V Olume 26,Winter 2008 Official Ne Wsletter of the Snipe Class

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V Olume 26,Winter 2008 Official Ne Wsletter of the Snipe Class Snipeb1207.qxp Official newsletter of the Snipe Class International Racing Association TM SnipeSnipe BulletinBulletin 12/18/07 Volume 26,Winter 2008 2:13 PM Page 1 Snipeb1207.qxp 12/18/07 3:34 PM Page 2 3 WAYS TO GET TO THE PODIUM FB-3 1st 2003 World Championship THE NEW BW-2 MAINSAIL Years ago we introduced the successful FB-3 mainsail. The FB-3 is an excellent weapon for heavy teams in BW light to medium conditions. The BW design followed to allow lighter teams to go faster in medium winds and 1st 2005 World Championship choppy water. This spring, we introduced the new BW- 2 mainsail. The BW-2 combines the fuller foot section of the FB-3 with the choppy water design of the BW to create an open water shape combination that can be powered up and depowered with rig tension. With BW-2 only a few regattas under the BW-2’s belt, the results speak for themselves. 1st 2007 North Americans 1st 2007 US Pan Am Qualifier 1st 2007 Don Q www.quantumsails.com/snipe +619-226-2422 [email protected] [email protected] SCIRA Information Snipe Bulletin Editor: Jerelyn W. Biehl International Rules Committee Commodore Publication Information Pedro Garra Giorgio Brezich SNIPE BULLETIN (ISSN 08996288 & PMA Montevideo, Uruguay Trieste, Italy 34143 #40612608) is published quarterly and is part pedro.garra@,praxia.com.uy [email protected] of membership of the organization. Subscriptions are available for $10.00 per year General Secretary - Europe by Snipe Class International Racing Stefano Longhi Association, Incorporated (not for profit), Trieste, Italy 2812 Canon Street, San Diego, CA 92106 [email protected] USA. Vice Commodore The SNIPE SILHOUETTE and the INTERNA- Luis Pessanha General Secretary - Western Hemisphere TIONAL SNIPE CLASS CREST and the SNIPE Porto, Portugal & Orient BULLETIN are Trademarks of the Snipe Class [email protected] Hal Gilreath International Racing Association. The SNIPE Jacksonville, Florida, USA SILHOUETTE and the INTERNATIONAL Secretary [email protected] SNIPE CLASS CREST marks are registered in Jiro Yamamoto the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Yokohama, Japan [email protected] US POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Treasurer Executive Director SNIPE BULLETIN David Odell Jerelyn Biehl 2812 Canon Street San Diego, CA 92106 USA Park City, Utah, USA 2812 Canon St. [email protected] San Diego, CA 92106 USA CANADA POST: +619-224-6998 Send address changes to: [email protected] Bleuchip International skype: jerelynbiehl P.O. Box 25542 London, ON N6C 6B2 Snipe Bulletin Winter 2008 2 Snipeb1207.qxp 12/18/07 2:13 PM Page 3 In This Issue... From the Commodore -- HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE YEAR Regatta Reports 2007 has been another successful year and i’d on Japan’s performance at the Worlds, especially like to touch on some highlights: with Kenji Abe and Hiroshi Yamachica finishing 2007 World Championship Champions: second, one would have to rank them among the 2007 Jr World Championship Snipe Winter Championships top countries as well. Surprises this year were 2007 European Cup & Belgians (Clearwater, Miami and Nassau) Mexico and Chile in the west and Belgium and Swedish Nationals Over 60 boats combined Portugal in Europe. Congratulations to all of our Garda Team Race Introduced the Mexican team of Jorge Murrieta top performers. It is wise to remember that Belgian DWR and Andres Akle (overall winners) once at the top you become a role model for South American Championships others in your community and internationally. Punta del Este, Uruguay Articles 47 boats participated Promotion of Junior Sailing Won by Carlos Wanderley and Eduardo Chaves Junior sailing is a subject very dear to many of us Board of Governor Minutes as the future of our class.To help encourage jun- National Secretary Minutes of Brazil North American Championships ior sailing and expand this category of member- Demystifying the Nominating process Bermuda ship, the board this year approved an increase in Remembering Snipe Sailors... 24 boats participated age from 19 to 21. The class has also agreed to Won by Augie Diaz and Kathleen Tocke of the hold junior championships at the same venue USA immediately before or after the open champi- Reports & Calendar Ladies European Championship onships This has already been scheduled for 2007 Membership Numbers Moscow, Russia 2009 in San Diego, California. 2008 Racing Calendar 18 boats participated ISAF Fall Report Won by Ekaterina Bessonova and Alexandra Changes to Structure of the Board Sokolova of Russia Through feedback from the membership, the Pan Am Games Board felt comfortable with the Long Range The Count: 23 numbers have Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Planning Committee’s recommendations to 11 countries participated streamline the Board. The vote to do this was been issued since the last issue; Won by Alexandre Paradeda and Pedro Tenoco unanimous. The end result is a much leaner Portugal - 1, Japan - 8, Norway-1; of Brazil board (reduction from 18 members to 7), which Brazil - 7; USA-3; Sweden - 3. Junior World Championships we believe will improve efficiencies in making SanRemo, Italy decisions and running the class on a day-to-day Numbered Snipes: 30639 20 boats, 12 countries participated basis. Chartered Fleets: 883 Won by Mario Tinoco and Matheus Goncalves of Brazil The Future European Master Championships Moving forward we should be adding more New National Secretaries: Lake Caldonazzo, Italy countries and encouraging growth at the fleet level. We need strong leadership (with interna- Canada: Harri Palm Won by Giorgio Brezich & Stefano Longhi of Italy tional vision) at the Board level and dedicated, [email protected] Number of boats hard working National Secretaries who have a World Championship flare for marketing. I truly believe we already Columbia: Gustavo Tamayo Oporto, Portugal have the expertise and if we all continue to work 57 boats participated together, our class will grow in numbers and in the spirit of “serious sailing, serious fun”. We USA: David Odell Won by Tomas Hornos and Enrique Quintero of the USA. should all be proud of our organization, as it [email protected] really is one of the finest dinghy classes in the Performance world today. Great Britain: Mark Antonelli A year ago, if asked, one would say Uruguay and It has been my joy and privilege to be [email protected] Spain were the dominant countries in Snipe sail- Commodore of SCIRA. I have learned a great ing, but this year, its Brazil and the USA as the deal in this position and it has provided oppor- countries to be reckoned with. Portugal: Luis Guedes de Queiroz tunities for travel and allowed me to meet Snipe While the 2007 World Championships was just sailors worldwide. It has also allowed me the a three race series, one cannot ignore the fact opportunity to give back to the sport I have Italy: Alberto Perdisa that four out of the top 10 boats were US. enjoyed tremendously and I thank each and Despite the fact that Brazil may not have shown every one of you for your support - I’ll count their strength at the Worlds, their first place fin- Cover photo: Lake Wettern in this as one of the great experiences of my life. ishes at the Pan Am Games, South American To summarize, I’ll borrow a phrase from one of Sweden. Photo by Tommy Championships and the Junior World the juniors I met at the Worlds in Portugal this Championships clearly demonstrates the talent Svensson. year (nicknamed Ze) and say “Esta classe e muito they have now and what’s to come in the future. The Uruguayan fleet is still there with the Faglia fixe; Portuguese for “This class is super cool”. Next Issue deadline: sisters’ along with Pablo Defazio and Eduardo Medici taking second at the Pan Am Games and March 1 fifth at the World Championships this year.Based 3 Winter 2008 Snipe Bulletin Snipeb1207.qxp 12/18/07 2:13 PM Page 4 Meet SCIRA’s New Officers Commodore Pedro Garra Vice Commodore Luis Pessanha How long have you been sailing, where did you How long have you been sailing, where did you start, what kind of boat? Sailing since 8 in start, what kind of boat? Optimist dinghies in Montevideo, Uruguay I started to sail when I was 9 years old at Clube de Vela Atlãntico, in Oporto (organizer of the last When did you start sailing Snipes? In 1982 crew- Snipe World Championship). My first sailing lessons ing for my Dad. I started to skipper in 1985, when and championships where raced in the Optimist 16 years old. class. Significant sailing accomplishments: When did you start sailing Snipes? 3rd SA Championship in 2000 and 2001 I started sailing Snipes in 1978 when I was 13 2nd SA Championship in 2006 years old, as crew. At the time, although still sail- ing in Optimist, I was always waiting for an older Academic background: Mechanical Engineering club sailor to invite me to crew in Snipe (the Snipe class was already well established in the Clube, Occupation: Director of PRAXIA, a consulting firm with one of the most important national fleet). After trying a couple of other classes, I’ve decided Family: Married with Florencia Herrera, with whom to dedicate myself to the Snipe Class as from 1993. we have a daughter of 4 named also Florencia Significant sailing accomplishments: Other interests: No other…haha! Seriously, 1st in a 2004 National Qualifying Cup, skiing, business in general, globalization 4th in 2004 Iberian Championship, 4th in 2001 National Championship Your thoughts on the Snipe Class: The best class th for regular people, with a family, work and thrive 5 in 1993 World Master Championship as Crew for top competition and fun.
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