ARTHUR “FATHER” WRAY DSO, MC, DFC & BAR, AFC Arthur “Father” Wray was eft with a permanent limp as decorated fi ve times for his a result of wounds received in gallantry, the span of his active Lthe First World War, Wray was of a similar mould to the legendary service and the combination of Douglas Bader: nothing would stop his decorations amounting to a him from fl ying. Like Bader, too, Wray loathed red unique career in the annals of tape: he was unorthodox and prone RAF history. In the latest in his to attracting his seniors’ displeasure, though it is just such spirited warriors series, Lord Ashcroft examines the that win battles and wars, particularly service of Air Commodore Arthur when they take great care of their less experienced charges. Wray saw Wray DSO, MC, DFC & Bar, AFC. action during the Second World War, time and time again ignoring orders to ABOVE: Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Harris KCB, OBE, AFC, Air Offi cer Commanding-in- remain grounded, so as to accompany Chief, Bomber Command (Centre), talking his young bomber crews on their fi rst with Air Commodore Arthur Wray DSO, MC, operational sorties. At the same time, DFC & Bar, AFC, (left) and Hughie Edwards VC, DSO, DFC, during a he knew full well that his First World visit to 460 Squadron RAAF at Binbrook, 16 War wounds would have prevented September 1943. (Courtesy of the Australian him from baling out of a stricken War Memorial; UK0551) aircraft. Arthur Mostyn Wray was born in Brighton, Sussex, in August 1896. The son of a pioneer missionary to central Africa, he was educated at Monkton Combe School in Bath. Aged eighteen, he left in mid-term to join the Army after the outbreak A portrait of Arthur Wray with some

Jon Enoch/eyevine ABOVE: of the First World War. In February of his medals on display. Wray’s Distinguished 1915, he was appointed a Temporary Service Order, gazetted on 20 August 1943, Second Lieutenant in the 9th (Service) has, for example, yet to be awarded. The Battalion, East Kent Regiment. In citation for his DSO in the London Gazette included the following: “The value of the early 1917, he was seconded to the training he has imparted to the young crews recently-formed as with whom he has fl own on operations is a Flying Offi cer. inestimable. His work both in the air and on the ground has been of the highest order.” Having gained his pilot’s “wings”, (Courtesy of the Lord Ashcroft Collection) Wray was posted in April 1917 to Lord Ashcroft’s “Hero of the Month”

Lord Ashcroft.indd 89 13/09/2013 08:46 LEFT: An example of a Nieuport Scout, an aircraft fl own by many British and French airmen on the Western Front during the First World War – including Wray during his time with 29 Squadron. In 1917 the type was one of the few machines which allowed British squadrons to fi ght back during the so-called “Bloody April”. Historians have found it diffi cult to identify how many of each Nieuport type were operated by the RFC as its surviving records tend to only specify “Nieuport Scout”. (US Library of Congress) BELOW: A camp in Waziristan photographed from the air – an image that shows the kind of terrain over which Wray fl ew during his time with 28 Squadron.

BOTTOM: The pilot of this Bristol F2B, Mk.II J6647, is warming up the fi ghter’s engine before taking off on a bombing sortie in North Waziristan during January or February 1923. (Imperial War Museum; HU89355)

he was back in the air in April 1918 at 55 Training School after which he wrote: France with 29 Squadron, which was Wray a choice: with surgery, the knee “First fl ip for ten months. O.K.” It was for equipped with Nieuport Scout aircraft. joint could be repaired so that he would his work later the same year, as a pilot missions, and bombing raids. It was for The average life expectancy for a fl ier at be to walk relatively normally, but instructor at the School of Aerial Fighting his courage in Waziristan, suppressing the in October 1933 this time was just three weeks. Yet Wray, with a leg too stiff to pilot an aircraft – or, in Ayr, , that he was awarded his revolt against British rule, that Wray was and, during as was his wont, quickly made his mark without surgery, his leg would retain a Air Force Cross on New Year’s Day 1919. awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross the same year, with his aggressive fl ying, rarely missing degree of fl exibility that should make By then, Wray was totally committed for “distinguished services” on 30 May he fl ew to St an opportunity to attack enemy aircraft. fl ying possible, but leave him lame for life. to a career in the newly-formed RAF. 1924. Paul’s Walden, The recommendation for his Military Wray elected to go for the latter: from In January 1920, he was posted to By this time, he was back in Britain Hertfordshire, Cross, his fi rst decoration, described Wray, then on he had a noticeable limp, which India where he served a short stint having joined 15 (B) Squadron in for the funeral then 20, as a “very effi cient and capable became worse as he got older. with 114 Squadron in Ambala, fl ying January 1924 operating from the of one of his offi cer” and detailed four examples of After being invalided home, Wray’s Bristol fi ghters. Next, and by then with Aircraft Experimental Establishment at pilots, Rodney his gallantry ending with the occasion wound developed “serious septic 28 Squadron, he became involved in RAF Martlesham Heath, Suffolk. This Clarkson, who when he was seriously injured. “On 28 complications” and he saw no more the Waziristan operations. Between posting was followed by a long-standing had been killed May 1917, while on offensive patrol, he action for the rest of the war. However, 1920-4, he took part in operational as commitment to become a pilot at the in a road crash. attacked a hostile two-seater biplane well as photographic reconnaissance Armament and Gunnery School at RAF After the at close range south of Arras [France]. Eastchurch, Kent. service, Wray Almost immediately after attacking, he By his early thirties, Wray was met Clarkson’s was severely wounded in the knee, and commanding 407 Fleet Fighter Flight, sister, Margaret his thigh was fractured. In this state this based in Lee-on-Solent, Hampshire. Most for the fi rst gallant offi cer – though his machine fell pilots were at least a decade his junior time. They were married at the same TOP: The Shuttleworth Aircraft Collection’s for several thousand feet completely out and he was given the name “Father”, country church the following year. In Bristol F.2B Fighter. D8096 was built in 1918, which stayed with him for the rest of but was too late to see service during the of control – eventually managed to bring 1935, Wray received his fi rst squadron First World War. it to Wagnonlieu, where he was observed his RAF career. Wray was promoted to command: 43 Squadron, the famous to make a perfect landing without “Fighting Cocks”. Next ABOVE: An air-to-air shot of a 28 Squadron Wray moved to Fighter Bristol F.2B Fighter. After the war, Bristol damaging his machine.” Fighters continued to serve throughout the Wray’s Military Cross was gazetted on Command headquarters British Empire in army cooperation and light 16 August 1917, while he was recovering and, after the outbreak bombing roles with the last aircraft being from the serious injuries mentioned in of the Second World withdrawn from service in 1932. Some 40 War, to bombing RFC/RAF squadrons operated the aircraft this citation. Indeed, it was only after during its lifetime. (HMP) he landed from this mission that his left schools in Wales and kneecap was, somewhat gruesomely, Cumbria. LEFT: A photograph taken during the attack found in his fl ying boot. Surgeons gave In November 1941, on Hamburg on the night of 24/25 July Wray was appointed 1943 – the opening night of the Battle of Hamburg. The original caption states: “[It] as station commander revealed incendiary bombs outlining the of RAF in camoufl aged Binnen Alster (A) and burning where, on the bridge (B). Note the dummy bridge (C) over the Aussen Alster. Sticks of incendiaries among other units, he are burning in the Altona and Dock districts was in charge of two (to the right of the photograph) while the Polish squadrons. By approximate site of the gas works … is then, aged forty-fi ve, indicated (arrow).” (HMP) and walking with a stick, he was protective words to encourage them, on one of his young airmen – occasion bringing the house down when and had even less time he read them a fi ghting speech from for red tape. Survival Winston Churchill that he had translated rates for pilots were phonetically into Polish. low and if morale On 10 April 1942, Wray received a dipped, Wray would Bar to his DFC. He was praised in the fl y with a young crew recommendation for this award as “a to their target and very gallant offi cer, with a fi ne spirit of back without getting leadership”. On 24 July 1942, he was permission – on at awarded the Virtuti Militari (5th class), least two occasions Poland’s highest military honour. “He was he was seriously the fi nest kind of Englishman,” said one reprimanded for his Polish pilot. actions. Wray also In May 1943, Wray became an Air learnt some Polish Commodore and commander of 12 Base,

Lord Ashcroft.indd 90 13/09/2013 08:46 Lord Ashcroft.indd 91 13/09/2013 08:46 By 1944, the RAF was losing about 265 heavy bombers and nearly 2,000 men a month. Inexperienced crews were the most vulnerable and Wray continued to be hugely protective of them, often standing on the runway to see them off. At one point, Wray and a friend who commanded another squadron, fl ew with their men on a daylight raid, even though Wray had been refused permission to fl y just hours earlier. His friend was shot ABOVE LEFT: The aftermath of the Battle of down and, although Hamburg. Again, the original caption states: Wray survived, he was “Two large gas holders (A) were destroyed. Many warehouses near the Sandthor “read the Riot Act”, Hafen (B) and the Binnen Hafen (C) were being told: “You know completely destroyed and throughout the too much to risk being area photographed there is evidence of the captured. No more great destruction by fi re and high explosive bombs.” (HMP) operational fl ying.” which comprised the bomber stations Wray retired at fi fty in 1946. He settled ABOVE: An aerial view of the damage to of Binbrook, Waltham and Kelstern, all with his wife and their three children in Stuttgart after a number of visits by Bomber Command and the USAAF. This was a target in Lincolnshire. From his headquarters Pitney, Somerset, where he spent the next that Wray fl ew to on 15 March 1944. A force at Binbrook, he was responsible for decade running a small farm. However, of 863 aircraft – 617 Lancasters, 230 Halifaxes eighty Lancaster bombers. Binbrook was it was always a fi nancial struggle and and sixteen Mosquitoes – was despatched also the home of 460 Squadron, Royal he was forced to give it up. Wray next on the raid. However, adverse winds were experienced over the city, which delayed Australian Air Force. At a time when it was worked with ex-servicemen through the start of the attack and disrupted the almost unheard of for a base commander local branches of the Royal Air Forces bombing, which no doubt led at least one – let alone one of his age – to fl y on Association and the Royal British Legion. inexperienced crew to be grateful for Wray’s operations, Wray fl ew one of the 740 His love of fl ying remained with him presence. (HMP) bombers which attacked Hamburg in one but it was too expensive a hobby to BELOW LEFT: Air Commodore Arthur Wray of the most devastating raids of the war. pursue. However, in 1961, he discovered DSO, MC, DFC & Bar, AFC pictured beside He won the admiration of the Australians the Devon and Somerset Gliding Club a glider at the Devon and Somerset Gliding Club at Dunkeswell, near Exeter. (Courtesy – and the Distinguished Service Order. His at Dunkeswell, near Exeter. Despite of the Wray family, via Malcolm Barrass; www. decoration was announced on 24 August being sixty-fi ve, he took to the skies 1943, after the recommendation for his for the fi rst time in fi fteen years and award stated: “By his keenness to operate became enchanted with silent fl ight. Sutton. “I was not alone. For so many of against the enemy, his skill as a Captain He embraced his new hobby and was a us who fl ew with Bomber Command in of Aircraft, his personal courage and regular at the club in his battered tweed the Second World War, ‘Father’ Wray was complete disregard of danger, he has set hat and corduroy trousers. In 1964, he unforgettable. Repeatedly risking his own a very fi ne example to all the Squadrons became one of the oldest pilots to earn life to shepherd novice crews half his age under his command.” the international “Silver C” badge. He through their baptism of fi re, he increased then became determined to get his immeasurably our chances of returning “Gold C” qualifi cation, which required a from raids. Beyond doubt, I owed him my 300 kilometre (186 miles) cross-country own survival.” fl ight. Time and again he failed in his There is an adage within the RAF: quest to make the distance until he fi nally “There are old pilots, and bold pilots, succeeded in 1972, aged seventy-fi ve. He but no old, bold pilots.” “Father” Wray died in April 1985. was the exception to the rule, and I am The year after Wray’s death a tribute immensely proud to own this remarkable to him appeared in Reader’s Digest man’s gallantry and service medals. I in which Squadron Leader Douglas Sutton, DFC, recalled a fl ight he had made with Wray to bomb Stuttgart, one HEROES OF THE SKIES of Germany’s most heavily defended Lord Ashcroft KCMG PC cities, on 15 March 1944. At the time, is a Conservative peer, businessman, philanthropist Sutton was a young sergeant pilot with and author. The story of only seven hours’ fl ying experience. Arthur “Father” Wray’s life With Wray at the controls, the navigator appears in his book Heroes misread the fl ight plan and got them of the Skies. For more information visit: lost but he insisted on completing the mission through a barrage of intense Lord Ashcroft’s VC and fl ak, teaching his young crew various GC collection is on public techniques to avoid being hit. display at the Imperial War Museum. For more information visit: “By the time we landed back at Waltham that night, I had decided that For more information on Lord Ashcroft’s work, Air Commodore Wray was the most visit, or follow him on remarkable man I had ever known,” said Twitter: @LordAshcroft

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