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THE WEATHER i F o n e u t br U> %v<>atk«r Baveaa* NET PRESS RUN Uavca a v e r a g e DAOiT CDRCULATIOX for the Month of IMarch, 1920 Rain tonight; Tuesday fair and 5 , 3 2 6 CO slightly colder. Member ot the An«lt Barean of 'CIrealatloBa

IFOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS (Classified Advertising on Page 12) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1929. A^OL. XL1]X NO. 141. -<» AMBASSADOR HERRICK SEC STMSON i Gallon of Wine^Tragejdy 7 CONGRESS ALARMED \ IS DEAD IN PARIS WniDEFEND OVER SPECULATORS, SHIP SINKING '•VMVS MORGAN CASE American Envoy to France'SIX MEN'DROWNED V WOULD COURT THEM . > U. S. Attorney Calls Cnstoms Passes Away Snddenly| NEAR CHAEES ISLEj the British Anti'Rum Men 16 Tell How"Theyi|-^^'*''*^55Jf coxGREss»iEx. Stock Market Has Already from Heart Attack— Eu-| ----- | Washington, April 1.— Senator Drawn Two Billions in Smugghng Treaty; Cana­ Found Liquor Among Con­ Wesley L. Jones (R) of Wash­ logized by French Press.'Four Bodies Recovered; How | ington, author of the drastic pro­ hibition bill which bears his Cash from Legitimate In­ gressman’s Luggage. name, had this to say today con- dians Indignant Over Act. Qerning the plight in which two Paris, April 1 — The . body of Accident Occurred is Not I New York, April 1.— ^The sum­ i dry Congressmen, who voted for dustries; Senators Blame Myron T. Herrick, late American Washington, April 1.— Secretary moning of L. E. Crawford and the pact, find themselves: Known to Authorities. “ The Jones-Stalker law is ap­ ambassador to France, vs'ho died of State Stimson returned to his James McCabe, customs Inspectors, Reserve Board— Would suddenly vesterday from an acute today opened- the investigation of plicable to all even to the Presi­ desk today after an Easter week­ dent of the' United States. Teart attack, rested today m a Milford, April 1.— A body, be­ United States Attorney Charles H. flower banked room in the U « d end spent in New York, prepared Tuttle into charges that Congress­ “ I cannot dlsct^ss a member nf lieved to be that of J. O. Balmer, Outlaw All Marginal Buy­ States Embassy ]Oinins .the apart to defend the sinking of the Cana­ man William M. Morgan of Ohio the House, but tie law applies to caretaker of the laymen’s retreat, everyijody, to- officials no matter nient where Col. Charles A. dian schooner “ I'm Alone” by the violated the law by bringing in four bergh greeted the admiring crowds Charles island, one of'the six per­ bottles of liquor when he returned what position thry occupy, even ing of Securities. Kto.plcm gl,tfrom N.wYor^ sons drowned off the island late Coast Guard in the Gulf of Mexico from Panama a week ago. the President.” According to present plans nie Saturday, was taken from the wa­ March 22. on the ground that it Crawford and McCabe charge bodv will be taken to the ^^^ican ters of the Sound late this morning. was justified under the British anti­ they found the liquor in the Con­ Washington, April 1.— The No marks of identity were on the gressman’s baggage. , statesmen on Capitol Hill were Cathedral on Wednesday rum smuggling treaty. the arrival of the late ambassador s. body though a sum of money was ‘I have asked Assistant Collector matching their brains against Wall son. Parmalee Herrick, who has found in the clothes, and acquaint­ The Treasury Department, of Port Stewart to send down all street today to devise a method of through Secretary Mellon, justified curbing the orgy of speculative been in the United States. It is ances of Balmer were being sent 0- ^ ssi^ ^^Sswsi; witnesses connected with the case expected he will arrive here at the for in an effort to establish an the act under the tariff law of p 22, and will investigate each thorough-! gambling in Wall street. which gave the Coast Guard juiis- Two remedies for the stock end of this week. ______identity. A new chapter in the tragedy of a mother’s death, brought about ly.” Tuttle said. Mrs. J. C. Edwards, a resident of diction over waters,'to a 12 mile because there was a gallon of wine in the house, Is pictured here. No Delay PROPOSALS IN gambling situation, which has Fairview, found the body floating limit...... It is understood...... , that the, , Gerald De King, 12. and Joseph De King, son and father of Aurora, 111., Morgan’s innocence should be es­ drawn more than $2,000,000,000 in close to the shore at the foot of state Department has not acceptea j gj^j^vn taking their last look at the mother who was shot during a tablished at once for the accusa­ cash from the legitimate industries Deerfield avenue, Bayview, a point tile tariff act as applying to raid.on their home by dry agents. tions sustained,’' Tuttle said! "I am SDRP^E POU of the nation, were under construc­ about two miles east of the place case, hut will defend on a clause in not prognosticating about the case tion. where the tragedy occurred. the anti-rum treaty under which but it will be thoroughly looked In­ First, Senator King (D) of Utah, Great Britain agreed to permit to.’' ' said he would sponsor a bill V Milford, Conn., April 1.— A small search and seizure of suspected Asked if he would summon Mor­ outlawing from interstate com­ AH Amendments to Town’ s merce all negotiations in "Margin­ fleet manned by Milford police and rum runners within one hour s j Famous Aviators Down gan or any of the members of the private citizens who had volun­ steaming distance from shore. Congressional party which was al” buying of see>'rities. teered their services worked the Studies Report aboard tbe Panama liner Christo- 'Second, Senator Norris (R) of Stimson over the week-end Charter Fall as Outlying Nebraska, was studying a plan for waters inside Charles Island, Mil­ In Australian Wilds bal, Tuttle said that he would first ford harbor, today seeking the studied the Coast Guard’s prelimi­ hear the stories of the customs in­ leveying a federal tax upon specu­ bodies of two of the six men drown­ nary report of the attack, and the spector. Districts Turn Out in Full lative loans. ed mysteriously Saturday after­ treaty'aspects of the case, and at­ Morgan insists that the story is Senator Carter Glass (D) otV ir- tempted to grapple with the inter­ Sydney, Australia, April 1.— Air--'« After being in the air more than ginia, a former secretary o^^the noon as they were coming ashore national law principles of terri­ treasury, meanwhile was peeking from the island after working on planes set out at daybreak today to i 27 hours the aviators came down, (Continue 00 Page 2) Force in Opposition. torial jurisdiction which might be to strengthen the Federal Reserve the retreat for laymen established applicable. An international lawyer search for Captain Charles E. meanwhile sending out the follow- Act. Glass has maintained that the there by the Dominican Order of Kingsford-Smith and Captara Char- I . of considerable reputation. Stimson Every proposal of Manchester’s law itself is sufficient to cO’Qtrol Priests. The missing bodies are les Ulni who became lost in one of i^g wireless, finds himself in a dual role of be­ the wildest sections of North Aus­ “ Making forced landing in rotten Charter Revision committee fell and curb speculation and that the those of John J. Clerk and James O. ing compelled to defend the right PANIC BREAKS OUT fault lay in the' Federal Reserve Balmer, both of New Haven. tralia. when, their trans-Pacific plane country. Wish us luck.” before the determined opposition of of the United States to extend for “ Southern Cross” was forced down board’s failure to enforce the law. Of the six who were thrown into domestic purposes, the territorial In the hope that the airmen land­ the outlying districts when the nine He may sponsor an amendment to the water four bodies are now in by fuel shortage- and bad weather. ed near the Drysdale river a search­ jurisdiction of the United States be­ The Southern Cross hopped off IN MAKKEt TODAY major principles of changes in make the board act. yond the three-mile limit establish­ ing expedition will be sent into town government were placed be­ The Fly in the Ointment. (Continued on Page 3) for Wyndham, North Australia. It that district. ed by international law, and at the ran into a terrific rainstorm which fore the voters in special election. The fly in the ointment, so far as same time maintain tbe tradition­ lasted for ten hours. Hour after In addition to the rugged wild­ All the proposals were defeated by Congressional action is concerned, al policy of the United States con­ hour the airmeu. who gained fame ness of the country in which the two and a half to one. A surpris­ has been the impossibility of de­ men were forced down, it is filled ingly large vote was cast, the check cerning freedom of the seas. through their flight over the Nervous Traders Start Sell­ termining in advance just what ef­ NEW LOVE LEHERS Booze Not Considered tic last year battled against the v/ith savage tribesmen and poison­ list disclosing that 2,536 electors fect any corrective legislation had registered their opinions. The fate of a rum runner, which wind and torrent. ous serpens. would have on the nation’s fi­ happened to fly the Canadian mer­ ing When Brokers’ Loans One Sided. nances. It likewise has been im­ IN HARTFORD CASE chant flag, is of no particular mo­ The feature of the special election possible to learn accurately ment to either the Canadian or the Do Not Decline. was the solid front displayed by whether, if speculative gambling Myron T. Heirick parent British government, and a the opposition to the revision com-" curbed, there would be an continued effort is being made both NAB LOAD OF BOOZE SEEK HOOVER’S AH) mittee proposals. It was distinctly improvement in the agricultural sit­ The same vast and reverent by the British Emhassay and the New York, April 1.— Something an opposition election. The "No” uation— which hasbecn the goal of crowds that visited Marshal Foch’s Adams Had Two Other Canadian Legation to keep from ap- akin to a mild panic marked the group had an organization func­ those attacking t’je speculative home to view the remains of that pearing in the public eye as de- FOR FARM REIEF tioning to get but every possible markets. famous soldier slightly more than fenders of the rum smuggling trade WORTH $50,000 forenoon in the Stock Exchange to­ "anti” vote. The “ Yes” group did day as nervous traders, apparently The bill, which King will spon­ a week ago gathered outside the Sweethearts Beside Miss under protection of the Britisu no solicitation for support whatso­ sor, has been Introduced several American Embassy to pay similar affected by the failure of brokers’ ever. The Revision committee took flag- , . . loans to drop as expected, flooded times in the past but' Congress tribute to the memory of the be­ Collins, Evidence Shows. The Canadian Cabinet meets m the stand that in all fairness to the never has acted upon it. It would Ottawa tomorrow and will take up N o r w a lk Police Almost Cap-} Congressmen Do Not Want the market with selling orders of voters the questions should merely loved diplomat. all denominations. forbid the use of the mails, the Second Ben.ianiin Franklin the “ I'm Alone” case, however, transmission of any messages and The press united in eulogizing the public indignation in Canada As the morning wore on, how­ (Contlnaed on l*age t.) Hartford, April 1-—Further evi­ ever, prices steadied somewhat and the transfer of any money across- Mr. Herrick as “ a second Benjamin dences of the love \adventures of over previous seizures of Canadian tore Launch WMch Escap-} to Pass Bill Which May Be states lines for marginal transac­ Franklin and a symbol of Franco- vessels lurking in the background many traders recovered part of Harry E. Adams^ head of their loA^s. tions in securities. American amity.” the local weather bureau who was Not all were rum runners, but tisli Vetoed. Western operators were the Blame Reserve Board. Most of the papers printed two killed by his wife, Olive, because, ing vessels, ___ and much ill-feeling ed in the Heavy Fog. King meanwhile joined other column photographs of the distin­ which"ha^s‘“been'‘engendered by the hardest hit by the spasmodic selling EXPECT BAHLES she said, he flaunted hre affair with wave. Wire trouble cut off com­ Senators— notably Norris and guished diplomat with captions ex­ Dorothy Collins, a stenographer, fisheries disputes between Canada Washington, Anril 1.— Despite Glass' — In blaming the_ Fed­ pressing the highest friendship and and the United Slates, is expected Norwalk. April 1.— Local police munication with parts of the west came to light today. Adams was the refusal of President Hoover to and the bears were lightning fast in eral Rerserve Board for the pres­ to be echoed in the Canadian par­ today almost captured a launch in INTWOSECTORS 6St€i€D.l * chloroformed by his wife as he draft a farm relief bill for Congress, taking advantage of the “ bFeak.” ent speculative situation. The body may be taken to the slept. liament when the "I’m Alone sink­ the act of landing liquor at Dor- “ There is no doubt the board has his advice and approval will be Added to the general excitement United States upon a French Miss Collins Is now in a state of ing comes up for discusbion and apprehension was a renewal of extended credit too liberally for cruiser if this is agreeable to the bradTa.;^^ r WashUigt^ make Ion’s Point, and actually did get a sought upon every important phase speculative purposes.” said King. collapse because of the public dis­ truck carrying whiskey estimated call loans at ten per cent, an In­ United States government and the play of the dead man’s intimate no secret Of the resentment of the ..... P.Hmated of the legislation to be worked out Mexican Armies Nearing “ It did the same thing in 1919 and to be worth fifty thousand dollars. crease of two per cent over the ra,te Herrick family. correspondence. carried over from Thursday after­ then in 1920, it entered upon its France's Reaction (Contlniieil on Page 2.) Another truck, apparently loaded by the Senate gnd House agricul­ It now developes that also in the noon. terrible deflation policy, which ruin­ France’s reaction to Ambassador life of Adams there was “ Jane,” with liquor escaped in the fog. ture committees. Eaclr Other in Naco and ed agriculture and livestock indus­ Herrick’s death in many ways is Following the capture of the Equally disturbing was the an­ a Massachusetts school teacher, and Both Senator McNary (R) of nouncement that Charles E. try. I believe, just as in 1920, the comparable to the loss she fell “ Alice.” a married woman. Then, truck, Fred Webber, of 74 Lock- Oregon, and Rep. Haugen. (R) of board has again acted too harshly. •when Marshal Foch died. Unstint­ wood avenue. Long Branch, N. J., Mitchell, head of the National City too, there were Irene and several BUNION DERBYISTS Iowa, chairman, respectively, of the bank, is advocating a six per cent Jiminez Today. The fa:*lt lies in its failure to an­ ed praise of his courage, ability, others who succumbed . to the and Joseph Freed, of 73 West Senate and House committees, ex­ ticipate these situations and to act tact and human qualities are heard Houston street. New York, were discount rate and a ^tightening or occultism and personality of the pect to consult Mr Hoover frequent the reins on bank money need for Nogales, Sonora, Mexico, April 1. in time. everywhere. weather expert. fined $1,500 each and sent to jail ly during the ten days which, will “ I believe the speculative gam­ His popularity which reached un­ HEAD FOR TRENTON for thirty days each by Judge speculative purposes. Heretofore -Active hostilities were brewing A letter from “ Jane” to Adams be utilized to write the bill for the Mitchell was believed to favor five in two widely-separated sectors— bling can be controlled by denying bounded heights when he‘ was the came to light today. It was post­ j Freeman Light in Police Court, for , session, interstate commerce to marginal violating the liquor laws with the! Adoption of this course, Congres per cent discount rate. Naco, Sonora, and Jimenez, Chi- marked September 2, at South huahua, today. , negotiations. , . If ,, we prohibit mar- (Continued on Page 3) Rehoheth. Mass., and said in part: truck. I sional farm relief leaders believe -While the Naco Federal garrison ginal deals outside New Y,ork City, “ My Own Dearest Sweetheart: Hidden Compartments obviate the possibility of a we will release many hundreis ot 76 Marathon Runners Plan According to the police the truck being passed which would be under Gen. Lucas Gonzales awaited "Oh, how glad I was to see you, FUNERAL SERVICES further rebel attacks following two millions of dollars for legitimate even for a second the other day. had two compartments concealed i,y jjjg president, business loans.” beneath furniture. In ona compart- air raids yesterday, telegraphic ad­ STEAMERS COLLIDE I only wish it might have been to Reach Los Angeles vices from Rebel Generalissimo Jose The plan Norris Is studying longer. I have to come up to Bos­ ment were sto-wed 118 bottes of FOR FRANCES SMITH would levy a tax on all interest pay­ whiskey, In the other fifty sacks While Secretary of Agriculture Gonzal.b Escobar stated the big ton to the dentist’s Saturday, the Hyde will testify before both Senate southward campaign of the main ments made to any bank above a thirteenth, and can’t you meet me Around Jnne 18. each containing 12 bottles. Beneath certain per cent— say six per cant. NEAR BOSTON DOCK the compartments was a pan ar­ and House committees this week, rebel ariny was fully* under way fol­ in town, say at 11:30 and we can, there Is little expectation that he Dentist Identifies His Work in lowing an initial major engage- This would fi.x a national legal In­ either go to lunch or out to Stone- ranged as if to catch the overflow terest rate at 6 per cent., and pre­ Elizabeth, N. J., April 1— A pic­ in case of a possible leakage of the will submit a definite, farm relief Mouth of Body Found in ipeht just south of Jimenez, where­ ham, or something? plan. in tbe Insurgents claimed an over­ vent a higher rate on “ call money,” “ Oh, if I could have you with turesque band of 7 6 Marathon liquor. , ^ , ners, sporting red, yellow and The secretary has already indi­ River. whelming victory. used in speculative gambling. Meet in Fog— No One Hurt me for a short time— just you and Policentan Harry "Webb sighted a The Federal Reserve Board jerseys and accompanied by the truck speeding out from Dorlon cated that he would confine him­ Soldiers in Mutiny. I— how happy I should he, oh, I self to giving expert information of South Amherst, Mass., April l.-r^ Unconfirmed reports trickled in­ meanwhile has contemplated just do love you and wish I might be officials and ballyhoo squad in six Point, and summoning two other Wildwood cemetery, Amhersf,,. ,.a ' But Both Vessels Damag­ bright red automobiles, headed tor the department and to opinions to yeberheadquarters here early to­ the exact opposite action. It has nearer you all the time. Much love upon the general committments of few miles from NorthamptQi., where day by way of rebel secret agents Trenton, N. J„ today on the second (Continue on Page 2) her college days were^ spent, waji as ever. Republican Party platform. stating'that a considerable faction tContiuned on page 2) “ Your Own, Jane.” lap of C. C. Pyle’s second annual chosen as the burial place .for Miss ed Above Water Line. transcontinental foot race. In the meantime representatives of Qen. Gonzales* command at Naco Other Letters of the leading farm organizations Frances St. John,Smith. was in mutiny. Another letter from “ Jane," At the end of the rainbow, in Los It was selected by the grief- Angeles, a pot of gold amounting FRAUDULENT PAPERS are meeting daily in an effort to Telephoned reports from Naco, BRANDER MATTHEWS, Boston, April 1.— Seventy-five j written from the schoolroom where unite upon one bill, something stricken parents .of, the Smith coL AHz., said that extreme secrecy passengers aboard the steamship i she was teaching, _was more fer­ to $60,000 awaits the leaders who lege girl upon their arrival from survive the grind. A first prize of which they have never been able to prevaded the Naco garrison. With Far North from Halifax and other vent, and ended in this manner: USED BY DRY RAIDERS do before. The cooperative market­ New York at the.'summer estate the-international boundary closed “ How I do long to see you, dear­ $25,000 will go to the runner who NOTED AUTHOR, DEAD points north were shaken up when leads the pack across mountain and ing associations of the nation hav­ “ The Ledges” here;- . j ‘ to traffic-reports of trouble within the liner collided in the fog with est, and be In your dear strong A state police guard.was on-duty desert to the goal. ing already adopted a plan some­ thP Gonzalez deffendlng forces were the freight steamship Ozark, from arms once more. No one can take what at variance with the Ameri­ to keep the' curious away from also.persistent in Naco, Arizona. Held Chair of Dramatic Liter­ away our devoted love for each Veterans Leading Prosecutor Asks Court^ to Be ■“The Ledges” during the fnnergl Jacksonville, Fla., as the Far North Veterans ot last year’s race were can Farm Bureau Federation atti­ Efforts of rebel headquarters to other can they, sweetheart? Heaps services this afternoon. ature at Columbia for Near­ warped into Commercial wharf to­ in the lead as today’s jaunt started Relieved of Responsibility in tude, there appeared little likeli­ confirm the mutiny r^orts had day. of love and kisses.” hood of a general agreement. The body of the girl, taken from been unsuccessful up to an early ly 25 Years. On October 27, 1924, ^ane Gardner, of Seattle, who finished De King Case. the Connecticut river after a ’ 14-, A majority of the passengers eighth last year, won the first lap hour-today. were in the salon with their bag­ wrote: month search world-wide In scope, Attempts to reach Gen. Fausto New York. April 1.— Funeral “ Darling: Ot course I remember from New York City to Elizabeth. was identified by teeth an^ dental plans were being made today for gage awaiting customs inspection He covered the 25 1-2 miles m Geneva, 111., April 1.— State’s Topete who is leading the rebel at the time of the crash. The pas­ coming to see you in New Haven Attorney George Carbary of Kane SHOOTS WOMAN, KILLS SELF work by Miss Smith’s dentist. Dr. drive on Naco, Sonora, were un- Brander Matthews, noted critic, last year. Didn’t we have two won­ 1;59;30, averaging more than 12 educator and playwright who for sengers generally remained calm. miles an hour. Sam Richman, of county today went before Judge Carleton Wood, of Pelham, N. Y* It avatlingj, and were indicative, ac­ Both vessels were damaged above derful days together? Remember, 1 John K. Newhall' in the Circuit was brought to the Smith summer cording to rebel leaders, that To­ almost a quarter of a century held am yours and love you dearly. New York, another veteran, was Lindsay, Ont., April l.-r—Mrs the chair of dramatic literature at the water line, the Ozark having an second and was followed by the Court here and asked to be relieved Hilliard Hickson, young and pretty home from Springfield; pete had personally taken, the field. 8-foot hole in her quarter. The Think of me often and love me a of all responsibility In conducting Episcopal services ’Will, be read - May Attack Today. Columbia University here. He died lot. I can’t begin to tell you how Cools brothers of Belgium. wife of a. local farmer, was in a yesterday of Influenza. Ozark was tied to her dock and was After passing through Philadel­ the investigation Into the killing of critical condition in a hospital to­ by Rev. Arthur L. Klpslovlng, rec­ Headquarters here said that much I love you.” tor of tbe Amherst Episcopal Born James Brander Matthews in no danger. phia, the runners will cross Mary­ Mrs. Lillian De King by dry raiders day with a bullet In her lung. Topete rqay launch his Infantry and Tug Gets in Way. Adams’ diary revealed that he in her home a week ago. church. Following, tbe simple ser­ cavalry charge today, preparing a in N6w Qrleans 76 years ago, he was on friendly terms with Alice, land, Ohio. Indiana, Illinois, Miss­ She was shot while asleep in her dropped his first name when hq According to officials of the ouri, Oklahoma. Texas, New ’ In presenting his petition Car­ vices at the sumHier home^ tbe body path for this by moving, his twelve the married woman. Her husband bed by William Challlns. 20-year- will be taken to Wildwood, cemetery, started to write. He studied for the Farquhar line, owners of the Far Mexico, Arizona and Los, Angeles, bary stated “ there were many old hired hand, who subsequently armored tractors ahead o f . hiS North, the passenger steamship on one occasion interfered with a angles of the case making appoint­ for interment. troops to crush the electrically bar and was admitted in 1873 but rendezvous between Alice 'and the They will cover from 25 to 72 miles blew off his own head with a shot­ taking a great liking to this city, was poking her way through the a day and are expected to finish ment of another prosecutor impera­ gun discharge. charged barbed wire fortifications fog to the wharf when a tug got in meterologist. which protect Naco on three sides. he insisted on remaining hqre. He More of Miss Collins’ letters also around June 18. tive.” - continued his studies snd became her way and in attempting to avoid New York gave the Derby a big He explained that "feeling is high WOMAN BURNS IN AUTO ' Advices to, rebel leaders claimed striking the little craft the com- came to light. On, September 6th in Kane county over the killing” as a big victory in the battle 'o f professor of English at Columbia she sped the following emotions send-off yesterday. Fifty thousand JUDGE-WINSLOW RESIGNS in 1891, 20 years after he. grad­ ander of the Far North collided persons jammed Columbus Circle the result of Mrs. De King’ s death >Owen Sound, Ont, April 1.— ^Un­ Jitifenes wblcij, lasted 12 hours and Cith the Ozark. The damage to into her pen: from a shotgun in the hands' of resulted in many dead and .wounded. uated. In 1900 he was uanued tot- "You can imagine how I missed and it was estimated that 590.000 New York. A p riri.—-The resig­ able to extricate, her from behind the chair of dramatic literature and the Far North was in her bow. others lined the route from New Deputy Sheriff Roy Smith and be­ the Bteering;'wheel,.twp men and a Hecobar also"' claimed, that Gen, The Ozark, owned by the Clyde my husband’s good-bye kiss, but I cause of the recently developed evi­ nation of Federal iudge Francis A, EulQgio'Ortiz, conamander of Gen. remained In .that post until . hope you will save it for some York to Elizabeth. Winslow, who faces h'CongreselQtt- woman were obUged to wntcli death of his wife in wrtfiqi ; line, was in a collision in 1927 dence the affidavit upon which the Mrs. Mary Watson', a widowed Juan Andreu Almazan> vanguard when three members of the crew of future time when we can have each raid was made was false. Carbary al ifitiulry -in connection- with ’■ an was kilibd’ Itt'-kbtibn. No estimate more than 35 booto ^ other again. Be a good boy, dear, TREASURY. BALANCE beauty shopr proprietor,. burn^^o intimate of practically. new the fishing trawler Surge were 16st, forlor thelae firsturoi, timeliiuo inlu the tuo Investlga- aUeged "bankruptcy ring death when, her,; car .ignited 'afte^ 'the Surge sinking after a crash and don't flirt with any flappers.” tlon admitted the Iraudulence of | arinounced toda.y by his tttoniey, • '(Coitdaiiwl oi* Page 2<> ■writers of th e’ 90s,. ' She regarded herself as his Bud Washington, April 1.— Treasury ovariarnina’near''here today. with the Ozarfe.- The Ozark was I balance March 29; $425,657,914,36. the affidavit. i Martin V. Cohboy. ieachecU dhistic “ wife.” MAJNCHE5TEK EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIIJ1,1920. PAGE TWO THE BRETHREN HOLD TUrilE PLANS WESTMWSTER^HOOL Local Stocks N.Y. IPEM, EASTER FILLS K M REVISION OBITUARY HEADMASTER HERE 14TH CONVENTION Allied • i .■ • • • • • • • - 267 % ALL CHURCHES HERE TO SPEED DP (Furulsbed by Patnam & Co.) Am Bosch ...... • • . P R IM A IS IN Addresses Kiwanis Club This i Evangelical Sect Gathers Here Am Can ...... '...... 119% DEATHS Noon— 'Describes Work at Bid Ajiked Am Car and Fdy i .KH- for Annual Three-Day Meet­ Famous School. Bank Stocks. Am Loco MORGAN Am PoTw and Lt W- ^nrices Attended 100 Per ing— ^Many Visitors. SURPRISE POLL Mrs. P. E. Watkins m Bankers Trust Co . . 320 — Mrs. Katherine L. (Lyman) Wat­ Professor Raymond McOrmond, City Bank and Tr ..IQOO — Am Tel and Tel ...... '. .219% The annual convention of The (Contlnueil fmm Page 1) Cap Nat B&T ..... 400 — Am Sugar ...... 74 (Ck>ntinaed from Page 1) kins, president of Watkins Broth- head master of the Westminster Cent as Weather Man Brethren was held in Manchester kins, wife of F. Ernest Wat­ School for Boys at Simsbury, was Conn River ...... 400 — Anaconda ^ • • v... ..1 5 3 % for the fourteenth time at Odd Fel­ ers, died Suddenly Friday night at false, that he had no liquor and the speaker at the Kiwanis club First Bond & Mtg . . 43 — Atchison . .i...... « ..‘..19?% lows Hall, opening last Friday and be placed before the townspeople, All Ret ...... ■ o6% and that no political influence her winter home in St. Petersburg, never drank. In-Washington, and in meeting this noon at the Sheridan Htfd-Conn Trust Co - —• 700 Plays Fair. closing with last night’s session. Fla. Death was due to heart trou­ Ohio, Morgan is known as a, tee- Hotel. He gave the Kiwanlans a First Nat H tfd ...... —• 300 Balt and O h io ...... 121' . Ten evangelists from all parts of should be brought to bear to put Beth'Steel ...... 101% the proposals across. ble. Mrs. Watkins lived part of the toetaler. He always has been a glimpse of his life at Westminster, Land Mlg and Title 60 the country spoke at these meet­ time in Manchester and part in St.^ strong advocate of the dry law as where he has been for the past six Morris Plan Bank . . 200 — Can P a e ...... 234 % , ings. How a Christian should live Many of the Charter Revision Cbes and Ohio .214% committee today are of the opinion Petersburg, staying here in the well as the recently enacted Jones years, and also cited a few facts New Brit Tr ...... 225 •— Beautiful -R-eather aided greatly and the fundamentals of Christiani­ C M'and St P a u l------;. 1.. ..33 in packing the churches throughout that the special election was the summer. Act. about the school, its buildings and Phoenix St. B&T . . . 575 , — ty were topics, the keynote being, In addition to her husband, she Friends of Morgan, according to the work that is being carried on Park St. B a n k ...... 1125 — Cons Gas ...... • 703- Manchester both at the morning “ Unless a man be born again he fairest way to present the proposed Corn Prod ...... and evening services yesterday. amendments. One prominent mem­ leaves one daughter, Mrs. Marjorie Washington dispatches, have come there. The school has an enroll­ xxRiverside Trust . . 650 —- cannot enter the Kingdom of Goa.” ber of the committee today pointed Lucey of Sound Beach, two sisters forward with a story that they ment at the present time of 150 do Rts ...... 125 — Dui>ont' ...... • • • • '♦ • Nearly all the churches had special This convention is attended by music and sermons in keeping with out that the committee could just as and one grandson. Funeral arrange­ think might explaiji the situation. boys. Three hundred’ can be ac­ West Htfd Trust . ., 425 — people from all over New England, They say that what Morgan did was Bonds. Gen Elec ...... the spirit of Easter. well have taken the amendments to ments are not complete but it is commodated but the management At the South Methodist Episcopal w’itk some from New York and New the General Assembly and then planned to have the funeral here to oblige a colleague’s wife who did prefers to limit the student body Htfd & Conn West . . 95 — Jersey. Those who come from dis­ next Monday If possible. Burial will not have freedom of the port, as so that a greater amount of time East Conn Pow 5s . 100 102 church the morning service was have had a general referendum on Int Nickel ...... , »0% , tant places are entertained over the charter changes as a whole. be In the family plot in the East Morgan was supposed to have. may be given to each individual Conn L P 7s ------116 119 attended by 700 persons. Rev. Col- Keneeot pitts spoke on the topic, “ The night at the home of local members This would have been good politics, cemetery. Whether the facts of the case scholar. It Is a college preparatory Conn L P 5%s .».. 105 107% and members living in the vicinity will be put before the April term school and the boys are being edu­ Conn L P 4 % s ___ 98 100 Mack Truck i .••• • ’97 Triple Tribute.” The chancel was he pointed out, but obviously un­ Marland Oil .4 decorated with Easter lilies and of Manchester. fair to all the voters.' of the Grand Jury which is to be cated with the sole purpose of go­ Brld Hyd 5s ...... 102 105 Over three hundred persons were Miami Cop ....1...... * palms, roses and carnations. A Work Ends. FUNERALS sworn tomorrow., Tuttle would not ing to college. There are about Insurance Stocks. present at the three days revival say. 200 acres of land and 30 buildings, Aetna Casualty ....1850 1890 Mo Pac...... \pageant “ The Triumph o. the Uiv A majority of the members of New Haven 87 defeated” was presented to a filled this year. The meetings opened at the Charter Revision committee has 20 of which are in active use. Aetna Insurance . . . 765 780 10:30 in the morning and continu­ Mrs. John Chartier Thousands of chickens and hun­ Aetna L i f e ...... 1295 1315 North Amn Co •••••••••• *760 chapel at the evening service with signified that the committee will The funeral of Mrs. John Char- ed until noon when dinner was drop its work immediately. It had dreds of hogs are raised on the Automobile ...... 600 615 Packard ...... Rev. James E. Greer in charge. tier of ,245 North Main street was Penna R. R ...... js Mrs Eunice Hohenthal accom­ served. At 2:30 in the afternoon the been suggested that some of the property. Conn G e n ...... 2250 2300 meetings commenced again, lasting elements in the proposed changes held this morning at St. Bridget’s SEC. STMSON Mr, McOrmond said one of the Hartford Fire .....1045 1060 Post Cereal ...... • • • ‘ panied and Miss Ruth Nyman sang Church'. There was a large atten­ Pressed Steel Car ...... 3|4 .4 aolos during the performance. The until 5 o’clock. At 7 in the evening could be saved and adopted through hardest tasks which such a school Htfd Steam Boiler . 820 850 a Gospel meeting was held. At 6 Legislature action, but most of the of relatives, friends and as­ has to combat is the fact that the Lincoln Nat Life . . . 140 150 Radio Corp ...... •’ •-aI '’ cast of the pageant was made up of sociates of Mrs. Chartier in the W i n g ...... 704 members of the various church de­ o’clock on Friday and Saturday eve­ Revisionists believe that would be boys who attend are usually the National ...... 1450 1600 ning open air meetings were held various orders in which she had WMDEFEND Phoenix ...... 1010 1035 Sou Pac ...... 726’}* partments. . unwise. They are willing to abide sons of rich parents. They come in front of Hale’s store. All these by the vote of Saturday even taken an actvie interest. The fioral to the school believing that they do Travelers .*...... 1860 1880 Special music by the choir and tributes were many and very beau­ two sermons, one in Swedish and meetings were open to the general though there are several minor not have to work and do not have PuWic Utility Stocks tiful. Rev, C. T. McCann officiated. Conn Elec S v e ...... 105 115 S O of N ...... one in English by the Rev. P-O- public. changes in the present charter of SHIP SINKING to suffer any privations. He said This is the third yehr that this Mrs. Margaret Shea sang “ Ave It had been his experience that the Conn L P 8% ...... 119 122 S O of Cal ...... 75 Cornell were the features of the the town that should be made re­ Studebaker ...... *7 Swedish Lutheran Church service convention has been held in Odd gardless of the defeat of the nine Maria” and at the changing of the boy whose parents were poor and •Conn L P 7% ...... 117 120 Fellows Hall. Before that they were vestments, “ Gentle Jesus Be Our (Continued from Page 1) who had to suffer privations was Conn L P 5% % pf. 100 103 Texac Co ...... in the morning. In the evenin,g the major changes. Union Pac ...... • '2.7® children’s chorus presented a can­ held in Cheney Hall. Gospel Hall A review of the check-list of Sat­ Guide.” As the body was borne the most successful student. West­ Conn L P 6% % pfd 112 115 on Center street is too small to take from the auditorium she *sang Canadian people during past minster school offers each year five Conn P So (par 25). 132 136 U S Rubber ...... * • • • • tata “ The Easter King” to a well urday’s election reveals that the months and the strained relations U S S teel...... 178 filled church. There were also care of the large crowd which voters in the Ninth district took “ Beautiful Land on High.” free scholarships to boys who are Hart El Lt (par 25) 130 134 comes to the convention making the The hearers, were John Carroll of which have become more apparent ambitious to get an education. The Greenwich W & G • . 97 100 Westinghouse . *recitations by the classes of Gie but little interest in the questions. with each dispute with the Coast W Overland...... 26% Sunday School. In accordance with hiring of another hall necessary and The bulk of the vote came from the Norwich, Philip Coffey of North­ great trouble they have, bow ser, do v t c ...... 125 135 Odd Fellows Hall was chosen be­ ampton, Joseph Chartier and Chas. Guard. is in finding the boys. He believes Htfd Gas c (par 25) 97 102 the annual custom all members or outlying districts, the Seventh and That the Canadian Parliament the School were given a potted cause of its central location. Eighth in particular. It has been Chartier of Providence, brothers- every normal boy and girl wants to do pfd (par 25) . 63 — r in-law: Joseph and Charles Dona­ will give vent to some of this feel­ do well. Very often there is some Htfd Gas Rts W I . . 8 CONiaiESS ALARMED plant. , said that all but three of the voters ing, was accepted here as unavoid­ Special Quartet in the Seventh district voted, and it hue of this town. Burial was in St. physical reason if they are not S N E T Co ------189 At the Second Congregational is a safe assumption that 99 per Bridget’s cemetery. able. getting along well and he urged Manufacturing Stocks- OYER PECULATORS THRILL KILLERS GET Stimson, his first week in office parents to have a medical examina­ Am Hardware ..... 67 69 the auditorium was comfortably cent of them were opposed to the is confronted w’ith all these features filled at both the morning service charter changes. There was some M l'S . Annie Titus tion. When the trouble is located Amer Hosiery ...... 27 Funeral services for Mrs. Annie of the general dissatisfaction of the and remedied improvement is often American Silver .... 25 (Coniinaett from Page 1) And the Easter concert at 5 o clocjv. LIFE IMPRISONMENT opposition from Democratic voters Canadians over their acceptance of The quartet was assisted by Mrs. but 'revisionists believed that the Titus were held yesterday after­ Immediate. Arrow H & H El pfd 106, noon at 2:30 from her late home on the anti-rum treaty which the “ I’m W. W. Robertson won the at­ do c o m ...... 51 considered an Incfrease In Its redis­ T.ouise Martini, Hartford violimsc number influenced by the minority Alone” case only served to bring Mrs Marion Brown \V hitcher. Curtain Falls on Melodrama in representation argument was al­ East Middle Turnpike and was tendance prize today, donated by Automatic Refrig . . — count rate— the rats of- Interest ;op;ano. W. J. Taylor tenor and Which Two Lives Were Lost most negligible. largely attended. Rev. F .C. Alien of to a head. Harold West. Acme W ir e ...... 25 charged when it rediscounts or E E Segar. bass. Ihe platform Some comparison of the size of Second Congregational church of­ The attendance contest was a tie Bigelow-Htfd, com . 103 takes over loans made brokers by ^was beautifully decorated with in Atlanta, Ga. the vote can be gained by noting ficiated. There was a profusion of between the “ Head-to-Footers” and do pfd ...... 100 member banks, which 1ft tura may The Easter lilies, palms and a Prolu­ that 2,536 voted Saturday and beautiful set pieces from relatives, the “ Coal Barons,” 23 each, Billings and Spencer 8 have acquired possessitjn Of the Atlanta, Ga., Apnl 1.— With life groups of friends and individuals, ] RAIN, HAIL AND SNOW latter, however, still have' a lead Bristol B ra ss...... 34 brokers’ notes friMa national banks. sion of pink blossoms. At the at- imprisonment sentences meted out 7,723 voted in the Presidential elec­ ternoou concert the young people tion last November. testifying to the esteem in which of 134 to 130. do pfd ...... 108 An increase In the, rediscount, rate ti» George Harsh ana Dick Gallogiy, Case, Lockwood & B 425 however would affect all' kinds of presented a biblical pageant, The Votes. Mrs. Titus was held by all who TYING UP THE WEST \ the collegiate thrill murderers, the knew her. Collins C o '...... — ' loans and while curbing' brokers 'Resurrection of Peter,” und a curtain fell today on a sinister melo­ The votes on the nine questions cborus of youn,5 men and women were as follows: The bearers were Samuel Rich­ Colt’s Firearms .... 37 loans would likewise work hardship drama in which two lives were lost mond, Clifford Beebe, William J. Eight persons were reported to NATIONAL CITY BANK Eagle Lock ...... — upon agriculture and legitimate In­ sane appropriate Easter hymus. and two more were shattered. Yes No T h e North Methodist Church was School Consolidation . . .666 1583 Taylor, Clarence Wilson. William be dying today in hospitals at Fafnir Bearing ...*■ — dustry. . . ' ■ . The college bo.,'s who embarked Fuller Brush A .... 15 filled at the morning serv.ee. a Fire Dist. ...6 4 4 1583 and Oscar Anderson. Burial was in Poplar Bluff, Mo., from the.effects ADDS TO RESOURCES The fact though that Norris and on a career of banditry for a “ thrill” the East cemetery. of winds of cyclonic proportions do Class AA .... 60 the Federal Reserve Board should special program called “ The Search borh pleaded guilty today to the Sewer Dist. “ . . .605 1714 for the Risen Christ” was PUt on by Libraries . . .656 1594 which swept six states last nig.it Hart & Cooley .... — consider plans so diametr’cally'op­ murders of S. H. Meeks and Willard and today, followed by rain, hail Hartman Tob 1st pf. — posed— as far apart as North and the Sundav School assisted by the Smith, Atlanta store clerks, and Park, Cem’tery “ ...6 3 7 1581 To Take Over Farmers’ Loan two choirs. 27 people received full Board of Finance . . .;^19 1688 and snow which caused millions- of do com ...... 20 South Poles— only serves to em­ were consigned to the dreary round\ dollars in property damage at and Trust Co. in Proposed Inter Silver ...... 135. phasize the' uncertainty of legisla­ membership in the church at this of chain-gangs as long as they live. Bond Issu e ...... 'T552 1635 ABOUT TOWN Town Plan Commission . 551 1648 Doniphan and Poyner, Mo. Merger. do pfd ...... 114 tive relief. • ______S6rvic6. Thereby Harsh, the self-confess­ Four persons were injured and Landers, Frary & Cl 68 A packed church marked the ser­ Biennial Elections . . . .577 1626 Seven hundred copies of the ed “ master-mind” of the crimes, es­ property damaged. New York, April 1.— The Manning & Bow A . 19 vices at St. Mary's Episcopal caped the electric chair to which be Founder’s Centennial Number of H urch in the morning and eve- The wind tore through Illinois, National City Bank of New York, do Class B ...... 10 was doomed after a jury in Circuit the War Cry are in the hands of Missouri, Iowa, Minnesott, Wiscon­ America's only $2,000,000,000 New Brit Mch pfd .. 101 PARSONS ‘ ni'ng. At the latter the Girls Friend­ Court here found him guilty of the EXPECT B A nLES Adjutant Joseph Heard of the Man­ ly Society presented a pageant en­ sin, Michigan and Indiana with a banking house will add to its bank­ do com ...... 45 HARTFORD murder of Smith. He was never chester Salvation Army citadel for Niles Bern Pond . . . 45 titled, “ He Livetb.” velocity in some places of more ing resources, by the absorption of tried for the murder of Meeks. disposal. This, number is an extra than sixty miles an hoour. the Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co.r ac­ do pfd ...... 100 TONIGHT Song Service Gallogiy simply had -to plead IN TWO SECTORS large one forty pages crammed with — The Salvation Army enjoyed a Houses were unroofed. Tele­ cording to an announcement made North & Judd . . , ------TUBS, and WED. NITSB guilty, and accept a life sentence for pictures and reading matter. Many graph poles were uprooted as were Peck, Stow and Wil —^ H.ATINBE WEDNESDAY $a.to 60c ,.Tfiry large attendance throughou^ each of the murders. Legal for­ of the pictures deal with William today. ;th e Sunday services. At 6 o ciock (Continueil from Page 1.) trees in all sections. This is an important step In the Russell Mfg Co .... 125 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday malities -required Harsh, who was Booth, the founder of the Salva­ Many highways were reported Seth Thom C com . . 32 Hn the morning 60 members para,d- waiting a hearing on a new trial, to race for supremacy among the big of casualties was contained in the tion Army, and there are two full- impassable. Trains were sta led banking institutions here, the Na­ do pfd ...... 26 APRIL 1-2-3 -ed with the band, playing special be granted a second trial and then page colored portraits of the first report which said the battlefield overnight, 170 persons were delay­ tional Bank of Commerce and Guar­ Smyth Mfg Co pfd . 103 i Wednesday Matinee 68 to 60c ^Easter numbers. Rev. enter his plea. Gallogiy had been general and his wife. There is a ^Laite preached three sermons this was heavily strewn with bodies. ed overnight in two suburban'grains anty Trust Company, pooling their Stand Screw ...... 125 Directly prior to premier at the! tried twice for the Smith murder, The Escobar report said the rebel sketch of the Founder’s career and Stanley Works, com 61 ^winding up the ten day revival cam- but in each instance a mistrial re­ in Iowa. , ^ ^ . interests in a new financial insti Ethel Barrymore Theater^ New| army was in full southward ad­ stories of him as others saw him. Milwaukee was isolated early to­ tution with resources of $2,300.- Scovill Mfg Co .... 58 York City, v ;=paign staged at the citadel In the sulted. There is a sketch of the life of the Safternoon the, Sunday School put vance, expecting to contact the big day from the outside world because 000.00 have threatened the J^ation- Taylor & Fenn .... — Federal column under Almazan present' general, E. J. Higgens, C. of crippled telephone and telegraph Torrington, new . . . 75 MR- LEE SHUBERT Sion a special song service “ The Open al City Bank’s position as the big­ Presents :D oor” led by Leslie Larder. In the within a few hours. Rebel leader* B. E. wires. Many cities in Iowa were gest financial institution in Amer­ Underwood ...... 108 today said they looked for the ma­ in similar distress. ica. a position probably made safe Union Mfg C o ...... 18 evening the Songsters presented an TO PROBE WAGE DISPUTE Children of grades 1 to 4 of the -Easter anthem. Quite a number of jor and decisive conflict of the Three planes and a hangar at by the taking over of the Farmers’ U S Envelope, pfd .. 116 revolution when the troops clash. Manchester Green school will give detroit were wrecked by a gale. do, com ...... 240 MISS ETHEL ? people bowed at the altar of prayer an entertaioiment in the assembly Loan & Trust Co. ^during these services. Rev. French Washington, April 1.— President Gen. Almazan was reported to Transportation between Detroit and The directors of the two institu­ Veeder-Rool ...... 46 hall Thursday evening beginnin,g at .'Of the Church of the Nazarene and Hoover today, appointed an emer- have taken up headquarters at Windsor. Ontario, was reported at tions have approved the merger and Whitlock Coil Pipe . — -his congregation was present at gency board of inquiry to inves.l- Escalon, Chihuahua, today. 7:15. The children are disposing almost a standstill because of the terms of consolidation agreed upon. XX—Ex-rights. BARRYMORE Sraany of the services. gate the wage dispute among em- Rfbel headquarters ii 'ued an of­ of ten tickets. wind and waves. Stockholders of the trust company ployes of the Texas Pacific rail- ficial communique this morning Many homes and farm buildings In the Second Play of ' In St. James’s Roman Catholic will receive five shares of National Re|iertoire Program road. The board is headed by stating an Insurgent detachment Rev. p. A. Colpitts will leave to­ were demolished in Missouri by a City Bank for each share of their NAB LOAD OF BOOZE 5 church at the 7 o’clock morning morrow morning for the annual ; mass every seat was taken and ex- James R. Garfield, son of the for­ under Captain Juan Montalvo had tornado which Injured a score of own bank held. mer president and secretary of in­ formally reoccupied Mesquite, Son­ Southern New England conference persons. . Charles E. Mitchel, now president -tra chairs w'ere needed. The choir at Brockton, Mass. Rev. James E. WORTH $50,000 r loft was filled and many kneeled terior during the Roosevelt admin­ ora, 70 miles west of Nogales, after Transportation in Chicago was of the National City Bank of New “ THE LOVE istration. The workmen have a small band of Federal irregulars Greer, the assistant pastor of the hampered by cloudbursts. around the back of the church, South Methodist church, will be in York will become chairman of the r-Arounu Around thelue altar were .. Easter...... - lilies agreed not to strike until the board had fled across the border into Cold waves struck the noddle board of the bank and G. S. Rent- (Continued from Page 1) "indicating that the forty days ^ep^°rts_it^ finduigs Sassahe. Ariz., where they were charge until Thursday and will then west, adding to the misery of the schller. who has been vice-president leave for the conference. lEL” Lent were at a close. Other members of the board are interned. homeless. Warmer weather was since 1925, will be promoted to the officers, went down to the Point. Chester H. Rowell, Berkeley, Cal., predicted generally for Tuesday- llodem Play ^ Easter Gifts Miss Alice and Miss Elsie Har­ presidency. James H. Perkins, now Just as the officers reached the If At the Concordia Lutheran the economist and formerly a member president of the Farmers Loan, will placa a launch dkshed away from BY U HATVANY of the U. S. Shipping Board; 'Walter EXPORTS BREAK RECORD rison and Miss Margaret Lewis, IN MISSOURI Adapt by Zoe Atkins £ church was closely packed both in students in the School of Religious be president of the National City the landing, headed toward, the the morning and evening. At the C. Olephane, Washington, D. C., Popular Bluff, Mo.. April 1.— A Company and director of the bank. open Sound. On the landlng-was the Prices: EveSi Orch. 63; Balc;'66J$6, Lawyer., and profesor of law at Education at Boston University, score of persons, victims of a torna­ $8.00,111.50; Fam. Circle 6t<0d; 'first service, Edward Fisher played have resumed their studies. Wil­ truck with Webber and Freed in George Washington University, Washington, April 1.— Secretary do are in hospitals today as the re­ OHIO GIRLS STRANDED. charge. They said the, owner of Wed. Mat.,’Orch. 62.00; Bale.' . 4-1 . a violin solo and Miss Anna Tluck of Commerce Lamont predicted to liam Stevenson a student at the ; sang a soprano solo. Special music Wm. Rogers Clay, Frankfort, Ky.. sult of a tornado which struck in the truck is Isidor Mlnker, of Long Rows 62.00, Next 4 Rows; 61.M;; judge of the Kentucky Court of Ap day that exports from the United B. U. school of Medicine, has also this vicinity late yesterday. SexUS Bows 61 >00; Fam. Cir. 75ci ;’ was furnished by the English and returned to the college. Boston, April 1.— Jean Brennan, Branch. German choirs. In the evening the peals, and F. H. Kreisman, former States this year may reach $6,000,- No deaths were reported today, of Akron, Ohio, and Elsie Johnson mayor of St. Louis, Mo. All of the 000,000, an all-time record for nor­ but it was said that some of the of Chicago, today applied for a war­ Willing woi1e€j:s sang a selection mal years, and an increase of more A wedding anniversary surprise entitled, “ E^stei^, Bells are Pealing” members have served ''u previous seven or eight seriously injured are rant for the arrest of , a Rack Bay emergency boards of arbitration than $800,000,000 over 1928. party was given at the home of Mr. ■ The newly confirmed class took and Mrs. Richard McConville of 158 expected to die. . man who, they alleged refused to Allowing for price declines ex­ Farm buildings and homes in the pay them wages and commissions 'their first communion. Every teach- ports for the first two months, to Cooper street foi Mr. McConville’s NOW : er and child in the Sunday school GALLOGLY GETS LIFE path of the tornado were demolish­ for sale of magazines. taling $916,000,000 were the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mc- ed. The storm originated in the - PLAYING ' received an Easter gift. The church Conville of Keeney street, married The girls told Superintendent of Atlanta, Ga., April 1— Richard greatest on record; it was a 20 per northern section of Arkansas and Police Crowley that the man’s rep­ was beautifully decorated with cents gain over January and Feb 33 years. There was a large gather­ flowers including lilies and palms. (“ Dick” ) Gallogiy erstwhile “ darl­ extended its path of destruction as resentatives induced them to come ing” of Atlanta’s youn,ger set, will ruary, 1928.. ing of friends and relatives from far north as Mineral. Mo. Ten ' The largest crowd ever attending Hartford, New York City, Spring- here-on the promise they would be spend the remainder of his life be­ Lamont explained that the in­ houses were wrecked at Mineral giv^ $30 per week and have' a a Sunday morning service since creases were primarily the result of field and Manchester. A dinner, ■ Rev. McCann became connected hind prison bars for his part in and the roof of the Missouri Pacific chaVee to see the country. The two Wanderful the “ thrill” murders of Willard the immense expert of manufactur­ dancing and cards were, the fea­ :-with St. Bridget’s church was pres- tures, together with the presenta­ the Republican Party platform, girls said they had to sell 15 sub­ Smith, a drug dark, and S. H. ed goods. Foreign sales of finish­ railroad station was reported .to scriptions per day for which they — Better than “The Noose” is ' ent yesterday. Special music by the ed manufactures to $432,000,000. tion of a floor lamp to Mr. and Mrs. Meeks, a grocer. have been blown off. received $7.50. After several un­ what they’re saying about this ■ choir and solo work featured the The alleged accomplice of George At the rate established the automo­ McConville. service. The church was decorated A complete checkup, was impos­ successful days during which time Harsh, self-styled "master mind” in bile exports for the year will be sible because of the disrupted tele­ they had very little to eat, they gi-eat picture^ with Easter lilies and roses and car­ the “ thrill” murders, suddenly $650,000,000 in value, a $150,000,- THERE’S A DIFFERENCE. nations in gold plated vases. phone communication. said, they decided to quit. pleaded guilty to the two slayings 000 boost over 1928. SEE AND HEAR ’ Center Church today, and heard Judge John D. Cleveland.— The patrol wagon , Center church auditorium was Humphries sentence him to life im­ CONGRESSMEN RETLTIN HOME dashed madly up to the curb. Di­ inadequate to seat the worshipers prisonment. rectly after several high-powered J at the morning service yesterday] Panama City, Panama, April 1.— automobiles drew up alongside and RICHARD •: and the chapel was thrown open to POPULAR YOUNG LADY. Sixteen Congressmen, who have uniformed men and detectives ;« accommodate those who attended been visiting the Panama Canal rushed up to a house and hurried THEATER ;■ the communion service and xecep- Two Rivers, Wis.— A local girl, Zone, are enroute home today upon in. “ Where’s the policeman?” ROCKVILLE i; tion of new members which takes very popular with the flaming the Jiner Ancon, having sailed yes­ “Where’s the policeman?” “Who PALACE BARTiffiLMESS ^ place at this church always on youth of the city, got her date book terday. The party includes Senator did the shooting?” the cops asked $ Easter morning. A total of 58 per- all scrambled with the result that Burton K. Wheeler, of Montana; the woman of the house. "What -In - f sons was enrolled, 36, mostly young seven young gentlemen called on Congressman Elmer Leatherwood, policeman?” the woman asked. Tuesday ; people on confession of faith and her at the same time one recent eve­ of Utah, and Congressman Tom “ You phoned and said somebody i 22 by letter. The church was beau- shot a cop in front of your house, 5 Acts ning. The natural outcome of the Connally, of Texas. Keith-Albee S tifuliy and profusely decorated affair was a fight, which a police All were greatly interested in the didn’t you?” the cops demanded, f with Easter lilies, pink rambler officer promptly broke up. The date recent disclosures In the “ rum “ No,” faintly replied the woman. "1 S roses, palms and apple blossoms, was finally settled when four of the cases” Involving Congressmen Ml- said that somebody was shooting HI* First Talking Picture t brought indoors and induced to fellows went back for the girl and chaelson and Morgan, but declined craps out there on the sidewalk.” VAUDEVIIXE > blossom for Easter. took her out together. to comment. The Easter pageant, “ The Open A son of Senator Thomas Heflin, S.MART BOY. On the Screen t Gate,” given at 6:30 under the di- STOPPING THE LEAK. who accompanied the party, has “The Good-Bye Kiss” with Sally Eilers I rection of Miss Hazel Hughes at- been 111 here in' the Gorcas hospital, Willesden Magistrate; Are you if- traded an equally large gathering. New York.— Customs officials re­ but was sufficiently recovered to old enough to be married? Young Man; Yes; but not silly cently seized a cargo of nearly 5,000 sail oil the Ancon. EXTRA I EXTRA! OPENING STOCKS. gallons of Scotch malt on enough.— Tit-Bits. New York, April 1.— Industrial freighter docked in Hoboken. The FIGHT’S OFF. stocks broke 1 to 4 points at the malt, used for making whisky, is LOVE ISN’T. SO BLIND. Exclusive and Official Ringside Motion Pictures of the diluted many times for bootleggers’ Casey: Fer a nickel I’d give ye a Proud Parent: No, I will never Entire SharkejwStribling Fight. A lso opening of the market today. U. S. recognize an actress as my daugh­ Steel sold at 1 7 9 down 4ifs consumption in this country. It is good sock in the jaw. l a u r e l & McGregor: Don’t be extortionate, ter-in-law. y points for a block of 10,000 shares. estimated that the value of the 315 HARDY 15-gallon kegs seized is between inon------I’ll give ye three cents and Lovesick Son; But she Isi’t an .Anaconda Copper i roke iV*, to 155, Wednesday-Thursday Com edy ' ^Radiq was down 4% at 102; Inter- $100,000 and $150,000. not a penny more!— Judge. actress; she only thinks she is.— Answers. 5-*0 I national Combustion down 4% at NEWS 1 71% ; American Can down 4% at LET’S GO. Greece is planning to spend 5119; Chrysler down 2% at 297; $50,000,000 for the reclamation of All motion pictures publicly ex “KINGS OF KINGS" ^Bethlehem Steel down at 3% at She: Wait a minute; I’ve forgot­ large tracts of land in Tessaly, In bibited in Japan must pass the Interqational Nickel down 1% ten my lipstick. '• Epirus and other parts of the censorship of the Japanese homo office. at 50%. ' Ho; You’ve got it on.— Life. country.

a y y -J ' • A 1 ■ ' n- V 'V ' ■ * r '■ lodsEttai MANCHESTER EVENING HERALU, SOUTH MANCHESniR, CONN^ MONDAY, A P R I^ l, 1929.

terships of Poland and Switzerland. BISHOF BRENT’S FUNERAL AMBASSADOR HERRICK On his frequent visits to YVash- ENNUI SENDS BOY UP CALL NEW PASTOR. I. O .O .F . ENCAMPMENTS TOWNSTO BUILD ington since the war he usually has Lausanne, SwlUerland, April 1. been a house guest of the Hoovers. Darien, April 1.— Rev. Philip __Owing to delays entailed by legal IS DEAD IN PARIS A POLE; GRAVITY, Gordon Scott, now assistant pastor TO MEET ON SATURDAY formalities, the funeral of the late MUCH STATE AID SON LEAVES FOR FRANCE of Flatbush Congregational church, Bishop Charles Brent, ■••I the Cleveland, O., April 1.— Parmalee Brooklyn, N. Y., is expected to Episcopal diocese of Buffalo, N. Y., (Continned from Page 1.) Herrick, son of Ambassador Myron AT C. OF C. DINNER come here in the middle of the ROAD THIS YEAR Even at That, William Sloan of Local Men Honored With Ap­ probably will be postponed until T. Herrick who died In Paris Sun­ summer to be pastor of Darien Con- Thursday or Friday. Bishop Brent day evening, was hastening to Hartford, Skips a Licking, gregationa.1 churcli, succGoding Rgv. pointment to Important Po­ will be buried in the Lausanne only foreign diplomat to refuse to France today. He left for New York So Far as Known. George A. Tuttle, who recently re­ sitions for Special Decree cemetery, but some delay was oc­ More Than 27 Miles of Second­ leave Paris In 1914 when the fall of last night immediately upon learn­ Choral Club’s Appearance to signed to go to a church at the city aeqnied iqjinlnent, later was William Sloan, age 13, of 104 Work. casioned in overcoming the law ary Highway to Be Added ing of his father’s death. He had re­ Wethersfield. „ . . . limiting lease on burial space to 50 augmented' by his efforts in Insplr- turned to Cleveland from Paris only Park Terrace. Hartford, with-his The call to Mr. Scott has just to Connecticut System Un­ iog the Lafayette Escadrille and his mother, attended the revival meeC- Attract Many—flpen to The local members of the En­ years. last Friday. been voted by the congregation. He der New Contracts. ItLbors In behaH of the Brlan-Kel- Mrs. Herrick, who remained in in,g held in Odd Fellows Hall, yes­ is ->7 a graduate of Hamilton col­ campment branch of the Odd Fel­ logg pact and t^e strengthening of terday. William was not overly lows are to participate with the En­ frlendjy relations between France Paris, caller her husband by trans­ lege and Union Seminary. New More than twenty-seven miles of oceanic telephone early' yesteiday interested. When a chance came to Everyone. York, with a graduate degree from campment members fro-1 Thomp- LIONS CLUD HERE NOW state aid road will be built this and the United States. to advise that the ambassador was deave for other fields, namely to London. sonville. New Britain and Hartford ' His talent for fostering interna­ in a district meeting at Foot Guard year in fourteen Connecticut towns gravely ill. His son immediately be­ play tag around the building with under contracts advertised by th^ tional friendliness showed at its other children who had similarly One of the most pleasing features Hall, Hartford, Saturday, April 6,] SEEMS A CERTAINH best when in 1927 he guided Col. gan making preparations to return. commencing at 4 p. m., when the | state highway department for bid Before he could leave, however, tired, he took it. in prospect for the diners at the PRESENTS A. & N. CLUB on April 8, according to an an­ Charles A. Lindbergh through the After a roughouse in the hallway Golden Rule degree will be confer­ pitfalls of sudden worldwide fame another call from Paris was receiv­ Chamber of Commerce annual ban­ red by Devotion Encampment of nouncement made today by High­ ed and his wife’s voice, transmitted thu group descended to the side?- way Commissioner John A. Mac­ : A leader In many fields, at once walk, where they earned the cold quet next Monday evening, April WITH FINE MEMORIAL Danbury. Fifteen Local Business Men by his hospitality and advice, through 3,000 miles of space, ad­ donald. This work is made possible vised him “ Father is dead.’’ disapproval of the policeman on 8. will be the appearance of the Luncheon will be served by the Sign Applications to Organ­ a statesman, diplomat, lawyer, Rebekahs of Hartford at 6 o’clock. under the state aid highway appro­ Parmalee’s son, Parmalee, Jr., a the beat. William, by the way of Men's Choral Club of Manchester, ize New Service Club. priation of one million dollars a banker, and business man of note. demonstrating his prowness climb­ Myron T. Herrick will be recorded student at St. Paul’s school. Con­ who will give a concert immediate­ Mrs. Marv Irish Dedicates Bell year, enacted by tile General As­ cord, N. H., was to join his father ed the barber pole attached to the ly following the service of the din­ Commissioners from, the Inter­ history as the man chiefly re­ and Gavel in Memory of Son sembly of 1927. at the Ritz-Carlton house in New wall outside of the Curran’s barber ner. Director Archibald Sessions national Lions headquarters are Although none of the 27 miles of sponsible for the traditional friend- shop. The pole immediately sever­ sibip between the United States and York today and will probably ac­ • will play the accompaniments. The Lost in War. here forming a local Lions club and new road is part of the state’s pri­ company him to Paris. Parmalee ed connections with the wall and concert will consist of some of the i t . France during a difficult period of making -plans for what is hoped to mary trunkline system of highways, said when he left here last night, W’illiam found himself stretched lighter numbers of the club's exten­ Mrs. Mary Irish, formerly of be a very strong civic organization. all will form important parts of tb« modern times. out on the sidew’alk with one hand sive repertoire which have invari­ Buckland. whose son, Harold Ben­ There has been a very careful sur­ Born of Colonial stock which had that he could give no information of general highway network. All of funeral arrangements. streaming blood. ably delighted audiences at the iamin Irish, lost his li^e in the vey made so as not to interfere first settled in New Et.gland and Finding his wound to be nothinig the roads covered in the new, con­ then migrated to Ohio, Herrick first Choral Club semi-annual concerts. World War. has presented the with any other civic body and the tracts were selected for construc­ but a scratch William got to hi.s Several friends of the club not A.rmv and Navy club with a com­ Lions will give their assistance and saw the light of day on a small feet and started to show his prow­ tion by the Individual towns with farm in Loraine county on October SENIORS BEAT ALL members of the Chmaber of Com­ bination bell and gavel to be used full co-operation in the betterment the advice of the highway com­ ness as a runner. But here the po­ merce have asked if they were pri­ at meetings in memory of her son. of this community. missioner and with the aid of 9, 1854. liceman interfered and with Wil­ vileged to attend, largely to hear The bell stands about nine inches This organization is planning to • Tiring of farm life and anxiou- liam in his grasp hunted up the supervisor of state aid roads, a de­ for an education, he taught in RECORDS IN TRIP FUND the club sing. The committee wishes in height. On it is engraved the meet in the evening for one hour partment office created to assist I youngster’s mother, who promised it understood that anyone whether name of her son. the date of her instead of having a luncheon at country schools and worked his way toWn officials in road building. The through the preparatory school of I to pay the cost of putting the pole member of the Chamber of Com­ son’s death and the fact that the noon. By doing so this will make selections were made with a view I back Into place. merce or not is welcome a. this din­ bell is dedicated to the Army and it possible for many to become Cberlin college, later attending Raise JNIore Money Towards William did not get a licKing toward connecting existing trunk- Ohio Wesleyan. He came to Cleve­ I ner. . ■ , „ Xavy Club. Harold Irish lost his members who are now unable to llqe or state aid roads, or of com- Event Than Ever Before; ' then. A pleasing note has been intro­ life'when an American destroyer take any active part in civic work. land in 1875 to study law and was pleHqg/ already partially complet­ admitted to the bar three years Meeting Wednesday. duced into this year's table decora­ was torpedoed by a German sub­ Figures show that the average town ed town roads. tions. The color scheme will be jade marine. , , the size of Manchester has two or later. The largest single stretch of road Becomes a Banker More money has been raised by SPRINGHELD HRE green and salmon. . j- • . The presentation was made by more service clubs all working in included in the contracts will be The committee wishes it distinct- Mrs Irish personally at the recent harmony and doing a very com­ Eight years later he gave up the members of tbe senior class at the meeting of the club. Action was slightly more than eight miles in practice of law and became a bank­ Manchester High school for the an­ Iv understood that the dinner will mendable work for the community. length, and will be of waterbound begin promptly at 6:30 and diners taken at that time regarding plans er in Cleveland. At this time he be­ nual Washington pilgrimage than Springfield, Mass., April 1.— A It is hoped that the new Lions macadam. It will form part of the by any other class in previour years. are urged to be there in season to for celebrating the tenth anniver­ club will add considerable strength came friendly ’with Mark Hanna dozen persons were carried down sary of the club’s dedication. A to Manchester’s civic activities. Jonathan Trumbull highway and William McKinley. Recogniz­ ! Principal Quimby said today that ladders to safety and a score of oth­ ■enter the dining room as soon a^ through the towns of Andover, .the doors are open. The first two committee of five members was ap­ Willard B Rogers district director, ed by these astute politicians as a ' all members of the class bad work-> ers fled to the street early today hours of the evening will be devot­ pointed to make arrangements. It Columbia and Lebanon. The second coming man, he became a political ed hard and deserved credit. He during a fire in the basement of a and perhaps one of the most active largest piece of construction, also gave especial praise to the various ed to the'Service of the dinner with consists of David McCollum, Samuel Thomas J. Rogers as well as prominent lions in the figure of note and in 1903 was five-story brick apartment building chorus and comedy singing under ' Gaylord. Reinhart Lamprecht, state after careful consideration of of waterbound macadam, will be tendered the gubernatorial nomin­ group leaders, namely Robert on Spring street here.' Although In the evening at 8 o’clock the Treat, Alice Modean. Robert Smith. the direction of Harry Burt, a pro­ David McCann and Fred Hope. the present plan i.. of the opinion more than five and a half miles long ation of the state. He was over­ the fire was confined to the base­ Royal Purple degree will be put on and will be laid on the Brookiyn- Florence Scliildge, Ruth McMene- fessional of-wide reputation as an The committee will meet W ed- that this group of men can be of whelmingly elected, the late War­ ment, great clouds of smoke filled nesday evening at 8 o’clock at by a picked team from the four Pomfret road. One new bridge will ren G. Harding serving as lieuten­ my, Raymond Woodbridge. John the hallways and upper floors of entertained and song leader. He will Encampments in the district. great service to the community. be ably supported by Behrend s which time a date will be selected Fifteen prominent business men be constructed over Mad River on ant governor on the same ticket. Johnston and Gertrude Lashay. the structure, making it impossible The local Encampment has been Rowley street in Winsted. There will be a special meeting Paramount orchestra. for the banquet and reunion of the have already signed applications In February. 1912. President for tenants of the top floors to \rmy and Navy Club during the honored by Thomas J. Rogers, hav­ The twelve contracts covering Taft prevailed upon him to becomd of all persons planning to go on reach the street by means of tha The quality of the dinner is ing been picked to serve as Chief and have voiced,their willingness to vouched for by the fact that it is week of May 12. The dedication serve their community by belor^ing this work are listed as follows: ambassador to France and he em­ the trip, students or outsiders, at 7 stairways. Fire officials said the Patriarch and Leon G. Cone as Towns of Andover, Columbia and barked upon a long and useful o’clock Wednesday night in the under the capable of the Army and Navy Club took Senior Warden. The balance of the to the Lions. Many more are ex­ damage was slight. place on May 17, 1919, which was Lebanon: About 42,610 feet of career in that capacity. High school assembly hall. Prin­ Steward Melville Stacy, and Chef officers will be filled from the other pected to join hands. Further in­ Osano. The service of the meal .s the occasion of Welcome Home Day. waterbound macadam pavement on At the time. President Wilson cipal Quimby will give out the room There is a vaccine for whooping Encampment in the district. formation will be given later as to assignments, advise regarding also assureaassured as it lois under the^ ,, di- i. However, um^io-xofficial opening of- the the date of first meeting and char­ the Jonathan Trumbull highway: had already appointed a Democrat cough which is valuable in reduc­ June The local crack guard team un­ Town of Barkhamsted: About 3,- to succeed him but had asked him proper baggage and necessary ing the severity of the disease, Tection of that “ old war horse club did not take place until der the leadership of A. H. Simon­ ter presentation. dinner service. Oliver F. Toop. and ^3^ 096 feet of waterbound macadam to remain over for a time when the equipment and distribute guide though it does not always prevent son will take part in this degree. pavement on the Pleasant Valley- war broke out, in December, 1914i books. The senior class has set his selected corps of waitresses. Visiting Grand officers and the it entirely. Barkhamsted road; he returned to this country. $1,500 as its goal and if the mov­ Following the dinner, the enter­ officers of r 11 Encampments in the tainment will be under the general MILWAUKEE CUT OFF Town of Bethany: About 10,300 ing picture benefit performance at state are expected together with feet of waterbound macadam on the State Theater comes up to_ ex­ direction of William Halsted, man­ many Encampment members from ABOUT TOWN ager of the Southern New England Carrington Hill road: pectations. there is a possibility BY MID-WEST STORM nearby cities and towns. Town of Brooklyn and Pomfret: HIS SUCCESSOR that this amount may be exceeded. CITY 20c TAXI Telephone Company, who is himself The committees appointed by the a. former vaudeville stage perform- About 29,931 feet of waterbound Washington, April 1.— Hugh S. In addition to cutting down the Encampments in the district are Mr. and ^rs. Henry Beal of macadam pavement on the Brook- Gibson, now ambassador to Bel­ individual expense, the class is pay­ doing all in their power to make Brookline. Mass., and son Bruce- ^^'in addition to the concert by the Houses Unroofed, Windows lyn-Pomfret road: gium. will be Myron T. Herrick’s ing the expenses of two chaperons this first district Encampment a field a student at Harvard, class and bus transportation in the city Men’s Choral Club, Frank Bane Smashed and Trees Uprooted Town of Danbury: About 5,859 successor as ambassador to France, success fraternally. of ’ 29 were Easter guests of Mr. feet of waterbound macadam pave­ International News Service was re­ of Washington. The efforts of the PHONE 10 ' professional entertainer will make by High Winds. Official badges are being distrib­ several appearances. Mr. Halsted and Mrs. C. Denison Talcott at their ment on the Germantown road: liably informed here today. class have reduced the cost per uted to all Encampment members Talcottville home. Town of Durham: About 4,100 Gibson, a career diplomat, sailed student to about $40. aays of Mr. Lane that he is the Chicago, April 1.— With Mil­ who are planning to attend. See the most versatile entertainer he has feet of trap rock waterbound ma­ for Europe a few days ago after re­ waukee completely isolated from local committee (W. H. Frost) for Thursday, April 18, has been set Around 87 per cent of India’s ever known. The speaker of the the outside world by wire communi­ cadam pavement on the Walling­ ceiving instructions here as Ameri­ evening. Dr. David D. Vaughan. your badge and program. as the date for the annual DeMolay ford (Brookfield Farm) road: ca’s representative at the forthcom­ agricultural implement imports are Station 755 Main St cation, snow, hail. and high winds A. H. Simonson of this town is Professor-, of Social Eponomics at dance to be held in the Masonic Town of Ledyard: About 8,106 ing disarmanient^^dI«cussions at supplied from the United Kingdom assailing all parts of the middle Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Temple. Charlie Miller’s .broad­ and 10 per cent from the United Boston University, will put the hn- west, havoc and destruction caused feet of grading on the Quakertown Geneva. HeriS^ n'atfve of California Watch for Advs. ishing touches on what ^^e com­ Encampment. casting orchestra of road: end an' Intimate friend of President States. by miniature tornadoes and cy­ will furnish the music. This band mittee confidently expects will be a clones, hundreds of towns p d met­ Town of Lisbon: About 4,050 Hoover's having been assigned to plays over Station WBZ every other duty with him during much of his thoroughly successful- dinner party. ropolitan cities were repairing the feet of grading on the Newent-Can- iiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiimiiniimiiiiiMiiiiiiiiniiini!i > Meftiliers and othei's • are urged SIX MEN DROWNED Friday evening. • The committee in terbury road: food relief work in Europe. damage today. to return their cards or call 14 69, charge consists of Ford Ferris, Town of Morris: About 18,653 The death of Ambassador Her­ Houses were unrooted in many William Davis, Elliott Knight, and make their dinner reservations localities, windows were smashed, NEAR CHARLES ISLE feet of waterbound macadam pave­ rick caused universal sorrow in the and table parties early as much de­ Charles Morgan, James McCaw, ment on the Morris-East Morris- capital. Although his early retire­ trees were uprooted and telegraph Russell Moore and Sherwood I AUTOMOBILE OWNERS I ment from his ambassadorial post pends on favorable location and wires torn asunder by the air mael­ Thomaston road: 5 Not % Reward But - 3 House. had been expected, due to ill health, 10 good company.' , strom. (Coatliiuctl from Page 1) Town of Oxford: About 3,500 • In order that the steward and feet of katerbound macadam pave­ the suddenness of his passing came A gale of 60-miles-per-hour Miss Dorothy Gates of Highland chef may properly prepare Hie smashed through Indianapolis and New Haven where they will be ment on the Quaker Farms road: as a shock. dinner, reservations^ must close buried on Wednesday morning. The street lias returned to her studies at Town of Winchester: Bridge over , “ Few men in American public near-by towns. the Bryant and Stratton business I 25% Reward For Careful | Friday night, April 5. Milwaukee was struck by a ter­ victims whose bodies were recover­ Mad River on Rowley street, Win­ life have given, during many years, ed Sdnday afternoon are William college in Boston after spending sted. such unselfish and valuable service rific windstorm that wrecked all Easter at-herr home. telegraph wires and caused ines­ H. McDonald and his son Burton Town of Windham: About 12,740 to their country,” said President V., Walter Fallon, and Sabato Del Hoover, after telegraphing his con­ MARDI GRAS DANCE timable property damage. The Manchester City club ■n’lll feet of waterbound macadam pave­ Driving Franco, also New Haveners. Fallon ment on the W’indham-North W’lnd- dolences to Parmalee Herrick, the Iowa and Illinois felt the effects hold its regular April meeting of the gale. was 15 years old-. ham road. ambassador’s son. By the | Dr. W. J. H. Fisher, local medi­ Thursday night in the club A Cause of Sorrow IN ROCKVILLE TONIGHT Adding to the misery caused by on Oak street. A luncheon will fo - the wind was a sudden drop in cal examiner, viewed the bodies of “ Mr. Herrick’s death will cause the tour and pronounced death due low the business session. Plans will sorrow both at home and abroad. temperature in Chicago. Illinois, be made for the anunal banquet of NOON STOCKS to accidental drowning. Just how 'The French loved him for his sym­ Lumbermens Mutual Plan | Each year at New Orleans, La., a southern Wisconsin, northern Indi­ the club. The executive committee ana and eastern Iowa. the tragedy occurred will never be pathetic understanding but realiz­ gay fete is held during the month known, for no one saw the affair is requested to meet in the club ed that during his long service in _ You can enjoy lower premiums by insuring in the | of March-called the Mardi Gras. It rooms Wednesday night. New York, April 1.— Industrial from shore, and the waters between stock prices were depressed 1 to Paris he never lost any of his love i world’s greatest Mutual always returned a arouses, the ' festivfe , spirit, and TELLS ADVANTAGES the island and Milford were desert­ for his own country and therefore voung and old atikfe enter into it Curtis Skates of Hemlock street, 4^/2 points at the beginning of the never failed in his representative I 25% To Policy Holders. Conference Rates. | ed at the time. new week by a flood of selling or­ with unbounded enthusiasm, and co-proprietor of the Silk City Diner capacity. I grieve for the death of a Were In Rowboat ders which had accumulated since exuberant joy. it, is an occasion of OF MUTUAL COMPANIES The men were being taken to on Main street will leave with his friend and the passing of a splendid I Telephone or write for full information. No obligation. | family Sunday for a five w’eeks va­ last Thursday. Old Man Money- genuine jollification.. The Luckv shore probably about 4 p. m., Sat­ public servant.” ^Six, a group of Rockville young cation in Florida., He will make the Market was the big bugaboo to Gibson, who is to succeed to the urday by Balmer who was care­ stock traders, the Reserve bank men -with the vision and foresight Much has been said about the taker of the island property, work­ trip by automobile. Paris post, has been more than 20 which has long characterized their merit rating plan, whereby policy heads and the city bankers having years in foreign service. He enter­ ing for the’ St. Mary’s Laymen’s Re­ The ladies of the Concordia engaged in a lively controversy in organization, realizing the need of holders owning private automobiles, treat Association, owners of the es­ ed the service as secretary of the STUART J. WASLEY -a sort of carnival revival after the Lutheran church will entertain the three-day period during which I | not having an accident within the American Legation at Tegucigalpa, tablishment. They were using a the members of the Ladies Society the Stock Market has remained •long Lenten Season have practically ’last 24 months are given a 10 per­ rowboat that had an outboard in Honduras, in 1909, and for the I Tel. 1428-2 Main St. | , completed arrangements for a cent reduction. Now along comes of Trinity church, Hartford, tomor­ closed. last two decades has held many im­ motor attached. Charles E. Mitchell, head of the I niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuuuiiuummhiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiimuuumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiinnn •Mardi Gras and .rnival Dance to another insurance man here defend­ Soon after 4:30 some one from row at 2 o’clock. portant posts, including the minis- be held on Easter Monday evening. ing mutual companies. National City bank, who pulled the April 1, at the Princess ballroom, the shore happened to note the boat Miss Ruth Marlow has resumed Stock Market out of a hole last “ The Lumbermans Mutual Cas­ bobbing about the waters In queer - Rockville. ualty Company, of which Stuart J. her studies at New York University week, came out strongly for a 6 per -It.will mark the second annual fashion and telephoned the harbor after spending the Easter recess cent rediscount rate, and a paring Wasley of 815 Main street is local master and police. It was nearly five Xe-\'ehl of this kind, and in keeping representative, have been paying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. down of the amount of bank money with a long established custom of o’clock by the time a rescue party Nathan Marlow of Hol.l street. used in speculation. An era of and returning to policy holders 25 reached the place to find only an bringing .orch^tras of recognized | per cent in the form of a dividend high money rates was seen by the repute.i.t^dWsi-ici,ty:r,for^ , f«-4 Hi '.•V'ff , their dance empty boat. Wome*’ of Mooseheart Legion Wall street heads, always a big each year. So you can see it does Darkness and rough water pre­ event^v.;^t'key;)hare'.engaged * Ernie not take a slide rule to figure out will have a benefit whist party to­ handicap to speculation. Money Rock^a^h'ls^>'xi«Taud Orchestra that this is 15 percent more than vented a thorough search for the morrow evening at the home of renewed today at 10 per cent, lost persons on Saturday but Sun­ Automobile Insurance whor'biWef'sterred duri-ng the pa=t Mrs.Phoebe Phillips of Manchester against last week’s high at 20 per the credit rating plan, and to get day saw a large body of citizens wintbr'^atVe-tke . Dixieland Dance this 25 per cent dividend you do Green. Six prizes will be given and cent, and last week’s final rate of , Pala^.i'tfeeV'^ell-'kriown resort on not have to have your car come un­ scouring the harboi*. Jack Tweed, a refreshments furnished by the 8 per cent. ■ the Boston Post road. der the Merit rating plan, as this New Haven aviator, flew over the members who have the privilege o. Prices dropped steadily in the waters from time to time and di­ ' This :

modernized government of tlie City serve their trains, after six hours ^ r r f r of Manchester. Let us, by the next had elapsed. Legislative session, he ready with a Another thing to be wondered Health and Diet Cttrabig %eraU> municipal constitution that every­ about is how American commodi­ ties, manufactured on a six-hour PUBLISHED BY THE body understands and the great Advice HERALD PEINTINQ COMPANY. iNC majority df the people favor. For day basis, are going to compete ^ ' At 13 Blaatll Street. with commodities manufactured in By DR. FRANK McCOT South Manchester, Conn. that, we can’t begin too soon. Europe, where the workers put In Founded by Elwood S. Ela, nine, ten or more hours a day, or New bedroom furniture i Cot. 1. 1881 a v o id in g COiMPLlCATIONS Every Evening Except Sundiys and DEADLY PARALLEL in China and Japan, where they Holidays. work twelve or fourteen. FROM MUMPS Entered a t the Post Office a t South Action of a group of New York Manchester. Conn., as Second Class Any time the Brotherhood of lawyers, headed by Frederic R. Mail Matter. Railroad Trainmen can exteiid the Children are the most frequent BUBSCKIPTION RATES; By Mall Coudert, in comparing their oppo­ six dollars a year, sixty cents « present hours of labor in America victims of mumps, but during an for new bedrooms! month for shorter periods. sition to the Jones law with the to the rest of the world there may epidemic adults may be attacked, By carrier, eighteen cents a week. especially those who did not have Single copies three cents. fight against the Fugitive Slave law be a chance of their succeeding In made by members of the bar of the disease during childhood. This SPECIAL AUVEKTISINQ REPRE­ a movement for still further short­ disease causes an acute infiamma- SENTATIVE, Hamllton-De Llssor, that slate 75 years ago, has thrown Ino, 285 Madison Avenue. New York, ening the working day in the Unit­ tion and swelling of the salivary and 612 North Michigan Avenua the excesses of prohibition on the ed States. The trouble with a six- glands, accompanied by fever. Mumps is very contagious and Chicago. screen in a new light. hour or five-hour working day is The Manchester Evening Herald is has the characteristic of a germ dis­ on sale In New York City at Schultss Thousands of persons to whom that for the United States to go in ease, although the germ has never News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 42nd. the Fugitive Slave law had been Street, and 42nd. Street entrance of for it, in the face of world competi­ been demonstrated. A period of Grand Central Station and at all nothing but a dead name In his­ tion, would be just about the same about eighteen days usually inter­ Hbatllng News Stands. tory, almost if not quite meaning­ venes between the period of ex­ • • • as for one town in America to go in posure and the first symptom of the Client of International News Ser­ less, are beginning to realize that for It while all other industrial disease, but this length of time vice. there is an amazingly close paral­ communities remained on an eight varies considerably with individ­ “International News Service has the exclusive rights to use for republlca- lel between the statute of 1850 and or nine-hour schedule. That tow’u uals. tlon In any form all news dispatches the present prohibitory laws. Here Among the earlier symptoms are: credited to or not otherwise credited would go broke. a soreness and stiffness when mov­ In this paper. It Is also exclusively is a synopsis of the similarities ing the jaw, a painful sensation entitled to use for republlcatlon ell the local or undated news published drawn by a writer In the New York when eating or smelling acids, and herein." Herald Tribune: an enlargement or tumor just in Full Service Client of N B A Ser­ front of the ear or underneath the vice. Member. Audit Bureau of Circu­ 'Both were passed without much jaw. This enlargement is caused lations. opposition and by comfortable ma­ by k swelling of the parotid or jorities. submaxillary glands and the pa­ MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1929 ‘Both appeared at first to have tient is thereby given the charac­ teristic puffed-out expression of the support of a majority of Amer­ mumps. LET’S START OVER ican citizens. The swelling and stiffness should The whole-souled enthusiasm “Both ran counter to the moral By RODNEY DUTCHER. subside within a week if the pa­ sense of large elements of the tient is properly cared for. Patients with which the voters of Manches- often do not understand the seri­ ter fell upon charter revision and people. Washington, April 1.—Reports ous consequences which may result Tended it must be accepted as a “Both laws were opposed by vol­ from London of a “world oil trust” from a case of mumps not properly demonstration of the attitude of untary lawyers’ organizations, to control the world supply of treated. The fatal cases are usual­ ly associated with brain symptoms this community toward further which offered free services to vio­ petroleum are interesting, if true, and not at all surprising. similar to meningitis. Acute uremia patching and tinkering of the pres­ lators. The tendency toward interna­ has occurred, and there are in­ en town charter. If it were not “Both laws were strongly sup­ tional combinations in production stances on record of insanity follow­ ported by the legally-minded who and distribution of minerals and ing the disease. Occasional com­ for the had situation presented by plications are deafness, arthritis, abhorred attempts to nullify any- other raw materials seems to be one 4 Pc. Groups of Walnut and Gumwood $129 the school problem, perhaps the of the most important factors Bright’s disease, convulsions, heart ilecision of the voters to have noth­ law. among recent developments in world trouble, facial paralysis, pleurisy This attractive new Spring suite is constructed ings are of wood. The'full size bed shown) or a ing to do with the proposed pro “Both laws were applauded and history. and sterility. All of these complica­ of sliced walnut and selected gumwood with top solid panel bed if you prefer) the dresser, chest of tions can be. avoided if the proper gram would not he such an evil condumned by different elements American and British oil inter­ drawers and French dressing table, as shown, are ests have been fighting one another treatm ent is given. drawers of Hungarian Moire mahogany veneers. thing, for instead of being disposed of the clergy. for markets and reserves for many The fever of mumps is usually The overlays are of Birds-eye maple and all car’-' included with each group. Regular $168.00 value. of for a considerable period of “Both laws were opposed by years. But each has proved too slight, seldom reaching more than years, the matter of a new charter movements calling themselves ‘Per­ powerful to be permanently defeat­ 101 degrees. If mumps.runs its ed. Protracted warfare of this course of the usual time, the becomes, automatically, a question sonal Liberty movements.’ Pillows 89c each Comfortables $2.98 Mattresses $19.75 sort, with its intermittent price patient will recover in from seven - Full or twin size Kapok mattress-^ sure to occupy the attention of the “Both laws were based on anom­ to ten days. Even in severe cases 19x26-inch feather pillows, covered Cotton filled comfortables, covered wars first in one sector and then in in a floral cretonne with plain edges. es, with imperial stitched and rolled people of the town in the immedi- alies of jurisprudence embedded in another, have been expensive. Also, the proper care ■will e'iminate the in a variety of flowered ticking. Per pair, -'i’ . Regular 54.75. edges. Regular 527.50. the constitution.” it seems that the generals have possibilities of serious after-effects. 51 8 dte future; and it is conceivable decided, rather futile. I As with any kind of fever, a fast that with diligence and an aroused It would be difficult to indicate ' should be started upon the first public Interest in the matter, we any one point wherein this writer is symptoms of mumps. This fast Just as industries Iiave organized may be able to get something bet­ in error. should be continued until all swell­ nationally, many of the larger ones ing in the glands has disappeared. ter from the Legislature, two years The Fugitive Slave law of 1S50 are now beginning to organize on The patient may drink as much hence, than would have been ob- was passed by Congress at the be­ an international scale. When busi­ water as desired to which may be tjlilned. through the approval of the hest of the political majority of ness becomes international and added orange juice or strained non- foreign markets become an impor­ propositions just denounced. citizens, all of whom were animat­ starchy vegetable soup if the pa­ tant consideration, overproduciion tient has any appetite, but no Highly significant is the fact ed by motives perfectly clean and and price-cutting in foreign lands starchy food should be permitted. become just as ruinous as they have that only about one in three of the fine— from their own point of Hot applications should be made to often proved in our domestic' eco­ the side of the neck, keeping up voters who went to the polls In view. There was any amount of nomic situation. Biblical justification for the institu­ such applications almost continu­ November took the trouble to regis­ Unless the producers of one na­ ously day and night. ter his or her views on charter re­ tion of slavery. It was ethically and tion have a near-monopoly of a There is a strong tendency toward normally right, in the profound commodity they cannot set their involvement of the sexual glands vision on Saturday. And this lack own price when a surplus exists. fif interest on the part of the great conviction of its proponents. The and it is a safe plan to keep the They must accept, the “world price” patient in bed until all of the sore majority of the people isn’t so hard Constitution of the United States just as the American farmer must ness and inflammation have disap­ tb account for. It may be accepted expressly forbade any state from depend on the price of wheat as peared. "Walking about only invites fixed at Liverpool. ;as pretty nearly unquestionable harboring a slave escaped from an­ the spread of the disease to other other state. The law of iS50 was parts of the body. If the sexual that the active anti-consolidation- glands have become affected, it may merely an enforcement law vital- Now, if tne oil kings of the world ,i6ts polled practically the full _ have organized to control prices prqduce sterility and thus affect the ^strength of their numbers. Thatjizing the principle of the Consli- they are only following the lead of child seriously in after-life. No iwould.indicate that only about_one-| tution. The faith of the slave hold­ other producers along the road to medicinal remedies are necessary nor advisable in mumps. The one fourth of the voters are definitely ers in the righteousness of their profits. Cuba has attempted to or­ ganize a world sugar trust to heat and only treatment advised which •o^osed to that enterprise. But legalized principle of recapture was up the price of sugar, now kept is simple and effective is fasting, smong the remaining three-quar­ as complete and as ardent as the down only by overproduction. An hot applications, and rest in bed. ters were undoubtedly a very great faith of the prohibitionist in his international arrangement ' on cop­ The patient should also be careful­ legalized principle. Every factor of per has already proved successful ly isolated to revent a spread of the many Ninth District voters who in ’driving up prices: there is a tin disease. looked at the question like this: law was on the side of the Fugi­ monopoly and either a projected or One attack of mumps usually 4 Pc. DiamondWeneered Groups $195 “Under this consolidation pro­ tive Slave statute. 'The opposition achieved international agreement by prevents the further possibility of garian Moire Ash veneers, while the carvings are of wood. contracting the disease, but if only Notice how the fronts and tops of the pieces illustrated posal the Eighth district is going didn’t have a leg to stand on. Con­ the zinc interests. And quite a few are made of matched diamond-veneered walnut. The The full size bed, dresser, chest of drawers and French more. one or two of the salivary glands to save something like 545,000 in gress was as sturdily behind that ends of pieces are of walnut veneer with balance of the vanity dresser, as shown, are included wdth each group. A Europe has been forming its own have been attacked, there is a regular 5238.00 value. the eventual pay-off of school build­ law as It is now behind the pro­ cartels in much the fashion of chance that the disease may occur, pieces of gumwood. Top drawers are covered with Hun­ ing Indebtedness. The Ninth dis­ hibitory statutes. Yet thousands of some of our own domestic Indus­ by subsequent exposure, to the pre­ trict pays 72 per cent of the town’s people openly advocated nullifica­ tries. But American interests have viously unaffected glands. often been parties to them and will Dr. McCoy will gladly answer taxes. That means that this dis­ tion and many states passed nulli­ continue to furnish new and im­ personal questions on health and trict, in the long run, is going to fying laws. Because thousands of portant examples of combination. diet addressed to him in care of The pick up nearly three-quarters of the persons and ma^jorities In many Our industrial interests are In with Herald. Enclose large self address­ WATKINS BROTHERS,Iw) Great Britain, Spain, Belgium, and ed stamped envelope for reply. Eighth’s debt and must pay it off states believed in their souls that Jugo-slavia on the copper arrange­ eventually. If the Eighth Is oppos­ the Fugitive Slave law, for all Its ment, with Germany, Great Britain 54 S outh Manch ester ed to this kind of an arrangement, honest and powerful support, was and half a dozen others on electric Questions and Answers why on earth should we jam it a. frightful, abhorrent blunder—not bulbs, and with Britain, Germany, France and Austria on borax. No down the Eighth’s throat?” one whit the less frightful and Eye Defects complete list of any of these inter­ Question: R. M.. G. writes: “In Wherefore a great many Ninth abhorrent because it was backed national agreements is available be­ your opinion, is it passible to cure district voters grinned and stayed by a political majority. cause In many Instances the inter­ myopia or hypermetropla through If the history of the Fugitive ests involved have refused to ac­ dieting and exercising? And do you away—because there was nothing knowledge them. Slave law teaches anything it Is know of any cases or errors of re­ else in the revision proposals that fraction being cured by exercise interested them very much. that you cannot successfully legis­ Our own official worries about and diet?” late tyranny in the United States, such agreements between other The thing which would have in­ Answer: A fasting and dieting ■■ terested them, and which would no matter how strong your major­ countries have only become acute treatment will almost always he when they involved some commod­ beneficial in any form of 'eye de­ have Interested voters all over ity in Congress. It Is tremendously ity important to us which we did fect. If you are suffering from town, to such an extent that school regrettable that the people of the not produce, as in the case of rub­ myopia or hypermetropla, it Is be­ consolidation would surely have be­ country had forgotten about the ber. In such instances, of course, cause of a certain shape of the eye- our government officials have come a secondary matter and would Fugitive Slave provision in the • ball and this can seldom be com­ shouted, because none of our own pletely cured. Help yourself all you have gone through as a matter of Constitution when ths eighteenth Interests was In on the squeeze. can In a general way by proper diet­ course, was the drawing of a city amendment was up for considera­ The consumer Is the goat, ing and he sure to wear suitable charter and the assumption of city tion. whether American companies are In glasses if your optometrist tells you on an international combine or not. they are necessary. classification. That is what nine out The Department of Commerce esti­ Decoction and Infusion of ten persons assumed, a year and mated that Americans paid half a SHORT WORK DAY Question: W. A. P. ask; “Will a half ago, would be done. Nothing billion extra dollars through the you please Inform me of the dif­ like it was done and the whole The Brotherhood of Railroad British rubber restriction scheme ference between a decoction and an Trainmen has gone butterfly chas­ and attacked that along with the infusion, and of their method of movement was permitted to degen sisal, coffee, potash, quinine, ni­ preparation?” erate into a squabble over school ing. It wants to see a six-hour trate and other “squeezes” in raw Answer: A decoction is the result for your old Distinctive! consolidation. The result is scarcely working day established so that materials which the United States obtained by boiling substances In different from what might well have there shall he no more unemploy­ does not produce. fluid. An infusion, an aqueous ment. preparation made by steeping a been anticipated. What President Hoover’s attiude vegetable substance in water with­ Now we are back where we start­ Six hours a day of good hard will be toward such control schemes out boiling. Refrigerator Luggage ed, two years ago, with the differ­ work should he enough to take the as the reported oil agreement re­ Nightmares mains to be seen. His government ence that the outlying . districts, kinks out of anybody’s muscles and Question: Mrs. R. S. writes; The smart, distinctive kind you’re proud to policy of oil conservation In this “During the day I feel perfectly On the club plan, $3 delivers any refrigerator particularly the Eighth, is due for to keep him from feeling like . a country is announced at a time well, but at night, about thirty in our stock, .and thei’e are 23 different sizes travel with... .the kind that is a credit to your an awakening, presently, to the op­ loafer. It would be a grand and when Standard Oil. a party to the minutes after I have fallen asleep, reported world agreement with taste___ this Watkins Luggage. At the Lug­ portunity they have thrown away. glorious feeling to know, when you I take some kinds of spells, as I call and styles! Pay the balance in small, weekly British interests, is leading a move­ them, when I wake up feeling as gage Shop you will find trunks, traveling bags, It will now be up to the Ninth to went to work in the morning, that ment to curtail production in both sums you’ll never miss and at the same time you only faced a six-hour trick and though I were dying—all out of suit cases, hat boxes and all other popular types buy the Cheney schools—which are North and South America. breath, and my arms and leg you’ll receive the LOW CASH PRICE! $5 for Under the Sherman, Wilson and offered at cost. But when the in­ that then there would he nothing to “asleep.” As soon as I am raised In­ your old refrigerator, too. of luggage, moderately priced. do till tomorrow. And shortening Clayton acts, our government has to a sitting posture I am all right. evitable eventual consolidation doeV in the past taken action against up the day’s work like that should The doctor says I am nervous, and come, the Ninth will not turn them certain foreign raw material monop­ tells me there is nothing wrong into the pool at cost, by any man­ he quite efficient in sopping up the olies when their ramifications In with my heart. Will you please ad­ this country were of such a nature XArAnrBTiM.Cs R R O TH ER S ner of means, but at appraisal, as surplusage of labor. vise me?” WATKINS BROTHERS as to permit it. Answer: If your heart is in good under the law; and that will he a Nevertheless It is to be wonder­ This article is merely a surface ed, a little, whether the Brother­ condition, and the doctor finds no . 54 YEARS AT SOUTH MANCHESTER very different thing. outline of an Important problem other disturbance, the nightmares The Herald’s suggestion is that hood of Railroad Trainmen w’ould which deserves careful research and study-^and is bound to get It. are probably caused by some diges­ futile tinkering with our patch- be as eager about having trainmen tive disturbance. The best policy 0 would be to eat a very small eve­ ■vrork charter he abandoned—and forbidden to work more than six hours a day as it would be about W hat a -world! A man in knee ning meal and be sure that it is of that a beginning he straightway pants knocking a ball around and the right combinations as outlined made on the formulation of a fresh getting overtime for every minute poking fun at other men who pitch in my weekly menus in this ne^s- sdattuate instrument lor the its membefs were called on to horse shoes. papef^ t ; i*''-f *4

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.7 THE OPENING THE MODEL HOME Marvin Green Tract, Manchester Green Tuesday, April 2, 1929

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Open From April 16

' . ' . V V ; : <■ '


Finest Type of . Construction Employed Throughout The Model Home ! - From Cellar To Attic

V Model Home Located In Historical An Alcove in the Dining Room

Section This is a splendid detail that shows up the beauty in the design of the house. It lends a great deal to the attractiveness of the din­ of the ing room in which it is located. Town The Architect Garage Attached

The Model Home His Duties and His To House built in Marvin ’ Responsibilities. Has Several Unique Green Tract is in a The Model Home is an exception­ .Features That Make It historical section ally fine example of what the archi- \ Noteworthy. • of the town. It tect can do in producing a splendid building. He is the man who in- A two car garage is at­ The Model Home is built up on a foundation stalls much of the shrinkage and settlement was one of the first coi’porates the ideas of the owner that is secure. It is of concrete and was found in wood construction. The floors are un­ tached to the rear of the sections to be set- into a practical and yet beautiful formed ip one continuous pour making it a mon­ usually rigid, in fact one can jump up and down house. There are two sep­ and harmonizing structure. He olith. This is very different from the average heavily and find no vibration- This holds true tied and the land arate stalls and one of t3T>e of foundation work where there are joints from the first floor to the attic. goes into the details so essential to and breaks in the pouring. Steel sash is used Every bit of the framing for the interior of , was long in the a perfect whole. them has the floor pitched in the basement windows and the interior sur­ the house and the roof was carefully cut on the hands of a few to a drain in the center so faces are specially finished. The interior bear­ ground before it was assembled. This insures that a car may be washed ing walls are carried on steel I beams supported accurate work and perfection of detail in the families that lived by lally columns. This is recognized as the finishing work. Brass piping is used through­ there. best in good construction procedure and fore­ out and noise is eliminated by insulation. in that part of the Automobiles Parked The interior walls are town. A famous plastered and the door in Garage Give carriage works leading into the garage is Realistic Touch, was once located an approved Are resisting door.' There are .also two on the very prop­ When one visits the Model Home The Lighting they will find two beautiful modern automatic sprinkler heads erty that now automobiles parked- in the garage suspended above each makes up Marvin showing how roomy it is and how it stall. Heat is supplied Fixtures Are will look with your own cars parked from the house heating, Green tract. Mid­ in it. plant. of the Newest dle Turnpike, part of the old Indian Type and are trail to Boston bor­ ders one edge of Designed to the tract. Harmonize Stairs Leading to the Second Floor— Fine Illustration The lighting fixtures through­ The Second out the house are of the very of the Interior Finish latest style and were all select­ This illustration gives one a good idea of th« dignity and beauty Floor ed carefully to harmonize with of the mill work used in building the stairway leading up to the sec­ ond floor. The perfection of detail makes it a splendid piece of the surroundings in each room. work. The hall on the second Every room is very adequately floor is nicely arranged lighted. There are a deal of and provides easy access outlets in every room, making to all rooms and also the it easy to connect up all types THE BASEMENT third floor. All of the of lights and appliances. rooms on the second floor The basement is a thing of beauty and should be a delight to any man’s heart. There is, first of all, a large room directly under are spacious and well the living room nicely finished off with a large fleldstone fireplace where he can entertain and have a merry time. It is so arranged lighted and have large that a banquet could be held in this room and the food brought down from the kitchen without disturbing an;^ other part of the house. closets. There is also The other main half of the basement is finished off for the laun­ a full length mirror. The The Exterior Nearly Gompleted dry. The concrete floor dips from the four sides to a drain in the center so that one can take a hose and wash the entire floor. A bathroom is finished in clothes chute brings the laundry from the second floor. tile in a beautiful shade The above illustration gives a good view Of the finishing touches The boilor room is located in the rear of the basement in a being put on the Model Home. The brickwork has been complet|pd fireproof concrete room with a fire resisting metal covered door lead­ of green with built-in N 1 I ing into it. The heating plant is a steam system with an oil burner. and the roofer is shown putting on the artistic slate roof. The roof" A unique feature of the boiler room is two large automatic sprinkler tub, arched ceiling, built- was entirely insulated before the slate was laid. All valleys are of heads fed by a one inch pipe. This assures absolute security from in receptacles and a spe­ fire no matter what might happen. the heaviest grade of sheet copper and the gutters are of specially A blind cold cellar fed by an indirect pipe sending cold air into cially built-in electric heavy copper construction— in fact so heavy that a ladder placed it from the outside occupies the other corner in the rear of the basement. heater. against them will not bend or damage them. - 1 i; ‘ tv ? |F- •• -5^- ;..T^ >= - '-TS^r ■■■ *■■ ■' '■■■■ ■ ■ .^; .■■ • ^ i *. ■



Splendid Furnishings in the Model Home Serve To rpHE Model Home is a splendid structural and architectural achievement. Built Enchance Its Beauty of enduring brick it will provide a home for YOU the life span of several generations. The last word in modern equipment is to be found Are Cordially within its walls and it is specially to be noted that neither coal or gas is employed in any manner throughout the house. This one Invited To factor means the elimination of much dirt“ for oil and electric heat cannot be excelled for cleanliness. No Inspect The detail has been overlooked in making the -house endur­ ing. All hardware Ms of solid bronze, that in the Model Home kitchen and the bathroom the same with a special fin­ ish, and the front door hardware is of the new white The Model Home will be open bronze. every day and every evening from April 2nd to April 15th. Everyone is cordially invited to call and pass through the home and see it in all its beauty. i There will be someone pres­ to modern American weaving bedroom decorated in Colonial N furnishing Manches­ maple. The walls are hung ter’s Model Home the improvements. ent at all times to show you I Immediately in back of the with a Colonial paper having a decorators have not en­ dining room is a cozy breakfast cream background with minute around and explain and answer deavored to adhere strictly Bower sprays iu rose sued tan, nook, situated on the east side while voile draperies at win­ ■> to one particular period or of the home where one can dows showing tan figures on a your ^^stions. style, but rather have fur­ greet the day with the rising sun. Being neit to the kitchen, cream background piped with New Type of nished it in the spirit of the and In fact a part of it, al­ blue, repeat the color scheme Come and see this beautiful house itself___ a modern though separated from it with and form a soft, quiet pleasing American adaption of the unit. A Cape Cod chair cov­ Insulation Used a partition, it is finished in ered with the same materials home when it is convenient for iwpular transitional Eng­ peach and green to match the as the draperies; a plain light lish architecture. As one small but efiacient workshop. In you. Bring you friends and Throughout both the breakfast nook and blue bedspread piped with dark I enters the front door into kitchen windows crisp draperies blue, and oval braided rugs in the wide central hall, semi- a hit-or-miss design complete a neighbors- House. of cretonne in a small chintz very pleasing decorative formal chairs and a console design have been hung, repeat­ scheme. table with mirror are found, ing the colors of the walls and The bedroom ceilings woodwork. A brown marbel- Next to this room is a bed­ conveniently placed for both & V or the Model Home are in­ ized linoleum on the fioor, an room furnished in English de^ visitors and the home own­ electric range and many built- sign, showing masculine feeling sulated against heat, cold ers themselves. in cabinets makes for efficiency in its' heavy, carved and turned in kitchen operation. Jacobean furniture. A light and noise by a new pro­ The living room, opening green wallpaper with small from the left of the hall, and At the rear of the main hall floral sprays in darker green cess. This insulation is situated on the western side of a small room has been built in­ and red, makes this otherwise the house has walls finished in to the home that can truly be warm southwest room pleasing­ The Model Kitchen Is A Model Workroom fireproof and acts as a Textone, the modern plaster called a modern and model ad­ ly cool. Plain green glazed texture, finished in antique dition, and which will be the perfect sound deadener. chintz draperies, bound with, brown. Here a large plain envy of every man who visits rose and black, and an uphol- it has been especially green broadloom rug makes the the home. It is in fact, a tered chair in black with rose h e kitchen is the workroom of the house and to make things as room appear its full size where­ study, business office and radio and green figures repeat the packed m all partitions as a figured or smaller rug room in one for here one finds scheme of the room. The rug T easy as possible for the worn an of the house it should -be -con might tend to lessen its size. a handy desk, a radio, chairs is of a new wool-fiber weave in where there are pipes of This rug also makes a fitting and a-bench, .and even a safe! a Pickwick pattern, resembling venient, well equipped, easy to clean. All this can be said of the setting for the transitional Eng­ The walls of Textone have been jaspe, in red and gray! any type thus eliminating lish type furniture and draper­ tinted a careful light orange One of the many surprises of , model kitchen in the model home and much more too. It is the last all noise. ies used, the later being of a color the floor covered with an­ modified Jacobean type showing other reproduction of an Orien­ the Model Home awaits one in word in convenience and modern equipment—^the electric refriger­ a design in blue, henna and tal rug, and the window hung the southeast bedroom for here green on a linen colored with the same drapery material twin metal beds have been ator in a special alcove built for it, the electric range, beautiful and ground. A comfortable sofa as the living room. One door used.... metal.. now back with facing the fireplace and a chair from this room leads to the us in charming poster and spool spacious cabinets, a modern white sink and many other bed designs and Interesting col­ ors. These beds are of a pos­ things that one must see to appreciate. The entire layout is as ter pattern finished In light blue decorated with gray strip- near perfect as one could hope to have it. ings. A Colonial chest of draw­ ers and a kidney shaped dress­ ing table have been selected by the decorators to be used with the metal beds and have keen finished to match them. But the quaint dressing table which is set into a recess is almost hid with a valance of orchid rayon which can be opened when be­ ing used. This unique furni­ ture has a setting of orchid and blue, the rug being in a checked blue and gray, the wallpaper with white background shows a dot design in blue and orchid, and window drapes and bed­ spreads m'ade of the same or­ chid rayon as the dressing table valance. A comfortable bou­ doir chair repeats the orchid color in a striped rayon cover­ ing. At the rear of the house and separated from the southeast room by a striking green tile A Vie# of the Hall—Second Floor bathroom, is the largest of the bedrooms having windows fac­ I placed by the hearth are cover­ kitchen and another to a small ing east and west! As one en­ A Delightfully Cool ed in a dark green wool tapes­ lavatory which is tiled in color­ ters this room they are trans­ try with a design in henna and ful yellow. formed from the spirit of old blue, while a third chair at the One reaches the second floor designs used in the. other three and Pleasant Loca­ fireplace is slipped in the same from the front hall over plain rooms to a setting of today’s cretonne used for window hang­ Spanish red stair carpet, show­ Modern design. The furniture, ings. A baby grand ^ piano ing us that it is no longer ne­ including twin beds is made of greets one as they enter this cessary to cover our stairs with maple in modernistic design tion In Summer room, and a low English type, plain taupe or even a figured and has a setting of green and slant top desk in a far corner carpeting! Directly at the top rose. The floor is covered with invites one to sit down* and of the stairs one finds a fine a plain green seamless carpet, The Model Home is located in a section write those long delayed let­ cherry highboy, copied from an drapes are of plain rose rayon of the town that is cool and pleasant in ters! old William and Mary design, with glass curtains tied togeth­ Directly opposite the living and other'^roupings of furni­ er in the center in a modem the summer making it a very desirable room door is the entrance to ture, while at the front of the fashion, while the walls are the dining room. pere again hall a cozy sewing room, which hung with a paper of moderais- all year round place to live- The view the Textone wall treatment also serves as a writing room 4;ic design having a gray and has been used, finished similar for the second floor, has been green background with flower The Walls Are Of Solid Brick is splendid and a large portion of the to the living room and enhanc­ arranged. As these rooms lead motifs in rose and peach. ed by plain blue draperies hung into ona another without doors, And yet there is another The exterior walls of the Model Home are of solid brick construction. Connecticut valley can be seen as one at the window. The window high-pile rugs, reproduced from room to visit, .a room that is treatment repeats the predom­ Orientals have been used In an innovation in Manchester. , This gives the house a rigidity not to be obtained with wood construction. a game room, which on occa­ The exterior course is of burned end brick purposely laid without line to give looks toward the West. inating color of the rug, Which both. is one of the modern reproduc­ To the left of the stairs. In sion can be used for dancings, the exceptional appearance. These bricks are secured from the ends of piles for the fiber is finished in a of brick when they are “burned” at the brick yards. They are burned hard­ tions of rare oriental rug which the northwest corner of the all of us can now afford, thanks main section of the house, is smooth paint. er than ordinary briclc due to the fact that they are nearer to the fire. V , a


- r -V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 1, lyzy. PAGE EIGHT LOCAL COUPLE WEDS; BUYERS JUDGE CARS ! TO PROBE SMUGGLING EXCHANGES CLOSED TODAY London, April —The Bank of Chedc befon- if ^ DAILY RADIO PROGRAM ■Washington, April 1.— Official In­ Rijb oo.i'i Inhsle yppgff SURPRISE RELATIVES BY SERVICE RENDERED vestigation to determine whether England and the London Stock Ex­ 1 9:30—W JZ real folks, Leading DX Stations. Congressman. William M. Morgan change were closed today because Monday, April 1. i 10:00—Hamilton club; orchestra. 405.2— WSB, A T L A N T A — 740. (R) of Ohio, had four bottles of of the Whit Monday holiday. Countess Olga Medalago-Albanl, 11:00— W JZ Slumber music. The holiday was also observed in 12-uO—Studio orchestra, vocal trio. 7:00—Harry Pomar’s orchestra. forbidden liquor in his baggage young lyric soprano, will be the guest 280.2— W TA M , C L E V E L A N D -1070. 8:00— NBC programs (3 hrs.) Miss Dorothy M. Cowles Mar­ “ Convinced that no car today is when it cleared through Customs France, Germany, Italy, the Nether­ artist of the family party to be broad- 8:00— W K A F programs (3% hrs.) 11:00— Amos ’ n’ Andy, comic team. better than the service back of it, last week, following a junketing lands and other principal countries 12:30—Dance program. 11:45— Brown’s dance orchestra. ried to Thomas Hooey in buyers look carefully into the abil­ cast by . WEAF and associated sta- 293.9— KYW , CHICAGO— 1020. party to Panama, was speeded up of the world. 399.8—W e X -W J R ,, DETROIT—750. Springfield on Saturday. ity of the dealer to render service tlohs at 9:30 Monday night. The con 7:30—WJ54 programs (1% hrs.) 9:30— W JZ real folks hour, today. eeiV may be called distinctly -A-me ^ 499.7— W TIC, H ARTFO RD— €00. 10:00— Herbuveaux’s orchestra, at all times,” says John W. Kemp Telegraphic orders have been Liverpool, April 1 -—Liverpool the Spanish accent being out of 6:30—Heimberger’s instrumental trio. 11:30—W JZ Slumber music; of Kemp Brothers, Manchester WM. E. KRAH^ ^ ^ 00^ to Latin America. _which con­ 12:00—Fiorito’s dance orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cowles sent to Customs authorities in New Cotton Exchange was closed today. 7:00— Hemp’s dinner orchestra. dealers in the Oakland and Pontiac tributes much of the music. A 8:00— W E A F programs (3 hrs.) 1:00— Two dance orchestras. of 53 Spencer street were consider­ York directing them' to turn over cert orchestra, under the direction of , 389.4— W BBM, CHICAGO— 770. selling under the state distributor, 422.3— WOR, N EW A R K — 710. ably surprised Saturday to receive all records and evidence in the case E x p e i ^ Adrian Schubert, and a Mexican spe- | 8:00— Fiolickers’ vocal fun. 9:30—Golden hour of music. C. Hine Company of Hart­ ciality orchestra will provide the in- , 10:00— Popular program; orchestra. a telegram from Springfield, Mass.,j The A. to District Attorney Charles H. Tut­ 8:30— Burlesque on poem, “Cleopatra bearing the brief message, “ All is ford. ' CARDEVAL LUCIDI DIES strumental part of the entertainment, ■ 9:00—True story concert 1:00— Night club dance music. tle, who will decide whether to ask Radio Service w W cT has been especially arranged ] 344.6— W ENR, CHICAGO— 870. well, Mr. and Mrs. Hooey.” “ Buyers we meet for the first the musical awakening of 9:30— Jubilee concert hour. for the bone-dry Congressman’s in­ 669- I'olland 1%rnpiki^» r to give the “ il^nev^^^ be- ’ 10:00—Old-fashioned love songs. 8:15—Farmer Rusk’s talk. Mrs. Hooey, the former Miss time,” continues Mr. Kemp, "in­ 12:00—Westphal's dance orchestra, dictment by the Grand Jury, Rome, April 1— Cardinal Lucidi, f^rToWtned®will b e ^ ^ ^ ^ radio I0:00-Unlted Choral Singers present Dorothy M. Cowles, left for her vestigate our service facilities one of the Italian members of the South Manchester ! Ing an all-Sulllvan program. 12:30— Mike and Herman, comedians. though they may be fully convinc­ The Customs authorities in New audience when Henry Burbig, humor- 11:05— Organist; dance music. 1:00— Adam and Eva, comedians. work as usual Saturday morning. York were also directed to “ co­ Sacred College, is dead here today fst^-and author, gives the burle^ue ed that in Oakland and Pontiac we Phone 364*? 1» , 302.8— WBZ, NEW ENGLAND— 990. 1:10— D X air vaudeville. She is employed In one of the, operate In every way” with the dis­ after a week’s illness from heart he has created of the famous queen in 7:00— Lowe’s dance orchestra. 416.4— W GN-WLIB, CHICAGO— 720. are offering the utmost for the in­ m over the Columbia Jiet- offices of the Aetna Insurance com­ weakness and influenza. He was a program 7:30— W JZ programs (21^ hrs.) 9:30—W E A F family party. vestment. trict attorney’s investigation. 'work at S:30. The iiie resirest of thel. hour 10:30—Guyer’s troubadours orcheorchestra. pany in Hartford. The engagement 63 years old. As a result of recent 10:30— Studio feature entertainmenL “ One of the requirements of The will consist of =n*^nrehe^ra 11:45—Modern melodies; organist 11:05— Dance orchestra: quintet. of Miss Cowles and Thomas Hooey deaths the non-Italian cardinals sical hits contributed by an orchestra 454.3— W EA F, NEW YORK— 660. 11:25—Dance, baritone, dream ship. A. C. Hine Company is ability to and male quartet Two hours later of this town was announced a few Clothes may make the man, the now outnumber the Italians by 7:45— Piano twins harmony. 12:15—Two dance orchestras. months ago and the bride has been render service promptly and effi­ Read The HeraH A dfs. this same group of stations tvlU radi- 7:30— Talk, "The Mexican Crisis." 254.1— W JJD, CHICAGO— 1180. want of them the flapper. seven. a tl a program completely made up of 8:00— Concert with tenor, contralto honored with several gift showers. ciently at all times. Before we as­ tongs by Sir Arthur Sullivan as in­ 8:30—Dance orchestra, trio. and Symphony orchestra. 9:00—Mooseheart hour, songs. Mrs. Hazel Hooey Gess of Parker sumed this representation ‘ several terpreted by the United Choral Sing­ 9:30— Family party with Countess 11:05—Orchestra, mystery three. street, sister of the bridegroom re­ months ago, the Hine Company ers. The selections to be presented Olga Medalago-Albanl, lyric- 344.6— WLS, CHICAGO— 870. checked us up on service facilities wili lie taken from the light opero.s. soprano. 8:00—Tony’s scrapbook; Angelus. ceived a similar telegram. The “ The Mikado." "Yoeman of the 10:30—Drama of the Northwest. 8:30— Moorman singing party. young cople are spending their for while we might be ever so satis­ Guard." "Trial By Jury” and lolan- 11:00— Grand opera, “ Namiko San," 9:30— Concert; Jungle talk. honeymoon in Boston and no fur­ factory from a sales viewpoint it t h k " At 7:35 W N YC will make pub­ with TamakI Mlura, soprano. 10:30— Chicago University choir. lic the annual banquet of the tmking ther details of the marriage are was essential that we measure to 393.5— WJZ, N EW YORK— 760. 11:00— Collegians; office boys. the service requirements. Our cus­ machine men and radio men. There 6:00— Palais D’Or orchestra. 12:00— Soutliern mountain songs. available. will be a gala musical Pr°fram w tn 7:00— South Sea Islanders. 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO— 670. tomers tell lis that our service is some of the best known of the POPU'a'^ 7:30— Roxy and HIs Gang featuring day vocal entertainers supported b> 8:00—Columbia programs (4 hrs.) very good so it must be for after Wee Willie Robyn, tenor. , 11:15—Aerials, concert orchestra. SPRING all it is the customer who knows.” five orchestras and a concert violinisL 8:30— Novelty vocalisL marimlia band! 288.3— W FAA, DALLAS— 1040. 9:00— Charles Schwab’s favorite music I Black face type Indicates best featsues ^ 9:00— Cline’s dance orchestra. 9:30— Thompkins Corners Real folks 11:00— Belcanto male quartet. are April fooled. All programs Eastern Standard Time. 299.8— w o e , D AVEN PO R T— 1000. 10:00— Russian male choir. 8:00— W E A F programs (4 hrs.) CLEANING 10:30— Lew White organ recital. 361.2— KOA, D EN VER— 830. Theaters TALCOTTVILLE Leading East Stations. 11:00— Slumber music. 11:05—Orchestra: male quartet. 491.5— WIP, PHILADELPHIA— 610. 272.6— WPG, ATLANTIC CITY— 1100. 12:00— NBC programs (2 brs.) 7:30— Symphonic Icelanders. 374^8— WBAP, FO R T W O R TH — 800. 8:00— Orchestra: Honolulu duo. 8:00—Wanderers’ male quartet. The regular meeting for fellow­ 8 :4!5—Musical jays; dance band. 8:30— Musical programs (314 hrs.) At the State. 9:30— Orchestra; chocolMe boys. , 8:30— Gardeners’ orchestra. 12:15—Theater entertainment. ship and sewing, of the Home SALE 9:00— Theater musical features, 30:30—Contralto and barillone. I 357— CMC. HAVANA— 840. Richard Barthelmess’ first Vita- branch of the Missionary society of i 10:00— Two dance orchestras (2 hrs.) l l'ld —Two dance orchesVras. 8:15—Studio concert: orchestra. phone talking picture, “ Weary the church, v,'ill be held in the as­ 2S3_WBAL, BALTIMORE— 1060. 535.4— W L IT, P H ILA D ELP H IA — 560. 9:00— Symphony orchestra, You’ll find everything you need for your house-- 7:30—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 6 :0U—Dinner dance music. 10:00— Spanish musical comedy. River,” now playing at the State sembly room Tuesday afternoon, 7;on—WJZ programs (I’.fe hrs.) 305.9— KDKA, P ITTSBU R GH — 980. 11:00— Havana dance music. 6:30— Dinner dance orchestra. Theater, is considered by almost April 2, at 2:30. eleaning at your A & P store — and priced so low 8:30—.string quartet, baritone. 475«— WOS, JEFFERSON C ITY — 630. every leading motion picture critic After the sewing there will be 9:00— WJZ programs (1 hr.) 7:00—W JZ programs (3 hrs.) 10:00—Christian college program. that your savings are more than ■worth- while! 10:00—Patterson’s musical program. 10:00— Don Bestor’s orchestra. 11:00— Young’s dance orchestra. in America, to be one of the great­ a memorial service for the late | 243.8—WNAC, BOSTON— 1230. 245.8— W CAE, P ITTSBU R GH — 1220. 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES— €40, est film sensations of the current Mrs. George Smith. All friends of 7:11—Amos ’ri’ Andy, comic team. 6:00— Dinner dance music. 11:00— NBC feature programs. hers who find it convenient to at­ 7:30_M ason Hamlin concerL 7:30— Radio talk; Uncle Gimbee. 1:00—Concert orchestra, violinist. season. 8:00— W E A F programs (3 hrs.) tend will he welcome, at this serv­ 8:00— Columbia programs (3 hrs.) 370.2— WCCO.'MINN., ST. PAUL— 810. After one has seen the popular Double tipped — very low in price! 11:10—Two dance orchestras. 11:00—Radio Jubilee program. 9:00—Hamline University hour. star in this picture, he or she Is also ice. A poem will be read by Mrs. 545.1— WGR. BU FFALO — 550. 260.7— W HAM . ROCHESTER— 1150. 9:.30—Musical programs (1 hr.) led to believe the same thing. Charles Blankenburg. There will be PKGS 6:30— Van Surdam’s orchestra. 8:30— Bank band concert. 10:30— Columbia choral singers. 8:00—W E A F programs (4 hrs.) 9:00— Rochester feature hour. 11:00— Concert archestra, tenor. “ Weary River” is a great picture. solos by Mrs. Franklin Welles, Jr., Matches 12:10—Theater organ recital. 9:30— WJZ real folks hour. 12:00— Erickson's dance orchestra. It has a powerful and dramatic and by Miss Dorothy Wood. Re­ 333.1— W M AK, BU FFALO — 900. 10:05—Request organ recital. 270.1— WRVA, RICHMOND— 1110. plot, beautiful romance that in­ freshments will he served by Mrs. PACIFIC. Fine quality crepe! 7:00—Father Crowney’s forum. 11:00—W JZ Slumber music. 7:00— Amos ’n’ Andy; talks. 7:30— Educational talks; time. 379.5— WGY, SCHENECTADY— 790. 7:35—Maids ’n’ melody. spires, and tense , drama that William Lee and Miss Anne Moore. 8:00— Columbia programs (3 hrs.) 11:55—Time: weather: markets. 8:00— W E A F feature hour. clutches the four corners of your Miss Mildred MacCallum, Char­ ROLLS 11:00—Two dance orenestras. 6:00—Stocks, farm forum. 8:30— Concert: pianist: serenaders. heart. les MacCallum and Mrs. Charles Toilet Paper 428.3— W LW , C IN CINN ATI— 700. 6:30— Studio dinner orchestra. 9:45—i4ong recital: orchestra. Blankenburg were called to Bos­ 7:15—Orchestra; twilight songs. 7:30— Madrigal mixed quartet. 11:00— W E A F grand opera. Barthelmess is seen in the role of 8:00— Educational talk; organ. 8:00— W E A F programs (4 hrs.) 440.9— KPO, SAN FRANCISCO— 680. a convict, who is reformed through ton on Sunday to attend the fu­ Ready to brown and serve! 8:30— Blue Ridge mountaineers. 225.4— W HAZ, TR O Y— 1300. 12:30— NBC programs. his love for a song he wrote. “ Dick” neral of their aunt the late Mrs. 9:00— Minstrel men’s frolic. 8:00— .Studio programs (3 hrs.) 1:00—Variety program, artists. is heard in many speaking se­ Mary Tilden Donley. CAN Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. quences and he sings this song in The Christian Endeavor society Prudence Hash 508.2— W EEK BOSTON— 590. 348.6— WABC, N EW YORK— 860. 238— KOIL, COUNCIL BLUFFS— 1260. a very surprising manner. met on Sunday evening. The sub­ 6:40— Big Brother Club; program. 8:00— International music hour. 11:00— Bears entertainment. Supporting Barthelmess In ject of the meeting was “ The words The popular slow cooked beans! 7:30— Pilgrim’s entertainment. 10:00—Cellar knights: Spanish music. 1 iOO—Amos ’ n’ Andy, comic team. 8:00— W E A F programs (3 hrs.) 11:00— Two dance orchestras. 2:15—Lassen concert frolic. “ Weary River” are Betty Compson. of Jesus about Life eternal.” The 11:00— Renard’s dance orchestra. CANS 272.6— W LW L, N EW YORK— 1100. 374.8— KTHS, HOT SPRINGS— 800. Louis Natheaux, William Holden senior leader was John G. Talcott 545.1— WKRC, C IN CIN N A TI— 550. and the junior leader Master Fred Campbell’s Beans 8:00— Columbia programs (3 hrs.) 6:00— Orchestra, soprano, talk. 10:00— String trio; dance tunes. and John Boles. 11:00—Amos ‘n’ Andy, comic team. 6:55—Baritone and violinist. 11:15—Duo; pianist; harmonist. A ' Stan-Laurel-Oliver Hardy Lee. 11:1.5— Dance orchestra. 7:25—EnsemWe; book talk. 11:45—Two dance orchestras. Very fine quality^ a very low price! comedy, “ Habeas Corpus” and the NO. 7 EACH 215.7—W H K , CLEVELAND— 1390. 526— WNYC, NEW YORK— 570. 491.5— WDAF, KANSAS CITY— 610. N O . 6 8:00—Columbia programs (3 hrs.) 8:00— W E A F programs (3 hrs.) current issue of State News Eveu'cs STERLING 11:00— Amos ’ n’ Andy, comic team. 7:00—Folk songs; violinist. 11:00—Amos ’n’ Andy, comic team. will complete the program. EACR 7:35— Annual banquet of talking ma. Broom s 59“ 11:1.5—Wylie’s dance orchestra. 11:15—Concert; dance music. 12:00—Studio variety program. chine men and radio men. 12:15— The Swanee singers. 8:15—Immigration service talk. 12:45—Nighthawk dance frolic. AT KANE’ S 325.9— WWJ, DETROIT— 920. NEW WESLEYAN LIBRARIAN For healthful cleanliness! 7:45—Studio musical program. 434.5— CNRO, O T T A W A — €C0. 379.5— KGO. O A K LA N D — 790. 7:30— Girls and boys corner. 8:00—W i;.4F program.'! (4 hrs.) 11:00— Shell symphonists hour. CANS 410.7— CFCF. M ON TREAL— 730. 8:00— Concert orchestra: talk. 12:00— Studio musical program.^. 8:00—('nnadian musical review. 9:00— Studio musical program. Middletown, Conn., April 1 — Old Dutch Cleanser 461.3— WSM, N A S H V ILLE— €50. 9:00— Toronto programs (2 hrs.) 315.6— WRC, W ASH IN G TO N — 950. 9:00— Craig’s dance orchestra. Wesleyan University today an­ TO-MORROW , 12:00—Denny’s dance orchestra. 8:00— W E A F programs (214 hrs.) 10:30— Studio; variety program. nounced the appointment of Wil­ lard P. Lewis, librarian at Univer­ Assorted 5 oz. sity of New Hampshire for the past Flavors jars “ equalized” privileges and benefits ten years, as Wesleyan librarian to A&P Preserves under a consolidated system of succeed Dr. William J. James, who Radio Bench OPEN FORUM roads. And the exasperating part on June 30 will become librarian w T 1 c of it all is that it is the most direct emeritus. PRO IiRA M S AFTER THE BATTLE. route to Hartford from either Rock­ Mr. Lewis is now president of the Nucoa pound Editor, The Herald: ville or Manchester, but due to a New Hampshire State Library As­ Travelers, Hartford After reading the article in last desire to keep trade south of sociation, just as Dr. James once 500 m. BOO K. C. Friday's issue of “ The Herald” by .Middle Turnpike, neither this route was president of the Connecticut a “ yes” man, my first impressiou nor Woodland street or Middle Library Association. Mr. Lev/is One package free with is that if he has such an exception- Turnpike are more than dirt roads graduated from Wesleyan in 1911, O xol each package purchased pkg. 2 0 c al knowledge of what is good for and not to be relied upon for win­ Dr. James in 1883. Dr. James Progroin for Monday ter travel. Here again I talk from served in the Wesleyan library 38 fcMOWC^ni.— Summary of program. | the town and wishes to see the vot- Qoose"_^jers put wise to all the good things sad experiences. years and has been assistant uni- S:02 p. m.— “Mother treasurer since 1908. He KIRKM AN’ S CHIPS 2 pkgs 19c MOPS each 45c Bessie Lillian T'ft. iCharter revision means, he shouhl As to schools, recreation center, j versify . ^ __„ 1:15 p. m.— United States Daily. at least * be man i enough to 1 sign cemeteries, etc., including Parks, was also instructor in Mathe KIRKM AN’ S POWDER 2 pkgs 13c BON AM I cake 10c powder pkg 11c there is no need of the consolidat- here. Mr. Lewis has been tea g 5 News Bulletins from Washing- his own to the valuable article he CHLORIDE OF LIME can 12c wrote in your paper. This would ing of them. The most valuable of summer courses in Library work LESCO aeaning Fluid hot 23c all of these institutions are in the] and...... bibliography ■ at New’ Hamp- 6:25 ’p. ’ ni.— Hartford CouranUseem only the courteous thing to do CLOTHES PINS 2 doz 9c W A X PAPER 3 rolls 25c .after tiis wise cracks at some of his Ninth District now and sV long'as shire University. News Bulletins. pkg 8c 6:30 p. m.— Hotel Bond Trio— j fellow townsmen. Personally, I Cheney Brothers were so thought­ CLOTHES LINE each 35cNOVITE : don’t know why the men he men­ Emil Heimberger, director. ful to put them there for good busi­ BRILLO pkg 9c Selections from Friml’s Operettas. tioned are against consolidation; ness reasons, let those who benefit WASH BOARDS each 59c Seleetion from “ The Firefly.” every man has a right to think as by them pay for them. The rest of Grandmother Knew MOP HANDLES each 15cCANDO jar*23c he thinks best I believe and in the the districts do that. As to our there was nothing so good for congK Selection from “ Katinka.” SOAPINE Small 4pkgs^25c; Selection from “ Rose Marie.” light of recent results, they seem to $50,000 Cheney Library, if Cheney tion and colds as mustard. But th RECKITT’S BLUE hot 10c Selection from “ The Vagabond have a lot of company. Not all the Brothers want to give it to the old-fashioned mustard plaster bumec ^ . King.” town’s brains were oh the revision ! Ninth District, all well and good, and blistered. ' ,.,,1.1 T:00 p. m.— Rudy Vallee and his committee. _ {but don’t sell the horse with a Musterole gives the relief and heir I believe that in line with what! that mustard plasters gave, withou KANE’S orchestra. rope on it. I was educated in Gillette Razor Blades 3 pkgs* 61 our forefathers fought for in the ' seventh and eighth districts and the plaster and without the bliste: 1092 MAIN ST., HARTFORD Y:30 p. m.— Station WCAC will (Gently rub it in. See how qmckly the ■; broadcast on this same fre- Revolutionary War the more the entered High school at no handicap quency until 8:00 p. m. voters have a chance to vote on wliatever in competition with Ninth pain disappears. - * things, the better in the long run. Try Musterole for sore throat 8:00 p. m.— “ The Voice of Fire­ District schooling. bronchitis, tonsillitis, , croup, s^. Cleans everything that needs cleaning! stone” from N. B. C. Studios. Annual elections, town meetings, Very truly yours, and the local administration of neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, 8:30 p. m.— A. & P. Gypsies from FRANK V. WILLIAMS. congestion, pleurisy, rheu^tism. VKGS N. B. C. Studios— Orchestra schools, water works, sewers, li­ braries, etc., still have their good lu^ago, pains and aches of the back Oakite direction, Harry Horlick. or joints, sprains, soremuscles, brmsK, 8:30 p. m.— General Motors Fam-'- points, especially when they are chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the EOAHs One can of DAWN CLEANER with each can of DRANO!‘ ily Party from N. B. C. Studios manned by hard working, public A GREAT TOWN! chest (it may prevent pneumonia). READ THE SPECUL 16:30 p. m.— Empire Builders from spirited citizens such as we have at Let Us Budget CAN jpl ^---- OFFER ABOVE N. B. C. Studios— Dramatiza­ the wheel in the north end at least. Chicago.— The city’s health de­ Drano tion of Mary Roberts Rine­ If we do not have the right kind partment has doped it out just how You Out oS Debt hart’s “ Tish” Stories. of men at the head of such.things, people die in this town. The homi­ BLACK IRON. Makes them shine! the less recourse the voter has to 11:00 p. m.— Strand Theater Or­ cide rate, it is found, outranks Oar Family Loan Service gan— make a house cleaning, the worse even influenza. The killing rate is I— -Selection from “ The Merry off we are, and we would not have 16.1 per 100,000 population, mean­ WiU Solve AU Tour Stove Polish Widow” ...... Lehar much under the new charter as re­ ing that one out of every 79 persons Money Problems II— a. Broadway Melody. vised with biennial elections. i dying last year met his death by b. You Were Meant for Me. I also believe a good strong op­ violence. Better than a mustard plaster SPECIAL P & G COMBINATION III— The Old Refrain . . . .Kreislerposition party here would do a lot j $ 1 0 0 LOAN payable $5 of good. It is amusing to see how monthly, plus lawful ly — a. Wedding of the Painted Doll inter e^. 1 Ten Q uart Pail 1 small pkg Ivory Flakes h. Love Boat. many of our prominent Republicans aU were Democrats before the present 1 cake Camay Soap 1 large pkg Chipeo eight V— Serenade...... Drdla $ 2 0 0 LOAN payable $10 VI— Spring and Love . . .von Bloncharter was adopted. item s As to the benefits of consolidat­ monthly, plus lawful 1 cake 6-oz. Ivory Soap 3 cakes P & G Soap 6 9 Walter J. Seifert, organist interest. ing our schools, etc., look at our 11 : !0 p. m.— Hartford Courant News Bulletins; Weather Re­ roads. "Where are the few good A SHOWER OF LOAN payable $15 Use a little in your cleaning water! roads we have in town? In two sec­ $ 3 0 0 port. monthly, plus lawful 10 o z HOT tions— the state highway part and interest. 32 oz those In the Ninth District. I know Other Amomti in Proportion BOTTLE Program for Tuesday Morning whereof I speak on this as I travel GOOD LUCK Ammonia 16:45 a. m.— The Fleischmann the roads of this and neighboring Cost fixed by law. Every repay­ towns in my business a bit, and Food Club from N. B. C. Stu­ —when it brings us to youi ment reduces the cost. All BROOMS L ittle Je'wel each 79c dios. you can be blindfolded and tell loans in strict privacy. lj:0 0 a. m.— Bakers Little Jour­ when you come from East Hart­ home___ is the annoying drip­ ford roads to Manchester by the s' neys to Good Meals. Calli Write or Phone PAILS 10 Quart «ach 25c 11:15 a. m.— “ Household Com­ fact you ride so roughly. East Hart­ ping of water from a leaky ford’s roads are not consolidated modities” from N. B. C. Stu- plumbing fixture. We don’t PERSONAL FINANCE ; dios. and every mile or road In the town BABBITT’S LYE 2 cans 25o 1^:30 a. m.— United States Daily was passable with a heavy truck all MAKE provide you with umbrellas as COMPANY News Bulletins from Wash- last winter and this spring. I can Rooms 2 and it, State Theater ington, D. C. not say as much for our own roads. shelter from this inside rdin.. Building, 763 Main Street WOODTONE POLISH h ot 23c 1^:40 a. m.— Silent until 11:55 Under a consolidated road system .YOt SO. MANCHESTER, CONN. air m. we have Apel’a Crossing still with •LUMBINC but we eliminate the rain.. Call, Write or Phone 1-0-4 WALDORF TOILET PAPER 4 pkgs 25o us and likely to be for some time to 11:55 a. m.— Time signals. .PERMANENT. either repairing your plumbing Open 8 :3 0 to 5. Sat. 8 :8 0 to 1 I f : 00 Noon— Farm Flashes. comfe. We have Tolland street Licensed by State, bonded to pubUc. l|:10 p. m.— Hartford Times News oiled to the Buckland cemetery and equipment efficiently----- or in­ O’CEDAR POLISH h ot 25c ^ Bulletins; Weather Report. those of us who live west of these 13:15 p. m.— The Brown Thomson bump over the road as It Is now and stalling a new plant----- at sur­ Sextette. ' cross three very dangerous railroad REMOVAL NOTICE PACIFIC SOAP 8c crossings, two of which our con­ prisingly low prices. MR. ARTHUR H. STEIN solidate highway department could have eliminated at just the VIOUNIST AND BABBITT’S CLEANSER WINS MATE'S RELEASE. cost oj building the road (the land INSTRUCTOR f was donated free) had the crossings Formerly located at Smith & ^Washington, Pa.— Two hungry in question been in the Ninth Dis­ Bradley Music Store, has opened a GRANDMOTHER^S! clnldren clinging to Mrs. James trict. After having seen two men studio at 689 Main Street,;Johnson LARGE Garliner’s skirts and the fact that killed last winter due to the un- Block, 2-8 p. m. . Private instruc­ LOAF had hitch-hiked her way from passable condition of Tolland Johnson & little tion only. Beginners and advanc: Bread BQsdl^.here for want of carfare, street at these crossings, I feel 3d pupils taught. caused Judge James I. Brownson to strongly on this point. I under­ Plumbing and Heating Contractors.' ' Tel. Rork^ille 145-12. r^ease her husband, serving three stand the railroad company had to T he Great A tlantic & PAcamtn months for drunken driving. Money foot the bill, however. Tolland 13 Chestnut St., Tel. 1083-2, South Manchester INQUIRE AT MUSIC BOX was raised to transport the family street east of Buckland school to Solo and orchestial playing ^ .}).ack to Brad)^7. I Oakland Is another example of tatUEht, 20 years' eapertence. ■ '■ - ■■■ ■

PAGE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, AFKiU 1, 1929. HEBRON Wotta Life! Wotta Life! lUKUOROUGH /—T Mrs. Frank A. Myers, who hjs / d e a n s ) been on the sick list has improved. Miss Estelle Broome, a teach;,. -ROTHiMe'ROTHiMe BUT BEARS!BEARS I / Some of the dirt roads about In Worcester, Mass., is spending her ^ ^ U 0 G £ I'M GOIMG TO town are almost Impassable by Easter vacation at her home in CRARG-e. automobiles on account, of tbe deep Hopville. E.ATIR6 ; mud. The R. F. D. carrier, Daniel An eiectrical disturbance with PLACES! J. Cahill of East Hampton has been vivid lightning and thunder took OPEfJ unable to cover his entire route for place here Monday evening. No rain pm? Busm m two weeks. fell but in the early hours of Tues­ 1wn Tr Louis Casella has r 'v pur­ day, a little past midnight, there ■ chased a Durant Six st •was another crashing thunder Miss Fanny A. Bllsh. • teaches storm 'with plenty of rain. in Glastonbury is spei.uiug the Mrs. Lucius W. Robiuson is ill spring vacation in Washington, D. with an attack of grip. Her two C., with Miss Cora Lord. children are recovering from their Leon L. Bueil and Howard B. recent illness. Donald, the younger Lord were callers in Colchester the child, has suffered from ear trou­ WART A BIG J U ie { O P first of the week. bles. He is still in bed but much \ c u r Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Islleb have improved. Two nurses and a coun­ P O R K -W ITH LOT5A APPJ-E5AUCE., nloved Into what is known as the cil of physicians have been in ARD (3R A W , ARP KAOSRROOaaS- Robardy place. charge. ARD PREMCR fWEP PorATOES, AMD The Dorcas Society met with Mrs. /PARABASE Mrs. Edward A. Smith is suf­ Henry Cordes Thursday afternoon. fering from an attack of grip and is lobster s a l a d /ARD SBOBTCAKE \NITrt WHIPPED CREAM, Plans were made for an entertain­ confined to her bed. ment and supper to he given In the Supervisor Charles M. Larcomb near future. visited many of the parents of the Miss Evelyn M. Islleb of East public school children here on Mon­ Hampton was at her home here the day to stimulate interest in the first of the week. Meredith bill to be acted on in the Miss Mildred Hough, teacher at legislature. The welfare of the the North school spent the week W H Y P A R A BASE? schools and of the town will be end at her home in Hebron. much affected by the fate of this Misses Rebacca and Doris Buell, c ie n t is t s are agreed that the best motor oils come from crude oil con­ bill. ^ , Lydia Lord and Mae Hannon all of taining parafiBn. T hey speak o f such motor oils as having a ‘ ‘paraffin base.’* Selectman Claude . Jones is Hartford spent the week end at S laid up with an attack of quinsy their homes here. Sooony Motor Oil has had a paraffin base— always. Motorists have dis­ sore throat. A l l S ic? The schools in town closed Thurs­ covered its superiority without being told the fact. More motorists in New Paul' Broone accompanied Rep­ day afternoon for the Easter vaca­ resentative Edward. A. Smith to 'JO. 'OA y tion. York and New England buy Socony than buy any other brand. Hartford on Tuesday on a business The Ever Ready Group met with trip. , .. *3 ^ Miss Emma Lord Tuesday after­ We have coined the name to remind you that Sooony The unimproved roads are rapiu- \Jv it.' noon. Motor Oil is refined from the finest paraffin base crudes. B y controlling every ly improving in condition and the The children will take part In the deep ruts and mud holes which Easter program here Sunday morn­ process in the manufacture of our oil, we know it is refined exactly to that have been a menace to motorists ing at the Congregational church. point which gives your motor the protection it needs. who have had to use those roads The.teachers’ from here attend­ are dryin,g up and disappearing. ed a Teachers’ meeting in Baltic The trouble with mud has prevailed Thursday afternoon. TIME TO CHANGE YOUR OIL more or less all through the winter Miss Helen Adams, teacher at Have a Socony dealer drain off the old vnnter oil and flush 3?our crankesoe by spells owing to the mildness of the Northwest school is spending tiie winter. There has been much the Easter vacation at her home in with Socony Flushing Oil. When he has poured in fresh Socony complaint from rural mail deliver­ Burlington, Vermont. ers and those who transport school Motor Oil, start your motor and listen! The smooth, quiet operation of the children, in particular. moving parts means longer life for 3raur car and a higher value when you The annual meeting of the Cem­ etery Association which was to and butcher in Delancey street. De- ed himself that he had destroyed come to trade it in. have been held Tuesday evening of lancey street is a push cart center nearly three thousand buildings in this week has been postponed until IN NEW YORK some 30 years. A TH O U G H T two weeks later. Tuesday, April 9. of the East Side...... a street in STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW YORK The Rev. T. D. Martin officiated which barter is reduced to its low­ est common demonination and rais­ Tune in on Soconyland Sketches every Tues^y evoiing at the Palm Sunday service at St. New York, April 1.— Ambition Speed- being what it is in New Alban’s Church. Danielson, on Sun­ ed to its liigbest peak. Bickering York and time and space being the Which of you, by taking thought, at 7AO over WEAF associate radio stations. takes strange twists! and bargaining are half the battle. can add one cubit to his stature?— day last. He delivered the sermon It was, for instance, the ambition valuable articles they are, builders want no time wasted when build­ St. 3Iatthew 6:27. at St. Paul’s Mission o” the same of Jake Volk to tear down the day at the evening service. Woolworth building. Jake you will ings are no longer desired. To be More More More Anyhow, the day came when Volk sure skyscrapers rise like mush­ Thought can never be compared gather, is a “ wrecker” . Pulling the found himself witli $300 in his with action, but when it awakens In several weeks. The church has Woolworth building to pieces seem­ rooms, but they disappear like rab­ also been without an active rector pocket. He bought a horse and some bits in a conjurer’s hat. Fabulous us the image of truth.— Mme. de since the resignation of the Rev. ed to him just about the greatest crowbars and went into the wreck­ Stall. wrecking feat within the imagina­ bonuses are paid to those who can T. D. Martin who was made rector ing and salvaging business. At first get a building away in a hurry. tion of man. his efforts were centered on the SUCHA NERVE SOCONY emeritus. He died the other day without The story is told that Jake got a ’ F. Clarence Bissell. of Hartford, small tenements of his East Side $30,000 bonus for tearing down the “Here’s a Rolls Royce for your PARABASE MOTOR OIL registrar for the Connecticut So­ realizing his ambition. He probably belt. But be grew ambitious. His birthday, darling,” announced the never would have— at least jn this Cotton Exchange in record time. ciety of the Sons of the American first big job was the old Bankers’ On the other hand most of his aged millionaire. generation. Revolution has ordered sent to this Trust building inWall street. It was contracts carried a time clause, “ ■Well,” countered the chilly SOCONY GASOLINE . SPECIAL GASOLINE . AUTO SPRING OIL place markers for two Revolution­ Another man would build a 22 stories high, and quite new as wife, who had been in the show Woolworth building. Or a super- which more than once caused him INDUSTRIAL LUBRICANTS . FUEL OIL . FURNACE OIL . ASPHALT FOR ary soldiers, Azariah Brown and buildings go in New York. trouble. On one occasion he ran business before she found the Woolwortli building. Frederic Phelps, who are buried in The speed with which he levelled I into a solid concrete block, which meal ticket, “ what do you want ROADS . LIQUID GLOSS . HOUSEHOLD OIL . PAROWAX . CANDLES the old Cemetery on the Andover it made him a reputation. he had not anticipated. It caused me to do? Kiss you or something.” Road. Wrecking has come to play as Jake believed in an odd sort of him no end of grief. — American Legion Monthly. Cards and letters have been re­ important a part in tbe life of Man­ ! advertising. For instance. . . .when ceived by Hebron friends from ^liss hattan as building. Tlie turnover he was working on the Bankers’ down a skytoucher. But when it SOCONY TOURING SERVICE, 26 Broadway, New York City Mary Bissell, under date of March grows steadily greater. Even the Trust building be hung out a big Now here’s the runny part of came to a fine home, his skilled 19. from Sinaloa, Mexico, where sturdest structures find their ways sign which read: “ Tbe most de­ Jake’s psychology— and he was a fingers grew suddenly numb. I am touring from...... structive force in New York.” Later Manhattan epitaph, if you asked me He actually took a loss on the she has spent the winter Sinaloa is numbered. And in this struggle of Please send me road information. i % on the Pacific coast north of Mazat- arcliitectural life and death are cer­ a sign of this sort appeared on his . . . .Jake disliked to tear down Vanderbilt mansion— and the tales to...... 1;mi. Miss Bissell speaks of the wagon. Jake would chuckle over houses. Perhaps the home psychol­ went around that he destroyed the tain Titans, little known to the N A M E ...... S T R E E T ...... ii Mfxican Revolution only as it average New Yorker. the jo k e ....a n d then he would ogy was tucked too close to his lovely interiors with almost tender i’fi'ccJs the mails which she says walk around looking for skyscrap­ otlierwise tough skin. consideration. Take, for instance, Jake Volk. CITY ...... STATE ...... much delayed on account of it. His father was a delicatessan man ers that needed removing. He prid­ He certainly reveled in getting GILBERT SWAN. Miss Bissell received a present of a dress sent her from the United Spates but as the Mexican tariff on it was .$25.00. or more that the dress was worth she decided to re­ turn it to the donor. She ha.s spent several years in Mexico, much of which time has been in Mexico City. The community was saddened at “AUTOMATIC” the death on Thursday, March 2S. of Mrs. Lucius W. Robinson, aged :’,1. at her home near the Hebron- rp HE results of Saturday’s election with its defeat of the Columbia line. Death'was caused by a severe attack of influenza ■with ^ proposed charter amendments clearly demonstrate heart complications which set in a Combination Washing few days before the birth of a son, that the citizens of Manchester intend to maintain alt their I March 271 neither mother nor child surviving. Mrs. Robinson and Ironing Machine! rights and are entirely competent to do so. w;:s Mary .\delaide Lord, the T.f iluighter of Mr. and Mr.;. Everett G. Lord of Hebron. She was a granddaughter of the late Deacon J'di 71•nH jl'lili V Noble E. Lord and of Dr. C. TL z Ptndleton. of Hebron. She is also It costs so little considering^ the service it renders— the a descendant of the Rev. John money, time and labor it saves, that every housewife can Bulkeley of Colchester. She was a afford one on easy payments. graduate of Norwich Free .\cademy Such A Decisive And Sweeping of the class of 1916.‘ She is surviv­ ed by her husband, two sons, $150.47 BUYS THEM BOTH imeius W.. and Donald W., her parents, and two sisters, Mrs. How­ ard C. Champe of Mazat’ an, Mexi­ Defeat Could Have Been co, and Miss Clarissa Lord of Hebron. She -was a member of the Congregational church at Hebron, Pay was active in the choir and in the Accomplished Only By The Christian Endeavor Society and in the Hebron Young Women’s Club. Funeral services 'will be held at $99.50 for Washer the Congregational Church. Hebron, United Action Of The Voters at 2:.'10 p. m., on Sunday, March 21. The Rev. John Deeter, pastor $5.00 Down Then $6.50 Each Month of the church, will officiate. Nathan Griffin of Enfield was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. Of The Entire Town and Mrs. William L. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hilding of 1 ^ New York are spending their^Easter $51.97 for Ironer vacation at their Hebron home. Miss Helen E. Gilbert of the Unquowa School, Bridgeport, was called to her home here by the h e conclusion, drawn from the attendance and voting death of her cousin, Mrs. Lucius W. Robinson. She has canceled her T at past town elections, that the citizens of Manchester arrangements for a trip to Wash­ ington during tlie Ear,ter holidays FREE! were indifferent, has been forcefully shown to be unsound. and will spend the time at her A u f g N a f i Hebron home. YOUR CHOICE OR Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keefe and children were guests at a dinner HE voters of Manchester have declared that future Char­ party recently at the home of Mrs. D u o - D i s C Helen White, the occasion being ter Revision must base all its business provisions on the ninth birthday of Miss Marion Bonded^ 10 Years Keefe. Miss Ellen Jones who teaches at This is the electric washer backed by sound principles, and that its political arrangements must Middlefl.eld, spends most of her week-ends at her home in Jones a 10-year service guarantee bond, signed RID-JID IRONING TABLE be based on the recognized principles of representativegov- street. . She has been obliged to by the manufacturer. leave her car at the state road and ORAN walk from that point to hter home. emment. Mr. and Mrs, Frank L. White of H E A R T H E New Haven spent Sunday at the home o f Mr. White’s aunts, Mrs. DUO-DISC-DUO Amanda Potter and Miss A-della White. When they started for EVERY MONDAY NIGHT home the car became stuck in the 8 :30 Eastern Time mi'd at a turn in the road near The Committee For Good Government .•■VY Miss White’s place, and it took two WBZA WBZ WJZ EDISON ELECTRIC FLAT hours to extracate it. Many cars have^eome to grief in this spot. One car coming along in the evening was there until midnight, having to •all on the neighbors for a team of horses to help. THE MANCHESTER ELECTRIC CO. A headline reads, .“ Bady Takes Paint, His Life Saved.” Gosh, the 773 MAIN ST. P H O N E 17 0 0 poor kid must have kissed his ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS mother^i iW i i V MANCHESTEK EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANUHESrER, CONNh MONDAY, APRIL 1, 19Z9. > A G E TEN 1 GARDEN WILL MAKE BACK YARD:* S r 5 ------N e ^ rA l INTO “OUT-DOOR LIVING ROOM" %vAv/Xv/Xw/>r/!rww Wise Home-Owner Selects and Plants Flowers With Care, Says < ix i9 2 ^ .B y NEAA^rvicejnc. Garden Expert. DEWEY \ thoughts were agile. “ Just for that I’ll string you good and plenty,” she was saying to her­ .#. self angrily. “ So I’m only a pros­ pect! Well, you’ll find me a hard one to land.” j i V The luncheon might have been a flop, considering how it be­ gan, but Pamela saw that it wasn’t. She exerted herself to be pleasant, and when they left the dining room she was hanging H0U3S on Stephen’s arm, laughing at him, while he looked down at her quite happily. M-ore than quite happily, It seemed to Mildred, who was crossing the lobby with a dozen letters in shorthand to be tran­ scribed immediately. She hurried on. but before she passed out of sight she looked back and saw that Pamela and Stephen had been joined by Har­ old and Huck and that Pamela j SAVCJC Y/IRD CjSXDSJf • was introducing Huck to Stephen. Mildred hit her Up in a troubled manner. She did not like the friendly way in which Pamela and By ROMAINE B. WARE ously upon it. In fact, everything which It will blend with the hedge Harold had taken up this strang­ planted In our gardens should and will “ fit.” In the center of the 'W' er. He was suave and good man­ An attractive back yard is not have a definite reason for being rose garden there may be placed nered, well dressed and pleasant, an easy thing to plan effectively placed where it is. a bird bath, sundial or gazing but there was something else, because there are so many things Consider the various parts of globe. Any of them will be effec­ something Mildred could not de­ to take into consideration. The the garden and their uses. First tive. At the extreme ends of the fine. She felt, simply, that she average lot 50 by 150 is not large their Is the open lawn. Surround­ path across the rose garden are 'm would not trust the man. when we consider all the various ing the lawn is the screen or hedge two seats. Surrounded by flowers ‘ He slipped from her mind, parts Into which it must be divid­ of shrubs. This hedge also acts and backed up by masses of climb-, 7T\«vv- soon, in the press of work she had ed. With the ordinary house placed as a background for the flower ing roses they will look unusual­ to do, but a dull feeling re­ back from the street, as is the usu­ borders. They also are slightly ly well. “ -V othing doing,” he said. “ I don't mained. She felt dejected, blue. al practice, there Is left in the rear separated from the rest of the Placing the Bench With the tip of a finger he slid it over toward Pamela's plate, yard a depth of about one hundred take presents from girls.” The picture of Stephen and Pa­ yard by groups of shrubs. This The plan shows a slightly curv­ mela together would not leave feet. This is the space we are division may be moved to provide planning here. ed bench in the main lawn area her. It spread It self over the a larger or smaller flower space. backed up by a mass of shrubs. THIS HAS HAPPENED coupe. It has been an easy sale. Many wise home owners in their To the rear of the lot in our wave of a doeskin glove and a sheet of paper in her typewriter. planning place the porch at the This is a natural location for Just MILDRED LAAVREXCE, stenog­ flash of pearly teeth. Had Pamela been 10 minutes Presently she put a hand to her plan is a space that may be de­ such a bench. It is long and low, rapher at the Judson Hotel, lias The boys gathered round to later in arriving he would have rear of the house where it may veloped into what might be called eyes and pressed hard. PRACTICALITY AND CHIC have privacy and in a way be a making an attractive resting place her fov fur snatched from her in hand in tlieir compliments. Sud­ been credited with the transac­ When she put it down again A printed silk crepe whose wear- a specialized garden; A formal where one may get a good view a eit.wd hut STEPHEN ARMl- tion. As it was, the other sale.s- part of the yard, making of the garden or a rose garden could be denly one of them who had re­ slie saw Stephen coming toward ability makes it an economical whole an outdoor living room. of the entire garden across a wide TAGE catches the thief and re- mained quiet until then spoke up nian sliared the cnmiiiission wltli planted here. Or if the hobby of her, and the sudden dissipation choice for Spring wardrobe. Its This is the ideal arrangement, but expense of lawn. tui-ns the scarf. He asks to take earnestly. “ There’s a stenogra­ him. Stephen could not expect of lier blues, the lea] o gladness lines are slender and straight; so the owner runs to some of the spe­ This plan might be changed to her home, and not wishing to seem pher over at the Judson who has more as the other had closed the even in this we must plan our yard cial flowers like peonies, dahlias, in her heart terrified her. Falling becoming with lightweight woolen that it, too, may be private. This include many more flowers. They ungrateful, she invites him to din­ this gal faded completely,” he deal, which is admittedly the in love with him? or silk crepe top coat. The neck­ iris or gladiolus, this space could could occupy a bed all along the ner He nraises her mother s said. “None of your mama dolls. toughest part of selling. means that there must be a fence he devoted to them. It is entirely The question flashed through line is smart and comfortable for to keep the thoughtless from In­ side across from the long seat and home cooking and gai"* An honest-to-God girl.” V.'hon Stephen learned of his her mind, but was unanswered. all-around wear with rever collar screened from the rest of the yard even might he added to that side. with the flapper sisjer, CONNIE, Stephen glanced at him keenly, fellow salesman's success he was truding. The fence, which is not and may be planted at a later She hadn't time to think. Steph­ and scarf tie of plain harmonizing apt to be artistic in itself, should It is best not to plan for too many who secretly hopes that the ohL but he said no thin,g. He was re­ compelled to smile over an in­ en was quite near now, looking silk crepe. The box-plaits across time. flowers unless one has a great deal be screened by shrubs or vines, A Practical Note minded that he xio had.kl forgotten cident that had taken place fashionedlasliionea Mildred.>uiurt;u will mix enough ; minueu lucil nc directly at her. She smiled a front of skirt are youthful fashion. too, there should be suflicient of time to devote to them. Better nen with her usual quiet manner | about the nosegay he’d intended luncheon. Pamela had ) handed welcome, trying to be coolly com­ Style No. 479 can be had in sizes At one side is a space for drying have a few flowers well cared foi I ® . , ___X to1 . send______j x to _ TVT:iJ,»y-vy-l Mildred /^TTi~,i'trv^arvi’t every morning. v i n f r him a small leather box \vith the posed. shrubbery screens 'o provide back­ clothes, well hidden from the rest to hold liis interest. 16, 18, 20 years, 36. 38, 40 and 42 grounds for the flowers and divide than many and have to neglect The evening is spoiled when She was the only girl he’d ever remark that she’d bought him of the place. Back of this is And then the smile vanisjied. inches bust, and is made with 3 the various parts of the* yard. some of them. Our gardens should PA.MKI.A ju d s o n , daughter of thought of sending flowers to. He something else in place of danc­ space that may be used for a vege­ Her face became a blank, betray­ yards of 40-inch material with 3-8 Wide l,awn Space Needed be so planned that they will not Mildred’s employer, phones and in­ got a kick out of it. Pamela had ing shoes. ing not a sign of the shock she table garden or playground for yard of 36-inch contrasting in the In all planning there should be be a burden to us. Too they should sists on her returning to the hotel caused him to forget, and he Curious, Stephen opened it, and had just received. 36-inch size. It is an excellent the children. In one corner of this always have room to expand. couldn’t leave the floor just now discovered an expensive cigaret (To Re Continued) as large an open lawn space as it space there is provision for a com­ for duty. Stephen escorts her to model for tennis made with short is possible to have. This is de­ . In planning for the construction the hotel where Pamela recog­ —he’d do it tomorrow, sure. case within. He snapped the case sleeves, or sleeveless of printed post heap. This important adjunct j of such a garden as shown here, sirable from many standpoints. It to successful gardening should be nizes him as the salesman who had Flowers, especially the kind he shut, put it down on the table and pique, striped washable radium silk, do not try to plant it all in one provides a place for play and a provided for in every plan. It sold her a car. She snubs Mildred could afford, seemed to belong to with the tip of a fin,ger slid it over flat silk crepe or linen. Printed season. It should develop slowly Mildred Lawrence. toward Pamela’s plate. place 10 entertain one’s friends, should be in an out-of-the-way as a menial and asks him to dance cotton foulard, georgette crepe and and it is a sort of a foil for the over several years, in this way “ ifothing doing,” he said, and Daih Health featherweight woolen fabrics are place where it cannot be seen. spreading the cost, and, incidental­ with her. She continues to lure flowers, setting them off in all In selecting the varieties of Stephen, pretending she intends to He was enga,ged with a woman there was no humor then in his also suitable. Pattern price 15 ly, you will derive much more who was looking at a coupe when voice. “ So far your reversal of their glory. The lawn area should shrubs that you will plant for the pleasure from it under that sys­ buv another car. Rut she becomes cents in stamps or coin (coin is not be broken up by planting iso­ Pamela returned. the usual order of things has been 1 Service preferred.) Wiap coin carefully. screens and backgrounds, you had tem. jealous at a dance and drives lated shrubs or plants promiscu- better consult your local nursery­ home without him. A near wrecK “ Come along.” she sang out. merely funny. Miss Judson. but ' Hints On How !'c Keep Well this is too thick. I don’t take man. Conditions, of course, dif­ brings about a meeting with rushing up and taking him by the by Worhl Fumed Aiilhorily HUCK CONNOR, who tells her he arm. presents from girls.” Manchester Herald fer in various sections of the coun­ “ Excuse me. Miss Judson,” Pamela gazed at him a moment Pattern Service try. It is always best to select is a broker from Chicago. shrubs whose roots go down deep WHITER, SWEETER Connor moves to the Judson Stephen said politely. “ Won’t you in silence. Stephen saw that she WILL NOT REH'^VE wait for me at the hotel?” He was making an effort to hold her PATTERN NO. 4T9 rather than those that spread out Hotel and Pamela introduces him CINDER FROM OTHER. near the surface. to her brother, H.AROLD, who thought further explanation ought tongue. Speech, and pl°nty of It. seemed fairly bursting from her As our putterns are mailed Climbing roses may be grown to CLOTHES-DIRT loves Mildred and is wame


MAY GET OANFS EARLY LEAD '-4 -V; Sport By JJSB OONKLOr. .(OKVTWilW; . New York, Apr;!! —The ITorlda' Tigers May Benefit Sm fiar' eiraocicsMTH Chatter T he sm aft gUTM 8 w ^ a tt t o golf season, which has Jusi ended, provided TBluable training for ihe ly; If Yaidis Are Pressed boss wbm.hfris not menih^B of t^d, American Ryder TOSEENEWYOK aiDund to hear it Gup team, who sail on April Ifl to Billy EAmlnsky and Harry Bel- play the British team at Hoortown Hard They May Crack. lamy will play their match in the in thp In.tenmtidnal event The town championship pocket billiards professlohals ran into'a lot’of'w^d ••••A tournament at the Rec at 7:15 to­ in Florida and played under condi­ By HENRY L. FARRELL. Sensational Golfer from Jop- night. Tomorrow night Johnny tions similar to those prevailing on Gardner imd Joe Coughlin will play. the gale-swept, British smudde The pleasure, comfort and. safety The Dunn-Bensche match set for jin, Mo., Sees Broadway Saturday was postponed. courses. tha*t can be derived from a big Being forced to drive into the early season lead was amply demon­ strated In the American League bat­ Bill Lee. Hartford Courant sports teeth of a stiff 'wind on Florida for First Time. writer names George Stavnltsky of links, eminently suited the Ryder tle last year In the case of the New Cup players, who realized that the York Yankees. the Rec Five on his second All- Without the tremendous lead Star state basketball team. Per­ practice gained thereby would stand BY D.A.VIS J. W.\LSH sonally, however, we fail to see them in good stead in the interna­ that had been accumulated when tional matches. In the tournaments the contestants turned the half In where Arburr and Waterman, first team guard selections, have much, on the peninsula they perfected mid-July, the Yankees would have New York, April 1.—Broadway, their low trajectory shots, the been sunk and the flag of old CR A W'lCV<.|MTiAESL«S- if any, on the local flash. Connie Mack would be hanging the corrupt depraved Broadway Tipii VCFJOUJS WHIEM T£> HAMD “'Wind cheaters” which are so vital from the mast this year Instead of that Hollywood keeps telling us YHeM o u r - - Naugatuck High plays St. Paul; to low scoring on the English about, the sinister street of missing Nebraska, at 3 o’clock tomorrow af­ couiaes, ' the very fajnlllar colors of Colonel men, no less, seems due to lose at W m , Ruined by Windstorm. Jake Riippert. ternoon in the first round of the Na­ Even with their big lead the least one decision in a career of tional Intersebolastio basketball Leo Diegel, P. G. A. champion Yankees were able to fend off the absolute conquest over that thing tournament at Chicago. Bristol’s •* ~n * and a member of -the Ryder Cup ag­ rush of the Athletics only on their they call the soul of man. They’ll opponent had hot been announced gregation, says that the 'windstorm be setting those words to “Hearts Sl6 TIME H1MSEUI5 AND this morning. • during the national open at Olympia l^uts and it is quite certain that and Flowers’’ one of these days but | HE kidOUJS UiHAT Fields last year ruined his chances. they could not have cut in on the (g)N6A poesN^r uiiE MUSM world series dough if they hadn’t I venture to say' that “Turkey in ' iri? AU- A so o r - A bit of digging Into the records Diegel believes, however, that he got away well from the wire and the Straw’’ will do well enough reveals that St. Paul, Neb., has a has overcome this fault and win be right now, because Horton Smith, population of 1,336 compaj-ed to able to get off screeching low hooks hadn’t mopped up in the first halt the 9 o’clock boy, is coming to against the Englishmen. of the race* 15,051 for Naugatuck. On a popula­ It was not difficult to ascertain town. tion comparison wjiich may or may The golfer who seeks an efficient In the southern training c mps that The 9 o’clock boy, they tell me, not mean anything, it w<»uld appear hook is confronted 'with the same the managers of all the contending neither smokes nor drinks nor that Naugatuck’s chances of win­ problem as the young baseball teams are banking a lot in getting stands on the corner leering at ning its opening game are rosy. A pitcher. A sweeping curve, like the the jump at the start. The Yan­ honest gals as they go by on their town with almost 15 times as much round-house baseball delivery, is kees will attempt It in a spirit oT way to work in the night clubs and, population ought to have quite a out like a match in a gale, ’'^ a t strategy. For the American League if one expresses a desire to gamble, bit more talent available for the de­ the Ryder Cup players have been men all believe that if the Yankees 1 have no doubt that he hopes one velopment of a high school team. tiying to perfect is a drive which . canr be pressed hard all the way will have the foresight to bring swerves slightly just before striking , one’s own lambs to the frolic. In­ Frankie Busch’s morning five ^^iSs^LmeoSX the fairway, similar to the outcurve ' from the start they will crack up In which does not break until it* the stretch. deed, yes, the script calls for every­ mile runs are appealing favorably thing that is big and tine and nobie to those other than boxers. Jerry WELL, WHO DOESN’T; reaches the plate. All the American League men and, if you can reconcile that Fay and the writer, both striving to Old Pete Alexander, of the Cardi­ Another change to which the are gunning against the Yankees, character with the fact that his reduce, and Francis Wilson, who nals, is one of the real char­ members of the Ryder Cup team but in the other league there is a name today is the toast of every operates the moving picture booth acters in baseball. A great pitcher must become accustomed is the flock to shoot at and It has de­ locker room in the land, then you -BOUX' ...... in the State Theater, treked along in his day—and still a great pitcher matter 61 wooden-sbafted clubs. veloped into a question of every have a composite photograph of the -IN TlOQ VEARS with him this morning, notwith­ —he is one of the survivors of the British golfing regulations do not Tn«^n for himself. Something like most unusual personality that has standing the rainy weather. old school of ball players that is permit the use of steel shafts and Bob Jones’ policy of shooting come to the links in years. giving away to the invasion of there is the possibility that some of A great golfer, perhaps the great­ It’s getting so Dan Howley hasn’t called in as manager. Several p.d- A home run by Joe LaForge serious young business men and the American players may be against par in match play. ball. The future is very menacing thrown off their game by the John McGray didn’t say so in so est professional the world now much of anything to howl about. vantageous trades and the old with two men on bases started college boys. many words, but it was quite ap­ knows. Apparently he is simplicity Things have been breaking quite when Dan is talking.' There are al­ rally that gave Billy Copeland’s All- Alex has a reputation for liking switch. parent from the actlviUes in the itself. And he’s never seen Broad­ nice for the doleful manager of the ways so many obstacles for his boys Howley pep injected into the list­ Stars a 14 to 6 baseball victory over llkker..y He admits it and he does Smith Grabs Prize. way. Quite a hurdle for a 20-year- St. Louis Browns, in fact so nice to overcome: he’ll tell you it’s a less athletes did the work. the Community Club Juniors yester­ not consider it an act of libel to Chief fears in this regard are San Antonio training camp that the held in the case of Horton Smith, Giant leader’s primarp purpose was old whose name, three months agoi that his boys are being mentioned good bet Dame Fortune will make Even though Dan likes to sing day at Hickey’s grove. Copeland’s have it mentioned in the papers. to get his men in condition to lump probably hadn’t penetrated even to as red hot pennant prospects for pitching was also a highlight. Countless stories have been told the brilliant youngster from Jop­ bums out of all of them in the end. the blues, he has a highly developed lin, Mo., who has been grabbing with the gun and get a good lead the outskirts of the old home town, next season. success complex. He feels he can about him, the most recent of before the schedule threw his men of Joplin, Mo.; three months ago, All of this rrom a hopeless sec­ But it seems Howley and the • Georgia La Rocco who fights which concerned his association last all the winter prizes. Smith has Browns keep plugging right along, be as much of a success at manag­ favored the steel during his brief agailst the tough western clubs he would have had to die to get in ond division club two years ago at George Hoffman of New York next year with Flint Rhem, another St. the newspapers.' Today, he couldn’t and that’s bringing results. ing a big league club as he was Thursday night, won a four round but meteoric career. He tried the McGraw didn't have to bother when “Howling Dan” succeeded winning pennants for the ’ ^Toronto “ Louis pitcher. Rhem was canned off much with rookies, ^is team was be kept out, even by a press agent: George Sisler at the helm The St. Louis entry "as on its decision from Frank Busch of this the ball club for breaking the train­ wooden shafts at the Bellair tour­ fairly well set when the athletes He is the sort of overnight Howley is the Gil Dobie of base- baseball uppers when Dan was club in the International League. / town in a bout in the Garden two ing rules and when he was being nament in Florida, and the results notoriety that usually goes to one s years ago. La Rocco won on a de­ tried by Magistrate Rickey he gave were disastrous. It was one of the reported and his main job was to few occasions during the winter get the team in shape. head’s provided one hasn’t any to cision after Busch had hurt his a unique. The Giants were the best condi­ speak of. Sometimes, it gets even ALL STARS WIN hand. He said he had sacrificed himself that he made a mediocre showing. tioned ball club we saw in the tne guys .who are far from being The All Stars defeated the All- for Alex and that he used to drink 'Walter Hagen and Diegel also chumps in their own right. Babe Seventh Five 30 to 25 Friday. Ven- Mac Macdonald and Miss Ruth Pete’s drinks so that Pete would must re-shaft their drivers, brassies •southern sector. In fact, they ad­ A rn^ of Golfers Invades links and spoons with hickory and will vanced too fast. One month before Ruth never was any man’s sap but nart was the outstanding star of the Behrend, two of Manchester’s well- keep in shape to pitch. the opening date the athletes '^ere he couldn’t take the jump from game with six hoops. On the loser’s known tennis players, cannot wait Doesn’t Need Help. practice with the woods along with getting so fine that McGraw called poor boy to popularity. In fact, it is side Eric Rottenberg was the best for the season to arrive and are He happened across Pete in the Smith. The other members of the - off all work and took the whole only in recent years that Ruth has As Season is Officially Opened with “Chuckle” Smith and Reno working out in he small gym­ St. Louis training camp at Avon team—Johnny Farrell, Gene Sara-, bunch down into Mexico and turned been able to play the thing like the next. The score at halftime was 13 nasium at the Rec. Miss Behrend Park, FI. He was standing against zen, Ed Dudley, Johnny Golden, Joe them loose for a day. They were normally intelligent man he is. to 10. The summary: Von the town singles championship a pillar in the hotel lobby waiting Turnesa, A1 Espinosa and Al Wat- given liberty-without restrictions in last season defeating Carolyn for the dining room to open. rous—have been using the yrooden Broadway is no place for an emo­ By LES CONKLIN ;The penalty for proferring un­ All-Seventh (25)' shafts all Winter. the manner of English rowing tional type and I’m sure that will sought advice is a full mashie P B. F. T. Cheney in the finals. “How about the Rhem story, coaches who have found their men be all right with Horipn Smith be­ stroke to the left temple. 1 Reno, r f ...... Alex?”, we asked. tightened up before the Oxford- cause he is supposed to be about as New York, April 1.— The golf Use of Illegal Clubs—the hand 2 C. Smith, If .. “That was a laugh, that was,” Carabridge race. * emotional as tne average bill of season opens officially today north mashie, invented for use in bunk 2 Heres, c ..... 2 Metcalf, rf « A • a * * ^ 3-4 7 Alex replied with a real laugh. “As 1-1 3 if I ever had to have anyone drink The physical condition of the tii- lauding. This characteristic kept of the Mason-Dixon line and some is gradually coming into dis- 2 Rottenberg, rg 1 2 C. Smith, c ants may be a tremendous factor in him scoring those miraculous low 2,500,000 Knights of the Brassie favor among the better class of 2 Massey, Ig .... 3 Neill, rg .. • • a • e • 2 3-4 7 a ball for me. Nobody ever snatched deciding the National League pen­ seventies and high sixties whenever are salting forth to begin the an- golfers. It should never be utilized 2 C. Garrone, c . 0 Smith, Ig ...... 0 1-3 1 a ball on me. I don’t think Rhem nant. There is no first-hand infor­ he needed them, which judging by nual battle against Par. For those except when the opponent’s back is 1 Maitan, c .... ever said that. 1 thing some of 8-12 30 mation available on the Cubs and his tournament record, was not too hardy gentlemen who braved the turned or when he is busy sighting 0 Leone, rg 8 11 you fellows made that up. > the Pirates, but the long trip from often. It probably will allow him to blustering winds of March, the sea­ a putt. ' — — Referee: Radding. “That’s what you newspaper fel­ California may work against them. look Broadway with that species of son will not bIgin until they are Identification of Ball— to avoid 12 ! 7-8 25 lows do. You think up a funny A l* And they were not in good shape detached wonder with which you discharged ' from the pneumonia a penalty for playing the wrong AU-Stor Boys (30) story about a stewed ball player to start the season last year. And view the animals in the Zoo. wards of the nation’s hospitals. ball, a player should pick his ball and you hang it on me. I guess I’m P . B. F. Chase pleasure and beauty and the Bugs Raymond of the league they can’t be in better shape than Just a typical Missourian, this When an aged millionaire weds i yp and examine it when in doubt, 1 Vennart, Ig ...... 6 0-0 you’ll overtake pain and ugliness. The managers are Judge Fuchs the Giants. , . , fellow, if you can believe all you flapper it is h. May and December guch complete identification is es- nowl 1 don’t care. You don't himjelf^ John Evers, Rabbit Maran- ’The advantage of physical condi­ hear. Polite, but always able to say marriage. But when a home-loving pecially advisable when the player mean any harm and r go right on ville. Hank Gowdy, George Sisler tion may also work to the benefit •‘NO’’ if he thinks you are wrong. female weds a golfer, it is an April iias a bad lie. pitching, don’t I? and others too numerous to men­ of the Tigers in the American Normally interested? in life, but and November union. She bids him In the Bunker—A player should “T wasn’t stewed in the' bull pen tion. The only old ball player who ‘League. The Athletics are not in committed to minding his own busi­ goodbye on April Fools’ Day and carefully fill up all holes maue by that day.in the world series when isn’t managing the Braves this good shape and the physical ail­ ness, provided you insist upon welcomes him^back to the fireside himself in a bunker. Steam shovels Hornsby called me in. 1 was half year Is believed to be Honus Wag-, ments of a number of New York minding yours. At home anywhere, around the latter part of November will be kept in the' basement of the asleep out there when he motioned ner. Honus took a job as sergeant- players make the Yankees an un­ when the gobblers, are steaming in clubhouse for this purpose. bUT OF THE PAST and because 1 didn’t get up right at-arms to the Pennsylvania Legis­ but better satisfied to live his life in away they said I couldn’t get up. I certainty. The Browns looked good his own way. the oven and the links are closed Golfing Etiquette lators and said that would give him when we saw them, but they have Broadway would have been burn­ for the Winter. Etiquette of Golf—No one should guess I pitched a little when 1 went amusement enough. had some unusually hot weather in ing candles at its own wake long > Hope springs eternal, so at the talk when a player is making a in there, didn’t I? Florida and they may tighten un first, tee we find the old familiar stroke. A sharp whistle -or sneez­ s •• Not Pink Rats Either. With the Judge keeping score, when they hit the chilly April since, if they made them all like “And then there was that story this. faces, the duffers who tore up their ing fit when the opponent has com-- each umpire with a different line­ weather of the north. score cards last Fall and swore a pleted half of his swing is excus­ that I told Sothoron once when I up, and each gent in the press box solemn vow never to swing a club able, however. was pitching that, I couldn’t finish with another, the question is being the game because the box was fill­ again. Hazard—A “hazard” is any m raised by some of the scribes down New Rules bunker, ditch, bush or road, or sub- ed with, rata and they were stepping at Orlando why the Braves do not on my fedt. That must have come The United States Duffers’ Golf deb playing the course in a one- hold -their games in some theater piece bathing suit. out ot ,a joke book and the fellow this season where the fans won’t Leo Diegel Talks on Golf and Association, in an effort, to make ' ^ that found it hung it on old Pete. the cross of the average non-tour­ Lost Ball—A ball Is “lost” on .S' get sunburned. American courses if it be not found “1 don’t care abput those stories nament golfer easiet to bear, has myself but it makes it kind of hard altered the rules slightly. The within five minutes after search for Between the innings specialties Golfers During New York Trip it has begun. In Scotland the time on my folks, but I guess they don’t will be given by Heinie Mueller. amendment are as follows: always see, the papers with that ‘Asking Advice—A player may limit is five hours. Heinie started to raise pigeons one stuff in them. winter and built a huge chicken- By NAN O’REILLY. belief solely on his showing this not ask for nor willingly receive Missing the Drive—Three strikes ‘I think my record ought to winter. Very often winter flowers advice from any one except his own are not out in golf* as is the case coop to hold ’em. He built the coop prove that I’ve taken pretty good in the cellar, however, and dis­ New York.—April 1.—Sophisti perish in the heat of the summer; caddie, his partner, or his partner’s in baseball, and a player who fans m care of myself. I’m kind of an old cated New York natives were treat­ but not this lad. Do you realize caddie. He will, however, frequent­ is entitled to keep swinging as long covered he had to take it apart to bird and I’m still in there pitching. get it out. ed to the spectacle of seeing Leo he never once ‘broke’ under the ly receive advice from his opponent. as he and the gallery can stand it. I’ve seen a lot of young fellows Diegel back from Florida for a few strain of competition? *He was come and go in my time and old 4i days before heading for Pinehurst, nosed out of a couple of victories, Alex is still out there, pitching. As DID YOU KNOW THAT— wandered into a golf shop to try but it was because of unusual con­ long as the boss is satisfied, I am, Geor^etti got $6100 for win­ out a few.clubs, as pros are wont to ditions rather than a break In his Long Island Girl Golf Prodigy and you fellows ought to be. ning the late six-day bike race do in their spare moments. A few game. Do you know why I think “If you fellows are going t-' make in Chicago . . . And his deiitch seconds to see a young man . arms Smith is a comer?” up any funny stories about stewed partner, Deulberg, gqt only akimbo, swinging a club, pendulum Having admitted ' my Ignorance, Soon Contender For Women^s Title players this year I wish you would $4900 . . .They pay the big fashion, as he practiced putting on Leo proceeded to explain. lay off me. Hang them on some­ gate riders a flat guarantee for the sidewalk. It was Leo, all un­ “Any golfer who will profit by body else. But maybe you can’t conscious-of the time and place. another’s experience is bound to riding , . . Leo Flynn, the new New York, April 1.—Winner of^ments. As it is, she set a record find another good natured guy. matchmaker for Fugaz3K & Having decided to pass up the get ahead. Today Horton is wear­ two major tournaments and runner-' that will stand for .some time to Anyway those Jokes will go stale Dempsey, took in $560,000 the $15,000, La Gorce plum, Diegel ing the same size hat as last sum­ come ■ by becoming a finalist in on me. They won’t be funny any came to New York in . company up in two others in little more than first 18 month.; he made mer. He has the ability to play a month’s time, an eighteen-year- every one of them. more. You ought to get some new matches for Rickard ia the old with Harry Cotton, the visiting all the shots, but he doesn’t always Startling Feats know how to use it. At Bellair ^ old girl is-New York’s latest con­ goat.” Garden . . . Dempsey Is Leo’s* British professional. It will be tribution to golf. She . is Helen The feats of the Long Island girl Just ibe House Dick. . only weakness . . , Uncle-Robby recalled that Leo, partnered with stiff wind was blowing, and he are all the more startling because “Billie”' Hicks, shy high school girl All during the conversation Alex wanted to tra(^ Henline to the ■ m Walter Hagen, won the inter- scored two 74s. That night he of Hewlett Park, Long Island. she had never competed in a tour­ kept looking across the lobby where Braves for Eddie Farrell, the tional fourball at Miami after a came to me and asked me bow During a space of flve weeks in nament of . any importance before a man, wearing an iron hat, was tooth doctor . . . But it didn’t thrilling final match against Gene high he should hit the iSall under entering -upon the campaign in standing behind a high backed Sarazen and Johnny Farrell, and such conditions. I draw' Hagen February and March, the elghteen- work . . . And some one can year-old sensation met and defeated Flbrida., She was picked as a chair, partialy screened by a big take Hendrick from the Brook- Diegel hasn’t been able to get over and a couple of hoyS Into the comer at the Salisbury links on discussion, and the following morn­ practically every woman golfer of palm. lyns , . . For a good cock-eye the way Hagen rallied to beat their importance. At the present time 'L(Ong Island,vWhere she defeated all At frequent intervals Alex would pitchpr . . . Landis is going to rivals.' He was full of admiration ing Smith was out bright and early the leading men golfers, but did aay—“I wonder who that guy is. hitting a high ball in the wind. she looms-as New York’s most for­ offer a new rule at the nelt for Walter and considers he’s the midable candidate to win the na­ not- achieve national fame until she I’ve seen him before some place. iheetlng ot the major leagues best bet to win the British open. hit the citrus belt. ❖ V ■ ' - ■ I i' He ain’t with the club. And - he “He’s a golfer,” said Diegel. tional championship. out Tominy Sullivan in 1908. One . . .^ He .wants mihor league -. “ Billie”, was accompanied on ain’t a newspaperman, is he?” players to get a standard per­ “The week before, we four had If ever an honest tribute was Beats Glenna Collett her jaunt to Florida by her mother, Victory! of the cleverest and hardest-punch­ He was told that the person paid to the skill and ability of a “Billie” reached the heights Thousands have .thrilled to that ing feathers the ring has ever centage cut of their purchase met in a match at St. Peters­ Mrs. Jarvis Hicks, an ardent golf wasn’t a newspaperman. price .... When they go to the burg, and Hagen and I were four young man it was paid to Bucky when she eliminated Glenna Col­ enthusiast./ Mrs. Hicks is her magic word in every field of sport, known', Attell fought both light­ Harris, the new manager of the lett, national champion,, in the weights, and welters, and he fought ‘,‘He must be • dick. Maybe he’s majors for big dongh. down with ten holes to play. I daughter’s strongest booster. ' but in none of them does it mean the' house dick. And what, ot it,” edged in a bit with a birdie at the Detroit Tigers, In the training semi-6nal of the St. Augustine more to the winner than in boxing. as oftdn as two or three times a tournament in Florida. Exhausted Alex said and then went on with ninth, and then Walter reeled off camps of the other American Here is Johnny Kllbane, a happy week. his convematio^'. the inward nine in a remarkable League clubs. by her gruelling struggle with COSTS '^ O MUCH. smile on his lips, experiencing the It was on Washington’s birthday on using him as a regular first base^ 29 to win by 1 up. Hagen is play­ Every manager of the seven other Glenna, she lost'outin the final to —I------thrill of victory to the utmost. He in 1912 that the gameAA,ttell saw man on his last year’s form. But ~ ing better than ever right, now, but clubs in the league admitted the Miss Virginia Van Wie, of Chica- had just captured the featherweight I his star set. Although.still a won- Mack 'Worried About Athletics was way off this year and he liras greatest respect for the power and London.—No 5 longer do they championship from Abe Attell, and derfql boxer, he had suffered ^ th Since it has appeared in print afraid he wouldn’t do. ' he’s more spotty. He’s careless in go. ' . , pass the bottle around at Scotch there is no obligation to hold a con­ bunches, if you know what I mean, the possibilities of the Detroit club I Miss Van Wie had previously the loser is walking over like a true the passing of years, and in Kil- lie has his doubts about Hale at and when pressed for a reason they beaten Miss Hicks in the final of funerals. . Rev. J.- A. C. Mackellar bane he was meeting, a clever oppo­ fidence and it can be said that Coii- y J* f where he used to be careless only says that this custom is now a thing sportsman to extend his congratula­ nle Mack is sorely distressed about third base. Not for the reason thaA£.i.,^.» spasmodically. But if he’s any­ all paid a compliment, directly or the Ormond Beach tournament on tions. . ^ . nent. Kllbane, ’ however, did not some ot the ball players say hut tnirw’' indirectly, to Harris. March 2, by a score of 2 and 1. of the past. . It used to be an old boast a real knockout punch, and his Athletics. When I was in Ft. where near right at Muirfield, my Scotch saying that, “A wedding Joy reigned supreme in the Kll-' Myers* he told me, confidentially, cause he has become eohtincedths^d ^ix money’s on him to the last nickel.” Those who did not mention the Previous to these two defeats at bane camp at this moment. John­ contented himself with outpointing his hands are too smalL skill of the new manager' as their the hands of Miss Van Wie, “Billie” wasna near sic a grand affair as a Attell in 20 rounds. that he was not at all satisfied with I asked Diegel what he thought funeral, at which we wrer aye sure ny’s manager and handlers rushed He hlho eras irbrried kbont of the new star which blazed across first reason for respecting the team had captpr^ the women’s Bermu­ The Clevelander held the title 11 his team. He didn’t want to be da, Miami Florida^tltles. If plenty whlBk, ,n4 wee Wnculu." - W ’“SjJ quoted at that time for obvious rea­ outfield. Not nbont the refokin the golf sky this winter, young said—“That Uhle might win thirty his hand, and the accompanying years, largely through his practice what would JSnppeh H* at: Horton Smith, from the place ball games this year.” And id the; the Chicago girl had npt-entered tumult of the crowd added to the of confining his operations to no sons but since then he apparently, next branch the flowers were tossed the Ormond Beach and St. Augus­ For Ihe iirst time in 26-years the (L.Islon bouts.'But in 1923 he was is willing to admit his concern.' reguiars, thould* . W* where they have been shown. Egyptian' gallery* at th$^, British happiness of the new champion., a Smith Great.' at Bucky with the explanation— tine tourneys. Miss H lc«-plight Attell had held the title four conquered by Eugene Crlqul in Ne’k He said that OtwpU had been I hasn’t ' m “He’ll pitch for Harris. Anybody havenave muuemade a clean sweep ...... in ail jiuswttt' has been thoroughly re- York, big diaappoiatme&L^ii^.Md.,CQn]itii^ ^•I thing he’s great,” said Leo four of the big Florida tourua-lllalslied. . . . . years, .having.won It by,knocking “•lid r»i»d you. l don’t base that will pitch lor that fellow.” ■■■ f-.. '

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, •. ■ ' ■• .■■'*■ .-'•"■•. ' ; .‘'.^' v , 'iv.^ ^ 3 7 ;-:.-^ f..;.,r >:-^-,5-v-''■ 4 ^ /- • . ' • , r 'v 'U v- -v T -‘'W . ■■ . ^ V -';•■ ■;■-■. ■ \. :u-v.--_ ,, '■ v MAN(3 IEST?»:EVI3^IN.G-HJSAI»,S01TOB\i^s\ PAGETWlXiVB 'ir. - £<.• ' ' ■' r ^ ^1 •||■'7i^ll^^u‘tnivvnnrw~tfVVvvvvvvvvvVvvv*tfWtfnAnjQ^TuvTnrinj'Virinrrr****‘***‘*^^^^ *****^^^^* Si ■Repairing . : 23 T ^ “.V^';V1'™|!J> J,.,,.'.^.^ f T J ----- A • _ '. ■ HoMfor'H hUc, ,. ; ‘7 ;TO 8tli hmie;'Of - ' Want Ad Information. Lost and. Found Llsk'of-Unidgi atiTMt.* A • Vl1*nf*AAV) # JUST OFF EAST CehtjDr itTBet; nfc* e wjn:be~u^d"f5r'Tfie'X»aff * Arhiy WANTED—AUTO, ow;per* , dejlring ' **“ ^^^Kloter„ LOST—-AUTOMOBILE marker SX-72. expert repair, or, welding servlc.b at room home, 'fire place, oak Hoora' apd Manchester George L. Betts, Spruce street. reasonable' prices to . call at' The trim, 2 car garage, .n|irh elevattdn. . -, — . dry ? Oliver .Welding Works, corner Pegrl ■' Owner, say* *°*'* h n n i^ ^ pod and'Spruce streets. Small aniount' ca'x.h, mortyaff** Ar­ Evening Herald LOST—NEAR MANCHESTER Green, Mail ranged. Cal] Arthur A. Knofla. Tele­ edtaforip^te as _ glasses and rhoney In'black pocket- -r ,was.Ji»fflCorp .-J k-phlftr^g'coha book. Please - call -Hartford - 5-4951. SEWING MACHINE repairing iot< fU phone 782-2. 876' 'Sata$4ay niorhjngCchaipgOd *v^th the Qassified Advertisements makes, oils, aeedles and .si}ppll®*L!i^ |he; b|^na oh iRsdihi^s.'" Count tlx iverago w or^ to * W. Garrard, 87 Edward slre*t,;T*L FOR SALB-;WASt4l]7GtON »tw®t, hnlavtft^l jiQfleaBfc^.di. :A.8liQt gun :' Artbui;- Clift has. Aiinonnccntents ■ brand new alx .rpopi CoIoplaL. Oak Initials numbora and ,*55*^«ll5*nn5 7IS.______, : I a'hd ]|oepJ.ng the Jatrat executor of the ht-: e&oh count as a word atrd ootnpono floors throughput., fire place, tile to 8€p. .:.'He waB-found go.Rty ofi the T^rds a« two worda Minimum cost U SPECIAL—OLD m a c h i n e allowance VACUUM tL E A V E R -^ o c k , phonjo- V bath, largo'corner lot. Pnee tjfffit, Barnes who ^e'di^veral';! pries ot thros Une^ ■ ^ -. $35 and up In exchange on Singer graph, door closer repairing.: Lock . Terms.' C^ir Arthur A. Knofla. Tele, flret‘''cciifnt ■ aifd, dls h a rg ^ on .' the Sewing machine—Weeks of April 1 aod„ giinsipMlCng: k«y > 'flUlnig. phone 782-2, ^6^ Main strpet. Beco&d-^iHi*.'/^tHe wa8-fjiheti'f'24.ai transient ‘ -1 *.r • . A; ' ■ .• ' *• .••*. • . Line rates per day for and 9. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Braltbwalte. 62 Pearl street. . < .1 ' - ••• . ty.* t . i »• . , > . * ' ’ '*■ ' y ‘.‘s*. y.'t. iflold&ihg eoMtkr’-" ^ ada 649 Main street. South Manchester. •* '■ * f . '‘I Effective March 17, 1837 Tel 2828-W. . CHIMNEYS clean ed and' repaired, r ~ Caeh Obarge '{ .J! w ’ '-'^1 . ■' -}■ “ ' ' ■ Thb "Kbirdi'Mllk TrKc^» ..filiraod fiy key fitting, safes opened.' saw filing .*. t.. •' •• * 7 ctsl » cts STEAMBHIP TICKETS-A ll part* ot 6 Consecutive Days and grinding. .Work called. < 7* ' > 7'^ -V- V ‘ V* -■ Hdory 1^ D ^ ie s in cts U cts the w orld. Ask for Balling Hit* aijd r A- 3 Consecutive Days 9 Harold Clemson. . 108 North Elm s 7 /),' f.i. EUlfiifftp,’' 'rib inOrn-. 11 ctsl 18 -cts ratea Phone 760-2. Robert J. Smith, Street. reL'462. rif?* V' 'r ■ ^ AU^ orders* for Irregular Insertions 1009 Main street, *'■ i - I I side * 6t'SJotthgfe'stj^iet sput h. WimE will be charged at • Help Wanted— Female'' ' SfiT .-;■ 1': Special rates for long term every - Automobile* for Sale 1 ' " 7 " The tjfu• V ■> »• • ‘DUal ‘Bhat*!; JJ|g Success, the ciirll bf johe .ofihe:^iQ'fis^ at ,th*3 ' 6 miles out, 1.2 acres, jiftt fept anl Ads ordered .for 3Vork. Inquire 104 Main'street. Tele­ .' /** • The .filndu d'rataa r^l^hal Bbat'- and stopped before the third or inn • GOOD .USED CARS brow ODt^p hfil 9jrirliBf .mUktwas be- statp highway, small houM. Th|s>| Cash or Terms phone 2930-J.-'...... •, , '■ '7 ! ■'if aa witaessod: By; nearly 2,0 fi 0 perr ,tng dijlypttd.' . BpoiirTetUrpibg To. ia a;gbbd chance for. business- on] day will be charged only for 1 be ac­ MADDEN BROS. i;His'Bknk-r:W W teyairm tual number of times the «d »PP*kr- WANTED—2 WOMEN to work;:«V|8- -sons, at its tilrb .tierforinances §un- 681 Main St. Tel. 600 tbe.par-Mi'.- Lanz found that it ha.d main road, such as gas oc;refresh-! ed. charging at tlu rate earb®*. hut nihgs. Apply Downyflajee Dougbnlit 'day in the • Syhes .Auditorium. A backed jdown' ,.the] filil.' erpssefi the ihept stand. Prffce ohly 14300. no allowances or refunds c®” be made. Shop. 885 • Main street; South Man- Numb.er pf • i^prtions hprcr SEE OUR USED CARS FIRST cast of over 160-, .representatives of strioet'gqipg,'tbvopgh.-amirbh. fence BmhlVcash. on six time ads stopped after the MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES Chester. the Metjiqdist' and Congregational over, b' ;tfP ‘ foot , etQnpr: wall, yhe 1069 Main St. Tel. 740 ' Prii^t your narpie anjcj-address below.- church, gave'a very colorful presen.; Tpllarid street-, sraalV farm w ith , ^^No'^nm forbids” : display lines not Thos. E. Donahue, Mgr. IF YOU HAVE SOME FREE time to truck, lauded'. oh its ,.side into thb^ earn that extra money you heed, w^.: tutlon of the Hindu at horde, a house, barn, etc., a nice poultry] offer you a pleasant, honest and dig­ back yard oCthe . Rpggr Murphy ^°Tlie Herald will not be responsible FOR SALE—FORD roadster In excel­ drama ■vfbtch was 'Vritten and di­ pfppef.ty'.bre,ak|hg p.ver 90 fapitl'es ijlace fot 95,50lfi' ' ' fbr more than one Incorrect Insertion lent condition. Price $40 cash. Apply nified way. We will pay you-bn'com­ - ■ i • ^ ' ■ ■';,•*■';■•'■ '.W 'r ■; mission and everjfe sale should ,le$d . . rected By. |lev;. 'E. M. Osborne who of any advertisement ordered for 28 West Center street. A-‘ pf jtruck had,beeh ‘ CoveiTtry. 5 5 - acre^jBlae. room j more than one time. you to the next. TFor details apply was bornUn India and spent his brpjigljC'q^toi. .iUp,'road ■ able house.* electricity,; rupn^g water, The Inadvertent omission of 1—1926 Chevrolet Sedan. Perry Rug Co., 37 Cedar street, ' . ■ f J' ■ *v youth there. rect publication of advertising wUl be Meriden, Conn. / i:r ; ■ to prpcf'e^^,under Ith-pwh jpwpr. baru, • pouHry-hotrises, good trout 1—1926 Essex Coach. ‘ 1 ' ‘ • n- V* .*• - . ■ The. 'drama portrayed,.life In ' ^ . ' /j^'otc*;. ' rectified only by cancellation of the 1—1925 Essex Coach. brQok.^ ., price* f. charge made for the service rendered. 1—1924 Jewett Brougham. , WANTED—NEAT reliable girl . as India showing, the customs and , Mra- Drueat: Tucker-; agd * • • mothers helper. Address Box -X in 1—1920 Cadillac 7-Pass Sedan. habits of the people of that nation Gladys; Palmer ot Unldff ,street iikve All advertisements must conform care of Herald, Pitkin. street, dandy corner lot, ] Cash or terms. Trades considered and'Siail to-® with all the native settings and'cos­ returned home from a several days sidewalk and curb, sewers, gafi, | In style, copy and typography with SMITH'S GARAGE tumes. The final of the. 12 scenes regulations enforced by the publi. h- 30 Bissell Help 'Valued— Male «6 . visit‘in Mew.-,^,York. , ' all in,, offered for auick sale^ at ers and they reserve the right to was. the most effective and colorful, Chrysler Agency Miss Irene,;; B.; sSharf• 6t Union ^160.0. Terms if deMred. ' . edit, revise or reject any copy con­ showing an Easier'morning in India street Was. .'.guest ' sbVolst Easter *1 ^ sidered objectionable-. FOR SALE—1929 Ford, new 4 door WANTED—TWO painters. Inquire at ap'd how after mpcH sacrifice and SI.X room single, oak floors, white I CLOSl.^O HOURS—Classified ads Ford sedan, just purchased, 1 67 Benton street, after 6 p. m. 'morning ' : at" ,tlie Congregational to be published same day must be re­ months service still remains. Bar­ suffering a Hlpd-p family accepts church;' ’ ...... trim', steam heat, etc. A real up- ceived by 12 o'clock noon. Saturdays gain. Telephone 922-4. OCEAN LINERS to South Am erica; OR Christianity.' The drama took; about Hope'Chapter G;' E.’''S. will hold to-date and brand new home wlth| 10:30 a.' m. Europe; India. Need men. .Good three hours .to, present. a regular iheelihg'Tuesday evehlng garage for $6.50P, cask"f500. FOR SALE—CHEVROLET touring wages. No experience required. Stamp brings details. E. W. Arculus, Injured in,. Fall. in' M'asPtfic Hdll. Miss E'mily Rice Telephone Your Want Ads. car, 1923 model. Appy Aaron J6hn- ' • 'Walter 'Nutland: who lives at the Ads are accepted over the telephone son, 62 Linden street. Telephone 524. Mount A'^ernon. N. Y. o f Talcotvilie' " is chairman o f' the at the CH.M1GE RATE given above American House on Market* street socia^feomn^Itt‘ee for Ap;rir. FOR S.^LE—BUICK touring, good RELI.VBLE MAN with car as difect as a convlence to advertisers, but, factory representative in Manchester was .Injured ih a; fall Sunday. Dr. Ed'm'uhd' Koenig of Re'ns'slear the CASH RATES will be acept^d . s condition, 6 good tires, real bargain, E,- H. .Metcalf, who attended him, Robert), Smith quick sale. Telephone 856-2. and nearby counties. No experience ..wV FOR AN AP TAKER Conege Is spending the Easter va­ P’ULL p a y m e n t tf paid at the busi­ necessary. Unusual opportunity - for was compelled to use.Bix,stitches to ness office on or before the seventh cation at his' home bn 'Prospect' FOR SALE—1920 PIERCE Arrow advancement. Must be willing to clorie the wound i.n his scalp. Mr. street. ■■ 1009 Main dav following the first Insertion of start on reasonable ■ basis. Synefo - ‘ ■ each ad otherwise the CH.XtttiE touring. 48 H. P„ In good condition, Nutland slipped bn-the sidewalk on Real Estate, “ ' Insurance, j and priced right. Inquire F. D. Motors Company, Balitle' Creek, Mr, and 'Mrs. Harold CrawtPrd RATE will be collected. No responsi­ Slichigan. Market street;- • . !' • bility for errors In telephoned ads Cheney, 358 or D. Hemingway 1176-4. and Mr. nhd Mr4. CliffPrd Forbes of Steamship Ticket* . 4 pfir^t^t^s,. I* lata, '/I’eiieinanls 03 'Apartiiicnis. Flats, .Tcr.ipnienL. 03 John Bafbero. • will be assumed and their accuracy FOR SALE—CADILLAC seven pas­ ■MANAGER WANTED for Manchester cannot be guaranteed. store. Experience unnecessary. $30.00 ' ■—!— — ' ' y' The-funeral.of John Barbero, 55, • • • senger touring, good condition. Wal­ TO' RENT"'-i-'eENTENNIAL aparti. ter Olcott, telephone 357. a week and expenses while' learning. 2 R'OQM^ apartment .with prlvffe bath of 97 East. Main* street, , who died $25. 3 'rpoip-kPartriVent with .private menia. tuur cowm apartment, jant- Index of Classifications $300,000 up monthly. $750,00,- cash - twr service,-heat', g sa ranve." ice- box Saturday at his home, after a long Evening Herald Want Ads are now 1926 FORD SPORT TOURING deposit required on merchandise. ■ bath $30/-inqulr(S*-Manchester Public- ...... Market;., furnished. Call Manchester Cpn-' illness, was held-this morning at 9 grouped according to classifications 1-J26 STUDEBAKER COACH JIanufacturer, 333 Dwight street, structloM Company. 2100 or 782-2. a. m. at St; Bernard’s church. Rev. AUCTION! -AUCTION I AUCTION} below and for handy reference will BETl'S GARAGE Springfield. Mass.. Dept. 5. appear In the numerical Crder Indi­ Hudson-Essex Dealer— 12‘J Spruce • FOR- RENT—MODERN six room George T. Sinnplt officiating. Burial Wc will sell at Public Auetkm, for TH0M.\S D. COLE.MA.V, FOR, REI^T—BliNGALOW o f 6 tooms cated: single, on . Elru 8l reet.. vyitli garage, will be iu St. Bernard’s cemetery. '188 hydall Street (off'WopdbriflKe Strpet, Manchester.) >tanches- Births ...... A FOB SALE—REO 7 passenger tour­ PIN BOYS \IL\NTED. Charter Oak and bath. Inquire 4 Sterling Place. •> ■'May 1st. Walter.Frlche 64 East Mid­ ing. Chandler sedan. 3 Reo trucks. Bowling Alleys. Ml’. Barbero,. was born in.; Italy, ter Green, Conn., on WEDNESDAY. APRIL 3rd, 1929, at 1:30> Engagements ...... “ " ‘ 1 , '•:«■■,' ■•'- dle Turnpike. Telephone 348-4. and lived In R ock ville 22. years. H e Bitwn's Garage. Telephone 869. Cor­ FOR RENT-r-6 ROOM tenement, all p. m., QUANTITY OF FAK.'^I EQUIPMENT. Deaths ...... ner Cooper and West Center streets WANTED-AMBITIOUS WEN. bpys fnodern Improvements. 91 ' Cooper mii-RE.NT—FOUR AND five room was a mason bv 'trade and for many ' Cpnalstlng of-Low down Farm Wagon and Tobacco Rack, Two. Card of Thanks ...... ^ to learn the barber trade. Individual street, $35 including garage. . Call .tenements near Chensy mills. Mod­ years was engaged by Paul Rau; Hoihe' Wi^oB,'W. A. Wood Co. Manure Spreader, American Cul- Instruction with latest methods In Memo.lam ...... ^ 2373...... ■ ‘ ern Iriiprovements. Rent, very rea- With his wife,' • -Ttieresa, he also tfVatq'r, Hulky Plow, Hay Tedder. Apnip.Blarrpw.,Hay Rake. Tyo FOR SALE— GOOD USED CARS taught. Day and night courses. ^ ~ • 1 • — . ' ' _ r .‘sonable. . Inquire Tailor Shop, 5 1-2 Tuition very reasonable.' Vaughn conducted a grocery store, at'the ‘ H orse-Boji^ed; Double Dump,Cart, 'Wlieel Harrow,'Meeker Announcements ...... | FOR RENT— f i v e ROOM flat with Walnut street; Tel. 2470.■' CRAWFOi,D AUTO SUPPLY CO. Barber School, 14 Market street, corn er ;Of E ast Main street and Sofbot'bing''HhiroiW,- Bemfs Tobacco better (new). Two Baling Hartford. Conn. gara'ge." all Ihiprov'eiuents. Call tela* Aatomobllea phone 2466-J. • ■ FOR RENT-^6 , ROOM tenemi'nt,. Prospect. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Boxes,* Thompfiou Seed Sower, Worcester Fertilizer Sower, Wor­ Automobiles for Sale ...... 4 Center & Trotter Streets Tel. 1174 or ‘/'021-2 Poultry and Buppliea < North Elm street, newly .ren'ovateVl Theresa Barbero, a brother John cester Mowing. Machine. Prput Hoe, Two Horse Cultivator, Car- Automobiles tor Exchange .... 6 modern Improvemeius. garage.'Call g ^ g j-o, a sister,' Mrs. Carl Vlgna, Tlage, W-inhowing'Mill, Blacksmith Forge, Bone Cutter, Cow Auto Accessories—Tires ...... 6 FOR RENT—6 room tenement on Auto Repair.ng—Painting ...... ^ Auto Accessories— Tires 6 BARRED PLYMOUTH R i^ hatch- Bralhard street. Apply to Aaron all of this city and 'another sister StunPhioBS; some' Harnesses, small tools of. all descriptions, and Auto Schools ...... 7-A Ing eggs. Choice stock $2.00 per 15. Johnson, telephone.524. Farms and Land for Sale and his father lu Italy. For a various hther articles too numerous to mention. Autos—Ship by Truck ...... 8 BATTERIES FOR YOUR automobile, $10 per 100. J. F. Unwen, 570 W ood- Autos—For Hire ...... 9 bridge street. Phone 2121. number, of; years he was Ja^l^v of AUCTIONEER'S NOTICE— As Mr. Coleman has leased hi^ ranging from $7 no. Itecharging and F O R r E.NT—5 ROOM tenement on ■ " REAL E s t a t e ' ^ farm to-a'tobttoco-company, and. discontinuing farming, all of Garages—Service—Storage ...... 10 repairing Distributors of Prest-f)- W. H A^RY ENGLAND the Rocljville A. A., on Hast 'Rlain Motorcycles—Bicycle ...... 11 Grove, street,': with modern lipprove- . the above‘has been placed-in pur hand; to sell without reserve. Llte Batteries, Center Auto Supply •me.nts garage. Telephone, 732-5. Manchester Green Store street. Wanted Autois— Motorcycles .... 1‘2 Co.. 155 Center. Tel. 673. Arilclp.s For Sale 45 Manchester Green, Conn. This is-'an exeeptlPhaHy fine lot ot topis. Sale Rain on Shine. -- ilnalneKM nnd Profeeetonn. Sera-lcea ' ' ‘ ' I ' • -• "" Convalescent Home to Open. Business Services Offered ...... 13 FOR SALE—A,GURNEY store re­ f 6 r RE.VT—G r o o m flat, all, modern Houses for ftele ■ Mrs. Nettle H. Farr9ll' of Provi­ ■ i^OBERT'M. REID & SON, Auctioneers. Household Services Offered ...... 13-A Garages— Service— Storage 10 frigerator. Reasonable price. Tele­ ' imppovefnenls. garage If desired. 431 dence will open a honie for incur­ Building—Contracting ...... •.. M phone 1169-2, after 5 o’clock. Center street'. C all'at 433 Center St. “ , si6i iVraiu S tiw t,' / Mauchester, Gonn., Phone 41 Florists—Nurseries ...... 15 DESOTO, HUPMOBILE and Durant. FOUR FAMILY HOUSE for sale 25-27 able and convalescents at 85 Vil­ Sales and service: also Chevrolet Rlfigeiyood street. So. Manchester.' lage street,, the secopd week In Funeral Directors ...... 15 FOR SALE—ONE HORSE fa 5m FOR BENT—A .SIX room tenenjent, Conn. Apply’ to Peter GuVna'ek, Box Heating—Plumbing—Roofing ... 17 service the same as formerly. wagon, one business wagon, one rub­ furnished or unfurnlslVed. with a April. The home will accommo­ KX9«S(aa>yxaa«^^ H. A. STF.PENHS ■56, South‘Windham, Conn.' Insurance ...... 18 ber tired runabout, smoothing har-' iarg^'gardep. In'qulve 278 Hilliard i. ' *"'^^*^"^***'*» *>*■ date twenty patients.. During the ■••J - '| * ' • I ■ ' T...... ' ‘ ______Millinery—Dressmaking ...... 19 Center at Knox Sts, Tel. 933-2 row cultivator, and some harness strefet.' ' '' FOR' SALE—SINQ.LE hp'u'se. 6 rooms World War, Mrs. , Farrell whs en­ Moving—Trucking—Storage .... 20 and small tools. Call at 342 East and sun- parlor, g'aragri. steam heat, Painting—Papering ...... 21 Biisliies» Services Offered I.S Center or "telephone- 191 3-3. FOR RENT-^TENEMENT 17 roster gpod lucattQri,' pricS‘ $650U; See Stuart gaged in First Aide Work- In Mil­ Professional S e r v ic e s ...... 2'2 J. Wasle'y. 815 Main street. Tel. waukee. Wis., and :?pent three years Repairing ...... 23 FOR SALE—LOAM. Inquire Frank street, first double house from E. Center street. AH Improvements. In', ■,1428-2. . , * ' , in the drug; department of a large Tailoring— Dyeing—Cleaning ... 24 WANTED—ASHES to draw and cel­ Damato, 24 Homestead street. Man­ . S(pi7 o f the Tolle': Goods and Service ...... 25 chester. Tel. 1507. ' V quire 15 Foster, street._Tel.;T67-2. hospital. As there is no sup.h iuafi- Wanted—Business Service ...... 26 lars to clean'. Telephone ‘3C82-W. ■T' tution in the town, she has been as­ FOR RENT—4. 5 AND 6 room rer Lsijal ^oUc.ef 7tf EfInentlonnI ' W E. BltOGkWAY, FOR SALE—LAWN fertMIzer, a na­ sured ,of several patients. 'I'he ' ^ efclict br by Uniuches Courses and Classes ...... 27 tive mixture, of proveii value. Care $28 tip. Apply Edwa d j ; ' HoU, i I '. .'■ J ' - ■ ,1 Formerly with Watkins Bros. ‘ Main street. Telephone 560.'' Board of Selectmen have endorsed i^w- Private Instruction ...... 23 UPHOLSTERING—REPAIRING for your lawn now. priced fighL'Call , a t a ;c o u r t q f . p r o r a t e h e l d - Dancln g ,.,,.,...... 2 8 -A 34 Church St. Tel. 1352-W *136 Summer street. Phone 1877. at Manchester,* within arid for the' the,-home. Musical—Dramatic ...... 29 FOR RENT—4 ROQM flat single .District; of. .Msn.chester,.;pn, the 30'th .Pythian Higtem P4lin 10th AoniV^i- Wanted—Instruction ...... 30 CH.AIR CANING and Spltnl seat:ng Fuel and Feed 411-a house, all- mpderp Improyementa.; |u-, day of March,"A; D., 1'929'. Financial qui're Frapk Da.mato, .24 Hpm'#a\eHd Satistaction guaranteed. Prices -'Present, WILLIAM .i.*HYDE, Esq., Damon Temple,,,. Pythian Sisters Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages ...... 31 right. L. E. Basey. Sr.. 595 Main FOR SALE—HARD seasoned' wood, street.; Phone' -lSU?. • •' ^ J'lmge'. ■ • ; Business Opportunities...... Z 'i streeti So. Manchester. Tel. 2S31-’.V. $12 cord, $8.UU load. Birch wood $10 I. ' ■■■ ■ 'It. i ». r-1 n ^ .Estate of Abble. J-’ Duri'n • late, ot' are making plans for their . Ittth Money to Loan ...... 33 KUK' RBNT4-4 ..OOM,. tenem ent-w ltb 7^ cord. Wm. Sass, Vernon street. /I'el. Manchester,. In s^d District,'deceased.- Anniversarynto he hnexed.' i- Help Wanted — Fem ale ...... 85 FOR SALE—HARD wopd, $8' lo'dd. UHDHHEDitV^Triat-'Sliji :m «nfts from-, Orgaoizatio'ns'in . -^this -u district U „and J. Help Wanted—Male ...... 36 BOSTON FERNS. BEGONIAS, carn.a- mixed wood $6.50, slabs And ..fife FOR .RENTr-46 : ^ O M teji'e»i[l»nt. .the ;3oth day;of Match,.A. p,, i92F;,b,6*| tl^p grand'Officers.-havp bapo^hvited Help Wanted—Male or Female .. 37 tions $1 doz.. calendulas 35c a pan in place wood $7. Chas'Palinei, 895-3. thoFoqgtily. niodflifp.. A'lipJyMp 'arid ft*- sk'lrie are'Tlmlte.d'ajjJi'ailbw'e.dr .to attend. Mra. Ella -Lehrmltt 1* Agents Wanted ...... 37-A bud and bloom. Hanging pan full of Tammaflii,.* 90 idaVn 'Street. ' for;.tlie. ct^kiifg '.vtltiiwj *'whloh " ’to Situations Wanted — Female .... 33 green Inch plants, etc. $I each. Ever­ FOR SALE—SLAB wood'^ . stove , jA ' iT'. '■ chairman, of the-entertainment comr Situations Wanted—Male ...... 39 greens and shrubs. Tel: 8-3091. 379 Ipiigtli.- fireplace wood 6-.to',9. dullaVs v o lt RE>rr-4FIVE-ROOM, flat op }l»l* mittee and Ml Arid Mrs. NUtiapd of, Employniest Agencies ...... 40 Burnside Ave. ' Greenhouse. East a truck load. V. Flrpo, 115 .-Wells . inont street, ijqwpitairs, Hlf • nrid*? the .r’efre^hffieiitai . Live Stnck-l’clK-Poultry-Vehicles Hartford. street. Phone 246C-W and 2634-2.^ efri 'inuTfolfements , a'lyd Kafage' ,IP'» tors; to -btirik- lri'-their/'i3^‘ri» wlftin ^ VislUuK Kur8.*^Drlve |n May. Dogs—Birds—Pets ...... 41 quire $7 Ualmon^'srt**t.;reL said tlme.allo'W^d' by'.'‘poiitlng a copy Live Stock—Vehicles ...... 42 FOR SALE— 10.000 SHRUBS. 25c each WOOD FOR Sa l e —F irst class oak of this order on the' public-sign post The- Rockville Visiting Nurse As­ Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 or 5 for $1.00. Roses 25c each. Hedg- wood by the load or cord; also apple aesrssi to the place where the der sociation willfconduet t-heir annual, Wanted — Pe'.s—Poultry—Stock 44 ing-California privet and barberry tree and oak wood for fireplace. It JLiegal iNotM’e* IV ceased Ikat * dwelt within Said town.* $5 a hundred. Gladiolus bulbs 25c membership drive at the first week For Sale— Miecellaneonii can't, be beat. Frank V. Williams. -and by-'publlshlri'g ' the same -.in 'some in'May. Mrs. Charles- H*. Alien;-Is Articles tor Sale ...... 45 dozen. John McConville. 7 AVinde- Buckland. 989-2. «? .1 I newspaper having „a circulation Jlh Boats and Accessories...... 46 mere street, Homestead Park. Tel. ■ said;, probate - dist;riet,--. 'wlthln t'cn. flays chairman, of tbe finaince committee-, ^ liiy i*' named afterTjrr, Norse god o f war. The 1640. ^; AT.'A GQIJIIT O F ;^R aB A TE Building Materials ...... 47 FOR S A L E -T H E FOLLOWING klrida at Manchester.' -within aud, fo r the froiri ■t;He''da£e'Qf''£hIs o)rfler;.'anfl -re- It, is expected the response will be worl¥-¥fas ternhle wolf-spIrlt cafied Fen-. Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 48 of wood, sawed stove length., arid district off ■^Manchester.ori the 30th. tur'ri make to this cou'rt of tlje no.-- as.'giBUerous as in past years as the Electrical Appliances—Radio ... 49 Moving— Trurbiiig— Storage 20 under cover, chestnut hard and Mabt day of Mafrih,' A'. D*,; 1929'. ‘ .-v , • tlce'g'lven; - institution appeal* to all classes o f ’ '^ 9; the mountains Fuel and Feed ...... 1...... 49-A L. T. Wood Company, 55' Bl8$eirst! - t ■ ; ■ , WILLIAM S. 'HYDE_ Garden — Farm—Dairy Products 6U •preBenti WIL^,lAM" S. ETD??.'', Esq-. pePple... The: drawing classes, of the STORAGE R o o m for furniture or J;iU'4^8r9* \ ^ • ,v'";A ' ... ' ■ 'juflge.'- Household Goods ...... 61 merchandise, available *at Braith- (iarden, Varui, Dairy Prnduett; fib ' Estatri .of^BridSet Sh'ea';Carf<:iate ■Hf.'4rl-29.; Rockville ' 'gh; school ere at.‘‘preS'^ Machinery and Tools ...... 53 waite’s, 52 Pearl street. ■v; i'..i .11'' B'l. i> i ;'■» I.' 'L"'r— .■ Musical In.struments ...... 53 of ent / engaged Ih a contest for- a FOR SALE—MAPES fertilizer, sheep A T 'A COUR-'T a t e h e l d ?5’ gojd piece .which wllU be the Office and Store E ijulpm ent...... 54 GENERAL TRUCKING—Ixjcal and Sporting Goods—G uns ...... 65 manure, seed oats. 0- K Bailey, ; 60 ^iipon .application'* of .irbe M^ebssr at ^Marichsstar,,, wlthm arifl,. 'for.'t'hfl* award fenr the bSst poster fbr-tise;|n. long distance.; well equipped for Hilliard street. tqf -Trust cohipany .praYmg:.ftat' an Strict o f. MaDaitqstar.; on the soft. Specials at the Stores ...... 56 tobacco, fe'rtIUzer. wood, grain, y o f ‘March', •A;D‘.'.^lt!l29.V * tbedrl’Ye. The ..judges are,Gustave W earing Apparel—Furs ...... 67 ipstrumerit -purporting; to, ,h,e .ft* .last S heavy freight. «tc. Experienced men: Motueliold QuuOs wlir and'.testiMnerit of, satfl - d®®.*®jllf4; ...Prsssfnt'WILLlAM- S'.‘ HYDE. Esq.. Hoffman, Lebbeus.' F. Blsaell jand W anted—to Buy ...... 6S Prompt service. Rates very reason­ 51 Rooms— Unnrd— ilotciH—Resorts be admitted to ptobSte , and that l*tt JuflyS;':" ' -'-I Mrs.' Charles H.'Alien. , , able. Frank V. WlUlams, Buckland. GAS STCVES $5 to $15. One used'baby* ters 'of adroirilrtrstlqn', with; the ;sviU/ Estate of John^Murphy l*te of Man­ Itcstunrants 989-2. annexed 'b'e gfpM.fdd' ori sji|^;esta;te,v’a? chester, Iri ;s|i4d Lllsti'lot,; deceased. Benefit Card Party' April 3rd. Rooms Without Board ...... 69 ■ ■ I ■ l y I I ^1 *— III carriage $12. One new baby carriage $15. , - ■ . " per ‘aPrills'ation orilfile.'Mt Is*: V. r ' ' The Executor; having'exh$hltefl his ' The RqckrtBe'Girls Qlub will Boarders W anted ...... 69-A LOCAL and LONG distance moving, ORD.EitEPf7rTrhat;,vtho -'toregolng StratI6'riv*ricourit‘ w tft s ^ d es; hpld’ a bbhefit bridgeAud whJst Country Board—Resorts ...... 60 by experienced men. Public store­ WATKINS FURNITURE EXCHANGE appUciatlori' M heard- annVdsterrijlririd tats to >tlus Court' fori sUbw*ricjS. It Is Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 house. L. T. Wood, 65 Bissell street. 17 Oak St. 'party * ^^edhesday April 3. yalu&bte W anted—Rooms—Board ...... 62 at-;the Frohate offlca.:ipxManb'e.'and - ths'lsaTnC . is. as-, mittees. arb*rwbHtihg to“niake It a Business lA>cattons for Rent . . . . 64 Motor Dispatch. Dally service be­ I -WILL PAT. THE HIGHEST prices signed f o r a hearblg..,:dn , the- allow.-- Houses for Rent ...... ,65 tween New York and Manchester. for inagazines, paper,;, rags, tires, the pen4(^j3,i anc'o.er''ha'yIrig a,;;jjirquta-, has ann^unced^that ■ the prbpbrly ta.x Real Estate For Snio tipie. TeL 7. Lqcal and long distance tlbn in;: sata dlstrloti -. oh ,.of ;^ ljefore Apartment Buildings for Sale ... 63 moving and trucking and freight W ILL PAY THE ,HIGBE^|T Ctlgh A'^pfll: ifelMSl^ahd :| /y postlrig. a cop» pflbllsmng. ,a cxiv'-of-,thla_ - Prdsr in of tbetttiwn oT'Te^nbn IS due^and Business Property for Sale ...... 70 work and expresa Dally express to prices for ragq, paper, misgaslnes,. ' this jorati n>t%)c]fthl.iq' signrppst ;can;be paSd at'tlie;Fif,St' '^rational; Faroij and Land for S a le ...... 71 Hartford. old metaL Will also buy all*klpfia:pt ot 9 Aoine niMrapaP;tn'.wyHi'k' clfculatlpm Houses for Sale ...... 73 chickens. Morris H. Lesspar. T*L In'-said^to^.l ofcmriehesW^^^^ flfi; S.alflfrSstrtct',';dn‘iPr' b'SfoTer' rBiftk 9 av'ifli t6-4«p. m.' ahd'ifrom.';?' five dhYtf'l^o.te/t^d^- ipaa, ^andby'^postiqg- .a'copy ;to *fl-' p.; m..v betVeen ATflP 1st td Lots ffii Sale 7^ Kepairing 2 3 1589. ing. to.*a4ps*.r‘ -flfa^ey. see oguge at -dfd!Sr-on''th.e Resort Property for Sale ...... 7l :-15th.. Suburban for S ale ...... • ' 71 Toiv'n^whsfc Real Estate for Exchange ...... 71 HA'VE YOUR CAR checked up for Rpoms Without* Hmicd '' fly®id*y.*::bei.. . •J-...' v'W..'R.-C7.;B§Bef|t>Whbt. • - Wanted—Real Estate ...... 71 spring driving. All makes of cars and return make/,tp:.tiua Cou, ' ' \The Aides- of the "Burpee Wo4 repaired ’ at'reasonable prices. First FOR RENT,—fu r n ish e d ,rdeppT cs"pv 'HYDE .. . WffiLlASt7S.'*H^DE ■ Anctlnn-Legal Notices ^ Judge.. s' . * .T> . ■ ■■Jijage. man's 'Relief Cdrpa-will hold a piib-i Fennift; wi|iftd: fiot ■ i-'.mat condition wai Auction Sales ...... 7! class wreqkiag . service. Smith’s tcally located, dentlenlan p^efSrfed. 7ll'c .whist ‘ on-, Monday- eTMlng; ApWf Legal Notices ...... 71 Garage, 30 Bissell street. Telephone 865. ' , Ht4-1-29..',. H-i4nr29.-- 3 ;; J ; '■ allow ' iyen thia^ to ft- that A god must km serH;: , -V v--‘--Vx ■ :• ■ . ;---• lopk^g chain .'to to. p u i his hand in *F^nf le*"' .placelcr around* hia; niack, f nUuitlL, Ty(; wa$i -the on ^ GAS BUGGIES—Alec Faces a Problem -:>V- ByFRANEBEUK egeeptj on bne.^ditl0n> ^ god to volunteer. ” - ’T...... ‘.I t R '-'A : YOU THDUOHT Stou WERE to LIKE TO TELL HEM r-j- ..i’. ALL ABOUT THAT t 1.000 LOOO AND :VU0M0|£RFUL_THINI!^,^'MAKE. ">PULUNS ' t h e w o o l O V B t H V MAKE A CLEAN BREAST OP MV MAN ' CIIAMd^- EVESL m . ' ALEC'I w e l l ,QOLOGRtP PAST, TOO • H^S ALWAYS BEEN SQUARE DIDN’T - 1 MEEiTf Vl^aiiA LET T H E ‘C A t OliT OF THE BAG . M/ITH M E . IT'S PUNtsTV HOW IVE CHANGED 11> BE A Y M sEerr 0RE6SCR ‘ ON TiucT tR i^ SINCE 1 M ET'VIOLA . I NBV/ER HAD MAN 0 / .N»i^,>!MrCH T O -ia e r HIM’ AMilKt' FRiDM VIOLA, ANY FEEUNGS ABOUT TAKING LITTLE TO BE hWT t o r HELP THE POUW ANYBODY^ - MONEY BEFORE . PROUD OF , V - tHiD 16 BMR MMUJS' A o S o r ALTHOUGH MULusren ) t POOR ALEC iknenousM' IS SINCERE IN HIS ^orroMMAnoN lo A ; eet-oessie GO STRAIGHT, .’ewEnyriOSR:'^ AND QEF»T AcouMii roe, TV4E. ^ 1 . 0 0 0 evcRVOAii ■ OAN DiSaSER e x h o r t e d A 9 THE pmcc OP ABOUT F- - T*T2aseP!!pi

X' .■K P A G E T H t t t ) MANUHESfEB EVBn !n (: llEriATn. Sturnt MAN-aiESTER, CONN., MOND.AY, AFBIt: 1,1929, By Percy L. Crosby SKIPPY FT.APPER FANNY SAYS SENSE and; n o n s e n s e 1 'ii' i j J-' - - •< - CANT FIHI> i...... ‘.IT M ' 111. T TI: wS I i I i r 11 \ " ,i1 $30 and Costs. lA f 1 . S H A D O W A

“ Poor Jerry smashed his car and 'T h in k s i got pinched yesterday.” “ Really? What was the charge?” “ Driving under the influence of woman.”

\Vc Can Sympathize. I ve had tlie grip, the pip. the gout, Lunipjaw, lockjaw, and phletitis, DuCnever suffered like 1 do a With backseatdriveritis

Cop (to Sweet Young Thing turning right against one-way traf­ fic stream); “ Hey you can't do that.” y Y. T.; ‘‘Why? ’ Cop: “ Well, a right turn is wrong— the left turn is right. If/ you wanna turn right turn left and | I then— ah, go ahead.” | “ Smith is suing the railroad for RC«. U. S. PAT. OFF. e m * . ST MCA SCnVKC. INCj theft.” “ What did he lose?” QUR BOARDING HOUSE A girl is never robbed of \ t “ One of the locomotives lifted the ^ jonerville Trolley That Meets All the Trains By Fontaine Fox haughtiness when she’s stuck 3 spare tire off the back of his car. By Gene Ahern Grandma: “ Isji’t it wonderful how a single policeman can dam the flow of traffic. -THE SKIPPER'S HAT^P F^iVa U,*TKE’TA yi PF^iVERrPAJT oV/Ef^ ® - 'B V : S o \ i E ^ p p o f e s s o r ; ^ seems To me Tt/e Little Grandson; “ Yes, but you ought to hear the truck drivers.” ANl A?Rl]-« F o o l , Ohl HIM THAT THE SKIPPER W ILL N ot / P 6 T ? k ,---- X P O llT seek! PPofessor , m e ^ s a Y, before lets ‘^TMiklk B uster has DORk , ^ " MAXOR., V/oT PoES The owner of a car of doubtful HEAR THE LAST OF FoR YEARS. T H lk lk HoiaI t w a s age ultimately concluded that it HAD The pleasure X>1SS MAH MEAKi? FOR SPRING GARDENS. needed overhauling. After the OF mebTiUS iT IKl A P A ID ^------HE VILL HAF -HOt— I PEMEMHER garage men walked around it a S o i l V e t / — B u s t e r . To - E)^BLAlls), vs,X EARLY SEEDS are just what Couple of times one of them re­ HolJ^ iT UJAS Ikl are needed for spring gardiiers a■c SHAke HAMS,I PoH*' UHHERSTAH'' marked; “ That’s a good spotlight VAUPEViU-LEn^VEM., this time of year. Here they a r ^ you have. Let’s jack it up and run MEAlO HAKIDS, with HIM 9 Par is eight and one solutimi^'bn a new car under it.” celebrated — A MA61CIAH Took another page. ' Soli ouT of His HAT, A certain motor car manufactur­ r v ' PROFESSOR DORK er who had aavertised that he had OF DRESDEk] P — - Ahi'' TM'* FEaA E. A R. L Y put a car together in seven minutes, 61TT1U6 HE'j^TTo me liM-M- fJoT was rung up on the 'phone and ask­ TH oU (S U r S o i l w e r e So 600D F or a ed if it was true. A -RABBir, — StARTi—^HE “ Y’es,” was the answer; “ why?” < 0 “ Oh, nothing. But I believe I ’ve X PECALL You RUSHED RI6HT got the car.” KloW / OUT .OF H lS CORHER AT t h e “ What kind of store is that fel­ - CLAW6 OF -THE low running?” “ Well, he has auto parts for •BELL., AMD HIT sale,” replied the attendant in the ME OH TH’’ filling station, “ buys butter, eggs , CHlfJ ! ^ and poultry, deals in real estate, paints houses, marries folks in his capacity as justice of peace, -runs the post office, sells stamps, hams, molasses, etc., and takes boarders upstairs. 1 reckon you’d call it a p drug store.” f 5 E E D s She: “ What do you think of the' y s f f f M new type of car that can be con­ Him To THE RULES. verted’ for sleeping?” He: “ It's the bunk.” r ■'HE, 1 — The idea of Letter Golf is to iTuHcHf change one word to another and do One person can park a car with it in par, a gi.en number of strokes ease but it takes two to park one if Thus to change COW to HEN, in you’re going to have any fun out of three strokes, COW, HOW, HEW, it. HEN. 2 — You change only one letter If every railroad cross-arm warn­ ri9E7-''^Bs at a time. ing carried a neat mirror, at least 3 — You must have a completethe girls would stop, "Nlook— and word, of common usage, for each maybe listen. jump. Slang words and abbrevia­ NCA SERVICE. INC.. 4^- tions don’t count. How disheartening when you y,HEGi. uU. S.PAT. 4 __The order of letters cannot bo .stop to help a pair of ankles change (tFontaine Fox, 1929. The Bell Syndicate1. Inc.) ^ changed. a tire and discover they belong to a One solution is printed on comic grandmother. By Crane oage. VVASHINGTON TUBBS II Foxes and Goat The pedestrian has the right of way but he never gets it until he’s If he wraps a ten-dollar billj admiral, NOO see CAN DO NUTTiN65. in an ambulance en route to the \ around a roll of ones, his car is the | TTcoow TuT tot, ?AUV S6 SMiT s p e e d '. V GROSS \.0 0 N6 BAD-\JERN BAD. BV JOE-' HAT£ one with the bugle horn. i hospital. '^’’Dea tcoop's IT'S DeR A’DMlRAL'S GENTLEMEU. MAKE AN ev.AMPLE / INCOMPETENCE-'DOT S FMLT'. ’DOT DUNilAER MARTIAL- DEQ COURT To DO \T, old pa l, but I 6iOT To PUT pan - \T‘5 LETS NOT "BE UP UlM*. DEfLTftOOPS / VOT \T iSS. VOT'S \ LE.FT IT UH&UNPDLO I DEMAND MAR.TIAL MVT TOO Under guard mile me co n d o r G014E1 iPS A COURT ^30 SEARS IH Too WASTV. ^ d e m a n d JUSTICE. r< MORE, \ TAINK WE Af-4 iMVJESTiGtscUON. r To 60 (NfTeP. 6LS. V stole dot MONEV S T O L t N './ i martial. A DOM^eoH. 7 ‘ ------7{

sfom rijy* wAif cocMR/^st— p icT on csiy k n i c k



Ht8.u.s.------BY NCA StRVICt. ReO.O.kFAT.OFF. Ct*2A av NCA semnee, Mc.t B y Small SALESMAN SAM Joke’s on Connie (HEAD THE STORY, TH EN COLOR THE PICTTURE) WHATS t h e id e a oF SAM HOWOY TU a t ^ N>e.r APRIL,,, 'Y o u 'r e m r ..M a c k , \ ©eutvE-'MeLL, The man within the tub^up high, Ilng a frown. “ Hurry! I see you’re VJcut-, LOOK w ho 's PLATIM’ JHATS dOMMEO EVERYTH INCr he’d lassoed quite a great big bird. eAse&ftU IM TVV se a so n ! - CAM'T BLAHiE a “ I’d like to meet him,” Scouty Then down they came, real sure, Y o u r m a m &. s o m '? UP OM OURTEAMk A f/ / ; but slow. The Tub Man laughed, FOff. T « t ». wcA «wwc«. twe. The man up in the tub looked (Clowny rescues the Tub Man in down. A smile, real-soon,, replac- the next story.) w* ' ■ : ■ '

, - ‘ T-'^! 'IjAGJl FOURTEEPr jnanrit^at^r tttgnU ta l^gratt fOBUC RECORDS WHOOPEE RAINBOW THREE SMALL CRASHES | MO D E HOME LAST 2ND ANNUAL The folowing Inetruments were feaster Monday, CarniTal and D ^ ce DANCE PAUCE WERE week-end total! \yoRD IN MODERNE filed with the town clerk since Fri­ pv;:-pe-: Given by the LUCKY SIX at the day:. Princess Ballroon^ TONIGHT Warantee Deeds. Kockvaie, Conn., April 1, 1929 ALL MODERN DANCING Antonia Letourneau to Elmer E. m Mnsic by the Original Dixieland Heavy Easter Traffic Fails to Robinson, of Springfield, Mass., Cotton Pickers Mnsic by Produce Any Serious Auto Marvin Green House Opens ninteen acies of land* located, m Wouldn’t You Like To Hats, Streamers, Confetti and BOBBY LEGG AND HIS Injury. Hillstown, being the tobacco farm Noise Makers MOONLITE RAMBLERS owned > by Herman •WHOOPEE— LET’S GO Formerly of Palm Gardens Three minor automobile acci-. j for Public Inspection To-' which he sold two years Admission 50c Admission 60c. dents, in which no one was s^ious- ago. ly hurt, were Manchester’s Easter morrow. Abraham Cohen to Bertha Ber­ TONIGHT Rev. George S. Brookes, pastor of week-end total, despite the heaviest gen and Anna Berman, land and the Union Congregational church traffic of any Sunday this year. building located at the corner of Save $50 This Week? Main and Hilliard streets. Known Tall Cedars April Fool Frolic in Rockville, will speak on his ex­ Louis Mirogllo of U S Maple I as the North End Filling station. AT MASONIC TEMPLE periences in the use of motion pic­ street, emerging Tomorrow, April 2, marks the tures In church work at a meeting Alain, bound south at 8:50 Satur­ opening of the Richman model Edward J. Holl to JohnrF. Barry Music by Jack 5Iorey’;i Broad­ this evening at 7 o’clock in. the day night, encountered a car driven and wife land and building on Scar­ home, located in the Marvin Green \ . casting Orchestra auditorium of Second Congrega­ by Joseph Rosetto of 8 8 Blssell borough Road and known as lot No. Admission 75 cents tional church here. The latter street at Alain street. Both sloped tract, owned by Elman and Rolston 43 of the Hollywood tract. church Is considering the Installa­ down nearly to a stop before the> at Manchester Green. Leonard J. Agreement. tion of a machine for this purpose. bumped. Aliroglio and Rosetto ad­ Richman of the Dewey Richman Jeremiah Healey of Buckland has journed to the sidewalk to argue ,, , , , J . I Ifeased for a term of three years. We Have 5 Only Wo. 71 a b o u t t o w n Manchester Lodge, No. 1477, will about the responsibility, leaving Co well known jewelers and sta- j ejgjjt acres of land for the purpose elect a new slate of officers at to­ their cars in the road. They drew tioners, is the owner of the model of tobacco raising and a building of night’s meeting in the Home Club a crowd and held it until Police home. five acre capacity together with the W. C. T. U. members will have on Brainard Place, at 8 o’clock. Sergeant Crockett and Officer laths and other implements, to the It has been built with the great­ Hartman Tobacco Company at a an Easter program at their regular Roberts appeared and advised them est skill and care and presents It­ meeting tomorrow afternoon at The Beethoven Glee club will to drive their cars away from the yearly rental of $800 a year, Majestic M-EIectric Radios self to the public as a truly model C. R. Burr to Carl B. Henick lot 2-30 at the South Methodis meet tonight at 7:30 o’clock in the middle of Alain street. No arrests type of home construction. It is church. An invitation is extended Swedish Lutheran church. were made. No. 23 on Cumberland street. built of brick with an exterior Camillo Gambolatl to James to all interested. An offering to Saturday night Charles Zenssen course of burned end brick laid flowers for the sick will be received. Miss Lillian Koehler of Lons of Brood Brook and Frank OU, Forde lot and building of GreenhlH without line to give it its unique Terrace located on west side of Pit­ Island City was the guest of Mr. whose registration bore the cryptic appearance. To Sell This Week On Which and Mrs. P. J. Ryan of Ridge street address of Rockville, R. F. D., side- kin street. ' Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hills of Center Every modern convenience has over Easter. swiped each other on Oakland Quit Claim Deed. street have had as their quests been built into it and it Is equipped The Ecclesiastical Society of over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. street at 11:25 Saturday night. Ott Mr. and Airs. Eugene Courg and was driving his Ford north when with the latest and finest type of Alanchester to the Town of Man­ H Perrv and daughter Maryaiine, fixtures and. appliances. Two. very chester a surveyor’s descriptive who motored back to their home m i their two children, together with he met Zenssen and both wanted We Will Allow A Credit of novel features are found In the fact deed of property given to the town Binghamton, N. Y., today. Airs. Courg’s mother, the middle of the road. Sergeant Corcilius, spent the week-nd witn Crockett investigated and found u that no coal or gas Is used In the in exchange for certain properties Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Corclllius of a 50-50 proposition. There was no house. Heat is provided by a new given by the town to the society. Sunset Rebekah Lodge will hold t^pe boiler with an oil burner and Walnut and Cedar street. arrest but Zenssen had ? cut over Power of Attornej’. its regular meeting in Odd Fellows the ear from broken glass while heat for the kitchen use is pro­ From Henry W, Gottschalk to, hall this evening. The business will $50 For Your Old Set his car lost a front wheel and was vided by an electric stove. Jane Gottschalk. j , be followed by a social for the considerably dented. Otl’s car suf­ A two-car garage is attached to Administrator's D eed members, while the cast for 11 fered a bent wishbone and a spring the house in the rear. It Includes The Manchester Trust Company, play "Norah Mixes In’ will re­ POLICE COURT was broken. . all facilities even to fire protection administrator of Emil L. G. Hohen- hearse in the other hall. Charles Beilnickis of I^'’>ckv He by two lines of automatic sprink­ thal to Almena E. C. Hohenthal of drove out of the Oakland Filling lers. The first floor is given over to 246 Collins .=treet the property own-| No. 71 Mr and Mrs. John Robb of 23 Station at 9 o'clock last night in a hall, living room, dining room, ed by the lata E. L. G. Hohenthal ar Summit street have returned home Otto Neurath of New- Britain, front of a Rockville trolley car. kitchen and den. The second floor Center and Roosevelt streets. after a six weeks’ stay in Florida. paid a fine of $10 and costs in the The raotorman slowed down enough has three splendid bedrooms, a sew­ Bill of Sale. Alanchester police court this morn­ so that when the trolley car hit the ing or writing room and a beauti­ Abraham Cohen to Herman Ber­ Ever Readv Circle King’s Daugh­ automobile nothing much happened ful tiled bath and dressing room. gen contents of the North ‘ Filling MAJESTIC ters will hold a rummage sale in ing for operating a truck without but a broken windshield. No ar­ The third floor may be finished off station. the near future, the exact date and a proper mirror attached. He had rests were made. to include two bedrooms and a bath Attachment. place to be announced later. Mem­ an accident on Oakland street when for servants if desired. Alax Lavitt has brought action iu bers" and friends are requested to his truck backed into another car. Thq basement has two stairways the amount of $9,800 against propr AiL-aECTRic Radio bear this in mind when house­ He was arrested by Patrolman R. tall cedars, masonic leading down to it. One half of the erty owned by K. S. Falk naming cleaning. The committee in charge H. Wirtalla. main section is finished off and 8,000 bags and cases of tobacco in is Mrs. E. E. Segar. chairinaa; George LaChappelle of Vernon has a large fireplace In It. Parties storage in the Alanchester Store Mrs. Carl Benson and Mrs. F. A. for parking his car in a restricted CARNIVAL TONIGHT and dances could be held here. The House Company. The writ is re­ Nickerson. district Saturday night was in the other half is given over to the turnable the first Tuesday in May to the Superior court of Hartford $137.50 court this morning. He told the laundry and for other purposes. The Dr. and Mrs. 'V\L D. Munro of the i Full galore is promised tliose judge that he supposed that he had who attend the Tall Cedars-Masonic boiler room is in the rear, cut off County. Brown Thomson building, Haru- parked his car according to the from the entire house by concrete ford, left for New York yesterday April frolic in the Temple here to­ Complete, Without Tubes as Illus­ law. He works in Rockville and night. Alany stunts have been walls and ceiling. In the corner op­ Second Mortgage and sailed from that city today on had to lose his time in order to l)e posite it is a specially constructed the S. S. California for Los Angeles, planned and a group of clowns will trated, Less the $50 Credit for Your present in court. The judge thcught keep the merriment at a high peak cold cellar. Money via the Panama canal. They plan that he had been sufficiently pun­ No time nor expense has been Old Radio. a stop at Havana, and will remain throughout the night. Jack Morey’s Now on Hand. ished and accordingly suspended famous orchestra of Springfield. spared to make this model home as in Los Angeles until August 1. nearly perfect a.s possible. It has Airs. Munro was the former Miss udtsmeiit. Mass., will furnish the dance music. A large crowd is indicated by the been entirely decorated and fur­ Arthur A. Knofla Hazel Paxson of Alaiichester Green. Joe Rokaitis was so drunk yes­ nished in a manner becoming the To the five"customers who purchase a Majestic Model 71 All-Electric radio, terday afternoon that he was un­ advance sale of tickets. Those have tickets for disposal are asked house. A real treat is in store for lluy. ISniid and Ijive in Manchester we will allow $50 on their old set, regardless of make or age. This is a splendid Sunset Council. No. 4a, Degree able to walk. He was picked up by those who visit it. «75 iMaiii St., IMione 78S-S opportunity for the Majestic radio is noted for its amazing tone, wonderful dis­ of Pocahontas, will hold its re,gular Patrolman Wirtalla at Depot to nnke their returns tonl.ght. -Ml meeting tonight at S o’clock in Square yesterday afternoon. In meiiihers of the Tall Ceuars are re­ tance- and clarity. As there are only five sets to sell we advise an early visit Tinker hall. A large turnout of court this morning he was given a quested to wear their pyramids, to our Radio Shop. the members is hoped for. fine of $10 and costs. He had no and those who are to take the parts money and was taken to jail to ' of clowns a?e requested to report -M r. and Mrs. Herbert Alorrison work out the fine and costs. at the Temple at 7:45 this evenin $50 Radio Allowance This Week Only of Winsted and .Mr. and Mrs. Har­ old Ward and daughter Jane of WON Springfield. Mass., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Airs, oedrick Straughan of East Center street. Private Passenger Automobile Owners Mystic Review-. Woman’s Benefit association, w-ill hold its legular GOOD THINGS TO EAT business meeting in Odd Fellows SOMETHING DIFFERENT hall tomorrow evening. 10% Reward If you’re a bit fed up on grown-up beef why not D EPARTM EN T STORE SO. MAHCHESTER,,COMN Aliss Anna Sullivan, daughter of sliift, tomorrow to the meat that would have been Air. and .Mrs. Thomas Sullivan of -foi’- beef if it had grown up but is so wholly different, Riverside street, Alanchester Green, as is. Veal in two very attractive forms features a member of this year s graduating iu I’inehurst Aleat Department today— Boneless class of nurses, has successfully Veal for Stewing, and Ground Veal. Lots of folks passed the state board examination adore Veal Stew, all but the bones. Here you have for registered nurses. Careful Driving that problem all ready solved. No fuss either be­ V iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii fore or after cooking. . *fhe Ground "Veal many The April meeting of the Church Now you can buy Automobile Public Liability and IMnehurst Customers have adopted as a staple, Council will be held this evening at using it in the always dainty and desirable Loaf and the North Methodist church, with Property Damage Insurance at lower premium costs. also in the various ways that beef Hamburger is sTTpper at 6 o’clock served under used. Try it on toast. It’s 45 cents a pound. ON D ISPL A Y Special On the direction of Airs. C. I. Balch. If you have established a record for safety for 21 The Aleat Department is bracing today about some extremely nice Stewing Lamb, also. Air. and Airs. A. W. Taylor of months, you are entitled to a reduction under There’s been a regular drive on the Corned Beef New Britain, visited relatives in vats lately, but there are plenty of Prime Cuts on Panco Soles town over the week-end. Air. Tay­ hand. lor is a brother of C. L. Taylor of THE TRAVELERS St. John street. You know Pinehurst is a mighty safe place to 1 MERIT RATING PLAN order meat by phone. It’s a matter of pride with MEN’S AND BOYS’ Boy Scout Troops, 1 and 8 will us that the customer shall, receive exactly as fine and satisfactory a cut as if marketing in person. meet tonight at 7 o’clock at the You can enjoy lower pi-emiums, pay for them on easy We will make your old shoes better s Harding School and Lutheran Con­ Also our deliveries are made at YOUR conven­ than new with E cordia Church respectively. ience. Any time after 8 o’clock in the morning. terms and buy the very best insurance and service from The 1:30 afternoon delivery is a favorite, as it the largest multiple-line insurance organization in the reaches the kitchen door before Aladame the House­ Panco Soles i FRIGIDAIRE wife leaves for the afternoon. Phone 2000. world. Automatic • Telephone or write for full information—no obliga­ SUPER OIL HEATER tion. MAYTAG WASHER SALES AND SERVICE John H. Lappen 'oosevelh Outwears Best Leathers 2 to 1. s The Home Electric Model L BOSTON SHOE REPAIR SHOP | Appliance (’orp. Insurance of All Kinds m a r m o n -b u il t 5 105 Spruce St., Near Bissell St., South Manchester *| Phone 2936 19 Lilac St., South Manchester- Telephone 1800 KELVINATOR T he Norton’s Exterior finish, White Duco on Parkerized steel. Three shelves and the bottom spAce have a total of 8.73 square irorld’s fir st WATKINS'BROTHERSi Inc. feet. Food storage space 4.43 cubic feet. Two 21 cube straight-eight Electrical ice trays. One with rubber grid- Overall dimensions A Little 23 11-32 inches wide, 22 1-2 inches deep and 54 3-8 inch­ u n d er SlOOO es high. (•tCMMcy) ' ^^ESTABLISHED, 544YEARS, Kelvinator is the lowest priced operating electric re­ CRAWFORD Shaver Service CHAPELXr'llIOAKiST., frigerator on the market today. Come in and get the V a u t o SUPPLY CO. 14)3 Center St., ' South Manchester is a boy between Generator, facts before you buy an electric refrigerator. We can Cast Hartford at Church Corner Robert iCAKdersort) PTion-r500 save you money. four and eight years Starter and Ignition 'Funeral Director 5or2837£W:. old. When you Repairs MODEL L-5-E suddenly discover As Described Above you haven’t a baby Our instruments locate trou­ FILMS any more but a regular, sure ’nuff little shaver it’s a pretty sure ble quickly, saving you much DEVELOPED AND time and annoyance. All WHY PAY 50c $ 175>00 I n s t a l l e d PRINTED sign you’ve got to do some building. He wants a room of his makes repaired at a reasonable 24 HOUR SERVICE own.. Maybe that means an addition to the houie. A playhouse ; charge. WHEN YOU CAN All Kelvinators are equipped with baffle plates which Film Deposit Box at a dog kennel; a high board fence to shin over; and repairs! Ask GET THEM FOR mean better air circulation. Stare Entrance Drive Your Car in For p ad —he knows! Dad buys lumber here. He’s one of our best Free Tests. Rubber Heels Attached KEMP'S customers. Norton Electrical ALFRED A. GREZEL W. G. qi^nney Instrument Co. SAM YULYES Headquarters for Plumbing and Hea.tifig Supplies. Hilliard Street. Phone 1 Main St., 0pp. Park Street, South Manchester * Coal* Lumber, (Near Manchester Freight 701 Main St., Johnson Block, South Manchester iR fil Ihe IkHrald Advs. . AUen Placii^Mibhlfa^ Station^ vV'v,'
