection of any member of the board. He dent, Secretary, Treasurer, and such other shall report to the board once every month officers as may be founid necessary from the receipts and expenditures of the library time to time hereafter, all of whom shall be and other matters regarding the progress elected by ballot, unless directed otherwise or wants of the same. It shall be his duty by a majority of the board at the time of to prepare arid keep a list of books suitable such election. for addition to the library, and report the 2d. The stated meetings of the Board of same from time to time to the board; to see Directors shall be monthly-on the last that the regulations for the safe-keeping of Monday in each month,at 7:30 o'clock p.m.- the library and other property belonging but a meeting may be called at any time by thereto are properly carried out, and to the president or three members of the perform the duties generally pertaining to Board, three da3s notice of the time and his office. He shall, if required, give bond, place thereof being given in writing. in such manner as the board may approve, 3d. Said Board of Directors shall have for the faithful performance of his duties. control of all books, maps, plats and other 8th. The duties of the Secretary shall be personal property or real estate belonging to keep a record of all proceedings of the to said library; being governed by the law board in a book provided for that purpose: under which the library is organized. conduct all correspondence of the board 4th. A majority of all members of said and report monthly to the board Board of Director, shall constitute a quorum 9th. The Treasurer shall receive all dues for the transaction of business. and donations of money, pay all drafts on 5th. The annual meeting of the Board of him, when signed by the President and Directors for the election of officers shall be countersigned by the Secretary; keep a the first regular meeting after the first day regular account of the financial condition of July in each year. of the board, and shall make quarterly re- 6th It shall be the duty of the President, ports of the same to the board. or in his absence of the Vice-President. to 10th. The Librarian shall be appointed preside at all meetings of the board, sign by the Board of Directors for a term of one all warrants drawn upon the Treasurer .by,year only, and the termination of his term order of the board, appoint all committees of office shall be on the first meeting of the when not otherwise provided for. Board in July of each year-provided, 7th. The Librarian shall conform strictly however, that the board shall have power to the rules and regulations concerning the and authority to remove such officer at any library, and shall receive all subscriptions time for good cause, ;during such term. and donations to the library, collect all fines 11th. Any citizen of the city of Macomb which may be assessed upon persons for of the age of 18 years, who may be desirous destruction, damage or loss of books. He of drawing books from the library shall sign shall deposit with the Treasurer at least a written or printed application, which once a month all the moneys and render an shall be countersigned by one member of account of other property donated, which the Board of Directors and shall be pre- he may have received. He shall keep an seryed and kept on file by the Librarian accurate and detailed account of his trans- who shall thereupon issue a library card. actions in books provided for that purpose, No new card shall be issued in lieu of old '1, FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. ones which have heretofore been issued them,orthree dollars per annum in advance; without the filing of the application herein -provided further, that such non-resident mentioned, but when cards which were shall be subject to all laws, rules and regu- issued upon such application have been ex- lations which may be now or hereafter en- hausted or lost,, it shall not be necessary enacted by the Board of Directors to file a new application in order to have 14th. No person shall be enitledto the the same renewed, but the Librarian may use of the library as long as dues or forfeit- re-issue the same. Provided that in all ures incurred by such person remain un- cases where cards are lost, the loser shall paid: Any person temporarily residing in pay the Librarian ten cents before the the city may, by being introduced by any same shall be replaced by a new card. director of the board, be allowed to con-sult And no more than one book shall be drawn any book in the library without removing upon any card at any one time. Any per- the same therefrom. Encyclopedias,diction- son detaining a book longer than allowed by aries, atlases, and periodicals, shall in no the following provision, shall be fined by the case be taken out of the library. The Librarian at the. rate of fifteen (15) cents Board of Directors shall have power to ex- per week, or fractional part thereof, for clude all persons from the use of said such detention. Any person who shall lose library and reading room who shall will- a book, must immediately replace it, or pay fully violate these rules. The Librarian the cost of replacing it; if it be one of a set, shall have discretionary power in the case it must be replaced or the whole set paid of very young persons or persons of in- for. In the latter case, the remaining vol- teniperate habits or of suspicious character umes may become the property of the person generally; to withhold any books which,from so paying, as soon as another set shall have their value, variety or character, are un- been procured and placed in the library. suited for general circulation. At the Any person injuring or defacing a book be- beginning of each quarter of the year or yond a reasonable wear, may be fined at,the. oftener, if required by the board, the discretion of the Librarian, not more than Librarian shall ascertain, by examination the full value of the book injured, or may of the issue-book or ledger, what books, if be required to pay for the whole set to any, are being kept beyond time, and shall which it may belong; and no person shall take proper means to procure their return retain a book. drawn from the library more ---the delinquent being charged with all than two weeks without returning it, nor expenses incurred. The library shall be be permitted afterwards to draw the same kept open on such days of the week and at until all others who apply for it are accom- such hours of these days as the board may modated. from time to time advise, giving due notice 12th. Any person temporarily residing of any change which may be made. in the city may be allowed to take any book 15th. No person shall be allowed to from the library upon depositing with the handle any of the books at the library with- Librarian the sum of two dollars,which sum out first securing permission from the shall be forfeited in case such book is not Librarian. Any person desiring a book returned and by paying a fee of ten shall make written application therefor on cents per week for use of such books, pro- blanks provided for that purpose. vided, however, that a card be issued in 16th. Readers are invited to enter in a regular form to such party. book, which shall be kept for that purpose 13th. Persons residing outside of the in the library, the title of any boo! not in city limits may have use of the books of the the library which they may desire to use library by first applying in writing to the or may deem worthy of a place on the Board of Directors and receiving a card shelves.