74' T=. V,» -•v. -X,-’ m THE WEATHER i F o n e u t br U> %v<>atk«r Baveaa* NET PRESS RUN Uavca a v e r a g e DAOiT CDRCULATIOX for the Month of IMarch, 1920 Rain tonight; Tuesday fair and 5 , 3 2 6 CO slightly colder. Member ot the An«lt Barean of 'CIrealatloBa IFOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS (Classified Advertising on Page 12) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1929. A^OL. XL1]X NO. 141. -<» AMBASSADOR HERRICK SEC STMSON i Gallon of Wine^Tragejdy 7 CONGRESS ALARMED \ IS DEAD IN PARIS WniDEFEND OVER SPECULATORS, SHIP SINKING '•VMVS MORGAN CASE American Envoy to France'SIX MEN'DROWNED V WOULD COURT THEM . > U. S. Attorney Calls Cnstoms Passes Away Snddenly| NEAR CHAEES ISLEj the British Anti'Rum Men 16 Tell How"Theyi|-^^'*''*^55Jf coxGREss»iEx. Stock Market Has Already from Heart Attack— Eu-| ----- | Washington, April 1.— Senator Drawn Two Billions in Smugghng Treaty; Cana­ Found Liquor Among Con­ Wesley L. Jones (R) of Wash­ logized by French Press.'Four Bodies Recovered; How | ington, author of the drastic pro­ hibition bill which bears his Cash from Legitimate In­ gressman’s Luggage. name, had this to say today con- dians Indignant Over Act. Qerning the plight in which two Paris, April 1 — The . body of Accident Occurred is Not I New York, April 1.— ^The sum­ i dry Congressmen, who voted for dustries; Senators Blame Myron T. Herrick, late American Washington, April 1.— Secretary moning of L. E. Crawford and the pact, find themselves: Known to Authorities. “ The Jones-Stalker law is ap­ ambassador to France, vs'ho died of State Stimson returned to his James McCabe, customs Inspectors, Reserve Board— Would suddenly vesterday from an acute today opened- the investigation of plicable to all even to the Presi­ desk today after an Easter week­ dent of the' United States. Teart attack, rested today m a Milford, April 1.— A body, be­ United States Attorney Charles H. flower banked room in the U « d end spent in New York, prepared Tuttle into charges that Congress­ “ I cannot dlsct^ss a member nf lieved to be that of J. O. Balmer, Outlaw All Marginal Buy­ States Embassy ]Oinins .the apart to defend the sinking of the Cana­ man William M. Morgan of Ohio the House, but tie law applies to caretaker of the laymen’s retreat, everyijody, to- officials no matter nient where Col. Charles A. dian schooner “ I'm Alone” by the violated the law by bringing in four bergh greeted the admiring crowds Charles island, one of'the six per­ bottles of liquor when he returned what position thry occupy, even ing of Securities. Kto.plcm gl,tfrom N.wYor^ sons drowned off the island late Coast Guard in the Gulf of Mexico from Panama a week ago. the President.” According to present plans nie Saturday, was taken from the wa­ March 22. on the ground that it Crawford and McCabe charge bodv will be taken to the ^^^ican ters of the Sound late this morning. was justified under the British anti­ they found the liquor in the Con­ Washington, April 1.— The No marks of identity were on the gressman’s baggage. , statesmen on Capitol Hill were Cathedral on Wednesday rum smuggling treaty. the arrival of the late ambassador s. body though a sum of money was ‘I have asked Assistant Collector matching their brains against Wall son. Parmalee Herrick, who has found in the clothes, and acquaint­ The Treasury Department, of Port Stewart to send down all street today to devise a method of through Secretary Mellon, justified curbing the orgy of speculative been in the United States. It is ances of Balmer were being sent 0- ^ ssi^ ^^Sswsi; witnesses connected with the case expected he will arrive here at the for in an effort to establish an the act under the tariff law of p 22, and will investigate each thorough-! gambling in Wall street. which gave the Coast Guard juiis- Two remedies for the stock end of this week. ______ identity. A new chapter in the tragedy of a mother’s death, brought about ly.” Tuttle said. Mrs. J. C. Edwards, a resident of diction over waters,'to a 12 mile because there was a gallon of wine in the house, Is pictured here. No Delay PROPOSALS IN gambling situation, which has Fairview, found the body floating limit..................... It is understood......... , that the, , Gerald De King, 12. and Joseph De King, son and father of Aurora, 111., Morgan’s innocence should be es­ drawn more than $2,000,000,000 in close to the shore at the foot of state Department has not acceptea j gj^j^vn taking their last look at the mother who was shot during a tablished at once for the accusa­ cash from the legitimate industries Deerfield avenue, Bayview, a point tile tariff act as applying to raid.on their home by dry agents. tions sustained,’' Tuttle said! "I am SDRP^E POU of the nation, were under construc­ about two miles east of the place case, hut will defend on a clause in not prognosticating about the case tion. where the tragedy occurred. the anti-rum treaty under which but it will be thoroughly looked In­ First, Senator King (D) of Utah, Great Britain agreed to permit to.’' ' said he would sponsor a bill V Milford, Conn., April 1.— A small search and seizure of suspected Asked if he would summon Mor­ outlawing from interstate com­ AH Amendments to Town’ s merce all negotiations in "Margin­ fleet manned by Milford police and rum runners within one hour s j Famous Aviators Down gan or any of the members of the private citizens who had volun­ steaming distance from shore. Congressional party which was al” buying of see>'rities. teered their services worked the Studies Report aboard tbe Panama liner Christo- 'Second, Senator Norris (R) of Stimson over the week-end Charter Fall as Outlying Nebraska, was studying a plan for waters inside Charles Island, Mil­ In Australian Wilds bal, Tuttle said that he would first ford harbor, today seeking the studied the Coast Guard’s prelimi­ hear the stories of the customs in­ leveying a federal tax upon specu­ bodies of two of the six men drown­ nary report of the attack, and the spector. Districts Turn Out in Full lative loans. ed mysteriously Saturday after­ treaty'aspects of the case, and at­ Morgan insists that the story is Senator Carter Glass (D) otV ir- tempted to grapple with the inter­ Sydney, Australia, April 1.— Air--'« After being in the air more than ginia, a former secretary o^^the noon as they were coming ashore national law principles of terri­ treasury, meanwhile was peeking from the island after working on planes set out at daybreak today to i 27 hours the aviators came down, (Continue 00 Page 2) Force in Opposition. torial jurisdiction which might be to strengthen the Federal Reserve the retreat for laymen established applicable. An international lawyer search for Captain Charles E. meanwhile sending out the follow- Act. Glass has maintained that the there by the Dominican Order of Kingsford-Smith and Captara Char- I . of considerable reputation. Stimson Every proposal of Manchester’s law itself is sufficient to cO’Qtrol Priests. The missing bodies are les Ulni who became lost in one of i^g wireless, finds himself in a dual role of be­ the wildest sections of North Aus­ “ Making forced landing in rotten Charter Revision committee fell and curb speculation and that the those of John J. Clerk and James O. ing compelled to defend the right PANIC BREAKS OUT fault lay in the' Federal Reserve Balmer, both of New Haven. tralia. when, their trans-Pacific plane country. Wish us luck.” before the determined opposition of of the United States to extend for “ Southern Cross” was forced down board’s failure to enforce the law. Of the six who were thrown into domestic purposes, the territorial In the hope that the airmen land­ the outlying districts when the nine He may sponsor an amendment to the water four bodies are now in by fuel shortage- and bad weather. ed near the Drysdale river a search­ jurisdiction of the United States be­ The Southern Cross hopped off IN MAKKEt TODAY major principles of changes in make the board act. yond the three-mile limit establish­ ing expedition will be sent into town government were placed be­ The Fly in the Ointment. (Continued on Page 3) for Wyndham, North Australia. It that district. ed by international law, and at the ran into a terrific rainstorm which fore the voters in special election. The fly in the ointment, so far as same time maintain tbe tradition­ lasted for ten hours. Hour after In addition to the rugged wild­ All the proposals were defeated by Congressional action is concerned, al policy of the United States con­ hour the airmeu. who gained fame ness of the country in which the two and a half to one. A surpris­ has been the impossibility of de­ men were forced down, it is filled ingly large vote was cast, the check cerning freedom of the seas. through their flight over the Nervous Traders Start Sell­ termining in advance just what ef­ NEW LOVE LEHERS Booze Not Considered tic last year battled against the v/ith savage tribesmen and poison­ list disclosing that 2,536 electors fect any corrective legislation had registered their opinions. The fate of a rum runner, which wind and torrent. ous serpens. would have on the nation’s fi­ happened to fly the Canadian mer­ ing When Brokers’ Loans One Sided.
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