“And they adoring went back into Jerusalem Southwest Kansas with great joy.” -Luke 24:52

The Feast of Pentecost atholic is May 24. CNewspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Dodge City www.dcdiocese.org/register Vol. L, No. 5 • Sunday, May 17, 2015 You are Invited! would like to invite you to I the diaconate ordination of Juan Salas on Saturday, May 30, 2015, at 10:00 a.m., at the Cathedral of our Lady of Guadalupe in Dodge City. Juan will be ordained a transitional , and he will then have one more year in the seminary before priesthood + Most rev. John ordination a year from now. B. Brungardt What does a transitional Bishop of the deacon do? How does he Catholic Diocese of minister? The ordination Dodge City rite states: “He will help the Bishop and his Priests in the A May Crowning ministry of word, of altar, and of charity, show- ing himself to be a servant to all. … It will be his St. Mary School in Garden City held its May Crown- duty, at the Bishop’s direction, to exhort believ- ing on May 1. The second graders presented the statue ers and unbelievers alike and to instruct them in of Mary with fl owers, and then two students, Paulina holy doctrine. He will preside over public prayer, Moncada and Desirae Palacios (left) crowned the administer Baptism, assist at and bless Marriages, statue while the students sang Holy Mary. bring Viaticum to the dying, and conduct funeral Photos courtesy of St. Mary School rites.” Juan will make several promises: to be conse- crated for the Church’s ministry, to minister with humble charity, to hold fast to the Catholic faith, to remain celibate, to deepen his prayer life (in- cluding being faithful to the Liturgy of the Hours), Catholic Social to imitate Christ, and to obey me and my succes- sors. These promises are made after many years of Service sows Seeds of Hope formation, and much prayer and discernment. Let us pray for Juan, and all our ordained ministers, that By DaviD MyerS they may faithfully keep their promises. Southwest Kansas Catholic I especially invite all the boys and single men of young man walked into the of- ... I was in prison and you the diocese to this ordination. To participate in this A fi ce of Catholic Social Service Holy Mass is to witness an extraordinary commit- in Garden City. He wore a baseball came to me. -- Matthew 25:36 ment of a man to follow Christ in ordained ministry. cap over shaggy, black hair. A tat- Jesus calls each boy and single man in this diocese too peaked out on his neck from to make an extraordinary commitment to Him, underneath his shirt. After friendly possibly as a diocesan priest, as a husband and dad, greetings, he sat quietly as three CSS or in other ways. Jesus will help you discern – to workers were interviewed by the “prayerfully fi gure out” – your vocational path. Southwest Kansas Catholic. I also invite all the girls and single women of the The man is one of dozens of men diocese. Jesus calls each girl and single woman to and women who have been helped make an extraordinary commitment to Him, pos- to prepare for life after incarceration sibly as a religious sister, as a wife and mom, or in -- and to adjust to life after release other ways. Trust in our Risen Lord to lead you. -- through the Seeds of Hope jail Married couples: your commitment to the Lord, ministry program. to each other, to your children, and to all God’s “We work with offenders in their children is also a gift of the Lord. We pray that you re-entry back into society,” explained grow in your dedication to Jesus, your spouse and MarCi SMiTH, director of the “We bond with them in the jail,” as a “job coach”, Sherwin may fi nd your family. Seeds of Hope program. Sherwin said. “The hope is that the himself driving a released ex-convict I suggest that the Knights of Columbus, the “We help them with everything bond will carry on throughout our to the social security offi ce in Dodge schools, the PSR programs, youth ministries, from housing to education to drug and relationship.” City, to the non-food pantry in Garden and other parish groups organize carpools to the alcohol rehabilitation.” The relationship Sherwin speaks City, or to a job interview. ordination. I suggest our Religious Congregations, SCoTT SHerWin is the presi- of includes CSS sister programs such Many of those with whom the CSS during this Year of Consecrated Life, each bring a dent of the Seeds of Hope Board of as “Work for Success” (an intensive staff works came from broken homes, van load of participants. Directors. It was Sherwin whom the program that helps dads to become Smith explained. Let us all pray for Juan Salas, his family, and his young man was waiting to see. Each successful and responsible fathers) “Socio-economic class does make a seminary formators, as he prepares these last few Saturday, Sherwin holds a non-de- and “MRT” (a series of classes for ex- difference. It’s not uncommon to see days for ordination to the diaconate of Jesus Christ nominational Bible study inside the convicts, and those facing problems a father and son both going through and His . Jesus loves Juan more Finney County Jail. It is there that stemming from addiction and other the prison system at the same time.” than he can ask or imagine! many offenders encounter the Seeds issues). of Hope program for the fi rst time. When he’s not in his offi ce serving Continued on Page 8 See Page 3 for a Q and A article with Juan Salas. Page 2 May 17, 2015 The Southwest Kansas Catholic St. Francis Xavier, Listen to Him Seward, to celebrate isions and Voices we shall always be reduced fi nally to any creaturely thing. Vhave with us in the ordinary lives of When the Lord speaks to us in a substantial ordinary Christians. St. John of the Cross way, no concept of ours can carry its full 100th anniversary urged us not to seek after such exceptional meaning. As St. John put it in a favorite things, however. And the Church has phrase: no clear and distinct knowledge of EWARD -- Father Rene Guesnier, OSB, and St. accepted his judgment as a basic way of God is actually God. It is but our knowl- SFrancis Xavier Parish would like to invite parishioners making sense of these things, and of deal- edge about God. past and present, their families and friends, and anyone ing with them. The visions and the voices usually arise else who is interested, to celebrate the church building’s Start with what we know. What is the when a person is touched by God, and then 100th anniversary on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, at normal way God communicates himself tries to put that experience into thoughts or the parish, 504 Main Street in Seward. to us? He does this through Faith, the words, or signs or sounds. That effort is theological virtue infused in us at Baptism. appropriate enough. We always try to say The event will begin at 9 a.m. with a rosary held at the Bishop emeritus cemetery. Bishop John B. Brungardt will dedicate the As we grow, we come to assent personally what we have seen. The problem arises to the Faith of the Church by making our when that effort to translate the experience ronald M. old convent building, which Father Rene explained has own the doctrinal propositions of her Faith: is misunderstood, and overvalued. We are Gilmore been totally restored. what the Church teaches us about the per- prone to think more of the saying than of After the blessing of the convent, a relic of Blessed sons of the Trinity, and about their working the original seeing, and thereby to intro- José Luis Sánchez del Río will be formally installed in- in our world. When it meets no obstacle, duce some distortion into it. side the church. Bishop Brungardt and Father Rene will the virtue of Faith fl owers naturally into To receive God in Faith, our minds must celebrate Mass at 10:30 a.m. acts of Faith. remain as empty as the Holy of Holies in A pot-luck luncheon will follow. Everyone is invited So far, so good. But we need to remem- the Temple of Jerusalem when it was fi lled to bring a covered dish. ber also that the content of Faith cannot by the Divine Presence.

Participate in Golf Father Francis Stuart, OSB, dies Priest served diocese from 2002-2004 Classic, support local ather Francis Stuart, OSB, died March Most Rev. (later Cardinal) , F30, 2015, at Pine View Manor care bishop of the Diocese of Kansas City – St. retired priests facility in Stanberry, Mo. Abbot Gregory Joseph, at Conception Abbey. He served as -- See Page 16 Polan celebrated the Mass of Christian an assistant pastor at St. Aloysius, Kansas Burial at the Basilica of City, Mo., and then as the Immaculate Concep- chaplain at the United tion, Conception, Mo. States Medical Center Burial was in St. Columba for Federal Prisoners Got a minute? Cemetery. in Springfi eld, Mo. Please take a few moments to write a letter of support to our Father Francis served He served as an seminarians. How wonderful it is for them to know that they in the Diocese of Dodge assistant pastor at Sa- are being thought of and prayed for by the folks back home. City as parochial admin- cred Heart, Boulder, Juan Salas, Jacob Schneider, Joel McClure: Mark Brantley: istrator at St. John the Colo.; St. Patrick’s, Baptist, Meade; St. An- O’Neill, Neb.; and St. Pope Saint thony, Fowler; and St. John’s, Rapid City, John XXiii Patrick, Plains, from 2002 S.D. He then served as national to 2004. chaplain at St. Joseph Seminary, Donald Francis Stuart Hospital in Deadwood, 558 South was born Aug. 14, 1926 in S.D. His pastorates in- avenue, Kansas City, Mo. In 1944 cluded: St. Bonaven- Weston, Donald enlisted in the ture, McIntosh, S.D.; United States Navy, and ST. Peter’s, Stanberry, St. John vianney Theological Seminary, 1300 Ma 02494 Father Francis Stuart, oSB upon his discharge from Mo.; and Holy Ghost, S. Steele St., Denver, Colo. 80210 1926-2015 Thank you! service in 1946 enrolled at Sharon Springs, Kans. Rockhurst College in Kansas City, where After serving as parochial administrator in 1950 he earned a bachelor’s degree in in the Meade cluster, Father Francis was The Diocese of Dodge City requires Contact Person: Sr. Myra biology. After further studies at the Univer- appointed pastor at St. Lawrence Parish in all employees and volunteers who work Arney (620) 276-3500; PGC sity of Kansas, he found employment as a St. Elizabeth, Mo. He retired from active with children to participate in a Protecting Facilitator: Cherry Deges chemist for the Hercules Powder Company ministry in 2008. God’s Children awareness session. Through (620) 338-7501 in Eudora, Kans. Father Francis was an avid outdoors- the Diocesan Awareness Sessions and In military service, at school and in man all his life, greatly preferring winter other educational efforts of the diocese, Hotline for victims later employment, Donald had begun to activities over those of other seasons. His all people of the diocese can learn how to recognize in himself the beginnings of a fondness for both skiing and snowmobiling discuss different aspects of abuse -- includ- of sexual abuse priestly vocation, his sense of a calling to were well known, and his favorite phrase ing sexual abuse -- with children and how If you or someone you know

hiLdren religious life increasing all the while. He of either greeting or farewell was a hearty to teach them to protect themselves. may have been a victim of sex- entered the novitiate of the Benedictine call to “Pray for snow!” His Benedictine C

s Upcoming session: ual abuse by clergy or any em- order at Conception Abbey on Sept. 2, education and his time in the military had ’ Garden City (english) ployee of the Diocese of Dodge 1956, and professed monastic vows on made him highly conscious of his duty,

od Saturday, august 8, 2015 City, you are asked to contact Sept. 3, 1957. His name in religion is and the crisp effi ciency of his words and

g From: 1– 4 p.m. Dave Snapp, Fitness Review both his father’s name and his middle actions were both a mark of his character St. Mary Parish Center Administrator: (620) 225-5051 name. in relationships and a means of getting a 510 N. 12th St work; (620) 225-2412 home; or He was ordained May 26, 1961, by the job done quickly and well. Garden City, KS 67846 email [email protected]. Contact Person: Lori Nieman (620) 276- You always have the right to 2241; PGC Facilitator: Sharon Stuart directly contact the Department Latin Mass each Sunday at Seward

roteCting (620) 430-0433 for Children and Families, 1- t. Francis Xavier pastor Father Rene to offer the Latin Mass. All are invited. The p Garden City – english 800-922-5330. Sexual miscon- Guisner, OSB, offers the traditional Mass is a “Low Mass,” Father Rene ex- Sunday, august 30, 2015 S duct report forms are available Latin Mass, also known as the Mass in the plained. Low Mass differs from High Mass From: 1 – 4 p.m. on the diocesan website, at Extraordinary Form, each Sunday at 11 a.m. in that, with a High Mass, many parts of the St. Dominic Parish Center, 615 J.C. St www.dcdiocese.org/safe-en- St. Francis Xavier is one of less than 15 Mass are sung or chanted. The Low Mass is Garden City, KS 67846 vironment. parishes in the state of Kansas that continues briefer than the High Mass. The Southwest Kansas Catholic May 17, 2015 Page 3 Bishop urges public to attend ordination of Dodge City Diocese seminarian

Bishop John B. Brungardt will ordain would like to invite you to the diaconate or- I dination of Juan Salas on Saturday, May 30, Juan Manuel Salas Alanis 2015, at 10:00 a.m., at the Cathedral of our to the order of Deacon Lady of Guadalupe in Dodge City. Juan will be ordained a transitional deacon, and he will 10:00 o’clock in the morning then have one more year in the seminary before Saturday, May 30, 2015 priesthood ordination a year from now. Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe Let us all pray for Juan Salas, his family, and 3231 North Fourteenth Street his seminary formators, as he prepares these last Dodge City, Kansas few days for ordination to the diaconate of Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church. Jesus loves Juan more than he can ask or imagine! Please join the Diocese in celebrating the Juan Manuel Salas alanis Ordination Mass and sharing in the -- From Bishop John’s column, Page 1 fi esta that follows. Español, vea la página 11 Celebrating God, His people, and chocolate editor’s note: Diocese of and arts, and like to go around Dodge City seminarian Juan with our friends sometimes. The person Salas will be ordained a dea- What distinguishes us from the con by the Most Rev. John B. rest of the young men is that who infl u- Brungardt at 10 a.m., May 30 we want to be Priest: to live enced me the at the Cathedral of Our Lady the celibacy, to administer the of Guadalupe. Bishop Brun- sacraments, and to configure most was the gardt strongly urges everyone ourselves as Christ, the Highest to be a part of this signifi cant Priest. And by the way, we do pastor I had event, which celebrates a step like chocolate a lot, at least I toward Salas’s journey to the do. in my child- priesthood. The following was Can you name something hood. I used presented in an earlier issue of that you look forward to in the SW Kansas Catholic. your priesthood? to see him as eminarian Juan Salas was First of all, I look forward a great per- Sborn in Aguascalientes to being a holy priest, just City, Aguascalientes, Mexico as many of our priests in the son, some- to Alfredo Salas Candelas -- Dodge City diocese are. I hope retired and serving part-time God calls me to the priest- body who as an art professor in a cultural Juan Salas, who soon will be ordained a deacon, shares a laugh with some hood. I look forward to helping institute -- and Bertha Alanis youth while attending a vocations day gathering in 2011. people in their relationship was active Tavira, a homemaker. He has between others and God: being one sibling, a sister, Anabertha hood? develop themselves intellectually, a bridge. the whole Salas. My family has always supported spiritually, humanly, and apostoli- Can you describe one of your day: celebrat- my decision to enter the seminary. cally. It is a place full of values that favorite things about attending When did you fi rst feel the call However, in the beginning they did can help seminarians through their seminary? ing Mass, to enter the priesthood? not think I was serious about it. So life. There is time for everything; One of my favorite things in the I first felt the call to enter the then, when I told them I wanted to time to worship God, to study, to seminary is the opportunity to meet talking with priesthood when I was a child; I was enter the seminary it was a little hard play, to work. people from all over. We get to know people on about eight or nine years old. I think for my father because, as I am the as you go through seminary, people from other countries (as I that being an altar boy awakened only son of the family, there would have you recognized any miscon- am). And one of the greatest things the streets, that feeling. not be any descendant with my last ceptions about seminary students, is that we all are looking for the same Who infl uenced you along the name. or those seeking the priesthood, goal. It is just amazing the fraternity exercising, way? What did you imagine seminary that you would like to dispel? we live in here. I have made very The person who infl uenced me would be like? is it different than Just after I entered the seminary good friends, and my relationship attending the most was the pastor I had in you imagined? I met one of my old friends on the with Jesus has grown, too. parishioners my childhood. I used to see him Before I went to the seminary, I street. I noticed he was dubious What would you say to anyone as a great person, somebody who did not know very much about the whether to shake hands or just to say considering the priesthood? at his offi ce, was active the whole day: celebrat- seminary. I wanted to know what the hello. I extended my hand and gave The seed of the vocation is born ing Mass, talking with people on seminary was like, how the seminar- him a good shaking hand. We talked deeply in our hearts. One of the fi rst visiting hous- the streets, exercising, attending ians lived, and other things. I thought for a while and fi nally he told me: signs of this vocation is to feel an es. But most parishioners at his offi ce, visiting the seminary was a place where the “So, now you are in the seminary. interest in the priesthood. Once this houses. But most of all, I saw him seminarians were praying the whole Will we still be friends?” Of course I happens, you should give yourself of all, I saw happy. I just wanted to be like him. day, and they were not allowed to do say yes. Now, some people think that the opportunity to discover what the Nevertheless, my family raised me something fun. There was this equa- seminarians are odd people. Seminar- priesthood is about. Do not throw him happy. I as a Catholic and always supported tion in my mind: Seminary equals ians are just as the rest of the young away this option without trying, me choosing this path. I can say they dark, boring place. Certainly it was men are. We have family and come without considering the priesthood just wanted infl uenced me, too. not. I discovered that seminary is from some town. Sometimes we are as an option for your life. Take off to be like How did your family react to a place where those who have the afraid of something, and other times your fear. God is calling you because your decision to enter the priest- curiosity about the priesthood could we are happy. Some of us do sports God needs men of value, like you. him. Page 4 May 17, 2015 Commentary The Southwest Kansas Catholic The storm will pass Choosing what is vulnerable By David Myers the fancy, brand new, right-off-the lot loaner ike a sweet mercy, sleep came e sat in the third row of the large, amphi- (so smooth, so clean -- no Doritos crumbs Lover me somewhere in the early Wtheater-like room, admiring the stained adhered by spilled pop to the island thingy in hours of morning, on the first portion By Mary glass windows that reached up to the high ceil- between the seats) which I wondered whether of this overnight train ride north, from Sharon ing. A man approached the podium. or not was the auto company’s way of saying Martinez back home. Moore Moments before, as my wife and I drove Just look at what you could be driving if only I had every intention of passing the up to the B’nai Emunah Synagogue, one you trade in that car that we just told you was long nighttime hours in the lounge car, Poor, Like thought went through my mind: Yiiiikes! This too dangerous to drive. You do remember us drinking from my thermos, working on was because I nearly got hit while pulling out telling you that, don’t you? About it being too projects, waiting for the first light of Jesus onto a busy road. Then a second thought went dangerous? I would learn later: that’s exactly dawn, the way I always do. through my mind: Why does life have to be so what they were doing. What awakened me I do not know. darned difficult? • • • But through one barely opened eyelid corridor to the chamber of fear, a place The car I was driving was a very fancy, brand We pulled up to the synagogue in my brand I detected a pale dawn sky. I sat bolt I refuse to go. new loaner. See, I was in Tulsa after having new loaner. I’d never been in a synagogue be- upright, shocked that morning had But what is this other feeling that brought my car to its original dealership in fore. We were there to hear Holocaust survivor already begun. I reached down into my rushes through me as I pass the open Oklahoma City, so that its major repair work Eva Unterman speak. The synagogue was filled saddle bag, took a drink from my water baggage shelves? Intuitively I feel would be covered by my service agreement. I to standing-room-only for the Yom Hashoah bottle, and headed downstairs to stretch ashamed that it was not the first feeling know: I’m very naïve. Interfaith Holocaust Commemoration, a Day my legs and freshen up. but the second. We were staying with family in Tulsa when of Remembrance during which people across As I walked past the open baggage I feel a quiet rush of affirmation of the the call came from the dealership: “Mr. Myers, the world recall the horrors of the Holocaust. shelves at the bottom of the stairs I common decency of fellow travelers, there was only a trace of oil in your car when It also stood as a testament to what is happen- instinctively looked to the left end of fellow strangers riding the same rails you dropped it off. You’ve blown a rod and we ing today with the so-called Islamic State (of the upper shelf, “just to make sure” my through the night. In my travels I not have to replace the engine.” Blew a rod? Why Insanity). purple roller bag was still there where I only subjectively feel but actually is the engine’s ability to operate dependent on Eva was a little girl when, after four years of had put it when I boarded the train. experience an unbidden kindness, a a single rod? Why can’t they replace the rod? imprisonment in the Warsaw ghetto, the family And there it was, just where I had thoughtful helpfulness, an unexpected Just slip in a new one! Don’t they sell them at was deported to Auschwitz and then to a labor put it. presence, rooted in a common courtesy, fishing supply stores? Heck, I could pick up a camp in Dresden, where her grandmother was Those baggage shelves are so open, which makes bearable the lonely burden I think each time I travel, and so close dowel rod at Hobby Lobby for 69 cents! shot for no other reason than to entertain some of travel. to the door where people board and When I came to, I asked what had happened bored soldiers. They then walked in the death This morning my purple roller bag is leave. It would be so easy for someone to the two quarts of oil I’d added a week before. march to Theresienstadt. The story was brutal undisturbed and doing just fine among to simply … He didn’t know. Then he told me that the car and horrifying. It’s mind-bending to know how these other roller bags and backpacks I notice a certain vulnerability, a was “too dangerous to drive.” a people can be so collectively psychotic. and traveling bags. feeling which rises instinctively within I asked how I’d recently driven from Spear- I felt honored to be sitting among the Jewish And I am also undisturbed, grateful, and me. Just as I toss in my bag, so I toss in ville to Denver, back to Spearville, and then people, remembering so many others – includ- doing just fine among fellow travelers, my lot with this portion of humanity. to Oklahoma City if it was too dangerous to ing thousands of Catholics, priests and Sisters some of whom appear to be just like me We travelers, strangers to one another, drive. He didn’t know. I asked if they’d honor -- who died at the hands of the Nazis. As you and some of whom seem not. are all vulnerable together. My real work on this Sunday morning the service agreement. He didn’t know. I asked can guess, suddenly my problems didn’t seem Vulnerability, I discover, is not the what he did know. He didn’t know. nearly so monumental. is to defend a space in my heart and in same as fear. It is a worthy messenger, my imagination for the tender, fragile My mechanic in Dodge City faxed them The next day, I drove to the dealership in reminding me of just how illusory any my service records to prove that I’d had all my Oklahoma City. Once I told him that I was not common good which threads us all feeling of assurance actually is. together. required oil changes. going to trade my car in, the mechanic seemed Vulnerability is a form of poverty at “Uh, Mr. Myers?” said the voice on the to forget what he had said about the car being I write these thoughts quickly as my the core of human experience. Jesus seat mate returns from a night of sitting, phone later that same afternoon. (Every time “too dangerous to drive.” He stressed instead knew vulnerability: After 40 days of he called it was like having stomach flu and that “it does have a problem, but as long as probably sleeping, a few rows up. She fasting in the desert he was vulnerable tries feverishly to remember the code hearing someone shout, “tuna loaf!”) you keep it oiled, it won’t get any worse.” He to sins of idolatry and apostasy. Saint “You only received an oil change every handed me a pile of paperwork. Stapled to the to unlock the theft-proof cable which Paul writes that though Jesus was straps her bag to the foot rest bar at her 10,000 miles, when you were supposed to get back was a very detailed form telling me how divine, he did not presume the privilege. window seat. She finally finds the code one every $7,500 miles,” which translates in much I would save by trading in my car on a “Rather, he emptied himself, becoming in her phone, opens the lock, releases the Oxford English Dictionary to nanny nanny lease or purchase. (I wanted to ask him, is this a slave.” her bag, and gathers her belongings. boo boo. The new engine would cost me just for the car that’s “too dangerous to drive,” or Slaves embody extreme vulnerability She bids me, in my hidden under $5,000. I asked if he could spare me just the one that “won’t get any worse?”) He also — no defenses against the whims of vulnerability, a safe journey. under $5,000. He chuckled the chuckle of the noted that they rid the car of a knocking sound those who hold power over them. Since I bid her, with her weighty lock and darned. I’d complained about, which I would have told I claim Jesus as Lord, I must be like him chain, the same. Learning that my four-year-old car -- for my wife while driving back to Kansas, had the — vulnerable and not defending against which I have some two years of payments left knocking sound not drowned out my voice as a sometimes skewed humanity. (c) Mary Sharon Moore, 2015. -- needed $5,000 worth of work, left me wonder- we drove home. I can accept this feeling of vulnerability All Rights Reserved. Mary Sharon ing what it was, exactly, that I had done wrong While on the way back to Spearville, we for what it is — a reminder of my Moore writes and speaks nationwide for God to punish me so, and if this meant I encountered a vicious storm. About five miles participation in this sometimes skewed on the nature of God’s calling. Visit would be forced to walk 40 miles round trip south of Blackwell, Oklahoma, we saw a tornado humanity, or I can progress down the marysharonmoore.com. to work every day. reaching down like a finger, not quite touching Money is one of those things that we tell the open land below. A little while later we ourselves isn’t really important until the time pulled behind a line of cars on the shoulder as Reverend Fun comes when not having enough means facing blinding hail pounded my car. Jonás significant consequences, like walking 20 miles When you’re in the midst of a storm, it can trata de to work. That’s when I find myself not just day- sometimes be very difficult to know that it dreaming about winning the lottery, but offering will pass. But storms do pass, skies do clear, compartir a nine-hour novena to win the lottery. and should there be pieces to pick up, God is su I was to go back to Oklahoma City on Fri- ever-present, a footprint on the beach, giving historia day to get my car. In the mean time I drove us renewed hope with each new sunrise. con Official Newspaper Bishop John B. Brungardt...President Tomas el Published Semi-Monthly by the David Myers...... Editor Dudoso. Catholic Diocese of Dodge City. All Tim Wenzl...... Advertising Manager material in this newspaper is copy- Daniel Stremel, CPA...... Business Manager righted 2015. Mrs. Margaret Klenke...... Editor Emerita The Southwest Kansas Catholic Service of Editors P.O. Box 137, Dodge City, KS 67801 Phone: (620) 227-1519 Msgr. A.J. Felling 1966-1971 Facsimile: (620) 227-1570 Byron Hull 1971-1974 e.mail: [email protected] Margaret Klenke 1974-1990 website: www.dcdiocese.org/register Tim Wenzl 1990-2001 Jonah attempts to share his tale with Doubting Thomas. The Southwest Kansas Catholic May 17, 2015 Page 5 Commentary Let us rejoice and be glad The marriage ‘We will have a new deacon!’ mission t would be hard to et us rejoice and be glad, the Lord is risen Alleluia! We 1573). At the lower level By Father Ideny that the under- Lare still in the spirit of joy and rejoicing as we continue of the hierarchy are to Rene standing of marriage to celebrate the beautiful Season of Easter! We are truly be found , who Labrador is rapidly changing in fi lled with hope and joy. receive the imposition Assistant most First World cul- On this Easter Season, we, the whole faith community of of hands “not unto the Director, tures. It is not necessary the Diocese of Dodge City, are especially fi lled with great priesthood, but unto the Offi ce of to elaborate on the ways joy and rejoicing because we have a very special blessing ministry.” At an ordina- Priestly this is taking place. from God. One of our seminarians, seminarian Juan Salas, tion to the diaconate, Vocations These rapid changes will be ordained Transitional Deacon on May 30, 2015 at only the bishop lays are challenging many 10 a.m. at Our Lady of Guadalupe Cathedral in Dodge City. hands on the candidate, Christians to reexamine By Father Ted He will be ordained “Transitional Deacon” because he is thus signifying the deacon’s special attachment to the bishop their understanding Skalsky a candidate to priestly ordination. “Permanent deacons” in the tasks of his “diakonia” (service) ( CCC 1569). Dur- of marriage, and it is Moderator of (which can be conferred to married men), are not candidates ing the rite of ordination, the ordinand professes the vow causing the Church to Marriage, Family to priestly ordination. This is indeed a wonderful blessing to of celibacy for the sake of the gospel and kingdom of God. look more profoundly Life and Natural our diocese and to our church. Also, the ordinand makes the vow of obedience to the Bishop at our beliefs and to ask What is a deacon? and his successors. the question of why we Family Planning The word “deacon” is derived from the Greek word “dia- What are the offi ces or ministries of a deacon? hold to beliefs that are konos,” which is translated as “servant” or “minister.” A The ministry of the deacon in the Catholic Church is no longer supported by the culture around deacon or a “diakono” therefore is one who serves or min- described as one of service in three areas: the Word, the us. In order to be true to who we are and to isters. The traditional origin of the offi ce of deacon is found altar, and charity. The deacon’s ministry of the Word the mission Christ has given us, the be- in the Acts of the Apostles (Chapter 6). There, a dispute had includes proclaiming the gospel at the Holy Mass, liefs to which we hold must be compatible arisen between Judean and Galilean followers of Jesus on the preaching and teaching. His ministry of the altar includes with the Scriptures and to the long line of one hand, and Hellenistic Jewish members of the church on assisting at Mass with the bishop or priest and helps in teachings that have been part of the Church the other. The issue had to do with the distribution of food the distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful. They through the centuries. The model for doing to widows. The Hellenistic Jews complained their widows can administer the sacrament of baptism and serve as this is Jesus himself. When questioned were the victims of discrimination. The Apostles decided the church’s witness at marriages. They can also preside about the permissibility of divorce (Mat- that they did not wish to involve themselves in this type of at funerals, the liturgy of the hours, Benediction of the thew 19), Jesus referred back to the begin- administrative issue and instead appointed seven men “who Blessed Sacrament, and they may also give blessings to ning, to the creation stories of Genesis. We, are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom.” The apostles the people. But they cannot give absolution, anoint the too, look back to these ancient accounts of said, “We will turn this responsibility over them and will sick or say Mass. The ministry of charity involves service creation realizing that they contain divinely give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” to the poor and working with the priest and parishioners inspired truths. (Acts 6:3-4) to facilitate charitable works. In examining the texts of the fi rst three How does the Church ordain a deacon? Let us rejoice and be glad because we will have a new chapters of Genesis, it becomes immediate- “The essential rite of the Sacrament of for deacon. This indeed is wonderful blessing to our diocese and ly clear that the union of man and woman all three degrees (Bishop, Priest, and Deacon) consists in the to our Church. Let us pray for our seminarian Juan Salas,who holds a special place in God’s plan for bishop’s imposition of hands on the head of the ordinand is preparing for his ordination to the diaconate. Let also pray creation. Some of the truths which become and in the bishop’s specifi c consecratory prayer asking God for his family and loved ones. And let us continue to “pray immediately apparent are: for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and his gifts proper to to the Lord of the harvest that he may send laborers into his • It is a union of one man and one the ministry to which the candidate is being ordained.” (CCC harvest.” (Matthew 9:38) woman; • That God intended a profound unity of “What distinguishes us the man and woman (They are to become from the rest of the young one body); For a brief video introduction to Juan men is that we want to be • The depth of the union implies a perma- nent union; Salas in which he shares his wit, his Priest: to live the celibacy, devotion to God and His people, and • The union is intended for the creation of to administer the sacra- new life. offers advice to those who may be ments, and to confi gure Jesus deepens our understanding of mar- considering a Religious vocation, go to ourselves as Christ, the riage when he adds: “What God has joined dcdiocese.org/vocations/seminarians. Highest Priest. And by the together let no man put asunder.” This way, we do like chocolate makes it even clearer that God is very active a lot, at least I do.” in uniting together the two that enter into the marital union. When the couple consents to -- Juan Salas (See Page 3) marriage, God takes the commitment seri- ously. God himself seals the union. It is a union which only God can break. St. Paul adds to our understanding mar- Bishops endorse Medicaid expansion, with reservations riage in his letter to the Ephesians (Chapter A Statement of the Roman currently afford health insurance and “treats him with mercy” by 5) in which St. Paul wrote: “Husbands love would gain access to it, bringing an caring for him. The parable reminds your wives even as Christ loved the church Catholic Bishops of Kansas end to the uncertainty and fear that us that the measure of a culture is and handed himself over for her....” This the uninsured of our society must live the manner in which it provides for teaches us that the love of husband and on the Expansion of with daily. However, our endorsement its weakest and most vulnerable. wife is to be a love of total self-giving in is with serious reservations as there Likewise, the living faith tradition imitation of Christ’s self-giving love. Medicaid are several aspects of the proposal of the Catholic Church has long As we navigate through the changing cul- f the state of Kansas chooses to to expand Medicaid that are very inspired us to support the principle tural context of marriage, these are truths Iexpand Medicaid under the terms of problematic. that all people should have access about which we cannot compromise. We the Affordable Care Act (ACA), over to health care. At this time we are can expect much criticism from the culture 130,000 low-income Kansans would Our endorsement flows from the particularly concerned about those about being rigid and old-fashioned. We become eligible for health insurance influence of Scripture as well as among the working poor who are can even expect accusations of discrimina- under the Medicaid program. We, our living faith tradition. From unable to afford health insurance. tion and prejudice. Nevertheless, we must the Catholic Bishops of Kansas, Scripture we call to mind Luke’s As no likely alternative is evident hold to these biblical truths. To fail to hold support expanding Medicaid to cover parable of the “Good Samaritan.” we therefore endorse the expansion to these truths would be a lack of fi delity these individuals. Indeed, many of The Samaritan finds a man “half of Medicaid. But as noted above, to the mission which God has given to the our brothers and sisters who cannot dead,” is “moved with compassion,” Church--the mission to manifest God’s Continued on Page 8 truth to an often confused world. Page 6 May 17, 2015 The Southwest Kansas Catholic

Local missionary priests from Africa receive fourth degree GreaT BenD -- Three priests Ghana, pastor of St. Joseph Ghana from africa serving in the Parish in ellinwood; Father nigeria Diocese of Dodge City recently anselm eke, MSP, from nigeria, joined the knights of Columbus pastor of St. ann Parish in and received their 4th Degree in olmitz; and Father Matthew Great Bend at an Exemplifi cation kumi, also from Ghana, pastor of March 28. From left to right St. Michael the archangel Parish are Father John Forkuoh, from in La Crosse. 6th, 7th, 8th grade boys invited to Companion Camp 2015 oys entering 6th, 7th, and 8th grade are invited to an Baction-packed weekend held at Conception Seminary College, . Fun and Praise Camp begins Friday, June 19 at 4 p.m. and concludes with Sunday lunch on June 21. Games and God Campers participate and compete in a variety of fun activities like dodge ball, basketball, soccer, water-balloon toss, obstacle course, and many other games, all while learning more about their Catholic faith.

For transportation to camp, To register, go to www.dcdiocese.org/vocations/discern- The cost is $100 (make check payable to register with the vocations Offi ce by June 1 ment-events. Print the camp registration form and medical Companion Camp 2015), which includes . The diocese will have transportation for 17 boys. Father Rene Labrador, assistant vocations permission form and mail the completed forms along with transportation, lodging and all meals for director and pastor of St. John the Baptist Parish, Spear- your payment to Becky Hessman, P.O. Box 137, Dodge the three-day adventure. ville, will be accompanying the boys to camp. City, KS 67801, and/or call Becky at 620-227-1530.

Diocese seeks to connect new college students with Catholic campus organizations In the fi rst few weeks on cam- he Vocations Offi ce wants to (community college, Catholic col- Catholic Church today is centered on college Thelp high school seniors and lege, state university), the vocations campuses. pus, most college freshmen join transfer students from the Catholic offi ce wants to give their new parish “But we can’t do it without help,” said the groups that they will belong Diocese of Dodge City connect or Catholic Center a “heads up” so Father Wesley Schawe, Director of Priestly to for the rest of their college with their new college homes this they can be invited to continue and Vocations. “We need to know where your Fall. enrich their Catholic life. graduating high school seniors (plus transfer careers. No matter where they’re going Some of the greatest activity in the students and community college graduates) plan to be next year.” Seniors, parents, grandparents or God- parents can use the form at left, or print the electronic form at dcdiocese.org/voca- This form is also available at dcdiocese.org/vocations/4551-college-connection-2015. Deadline is June. 1 tions/4551-college-connection-2015. Mail the card to: Vocations Offi ce, P.O. Box 137, Dodge City, KS 67801. LAST NAME Or, DRE’s and high school youth minis- ters can collect the information during PSR FIRST NAME class, youth gatherings or at your parish “graduation Mass.” COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY The deadline to register is June 1, 2015. HOMEThis ADDRESS form is also available electronically at www.dcdiocese.org/vocations. Deadline June 1.




EMAIL CAMPUS STATE CELL The Southwest Kansas Catholic May 17, 2015 Page 7 Hail Holy Queen Faithful hold deep devotion to Holy Mother

our Lady of ransom Shrine at ransom our Lady of Lourdes grotto at St. Joseph Parish, Liebenthal our Lady of Farmers Shrine at Wright

he primary patroness of the Dio- Lady Queen of Victory, World War II short-lived. On this same annual report near Italy, is famous for its shrine of Tcese of Dodge City is Mary under Memorial, Windthorst; and Our Lady of appears the name Loreto with a red line the Holy House of the Blessed Virgin. the title Our Lady of Guadalupe. Parish Farmers Shrine, St. Andrew, Wright. under it. Bishop Hennessy may have Loreto became Loretto in the German names, institutions, grottoes and Catholic Former institutions with Marian titles changed the name with the stroke of pen spelling of the town. The Marian feast place names are additional visible signs are Immaculate Conception High School to eliminate any confusion between this of the Holy House of Loreto was listed of an historically strong devotion to the in Great Bend, and St. Mary of the Plains parish and St. Mary’s at Marienthal. as Dec. 10 on pre-Vatican II liturgical Blessed Mother by the faithful in south- Academy, High School and College in Loreto, a town near the Adriatic Sea calendars. west Kansas, Dodge City. Digging deep into the history of south- And there are at least four locales in west Kansas, one can fi nd 15 present and the diocese bearing names with a Marian former parishes that chose the Blessed connection. Virgin Mary as their patroness under dif- The Irish Catholic community that ferent titles. built St. Mary’s This litany of parishes in the Church in Hodgeman Diocese of Dodge City looks like County is known as this: Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, St. Mary’s. There is Burdett; Immaculate Conception, no town, but those Clafl in; Our Lady of Guadalupe, families residing in Dodge City; the Cathedral of Our this rural neighbor- Lady of Guadalupe, Dodge City; hood live at “St. St. Mary, Folsom, St. Mary, Queen Mary’s.” of All Saints, Garden City; Our Volga Germans Lady of Guadalupe, Garden City; in Wichita County Mining The St. Mary, Hodgeman County; St. named their town Mary, Help of Christians, Loretto; Archives Marienthal, “valley of St. Mary, The Assumption, Mari- Tim Wenzl Mary,” after the name enthal; Holy Rosary, Medicine Archivist, of the village in the Lodge, St. Mary of the Assump- Catholic Diocese Volga River region of tion, Sitka; Mary, Queen of Peace, of Dodge City Russian from which Ulysses; and Immaculate Heart of many of the families Mary, Windthorst. emigrated. Some of these locations are ghost Ransom in Ness County is named for towns and can no longer be found on the General Thomas E.G. Ransom. One of Kansas map. Mary’s titles, however, is Our Lady of Parishes throughout the diocese have Ransom. That coincidence prompted Fa- honored Our Blessed Mother with out- ther Hubert Kremer, OFM Cap, to plan a door shrines, grottoes and gardens. This suitable shrine in the Marian Year 1954. list includes: Immaculate Conception When no statue for Mary under that title shrine at Clafl in; Our Lady of Lourdes could be found, a statue of Our Lady of grotto at Sacred Heart, Dodge City; Grace was substituted. Pre-Vatican II li- Sorrowful Mother grotto at St. Joseph, turgical calendars listed the Feast of Our Ellinwood; Our Lady of Grace, outdoor Lady of Ransom on Sept. 24. classroom at St. Dominic, Garden City; The name of a German community Our Lady of Fatima grotto at the Do- in Rush County went through several minican Convention in Great Bend; Our changes, but retains Mary as its patron. Lady of Lourdes grotto at St. Joseph Loretto, wasn’t always known as Lo- Liebenthal; Marian Year (1954) Shrine retto. On the fi rst annual report of the at Sacred Heart, Ness City; Our Lady of parish to Bishop John J. Hennessy, Fa- Victory, World War I and II Memorial ther Joseph Stutz identifi ed the church at Holy Family, Odin; Marian Grotto at and location as St. Mary’s of Perpetual St. John, Kiowa; Our Lady of Ransom Help at Marienfeld. The name Marien- Shrine at St. Aloysius, Ransom; Our feld, German for Mary of Help, was Page 8 May 17, 2015 The Southwest Kansas Catholic Sacred Heart CSS sows School Pratt closes its doors through jail fter almost a century of service to Seeds of Hope ministry program Athe Pratt community, Sacred Heart Continued from Page 1 School is closing its doors. She described a 12-year-old boy On May 9, staff, students, friends and with whom she once worked: “He family, gathered for a Mass and recep- was a straight-A student. His mom tion to say goodbye to the school’s was in and out of prison, and his dad century-old presence. The closure sad- wasn’t there.” dened the many people who had walked Now in his 30s, Smith recently its halls, learned in its classrooms, learned that the former straight-A stu- and built a wealth of friendships at the dent has been charged with murder. school over the years. “He didn’t have the resources Holy Child Pre-school and the day- to get out of the cycle,” she said, care center will continue to operate. sadly. The school building will serve as a Re- Sherwin noted that the prevalence ligious Education Center for the parish. of gang activity in Garden City has Sacred Heart has seen its student led boys without fathers in the home body decrease in number over the to sometimes look to gang members years. as father figures. This dramatically “I think our society turning away increases their chances of getting from faith is a reason for a lot of school mixed up with drugs, and eventually closings,” said Father Floyd McKinney, Photo by David Myers being incarcerated. pastor of Sacred Heart Parish. Rudy, one of the many beneficiaries of the Seeds of Hope program; Scott Sherwin, Through Work for Success, Sacred Heart School was established President of the Seeds of Hope Board of Directors; Juan Bencomo, Vice President; Sherwin helps these young men in 1919 when the old frame church Brooke Hamlin-Lopez, Facilitator, Seeds of Hope; and Marci Smith, director of to encounter positive fathering was remodeled into a two-room school the Seeds of Hope program. – spiritual, financial, and relation- building and staffed by the Sisters of ship-building. St. Joseph. In 1928, the original wood including enlisting the services of Hattie At age 18, the 30-year-old became a Smith noted that drugs are not the only frame structure was replaced with a Stein, an addiction counselor who works surrogate father to his girlfriend’s five reason for arrests, but most do have sub- two-story, red brick school building. out of the Dodge City and Garden City children, a job he describes almost as a stance abuse issues no matter what their This structure would serve as Sacred CSS offices. mission – to be present to them as a good offense. Heart School until the present school About half-way through the interview role-model. “There’s a link between drug use and building opened its doors nearly 40 with the Catholic newspaper, a tall, line- “I gave the Lord my promise that I want mental health issues,” Sherwin said. years later. The present school was backer of a man walked into the office. to be a better person,” he said. “He’s really Smith agreed: “There’s a high percent- dedicated by Bishop Marion F. Forst on José Bencomo is vice president of come through.” age of issues of depression.” Dec. 1, 1969. the Seeds of Hope Board of Directors. He It’s not been easy for the young man. He Shockingly, heroin is making a re- In 1976, when the Sisters of St. Joseph was introduced to the program when he was admitted that life has been a roller coaster surgence, Smith noted. And the highly were no longer able to provide teach- incarcerated a number of years ago. He is ride. But he surrounds himself with good addictive methamphetamine, which eats ers for the school, the school closed now an apprentice electrician on the short- people he said, people who want what is people up and spits them out, is popular, its doors. Three years later, the parish track to earning his journeyman license. He best for him. especially in rural communities where opened Holy Child Preschool at the site, also has spent so much time working out at He just purchased a home and has ob- anhydrous ammonia (farm fertilizer) is operating grades pre-school through sec- the YMCA that they approached him about tained a job, which will help tremendously often utilized. ond. In 1980 three Carmelite Sisters of becoming a certified trainer. when he goes to another court hearing Sherwin recalled seeing a young man St. Teresa from India came to Pratt and “I became more accountable for myself soon. so changed in appearance that Sherwin added third through fifth grade, reopen- and my actions,” Bencomo said of the CSS “Everything’s possible with the Lord,” wouldn’t have recognized him except for ing Sacred Heart School. The Carmelite program. “You can’t control the world he said matter-of-factly. his voice – and this after only three weeks Sisters served there until 1995. around you, just yourself. But once you Smith offered her appreciation to other of meth usage. Despite tornados being reported learn to control yourself, you can affect Finney County services, all of which work Brooke Hamlin-Lopez is a fa- across the region--with threats of the world around you.” together with the same objective. She cilitator of the Seeds of Hope program, as baseball-sized hail and 60 mile-per- But what of the young man, the one in also thanked Sister Janice Thome, OP, well as a Family and Employment Special- hour winds--Father McKinney said the ball cap who sat patiently waiting for who works with the Dominican Sisters’ ist for CSS. Like the other CSS workers, that the May 9 gathering had a strong his meeting with Sherwin? Turns out he Ministry of Presence, and Sister Trudy her title belies her actual duties, which turn-out, and was “a good celebration was very willing to share his struggles and Tanner, a member of the board and works weave in and out of the Seeds of Hope of Catholic education and what our his blessings. as a mentor to the ex-offenders. Smith also program, assessing needs and obtaining school has done for the parish and for “It’s a good program,” he said. “It noted with gratitude the cooperation of the help for people in a wide variety of ways, all the students who attended.” helped keep me out of jail.” Garden City Police Department.

Bishops endorse Medicaid expansion, but with reservations From Page 5 the expansion of Medicaid also raises religious or charitable endeavors, it of reform, fiscal and otherwise. poor without health insurance. With this serious concerns: is difficult to embrace it further as a Maintaining a separate and inferior in mind it is our hope that our Legislature • We are deeply troubled that the partner in providing health care. system of health insurance for the poor will expand Medicaid to cover the needy Medicaid program in Kansas covers • While the federal government has is far from ideal. Instead, it would in the short term, and that in the longer contraception, sterilization, drugs that promised to pay 90 percent of the be better if low-income Americans term, Congress will substantially reform may induce abortion, and even, in expansion costs, it is unlikely that the were supported in joining the health the ACA and Medicaid in order to make rare cases, a small number of abortion federal government will continue for insurance networks in which the rest them financially and morally responsible. procedures. It is simply unacceptable very long to fund those individuals of society participates. that the federal government insists covered by the expansion at that much In summary, we have grave concerns Most Rev. Joseph Most Rev. John B. on linking access to health care higher rate than it funds Medicaid about these and other aspects of Medicaid F. Naumann Brungardt with taxpayer financing of these for current recipients (approx. 56 expansion and we acknowledge that of Kan- Bishop of Dodge morally objectionable products and percent). Kansas legislators need to people of good will can and do disagree sas City in Kansas City procedures. At a time when the federal make this commitment with their eyes about the issue of Medicaid expansion. government is coercing people to wide open about what may be required Nevertheless, we do not believe that a Most Rev. Edward Most Rev. Karl A. violate their consciences and religious financially of the State in the future. nation that has been blessed with such J. Weisenburger Kemme teachings in order to participate in • Medicaid is a program in need abundance should leave so many of its Bishop of Salina Bishop of Wichita The Southwest Kansas Catholic May 17, 2015 Page 9 Around the Diocese St. Mary student takes first place in Arbor Day poster contest

GARDEN CITY -- St. Mary Catholic School student Isaiah Casados (above, center) took first place in the city and district Arbor Day poster contest April 24. Another student at the school, Adamari Cruz, took second place in the city com- petition. Both are in Ashley Crase’s fifth grade class. The two students received a $75 and $50 gift card, respectively, while Isaiah’s prize also included the school planting a tree in front of St. Mary School (left). First Communion, Confirmation FIRST CONFIRMATION: St COMMUNION, St. John the Apostle Church Michael the Archangel, in St John, April 22: La Crosse, April 26: Bottom row: Whitney Mariah Werth, daughter Brummer, Torre Fisher, of Harland and Lori Anyela Valenzuela-Rosales, Werth, received her First Jaquelynn Rios, America Holy Eucharist at St. Fernandez, Paige Doran, Michael’s Church in La Itzel Garcia, Julia Taylor. Crosse. Pictured from Second row: Trey Fisher, left to right are Linda Eddy Ibarra, Joel Ibarra, Calvillo, Joyce Schaffer Rogelio Loya, Luke Mercer, (catechists), Father Clayton Brummer, Eddy Matthew Kumi and Calleros. Back row: Bishop Mariah Werth. Brungardt, Chase Fisher

CONFIRMATION, Prince of Peace Parish, Great Bend, May 3: Forty youth received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the 9:30 am Mass with the Most Rev. John B. Brungardt and at the 12:30 p.m. Mass with the Bishop Brungardt and Father Donald E. Bedore.

First Communion, St. Stanislaus Parish, Ingalls, April 26: (front row) Kiara Montoya, Evan Vath, Karime Aguilar. Middle row: Michael Neis, Diego Carbajal, Cameron Wahl, Logan Seifried. Back row: instructor, Jill Wahl, Father Peter Tran, and instructor, Jackie Vath.

CONFIRMATION, St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Leoti, and St. Mary Parish, Marienthal. Page 10 May 17, 2015 The Southwest Kansas Catholic ‘It has truly been a blessed life’ The following, which highlights Sister Renee Dreiling, OP, is part of a continuing series celebrating the Year for Consecrated Life. How did you know God was calling for by being able to fully understand the knowing whether this was the right life you to religious life? beauty of the words of the Psalms and for me. I was in college, earning my always desired to be a Dominican Sis- the readings from Scripture. The petitions teaching degree, was extremely shy, and I ter. I was taught by them at St. Mary’s also touch a place deep within me, calling wasn’t at all sure that I could do what was School in Garden City where I grew me to remember the needs of not only my expected of me. I had pretty much come up, and wanted to be like my teachers, family, and my community, but also the to the conclusion that I would leave when whom I admired and loved. My aunt is a needs of all the peoples of the world. it was time to renew my vows. However, member of this congregation, as was my What do you find most challenging my father became ill and died during older sister. When we would go to Great about religious life? the last year of my vows. I felt it would Bend to visit at the convent we attended The word “challenging” takes me back be really hard on my mother if I left Sunday afternoon chanting of the Divine 30-some years to a very difficult time in religious life at that time, so I decided Office with the Sisters in the chapel. It religious life when I was struggling with to stay, renew another three years and was a very profound and mystical experi- great depression and the disease of alco- then leave! Because I had been in ence for me. The peace, the beauty of the holism. Our Prioress at that time, Sister such a turmoil over whether I would Sister Renee Dreiling, OP chanting, the presence of God, were all so Louise Hageman, challenged me over and stay or leave, I decided that I would Years in Religious Life: 50 real and pulled me to want to be part of over until I finally consented to receive stop thinking about it, live the life Current Ministry: Heartland that life. treatment. I was not grateful then, but as well as I could, participate fully What do you most like about reli- by the time I celebrated my first sobriety in the prayer, the community living, Center for Spirituality – gious life? birthday I had come to see the great gift and the teaching that I was then spiritual director, retreat I still love the singing of the Divine that she gave me with her tough love. engaged in, and not think about it director, co-director with Office, which we now call simply Morn- Recovery has been a great gift, one that I anymore till the three years were Ann Axman ing and Evening Prayer. It is the prayer don’t know I would have found without over. of the Church, prayed by all priests and her insistence and her unconditional love. During the last year I remember religious around the world. That is a My community of Dominican Sisters walking on the school grounds on our society by living the counter-cultural comforting experience for me, making has been supportive and loving all along Good Friday and becoming aware that values that our vows call us to live. me part of a much bigger plan. We no the way. the summer would bring my perpetual Together all of us as Dominican Sisters longer pray it in Latin, so it doesn’t have Were there times when you wanted profession that I had earlier decided was of Peace strive to create environments of the same mystique, but we do still chant to leave, but through prayer and the not going to happen! I thought of the last peace, to promote justice, to advocate for it on Sunday mornings and during our Re- grace of God you remained? three years and how good they had been, the marginalized and for just policies and treat week when many of us are together. During the first three years of my how much I had enjoyed them, and of all decisions to assist both the people of the The mystique is more than compensated temporary vows I really struggled with the good things that had happened. I was Earth and the Earth itself as we partici- quite surprised and remember thinking, pate in the unfolding mystery of creation. “Why would I want to leave all this?” So It is both a challenging and an exciting I stayed and made my perpetual vows. time. I have never been sorry. God’s grace We see religious life as ever chang- clearly worked in my letting go; His grace ing. What have you done to keep up clearly helped me to participate fully in with the changing times? living the life I had decided I couldn’t I have participated in study, beginning When it comes to your to-do list, live! The local community—both Sisters with the Scripture and theology classes and parishioners were supportive and when we first entered the convent, to put your future first. kind; the parish priest mentored me in study of the Vatican II documents, to the many ways. continuous study that we do together as a What brings you peace, happiness, community. Always every year we have and fulfillment in living out your reli- study days with topics for prayer and Decisions made in the past may no longer be what’s gious life? discussion. We had theology institutes best for the future. To help keep everything up to date, Community life, overall, is what brings throughout the years. I deepened my Edward Jones offers a complimentary financial review. the most peace and happiness. I love our study in Scripture and Theology by at- community, our charism to study and to tending St. Thomas Seminary and earning A financial review is a great opportunity to sit face to preach the Gospel by our lives as well an M.Div. That was a deeply moving and as by our words. I find fulfillment in the exciting time for me. face with an Edward Jones financial advisor and ministries that I have had over the years, What would you tell someone who develop strategies to help keep your finances in line teaching, being a principal, working in a was discerning a religious vocation? with your short- and long-term goals. chemical dependency center, being a vo- If God is calling you, be grateful, not cation and formation director in the com- scared! It is one of the best lives there is! munity, being on the Leadership team, We are given so many opportunities, so To find out how to get your financial goals and now ministering as a spiritual director much support to grow spiritually, emo- in the Heartland Center for Spirituality. tionally, professionally. We have so many on track, call or visit today. I love seeing how amazingly God works opportunities to become the best persons Jim Armatys in the lives of those with whom I journey. we can be. We can help make a difference Todd J Armatys Lloyd Davis, CFP® I love it when they come to realize how in the world. Financial Advisor Financial Advisor much God loves them, how exciting it is after your many years of following . . when they come to realize their place in your vocation, what would you like 1904 Broadway 210 E Frontview Suite B God’s world, and how much difference people to know? Great Bend, KS 67530 Dodge City, KS 67801 1-888-825-0651 620-793-5481 620-225-0651 they can make in our world by living in I would like people to know how very peace and in joy and in God’s strength. 1-800-432-8249 grateful I am to God for entrusting this How do you witness Christ to others call to me, how very grateful I am to the in the church, society, and the world? Dominican Community for all the bless- I witness Christ by my life, by being ings they have shared with me, how very R.T. McElreath, faithful to God, to daily prayer and con- grateful I am to my family for their love AAMS® templation, to my vows, to loving others and support and faith in me, and how Financial Advisor www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC with the most unconditional love that I very grateful I am to all of the wonderful . am able to give, to praying with and for people with whom I have ministered over 103 West 6th those with whom I minister, as well as to these 50 years. Each person has blessed Scott City, KS 67871 the many who request prayers from our 1-800-632-3188620-872-3188 me in so many ways. It has truly been a Community. I witness to our Church and blessed life. The Southwest Kansas Catholic May 17, 2015 Page 11 ¡Usted está invitado! la oración pública, administrará el bautismo, asistirá a los matri- El Señor Obispo John B. Brungardt ordenará a monios y los bendecirá, llevará el viático a los moribundos, y dirigirá los ritos funerarios”. Juan Manuel Salas Alanis Juan va a hacer varias prome- sas: ser consagrado para el min- al orden de Diácono isterio de la Iglesia, ministrar con humilde caridad, aferrarse a A las 10:00 de la mañana la fe católica, permanecer célibe, Sábado, 30 de mayo, 2015 profundizar su vida de oración (incluyendo la fidelidad a la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe + John B. Brungardt Liturgia de las Horas), imitar a 3231 North Fourteenth Street Opispo de Dodge City Cristo, y obedecerme a mí y a mis sucesores. Estas promesas Dodge City, Kansas uiero invitarle a la orde- se hacen después de muchos años nación diaconal de Juan Q de formación, y de mucha oración Por favor únanse a la Diócesis para Salas el sábado 30 de mayo y discernimiento. Oremos por Juan Manuel Salas alanis 2015, a las 10:00 horas, Juan, y todos nuestros ministros celebrar la Misa de ordenación y a en la Catedral de nuestra ordenados, para que guarden después compartir en la fi esta. Señora de Guadalupe en fi elmente sus promesas. Dodge City. Juan será or- En especial invito a todos los muchachos y hombres solteros denado diácono transitorio, de la diócesis a esta ordenación. compromiso extraordinario con venir a la ordenación. Sugiero y entonces hará un año más Participar en esta Santa Misa es Él, posiblemente como religiosa, que nuestras congregaciones re- Para ver un video el en el seminario antes de la presenciar un extraordinario com- como esposa y madre, o de otras ligiosas, en este Año de la Vida cual incluye una instruc- ordenación sacerdotal dentro promiso de un hombre de seguir a maneras. Confíen en que el Señor Consagrada, traigan cada una van ción breve a Juan Salas de un año. Cristo en el ministerio ordenado. Resucitado los conducirá. cargada de participantes. ¿Qué hace un diácono transito- Jesús llama a cada niño y hom- A los matrimonios: su compro- Oremos todos por Juan en la que comparte su rio? ¿Cómo realiza su ministerio? bre en esta diócesis a hacer un miso con el Señor, el uno con el Salas, su familia, y sus forma- ingenio, su devoción a El rito de la ordenación indica que: compromiso extraordinario con otro, con sus hijos, y con todos los dores del seminario, mientras Dios y a Su pueblo, y en “ayudará al Obispo y sus presbíte- Él, posiblemente como sacerdote hijos de Dios es también un don del diocesano, como esposo y padre, Señor. Oremos para que ustedes se prepara estos días para donde ofrece un consejo ros en el ministerio de la palabra, la ordenación al diaconado del altar, y de la caridad, mostrán- o de otras maneras. Jesús les crezcan en su dedicación a Jesús, para aquellos que pu- dose como siervo de todos. ... su ayudará a discernir, a “hallar en la sus esposos y su familia. de Jesucristo y de su Iglesia edan estar considerando deber, bajo la dirección del obispo, oración”, su camino vocacional. Sugiero que los Caballeros de Católica. ¡Jesús ama a Juan una vocación Religiosa, Invito también a todas las Colón, las escuelas, los programas será de exhortar a los creyentes y más de lo que podemos pedir vayan a dcdiocese.org/ no creyentes por igual e instruirlos chicas y mujeres solteras de la de RPS, los ministerios juveniles o imaginar! Monseñor John, vocations/seminarians. en la doctrina sagrada. Presidirá diócesis. Jesús llama a cada y otros grupos parroquiales or- obispo niña y mujer soltera a hacer un ganicen coches compartidos para ‘Otro Camino’ isiones y Voces siempre hemos de tener Iglesia nos enseña sobre las personas de la vienen cuando una persona es tocada por Vcon nosotros en las vidas ordinarias de Trinidad, y lo que hacen en nuestro mundo. Dios, y después trata de poner esa experien- cristianos ordinarios. Sin embargo, San Juan Cuando no se enfrenta a ningún obstáculo, cia en pensamientos y palabras, o señales o de la Cruz nos recomendaba no buscar estas la virtud de la Fe florece naturalmente ha- ruidos. Ese esfuerzo es totalmente apro- cosas tan excepcionales. Y la iglesia ha acep- cia actos de Fe. piado. Siempre tratamos de decir lo que tado su criterio como una forma básica para Hasta ahorita, vamos bien. Pero debemos hemos visto. El problema surge cuando tratar de entender estas cosas, y de lidiar con de recordar, que al fi nal el contenido de la Fe ese esfuerzo por traducir la experiencia es ellas. no se puede reducir a alguna creatura. Cuan- malinterpretada, y sobre valorada. Ten- Empecemos por lo que conocemos. do el Señor habla con nosotros en una manera emos la tendencia de pensar más sobre lo ¿Cuál es la manera en la que Dios se comu- sustancial, ningún concepto de nosotros puede dicho que de lo que se vio, y así introducir nica con nosotros? El hace esto por medio llevar acabo su signifi cado por completo. la distorsión. + obispo de la Fe, la virtud teológica infundida en Como lo puso San Juan en una frase favorita: Para recibir a Dios en la Fe, nuestras ronald M. Gilmore nosotros por el Bautismo. Conforme madu- ningún conocimiento claro y defi nido de Dios mentes deben permanecer vacías como las Obispo ramos, llegamos a aprobar personalmente es realmente Dios. Es solamente nuestro más Santas de las Santas en el Templo de Emeritus la Fe de la Iglesia haciendo nuestros los conocimiento de Dios. Jerusalén cuando se llenó por la Divina de Dodge City propósitos doctrinales de su Fe: lo que la Las visiones y las voces por lo general Providencia.

Sesiones de conscientización From: 3 - 6 p.m. St. Anthony of Padua Church, ITV Room La Diócesis requiere a todos los empleados y voluntarios Línea especial para víctimas 1510 N. Calhoun St., Liberal, KS 67901 que trabajan con menores a asistir a las sesiones de con- Contact Person: Fr. Dieker (620) 624-4135 scientización de Proteger a los Niños de Dios. de abuso sexual PGC Facilitator: Dora Ponce (620) 482-0826 Estas sesiones de conscientización están disponibles Si usted, o alguien a quien usted conoce ha sido víc-

en ambos inglés y español. Son conducidos por gente tima de abuso sexual por algún clérigo, o cualquier Garden City – Spanish de nuestra Diócesis especialmente entrenadas como fa- empleado de la Diócesis de Dodge City, por favor Sábado, 8 de Agosto, 2015 cilitadores. Las sesiones se publicarán en las parroquias, comunicarse con el Sr. Dave Snapp, Fitness Review De: 1 – 4 pm escuelas, el períodico Southwest Kansas Register y la Administrator: (620)225-5051, o (620)225-2412, o al St. Mary Parish Center página electrónica de la Diócesis. www.dcdiocese.org/ correo electrónico [email protected]. Conserva 510 N. 12th St., Garden City, KS 67846 protectingchildren. siempre su derecho de comunicarse directamente a Contact Person: Lori Nieman (620) 276-2241 Liberal – Spanish Social Relief Services, 1-800-922-4453. PGC Facilitator: Norma Alvarez (620) 225-4802 Sunday, June 7, 2015 Page 12 May 17, 2015 AdVantage The Southwest Kansas Catholic

Gabriel’s Crossword

ACROSS 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 The women brought these to anoint Jesus’ 9 10 body Call us today at the following locations: 11 9 Catholic actor, Rob- Bucklin: 620-826-3848 ert ___ 12 13 14 15 Cimarron: 620-855-3185 10 Nordic Saint 16 Dodge City: 620-227-3196 11 Catholic author, J.R.R. ___ 17 18 19 Garden City: 620-276-7671 12 St. ___ de Beaupre Ness City: 785-798-2237 14 Adam was made Syracuse: 620-384-7800 from this 16 First word in the title 20 21 22 23 www.kellerleopold.com of a 19th century encycli- cal 17 Catholic French 24 25 26 painter, Edgar ___ 27 28 29 18 Patron saint of beer brewers 30 31 32 33 20 “A Call to ___” 22 Pope who made the 34 call in 20A 35 36 24 ___ of Turin 26 Easter treat 37 27 Where you might find a monk www.wordgamesforcatholics.com 13 Octave 25 The Diocese of Bak- 30 Head man in 27A Genesis plot 15 Hesburgh of Notre er is here 32 “Urbi et ___” 4 ___ Pence Dame, to friends 26 Hometown of Si- 34 Non-Jew 5 Liturgical season 17 ___ of the firstborn mon 35 “___ to us a child is designator (plague) 28 Diocese in Idaho born” 6 Wounds of Our 19 Non-ordained mem- 29 Vatican news ser- 36 “…thy kingdom Lord bers of the Church vice ___” 7 City in the Archdio- 21 Made a priest 31 “Whatever you ___ 37 St. Katherine’s sur- cese of Westminster and 23 10th century pope on earth will be bound in name the Diocese of Brent- 24 It was parted in Exo- heaven…” DOWN wood dus 14 33 Large crucifix 1 Mother of Ishmael 8 Liturgy

St. Michael’s Brain Teasers FIRST: A shipment of butterflies was mixed up by Torturix butterfly. Dan Reed, FICF the dock workers, and they could not find who bought 3. Zachary’s purchase was $75. (785) 472-2145 office • (785) 531-0135 cell which species, where it was from, and what was the 4. The butterfly from Australia cost less than the one Ellinwood, Great Bend, Hoisington, Odin, Olmitz, Russell, price. All the workers know is that Alejandro, Faye, from Luxembourg. Claflin and Ellsworth councils Yvette, Sophie, and Zachary could have each bought 5. Alejandro’s purchase was from Luxembourg. butterflies that cost $60, $75, $90, $105, or $120. Each 6. Of Yvette’s purchase and the purchase for $60, one RJ Meyer, FIC could have bought the Clearwing, the Emperor, the was from Qatar and the other was the Torturix. (620) 546-6071 Grayling, the Swallowtail, or the Torturix butterflies. 7. The butterfly that sold for $120 was not from Ness City, Spearville, Wright, Fowler, Windthorst, Dodge Each butterfly could have lived in Australia, Jordan, Panama. City, Jetmore, Ashland, Kinsley, and Ashland councils Luxembourg, Panama, or Qatar. It is up to you to find 8. The insect from Australia was not the Torturix. out who bought which butterfly, what was the price, and 9. Faye bought the Torturix. where did it come from with the provided clues: 10. Sophie did not buy the Grayling. yler eyer T M 1. Neither the butterfly from Luxembourg nor the one 11. Of the Emperor and the insect worth $105, one was (785) 726-4899 from Australia sold for $90. won by Yvette and the other was from Luxembourg. Kingman, Sharon, Willowdale, St. Leo, Pratt, Danville, 2. The Emperor butterfly cost $30 more than the 12. The insect that sold for $105 was the Swallowtail. Medicine Lodge, Kiowa, and Greensburg councils TEASER THE Donovan Richmeier SECOND (785) 623-0417 Larned, Belpre, Seward, St. John, Great Bend, Olmitz and Ness City councils

George Spinelli, FICF, LUTCF, CLU (785) 726-4899 office • (785) 650-3404 cell Ransom, Plains, Dighton, Liberal, Ulysses, Hugoton, Garden City, Johnson, Lakin, Marienthal, Elkhart, Ingalls, Syracuse, Scott City, Satanta, and Tribune councils

Stuart Scheer (785) 726-4899 office (785) 213-7318 cell Liebenthal and La Crosse councils

855-392-9333. The Southwest Kansas Catholic Obituaries May 17, 2015 Page 13 katherine Wandalee “Lee” an operator at Southwestern Bell a stockman. He is survived by his Brian J. Geier, 49, of St. Law- six children on a farm southeast Stalcup, 85, of St. John the Apos- Telephone Co. in La Crosse. She wife, Marjorie Beck; two daugh- rence Parish, Jetmore, died May of Zook, which he bought at the tle Parish, St. John, died April 29, belonged to the Altar Society. Sur- ters, Kathy Herrman and Nancy 5, 2015. He was a Maintenance age of 20. He was a long-time 2015. She was a self-employed vivors include husband, Jack Clair; Schwartz; and three grandsons. Mechanic for Cargill Meat Solu- Pawnee County farmer, self- cosmetologist in her home in Staf- son, Mark Schloemer; step-sons, Theresa M. Ney, 98, of St. John tions in Dodge City and was a 4th educated engineer, businessman, ford while raising her six children, Gary Clair, Larry Clair, and Kevin the Evangelist Parish, Hoisington, degree Knights of Columbus. He artist, entrepreneur, and inventor, and later earned a degree in book- Clair; step-daughter, Janice Birzer; died April 30, 2015. Survivors is survived by his wife, Annette and is the holder of numerous keeping at the Central Business brother, Norbert Urban; sisters, include four children, Merlin Ney, R. Strong; a son, Christian Geier; patents. He personally wrote and College, Wichita. In Stafford, she Edna Giebler, Luceda Hager, Shirley Ney, Kathy Hutton, and two daughters, Alycen (Tyler) published his autobiography in was innkeeper at Clare & Nancy Doris Armstrong, and Charlene Kenny Ney; sister-in-law, Teresa Isenbart and Kaitlyn Geier; five 2014. Omar is survived by six Moore’s Henderson House Bed Kreutzer; and sister-in-law, Mary Dolechek; eight grandchildren; brothers, John, Duane, Greg, Ga- children: Anthony Omar Schartz, & Breakfast and was a cook at Ann Urban; two grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren. len and Mikel; two sisters, Rose- Sharon Schartz Garman, Susan Cornerstone Child Care before three great-grandchildren, six Yair Avalos, 15 months, of St. anne Minet and Diane Oglesby; Schartz Rankin, Cynthia Renee retiring. Survivors include: sons, step-grandchildren, and seven Mary Parish, Garden City, died: two and grandsons. Father Mau- Potter, Carolyn Kay, and James Randy and Kent; daughter-in-law, step-great grandchildren. Father May 4, 2015. He was born Jan. rice Cummings presided. Charles Schartz; 13 grandchil- Annie Stalcup; daughters, Pam John Forkuoh presided. 5, 2014 to Lorena Contreras and Omar Schartz, 83, of Olathe, dren; 13 great-grandchildren; one Nation, Cathy Stalcup, and Nancy Robert L. Kraisinger, 79, of Manuel Avalos, the oldest, larg- passed away March 13, 2015. On sister, Corrine (Schartz) Brack; Hildebrand; sisters, Bonnie Grisa- Holy Trinity Parish, Timken, died est, but gentlest of three triplets. Jan. 29, 1951, he married his high two brothers, Greg Schartz and more and JoAnn Kerbs; brother, April 13, 2015. He was a farmer He enjoyed sharing his toys and school sweetheart (Gladys) Jewel Gordon Schartz; and numerous Terry Besser; 11 grandchildren; and truck driver before his retire- playing with his siblings. Survi- George. Omar and Jewel raised nieces and nephews. 16 great-grandchildren; 15 great- ment. Survivors include: one son, vors include his parents; siblings great-grandchildren; and many Richard D.; one daughter, Rhonda Isaac, Alan, Sabrina, Eduardo, nieces and nephews. L. Brown; eight grandchildren; Andres and Alexis Contreras; ‘Bernie’ Kallaus, Msgr. Preisner’s Bernita K. (Urban) Schlo- and two great grandchildren. Fa- grandparents Jose Vicente Con- emer-Clair, 83, of St. Joseph ther Matthew Kumi presided. treras, Amalia Avalos and Ernesto housekeeper, dies Parish, Ellinwood, died April 27, edwin Ervin Langer, 89, of Sa- Avalos; numerous cousins, aunts, ernardine Peintner Kallaus, Larned; Sacred Heart, Dodge 2015. Bernita worked as a secre- cred Heart Parish, Ness City, died and uncles. Father Charles Seiwert 96, died April 30, 2015 at City; St. Anthony, Liberal, and St. tary for USD #403 in Bison and as May 2, 2015. He was a farmer and presided. B Manor of the Plains Andrew, Wright, in Dodge City. She and Dodge City, Scripture Readings was housekeeper for where she retired. Msgr. A.F. Preisner She was reput- Sunday, May 17 Sirach 42:15-25/Mark 10:46-52 Tobit 12:1, 5-15, 20/Mark for many years until ed to be “one of Acts 1:15-17, 20-26/First John Friday, May 29 12:38-44 his death in 2004. Fa- the best cooks in 4:11-16/John 17:11-19 Sirach 44:1, 9-13/Mark 11:11- Sunday, June 7 ther Wesley Schawe Dodge” by many Monday, May 18 26 Genesis 3:9-15/Second Corin- celebrated the fu- of the clergy, GARDEN CITY – Yair Avalos, 15 months, died May 4, 2015. Born to Lorena Contreras and Acts 19:1-8/John 16:29-33 Saturday, May 30 thians 4:13--5:1/Mark 3:20-35 neral Mass at Sa- friends and fam- Manuel Avalos on Jan. 5, 2014. He is survived by his parents; 6 siblings; and three sets of Tuesday, May 19 Sirach 51:12-20/Mark 11:27-33 Monday, June 8 cred Heart Cathedral. ily who were grandparents. Visitation is noon to 8 p.m. Thursday with Rosary at 4:30 p.m., all at Garnand Acts 20:17-27/John 17:1-11 Sunday, May 31 Second Corinthians 1:1-7/Mat- Burial was in Holy recipients of her Funeral Home, Garden City. Funeral Mass is 11 a.m. Friday, at St. Mary Catholic Church. Wednesday, May 20 Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39- thew 5:1-12 Cross Cemetery at meals. Acts 20:28-38/John 17:11-19 40/Romans 8:14-17/Matthew Tuesday, June 9 Windthorst. She was a mem- Thursday, May 21 28:16-20 Second Corinthians 1:18-22/ “Bernie” was born ber of the Cathe- Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/John Monday, June 1, 2015; Saint Matthew 5:13-16 in Spearville Sept. dral of Our Lady 17:20-26 Justin, martyr Wednesday, June 10 26, 1918, the eldest daughter of Guadalupe and Altar Society, Friday, May 22 Tobit 1:1, 2; 2:1-9 or First Cor- Second Corinthians 3:4-11/Mat- of George and Minnie Peintner both in Dodge City. Acts 25:13-21/John 21:15-19 inthians 1:18-25/Mark 12:1-12 thew 5:17-19 of Windthorst. Bernie married She is survived by her brother Saturday, May 23 Tuesday, June 2 Thursday, June 11; Saint Charles Kallaus at the Immaculate Mel Peintner and his wife Jean Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/John Tobit 2:9-14/Mark 12:13-17 Barnabas, apostle Heart of Mary Church in Wind- of Dodge City; sisters LaVona 21:20-25 Wednesday, June 3;Saints Acts 11:21-26; 13:1-3/Matthew thorst. They had one son, Kenny. Stremel Schlicher of Aiea, Ha- Sunday, May 24 Charles Lwanga and compan- 10:7-13 Her husband and four-year-old waii, Geneva Ridenhour of Au- Acts 2:1-11/First Corinthians ions, martyrs Friday, June 12 son died in a tragic car accident rora, Colo., and Marieta Fairless 12:3-7, 12-13/John 20:19-23 Tobit 3:1-11, 16/Mark 12:18-27 Hosea 11:1, 3-4, 8-9/Ephesians in which she survived. and her husband Chuck of Tulsa, Monday, May 25 Thursday, June 4;The Body 3:8-12, 14-19/John 19:31-37 She served as housekeeper Okla., and numerous nephews and Sirach 17:19-27/Mark 10:17-27 and Blood of Christ (Corpus Saturday, June 13; Saint for Msgr. Preisner, through his nieces. Tuesday, May 26; Saint Christi) Anthony of Padua, priest and assignments at Sacred Heart, Philip Neri, priest Exodus 24:3-8/Hebrews 9:11- doctor Sirach 35:1-12/Mark 10:28-31 15/Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 Second Corinthians 5:14-21/ Wednesday, May 27 Friday, June 5; Saint Boni- Matthew 5:33-37 Local recipient of three Bronze Stars dies Sirach 36:5-6, 10-17/Mark face, bishop and martyr Sunday, June 14 robert H. “Bob” dition to a number of 10:32-45 Tobit 11:5-15/Mark 12:35-37 Ezekiel 17:22-24/Second Corin- Daily, of St. Joseph other awards. Horses Thursday, May 28 Saturday, June 6 thians 5:6-10/Mark 4:26-34 Parish, Ashland, was were his real inter- born in Ashland on est and passion in Sept. 10, 1945, and life. He had a unique died April 22, 2015. understanding of the t ebastian s oduko S . S ’ S Daily served in Viet- personality and psy- A sudoku puzzle has 9 columns, 9 rows nam as Sgt., 25th Inf. chology of horses. He and 9 boxes of 3x3 squares. To solve a Div. from 1966-1968. was a long-standing puzzle, fill in the table so that the num- He was stationed at the member of the Amer- bers from 1 to 9 will be in each column, 25th Inf. Div. Head- ican Quarter Horse each row and each 3x3 box only once. quarters in Cu Chi, Vietnam, Association and the Professional Every sudoku puzzle can have only one outside Saigon. His division was Rodeo Cowboys Association. He correct solution. involved in fighting the Tet Coun- is survived by his daughter, Whit- teroffensive of 1968 before he ney Daily and family; his stepson, was discharged. He received the Clint Coover and his family; his Reglas De Sudoku Vietnam Campaign Award with brother, Jim Daily and family; and Cada fila debe contener los números a three Bronze Star Awards, in ad- sister, Donna Daily and family. partir la 1 a 9; cada columna debe con- tener los números a partir la 1 a 9; cada Obituary Policy cuadrado 3x3 debe contener los números -- a partir la 1 a 9 . Obituary listings are printed free of charge, but must be edited for space. If the SKC missed a listing, or printed an inaccuracy, contact Dave at (620) 227-1519 or [email protected]. Please pray for those listed, their families and friends. Page 14 May 17, 2015 The Southwest Kansas Catholic AdVantage Priests on the Prairie Father John Mootz, SJ – May 25, 1966

ather Mootz was born in Dodge City Sept. 3, 1884. He was 105 Layton Street Fbaptized at Sacred Heart Church Sept. 28, 1884, by Fa- ther Bernard Vonderlage, pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary, Windthorst. The family moved to Seattle in 1889. He entered the Society of Jesus at Los Gatos, Calif., on March 8, 1903. Following his novitiate, he taught English at Gonzaga College, Spokane, Wash. He later studied philosophy there and taught chemistry to his fellow Jesuits (1909-12). After completing his philosophical studies, he taught physics and mathematics at St. Ignatius College in San Francisco (1912-16). He made his theo- logical studies at St. Louis University in St. Louis (1916-20). He was ordained to the priesthood June 26, 1919, by Most Rev. Thomas Shahan, auxiliary bishop of Baltimore, at Catholic University. He made his solemn profession in the Society Feb. 2, 1922, at St. Aloysius, Spokane. Father Mootz was engaged in university teaching for the remainder of his life. He returned to Gonzaga where he taught physics (1921-22). He then went to San Francisco, where he was associated with St. Ignatius College (later renamed the University of San Francisco), for most of his career (1922-24; 1930-59). In Jesuit Father Peter 1924, he was assigned to Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, Calif. Mootz was the first He retired from the classroom in 1959 and resided at the Infir- mary at Sacred Heart Novitiate, Los Gatos. He died May 25, 1966. native son of Dodge Burial was in the Jesuit plot at Santa Clara Mission Cemetery. City to be ordained to He had four sisters who entered the religious life: Mother Igna- tius of Jesus, a Carmelite (OCD), and Sisters Mary Ethel, Mary the priesthood. Clarilda, and Mary Walburga, all Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, (SNJM).

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m o c . s c i l o h t a c r o f s e m a g d r o w . w w w

Sophie bought the Clear- the bought Sophie


6. Count Dracula Count 6. $105. for embourg E M O C N S E O T N U

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wing from Jordan for for Jordan from wing FirST: M L S E C I P S E H ~ Good News ~ Page 16 May 17, 2015 The Southwest Kansas Catholic

bishop brungardt’s CaLendar Kansas archbishop appointed apostolic May 17 -- June 14 administrator of Kansas City - St. Joseph May 17: Mass, mort- City at 1 p.m.; Mass at St. Ordination of Juan Salas at Editor’s Note: This is an edited version “It has been an honor and joy for me to gage burning celebration, Mary Catholic Church in the Cathedral of Our Lady of an article published in The Leaven on serve here among so many good people and reception at St. Stan- Garden City at 6 p.m. of Guadalupe Catholic April 24, 2015. of faith,” Bishop Robert W. Finn said. islaus Catholic Church in May 24: Mass of Thanks- Church in Dodge City at 10 “Please begin already to pray for whom- Ingalls at 8:30 a.m. giving at Sacred Heart a.m.; Spanish Mass at St. ope Francis accepted the resigna- ever God may call to be the next Bishop May 19: Presbyteral Catholic Church in Arkan- Mary Catholic Church in tion of Bishop Robert W. Finn of of Kansas City - St. Joseph.” Council at the Chancery; sas City Garden City at 6 p.m. P the Diocese of Kansas City – St. Joseph In an open letter to the people of the Bilingual Confi rmation at May 25: 100th Anni- June 1-4: 5th & 6th on April 21, and appointed Archbishop Diocese of Kansas City – St. Joseph, St. Mary Catholic Church versary Mass and Celebra- Grade Summer Camp at Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City in Archbishop Naumann expressed his in Garden City at 6 p.m. tion of St. Francis Xavier Camp Lakeside, Scott City Kansas as apostolic administrator of the thanks to the Holy Father for his appoint- May 20: Confi rmation Catholic Church in Seward June 6: Mass at St. vacant see. ment. at St. Dominic Catholic May 26: Mass with Anthony Catholic Church As Apostolic Administrator, Arch- “I have been part of the Kansas City Church in Gardern City at Passionist Sisters in Dodge in Lakin at 6 p.m. bishop Naumann serves as the episcopal Community for more than 11 years, so 7 p.m. City; Bilingual Confi rma- June 8-9: Priest’s Re- leader of the Diocese of Kansas City – St. I have an awareness of the vitality and May 23: Spanish Con- tion at St. Mary Catholic treat in Wichita Joseph until such time as a permanent beauty of the Catholic community in fi rmation at the Cathedral Church in Garden City at 6 June 10-12: USCCB bishop is appointed. He retains his duties Northwest Missouri,” Archbishop Nau- of Our Lady of Guadalupe p.m. Spring Meeting in St. as Archbishop of Kansas City in Kan- mann said. He prayed that the coming Catholic Church in Dodge May 30: Diaconate Louis, MO sas. weeks and months will be “a time of grace and healing for the Diocese.” (Bishop Finn was convicted in Sep- tember 2012 on a misdemeanor count of failing to report suspected child abuse.) “It is my desire to do all that I can to prepare this Diocese to welcome well its new bishop,” Archbishop Naumann said. “I pray that your new bishop, when he ar- rives, will fi nd a community united both in their love for Jesus and His Bride – the Church – as well as eager to proclaim the truth and beauty of His Gospel to the world.”

Golf Classic to 10am- Mass W ith Bishop John-St Mary support retired 77 Grandview Drive Catholic Church priests of the Garden City, KS 11am-Registration Diocese of 12 Noon-Lunch Dodge City Friday, June 26, 2015 at The Clubhouse o you have a special memory of Dyour favorite priest or maybe a 1pm-Shotgun Start priest who helped you through a dif- fi cult time in your life? The Dechant 6pm-Social Foundation, along with the Catholic Diocese of Dodge City, would like Benefiting the Retired 7pm-Dinner to announce our “Inaugural Dechant Foundation Golf Classic” to benefi t 9pm-Auction the Retired Priest’s of the Catholic Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Dodge City. Now is a good time for you to show your apprecia- tion to the priests of the diocese by be- Diocese of Dodge City coming a sponsor of the tournament. The “Classic” will be held Friday June 26, 2015 at Southwind Coun- try Club in Garden City. The format will be a four-person scramble with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. followed by a social, dinner and auction. For more information, contact Mark $500 per 4-Person Team Roth, 620-227-1535, mroth@dcdio- cese.org.

Contact: Mark Roth 620-227-1535 Do you have a special [email protected] memory of your favorite priest or maybe a priest who helped you through a diffi cult time in your life?