SCHEDULE TABLE OF CONTENTS MORNING SESSION: 10:00 – 12:15 1 SCHEDULE Table of Contents PRAYER & BLESSING Most Rev. Mark S. Rivituso, Auxiliary Bishop 2 WALKING WITH MOMS Archdiocese of St. Louis SPEAKERS: WELCOME & OPENING REMARKS 3 Bishop Mark Rivituso 4 Emcee: Elizabeth Westhoff Elizabeth Westhoff, Emcee 5 David Bereit Catholic Communications Professional 6 Dr. Patrick Yueng Cynthia Haehnel, Director of Respect Life, Family 7 Dr. James Sherley & Social Responsibility, Archdiocese of St. Louis TEEN TRACK: 8 Jacinta Florence GOSPEL OF LIFE SPEAKER 1 9 Brian Westbrook David Bereit, Founder, 40 Days for Life 10 LETTER AWARDS PRESENTATION Respect Life Team, Board & Convention Committee Cardinal Carberry Award, Friend of Life Award 11 MISSION & PROGRAMS

LUNCH BREAK: 12:15 – 1:00 AWARDS: (live-stream will be paused) 12 Cardinal Carberry Award 13 Bishop McNicholas Award AFTERNOON SESSION: 1:00 – 4:00 Pro-Life Video Challenge WELCOME BACK 14 CREATIVE WRITING CONTEST GOSPEL OF LIFE SPEAKER 2 16 ABORTION HEALING MINISTRY Dr. Patrick Yeung, St. Louis University OBGYN & Project Rachel, Project Joseph, Catholic Medical Association Rachel’s Vineyard, Catholic Renewal Center

GOSPEL OF LIFE SPEAKER 3 17 FRIENDS FOR LIFE / SPONSORS Dr. James Sherley, Charlotte Lozier Institute 18 PRO-LIFE CONVENT 19 MINISTRY PARTNERS YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT AWARDS PRESENTATION Pro-Life Video Challenge, Convention Teen Track 20 OPPORTUNITIES TO GIVE FINAL PRAYER & BLESSING Sisters from Our Lady of Guadalupe Pro-Life Convent *Interactive book, underlined items are links. Walking with Moms WALKINGWITHMOMS.COM

A YEAR OF SERVICE Walking with Moms in Need is a year of service where Catholic parishes and communities “walk in the shoes” of local pregnant and parenting women in need. Everyone should know how to help moms in difficult circumstances. While not trying to turn Catholic parishes into pregnancy centers, we can support local pregnancy centers where they exist, and we can also find and share other resources with pregnant and parenting women. And where there are few local resources, we can create our own, based on the gifts of the parish community! We hope you and your parish will join us in this Year of Service. Contact [email protected] for how to get involved or visit

PRAYER O Blessed Mother, you received the good news of the incarnation of Christ, your Son, with faith and trust. Grant your protection to all pregnant mothers facing difficulties.

Guide us as we strive to make our parish communities places of welcome and assistance for mothers in need. Help us become instruments of God’s love and compassion.

​Mary, Mother of the Church, graciously help us build a culture of life and a civilization of love, together with all people of good will, to the praise and glory of God, the Creator and lover of life. Amen.

*Cf. Evangelium vitae 105 © Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Vatican City. Adapted with permission. All rights reserved. Photo: @mukuni via Twenty20. Copyright © 2019, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved.

2 | Facebook: Respect Life Apostolate-St. Louis Speakers PRAYER & BLESSINGS


BISHOP MARK RIVITUSO Most Reverend Mark S. Rivituso, D.D., J.C.L. was ordained Auxiliary Bishop of St. Louis by Archbishop Robert Carlson on May 2, 2017. He was ordained a priest for the archdiocese at Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis by Archbishop John L. May in 1988, and named a monsignor in 2005. A native St. Louisan, he is a graduate of St. Mary’s High School, Cardinal Glennon College and Kenrick School of Theology. He earned a master’s degree and licentiate in canon law from St. Paul University in Ottawa, Canada. In his 33 years as a priest, he has served in the roles of associate pastor, pastor, associate master of ceremonies to the archbishop, adjunct judical vicar, and as a member of the archdiocesan Metropolitan Tribunal, plus he spent three years on the faculty of St. Dominic High School. Bishop Rivituso is currently in residence at St. Michael Parish in Shrewsbury as he assists Archbishop Rozanski in ministering to the people of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. He oversees the ministries of Consecrated Life, Office of Worship, Permanent Diaconate, and the Office of Catholic Education and Formation. Regionally, he serves on the Catholic Conference Public Policy Committee and, on a national scale, he is serving on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on the Protection of Children and Young People.

Twitter: @ProLifeStL | 3 Speakers EMCEE


ELIZABETH WESTHOFF Elizabeth Westhoff is known for her dedication to the faith along with her humor and wit. She is a strong believer that the Church should use every communications tool available in order to evangelize and share the beauty and truth of Catholicism. Elizabeth grew up in the Diocese of Belleville, IL. She attended Southern Illinois University, earning her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in English and American literature. Elizabeth has served as Press Secretary for Cardinal Burke. She is the recipient of the Catholic Press Association Awards: first place, best coverage of the Year of Mercy, the Catholic Press Association Award: first place, best newspaper story and photo package, best in-depth news/special reporting in a diocesan newspaper, the Catholic Academy of Communications Professionals: Gabriel Award for New Media Campaign of the Year, the Archdiocese of St. Louis Women’s Visionary Award, and the St. Louis Business Journal’s Thirty Under 30 Award. Elizabeth is also a regular guest and guest host on various Catholic radio networks, guest speaker for various Catholic and secular organizations, and former president and vice-president of the National Communications and Development Section for Catholic Charities USA. Elizabeth is a Daughter of St. Francis de Sales in the Association of St. Francis de Sales and a Dame of the FOLLOW ELIZABETH ON Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. TWITTER: @ESWesthoff 4 | Facebook: Respect Life Apostolate-St. Louis SPEAKER NOTES:

DAVID BEREIT David Bereit is an experienced leader, an inspiring communicator, and strategic advisor to pro-life leaders and organizations around the world. Previously, David started and led the global 40 Days for Life movement through its first decade, mobilizing 750,000 volunteers in more than 700 cities across all 50 America states and dozens of nations, whose prayers and efforts have saved 14,643 children’s lives, brought 177 workers out of the abortion industry, and closed 96 abortion centers. David recently stepped away from his role as CEO of 40 Days for Life to pray and plan for a new ministry project, which will be announced soon. David is an internationally sought-after keynote speaker, and his presentations in more than 550 cities around the world have inspired audiences as large as 70,000 people. David’s work has been featured in nearly every major media outlet, including coverage on CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, HBO, hundreds of radio programs, and over 100 newspapers, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, and USA Today. David has advised many of today’s most successful pro-life leaders, helping hundreds of organizations increase their life-saving impact, and raising more than $55 million for pro-life causes. David has been joyfully married to his best friend, Margaret, and live outside of LEARN MORE ABOUT 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Washington, DC.



DR. PATRICK YEUNG, JR. Patrick Yeung Jr. MD is a Board-Certified Obstetrician- Gynecologist and a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology (FACOG). He is an Associate Professor at , and is Founder and Director of the SLUCare Center for Endometriosis and SLUCare Restorative Fertility Clinic. Dr. Yeung has always felt called to pursue academic medicine, and believes that changing paradigms requires research, publication and teaching. He is a member of the World Endometriosis Research Foundation (WERF), the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals (AAFCP), and the International Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine (IIRRM). Dr. Yeung has authored multiple original, peer-reviewed publications and been invited to speak nationally and internationally, and has been voted one of Best Doctors annually since 2013. Dr. Yeung has a true heart for women with endometriosis associated infertility and pain, and tells patients that we are ‘all in this together.’ He and his wife Dorothy struggled with infertility and endometriosis for 4 years. Dr. Yeung tries to combine the best of optimal excision of endometriosis and adhesion prevention for patients he serves. He believes LEARN MORE ABOUT DR. YEUNG good ethics is good medicine, and has a passion for restorative surgery and cooperative medicine. patrick-p-yeung-md


DR. JAMES SHERLEY James L. Sherley, MD, PhD graduated from Harvard College in 1980 with a BA degree in biology; and he completed joint MD and PhD degrees at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1988. After post-doctoral studies in cancer cell molecular biology at Princeton University, he joined the Fox Chase Cancer Center as a principal investigator in 1991. In 1998, he joined the faculty of the future Department of Biological Engineering at MIT, where he undertook research and teaching in the areas of cancer cell molecular biology, tissue stem cell bioengineering, toxicology, and environmental health science until moving to Boston Biomedical Research Institute (BBRI) in 2007. As a Senior Member of BBRI’s research programs in Regenerative Biology and Cancer Biology, Dr. Sherley established an academic center for developing adult stem cell-based technologies for advancing cellular medicine. After leaving BBRI, in October 2013 he founded stem cell biotechnology development company Asymmetrex, LLC, which he now directs. Asymmetrex has the mission of advancing technologies for stem cell medicine. The company recently developed the first method for determining the dosage of therapeutic stem cell treatments. Dr. Sherley’s awards include 1993 Pew Biomedical Research Scholar, 2003 Ellison Medical Foundation Senior READ MORE OF DR. SHERLEY’S WRITINGS Scholar in Aging Research, and 2006 NIH Director’s Pioneer Award. Since 2016, he has served as an Associate Scholar of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, the education THE CHARLOTTE LOZIER INSTITUTE and research institute of the Susan B. Anthony List.

Twitter: @ProLifeStL | 7 Teen Track Speakers The Respect Life Apostolate teamed up with the Catholic Youth Apostolate to bring the Convention Teen Track to the youth of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. These two dynamic presentations will equip the Pro-Life Generation on the Gospel of Life! All parish youth groups and high schools were sent the complimentary recorded presentations and resources so they can plan a LIFE NIGHT to watch, discuss and implement what they have learned in order to build a Culture of Life in their schools, parishes and communities!


JACINTA FLORENCE, MA Jacinta Florence is from Oklahoma and grew up in a large Catholic family. After a profound conversion experience in college, her passion for building up a culture of life grew. Upon graduating from St. Gregory’s University, Jacinta moved to Philadelphia to serve as a pro-life and chastity speaker on the east coast. She then moved to Denver to attend the Augustine Institute where she now has her master’s in Leadership for the New Evangelization. Jacinta currently lives in St. Louis and is the Regional Coordinator for Students for Life of America for Arkansas and Missouri. When she’s not doing pro- life work, Jacinta enjoys traveling, trying out new restaurants, and hanging out with friends.


BRIAN WESTBROOK Brian Westbrook’s life changed after witnessing the near-death experience and miraculous recovery of his firstborn son in 2008. Brian went on to become the Founder and Executive Director of the Coalition for Life St. Louis conducting sidewalk counseling, community engagement, and pregnancy center services. Brian is also an innovative leader, sought after speaker, and strategic advisor to pro-life leaders around the country. Brian’s pro-life work has resulted in over 2,700 turnarounds at local abortion facilities and a dramatic reduction of abortions in St. Louis by 99.4%. Brian’s work has been featured in The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and CNN along with numerous articles and interviews in local publications and radio shows. Brian is married to his beautiful wife Marisa and currently lives in St. Louis with their 6 children.


Twitter: @ProLifeStL | 9 Archbishop WELCOME

October 18, 2020

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, On behalf of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, I am pleased to welcome you to the 44th Annual Respect Life Convention. As this event is happening both live and virtually, I pray that you will find the speakers both enlightening and inspiring. Although I am unable to join you today, I would like to acknowledge each and every one of you who work tirelessly advocating for the most defenseless among us. Our Catholic faith calls us to care for, protect and support all human life from conception through natural death. This year we are being called to “Walk with Moms.” I am grateful for all that you do in your homes, In our parishes and in our neighborhoods, many parishes, schools and communities to build a Culture of pregnant and parenting women are in need of our Life. May you continue to bring love and mercy to all assistance and of our mercy. Fortunately, the Church of God’s children especially to those in most need. has many resources to help those in need through Please be assured of my continued prayers for you. material and spiritual support. Let us go forward serving Him with gladness, In his letter to the Thessalonians, Saint Paul tells Sincerely yours in Christ, us in the second reading today: “We give thanks to God always for all of you, remembering you in our prayers, unceasingly calling to mind your work of faith and labor of love and endurance in hope of our Lord Jesus Christ.” These words affirm our mission as people of faith and, Most Reverend Mitchell T. Rozanski that is, to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ in our joyful Archbishop of St. Louis service to Him and one another.

RESPECT LIFE STAFF & CONVENTION TEAM DIRECTOR ABORTION HEALING RLA BOARD BOOK DESIGN Cynthia Kush Haehnel Marisol Pfaff Chris Ast, Andy Roscoe Fr. Thomas Pastorius DEPMS Executive Director TEAM Chuck & Linda Raymond Fr. Mark Madden THEME DESIGN Mary Lovee Varni Sr. Marysia Weber Deacon Keith Henderson Angela Richard Madeleine Appelbaum Fr. Henry Purcell Jeannine Sinak Marianne Burkemper MARKETING & TECH Kelly Brown Denise Depelheuer Steve Carlsen Dennis Handley Lisa Albrecht Jane Guenther Deanna Carlsen Paul Duker Andrea Nickels OUR LADY OF Tony DiLeo GUADALUPE CONVENT Mark Dunn TEEN TRACK Sr. Sue Ann Hall George Kerry Amy Eschelbach Molly Kertz Sr. Delores Vogt Melissa Boesch Fred G. Sauer 10 | Facebook: Respect Life Apostolate-St. Louis Mission & Programs RESPECT LIFE APOSTOLATE

MISSION The Respect Life Apostolate (RLA) promotes the ’s teachings on respect for and legal protection of every human life from conception to natural death.

SPIRITUAL PASTORAL EDUCATION PUBLIC POLICY SUPPORT CARE & ADVOCACY Our Lady of Abortion Healing Ministry: Respect Life Convention March for Life, Guadalupe Convent • Project Rachel Generation Life Pilgrimage 8th Grade Creative • Project Joseph (Catholic Youth Apostolate) Roe v. Wade Writing Contest • Rachel’s Vineyard Missouri Catholic Memorial Mass (with Office of Education) • Catholic Renewal Conference Annual Helpers of God’s Center Pro-Life E-News Assembly Day Precious Infants Options Brochure Social Media & Website Pro-Life & Religious Spiritual Adoption Freedom Initiatives Naming & Pro-Life Profiles & Alerts Adoption Mass Commendation Rite Parish Newsletter Breast Cancer Blessed Teresa Internship Program Healing Mass of Calcutta Fund Pro-Life Video Challenge Word of Life Lifeline Coalition Parish Resource Deacon Diaper Drive Young Adult Pro-Life Holy Hour

Cardinal Rigali Center, Suite 3600 • [email protected] 20 Archbishop May Drive Facebook: Respect Life Apostolate-St. Louis St. Louis, Missouri 63119 Twitter: @ProLifeStL phone (314) 792-7555 • fax (314) 792-7569

Twitter: @ProLifeStL | 11 Awards

CARDINAL CARBERRY AWARD PREVIOUS AWARD RECIPIENTS 2020 (Recipient announced at luncheon) Named in honor of John 2019 Maureen Kane & Diane Snively Cardinal Carberry for his 2018 Mary Ann Hoeynck leadership and vision in 2017 Steve Rupp establishing the Archdiocesan 2016 Mary Laubengayer, Our Lady’s Inn Pro-Life Committee (APLC), Larry Bereswill now known as the Respect 2015 Rose Hensley Life Apostolate, the Cardinal 2014 Emily Newsham & Jim Reardon 2013 Joan & Charles Bextermiller Carberry Award is presented 2012 Sr. Catherine Marie Stewart, SDSH annually to an individual 2011 Rev. Mr. Samuel and Gloria Lee or individuals who have 2010 David and Patricia Drury made a significant contribution to the pro-life cause. 2009 Theresa Forthman Recipients have been both “high profile” and “behind 2008 Rita Sparrow the scenes” pro-life activists who have made great 2007 Douglas & Margaret Munsell personal sacrifices in their efforts to live out the 2006 Jennifer Brinker principles and values of the United States Conference 2005 Jerry Kerkemeyer of Catholic Bishops “Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life 2004 Dr. Henry & Rose Ann Clever Activities.” 2003 Martha Matoushek In March 1973, under the direction of Cardinal 2002 Mary Robert Carberry and in response to the January 22, 1973 2001 Joan and Walter Gemmer Supreme Court decisions that legalized abortion on 2000 Judy Browning 1999 Ruth & Patrick Dyer demand in the United States (Roe v. Wade and Doe v. 1998 Patricia Blood Bolton), the APLC was formed. Cardinal Carberry spoke 1997 Miss Edna Penny to an overflowing crowd from parishes throughout the 1996 John Henry Archdiocese at St. Joseph Academy. He emphasized the 1995 Rev. Msgr. Joseph F. Naumann commitment of the Catholic Church to speak out on 1994 Fritzie Alferman the evils of abortion regardless of the opinion of the 1993 Dorothy Schonhorst Supreme Court. 1992 Anthony Sansone, Cardinal Carberry said the new Pro-Life Committee Dr. Armand & Gloria Brodeur, should concern itself with four areas of the anti- Deby Schlapprizzi abortion struggle: development of the most effective 1989 The People of Missouri means to educate Catholics and society regarding the 1988 Mildred Tichacek humanity of the unborn; protection against coercive 1987 David Metherd participation in abortion; legal protection for the 1986 Loretto Wagner 1985 Harvey J. Johnson unborn by a constitutional amendment; and Missouri 1984 Rev. Louis Hanlon legislation to protect the unborn as allowed by the 1983 Shirley Ducey court. He urged the APLC’s cooperation with all other 1982 Martin Duggan existing groups that were already working against 1981 Paul Byrne, M.D. abortion. 1980 William Brennan, Ph.D. 1979 Eugene Freeman 1978 Jerome Shen, M.D.

12 | Facebook: Respect Life Apostolate-St. Louis BISHOP McNICHOLAS AWARD

The Bishop Joseph A. • Must call upon all the resources of the Church—its McNicholas Award is people, services, and institutions—to pursue its awarded to a catholic high mission with renewed energy and commitment in four school or parish youth group major areas: exemplifying a consistent • Education to deepen understanding of the sanctity of ethic of respect for all human human life, whether at the beginning of life or at its life through educational, end. spiritual, pastoral, and public • Spiritual efforts directed to participation in the policy efforts. The recipient sacramental life of the Church and communal and demonstrates success in individual prayer. areas of pro-life activism, • Pastoral Care for women with problems related to recruitment, and community involvement. pregnancy; for all who have been involved in abortion; for those who are disabled, sick, and dying, and their families and caregivers; and for those in prison HISTORY sentenced to death. Bishop Joseph A. McNicholas, was a priest and auxiliary • Public Policy efforts directed to restoring legal bishop in the Archdiocese of St. Louis who exemplified protection to the lives of unborn children and the consistent ethic of respect for human life. He was those vulnerable to pressures to end their lives by ordained a priest in 1949 and a bishop in 1969. It was assisted suicide, and to providing morally acceptable with the blessing of then-Auxiliary Bishop McNicholas alternatives to abortion and assisted suicide. and John Cardinal Carberry that the Archdiocesan Pro- Life Committee, now the Respect Life Apostolate, was created. It was the first of its kind in the nation and PREVIOUS AWARD RECIPIENTS served as a model for dioceses across the country. St. Vincent de Paul High School This award was established in 1983 to recognize St. Joseph Academy the high school whose respect life programs and The Pros, St. Dominic Savio activities best reflect the ideals of Bishop McNicholas’ Incarnate Word Academy dedication to life and the mission of the Respect Life Bishop DuBourg High School Apostolate. DeSmet Jesuit High School Immaculate Conception Dardenne Youth Group CRITERIA John F. Kennedy Catholic High School • Must be a Catholic high school in the Archdiocese St. Francis Borgia High School of St. Louis or a Catholic parish youth group for high St. John Vianney High School school-aged youth in the archdiocese. St. Louis University High School

PRO-LIFE VIDEO CHALLENGE The Pro-Life Video Challenge Award was first launched in 2015 to the youth and young adults in the Archdiocese of St. Louis to harness technology to spread the pro-life message. Youth and young adults are asked to create an original 1–5 minute video on building a Culture of Life. Participants produce videos which have both a strong respect life message and a creative presentation. 2019 WINNERS: ST. DOMINIC HS, APOLOGETICS

Twitter: @ProLifeStL | 13 Creative Writing EIGTH-GRADE COMPETITION

EXPLAIN HOW LIVING THE VIRTUE OF CHASTITY READ MORE ESSAYS HELPS YOU RESPECT LIFE AND PLAYS A PART IN ENDING ABORTION. education/eighth-grade-creative-writing-contest There were 870 entries, 20 finalists, and 8 scholarships.

ELLE HAEFNER Queen of All Saints | Steubenville Scholarship


Heavenly Father, From your image we are created to spread your endless love to others. You teach us to have healthy, loving relationships with our peers. We must use your incredible gift of love carefully. We cannot be reckless or take this blessing for granted. In today’s world, this can be a difficult task. Chastity helps to ensure that we Elle Haefner, Queen of All Saints stay pure and live in your image. Please remind us that living a chaste life leads Help us to abstain from indulging in our to good, healthy, loving relationships with our peers. temptations and remaining chaste, even though Keep fresh in our minds the importance of protecting it may be difficult in the time we live in. Guide me the precious gift of life. Abortion is used as a away from advertisements, films, books, and so on that scapegoat for many who feel scared or helpless. Help describe the body as a piece of property or an object, guide the men and women who partake in abortion instead of a sacred creation meant for love. Help us back towards our Heavenly Father. Remind them that to use our bodies for love, passion, and allowing us it is never too late to turn things around and ask for to bring more of your children into this world. Though forgiveness. we may want to give in to temptations, sometimes our Thank you for constantly guiding and leading us in world isn’t about what we want, it’s about what God the right direction. You are the answer to everything wants. We must do what is good for us and others. and the key to happiness. Please help the lost gain Give us strength and encouragement that doing what is a better understanding of what it truly means to morally right will pay off when we finally come face to be chaste. Though remaining abstinent may be a face with our God in heaven. challenge, every child is worth more, so if we have to Amen. make certain sacrifices in order to keep God’s children safe and well provided for, so be it. Bring us towards You in our words, thoughts, and actions.

14 | Facebook: Respect Life Apostolate-St. Louis JOHN PAUL “BUBBA” CHAPMAN St. Clement of Rome | Chaminade Prep Theology of the Body, is expressing that a relationship PRO-LIFE MENTALITY: QUOTE ANALYSIS built without the virtue of chastity cannot produce eros, romantic love, or agape, the unconditional love of “Perfection of moral virtue does not wholly take away Jesus Christ. The true love that is shown by a married the passions, but regulates them.” couple should feel free, total, faithful, and fruitful love St. Thomas Aquinas that John Paul II speaks of. St. Thomas Aquinas is trying to convey to us that acting with increased virtue provides us with balance “Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women.” and correct prioritization in our lives. One of the Alice Paul greatest gifts that God has given us is our sexuality, American Pro-Life activist Alice Paul describes but we struggle to know where it belongs in our messy abortion as an exploitation, which is unfair treatment lives. We often abuse, have a lack of respect for, or towards a group of people to benefit from their completely disregard our sexuality because we are work. You could also argue that women who do not blinded by the sin of the world. When we are able to practice the virtue of chastity and put themselves perfect the moral virtue of chastity in our lives, the in a situation where they have to choose between passion of sexuality is regulated and is able to fit abortion and motherhood are exploiting themselves, where it belongs in our life, according to our vocation. putting themselves through the trauma of killing the child in her womb. If people had the love of Christ “Only the chaste man and the chaste woman are in their lives and the strength to practice the virtue capable of real love.” of chastity, there wouldn’t be the need for so many St. Pope John Paul II abortions. Abortion truly is exploitation of the soul, Pope John Paul II, author of the literary series and the virtue of chastity has the power to stop it.

SCHOLARSHIPS FINALISTS $1,000 HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS Quinn Apprill-Sokol. St. Gabriel the Archangel Bishop Edward O’Connell Scholarship Bubba Chapman. St. Clement of Rome | Chaminade Prep Peyton Lackey. St. Francis Borgia Margaret Elizabeth Baker. Holy Cross Academy Mary Forrestal-Hennessey Scholarship Henry Martin. St. Gerard Majella Joseph Volmert. St. Francis Borgia | St. Francis Borgia Blake Barnes. St. Alban Roe Mr. & Mrs. George Kletzker Scholarship Cayleigh Moore. Christ the King Gianni Vigna. Incarnate Word | DeSmet HS Claudia Fisher. Queen of All Saints Knights of Columbus Scholarship Isabella Rowe. St. Alban Roe Camille Raymo. St. Joseph, Cottleville | St. Dominic HS Sami Simokaitis. Queen of All Saints Grace Hoy. St. Margaret of Scotland Respect Life Apostolate Scholarship Aidan Kane. Most Sacred Heart, Eureka | SLU HS Henry Krey. Immaculate Conception, Dardenne Tessa Rockafellow. St. Gerard Majella | Nerinx Hall Maggie Wright. Ascension, Chesterfield STEUBENVILLE MID-AMERICA YOUTH CONFERENCE T-SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST Maeve Conboy. Holy Cross Academy Seton Regional Grade School Elle Haefner. Queen of All Saints Twitter: @ProLifeStL | 15 Abortion Healing Ministry HELPLINE: 314-792-7565 EMAIL: [email protected]

The Abortion Healing Ministry includes a network of healing composed of specially-trained caregivers, which may include clergy, lay staff, mental health professionals, and spiritual directors. These individuals, often working as a team, provide direct care to women & men that have been touched by abortion loss, enabling them to grieve, develop a personal relationship with Christ, and be united with the Church through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

PROGRAMS AND RESOURCES: PROJECT RACHEL (women only) Confidential helpline and email, one-on-one pastoral care, monthly support group, day of recollection, spiritual direction, Sacrament of Reconciliation, and monthly Bible study.

PROJECT JOSEPH (men only) Confidential helpline and email, one-on-one pastoral care, monthly support group, spiritual direction, and Sacrament of Reconciliation.

RACHEL’S VINEYARD (men & women) Three-day healing retreat, confidential helpline, aftercare sessions and resources.

RACHEL PRAYER GARDEN At Resurrection Cemetery.

CATHOLIC RENEWAL CENTER (men and women) Healing prayer and spiritual direction.

NAMING & COMMENDATION RITE Held each year at different parishes, helps to formally recognize,memorialize and honor an unborn child lost for any reason.

16 | Facebook: Respect Life Apostolate-St. Louis Sponsors FOR THE CONVENTION

GOLD SPONSORS FRIENDS FOR LIFE SPONSORS Schlapprizzi Attorneys at Law All Saints Parish, St. Peters Annunciation Parish, Webster Groves SILVER SPONSORS Dan & Madeleine Appelbaum & Family Covenant Radio Dianne & Don Berns Tony & Dudie DiLeo Joan Billing EWTN Christy & John Connor Immaculate Conception, Dardenne Prairie Cure of Ars Parish The St. Charles Group at Morgan Stanley Helen Doyle Vitae Foundation H. Wayne Groner Insurance Agency Deacon Fred & Cynthia Haehnel ROSE SPONSORS Patrick & Anne Henning Mr. Robert Mahacek Frosty & Fred Hodes Mary, Mother of the Church Holy Martyrs of Japan Parish Missouri Right to Life Education Fund Immacolota Church St. Monica Parish, Pro-life Committee Immaculate Conception Parish, Union St. Paul Church, St. Paul Knights of Columbus #2269, O’Fallon St. Peter Catholic Church Knights of Columbus #9981, Chesterfield Missouri Right to Life, East Central Area WHITE ROSE Marge & Doug Munsell Family PROGRAM SPONSORS Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Oratory of Ss Gregory & Augustine Santa Maria Council #2619 St. Angela Merici Church St. Francis Borgia Church St. Anselm Parish St. Francis of Assisi Church St. Louis Archdiocese Office of Natural Family Planning PINK ROSE St. Luke’s Church PROGRAM SPONSORS St. Paul Parish Pro-Life Organization, St. Paul Ascension Catholic Church, Chesterfield Schneider True Value Hardware Assumption Parish, Mattese Anna Skidmore Christ Prince of Peace Parish Carolyn Skidmore St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish St. Raphael the Archangel Parish

Twitter: @ProLifeStL | 17 Pro-Life Convent SISTERS OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE

MISSION WE WILL END ABORTION The mission of the Sisters at Our Lady of Guadalupe Convent is to provide warm hospitality to visitors IN OUR CITY! A Declaration From Archbishop Robert J. Carlson and to all who respect life, especially the life of the unborn. How, you might ask? With prayer. It has been over four The Sisters welcome those pilgrims for life who decades since abortion was legalized in America. We come to witness to life at the abortion clinic. They have made great progress on many fronts: in legislative welcome the Catholic community at large to pray with bodies, in the courts and, most of all, in the hearts of them. They offer clarity and comfort in the face of people. confusion. At the March for Life in Washington D.C. each year The Sisters offer the clear and refreshing air of the you can hear the passionate chant of young people: We truth, the truth that everyone is invited to hear – “the may not be able to change the law, but we can change voice of the Lord echoing in the conscience of every hearts! individual: it is always from this intimate sanctuary of I am pledging my commitment to a Respect Life the conscience that a new journey of love, openness Convent under the care of the Franciscan Sisters of and service to human life can begin,” Pope Saint John Christian Charity that will offer a welcoming presence Paul II, The Gospel of Life, 24. to those working to end abortion. This Convent is a powerful witness, directly across the street from the  city’s abortion clinic in the Central West End in the city MASS & ADORATION of St. Louis. SECOND & FOURTH FRIDAYS I invite you to join in prayer and visit the Convent Eucharistic Adoration, 11:00, a pro-life Mass, 12:00, when you can, to pray for the end of this scourge in and lunch. To register your parish or pro-life group our nation. (four or more), visit the website. Sincerely yours in Christ, Archbishop Carlson Up to three individuals are welcome at any Mass even if another group is already signed up. A group or parish may invite their pastor or ADDRESS priest to say the Mass or ask the RLA to help find 4311 Forest Park Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63108 one. Please contact the RLA for more information WEBSITE or with any questions at 314-792-7598 or [email protected] spiritual-support/our-lady-of-guadalupe-convent 18 | Facebook: Respect Life Apostolate-St. Louis Ministry Partners


40 Days for Life. Haven of Grace. Biking for Babies. Knights of Columbus. Birthright of Hillsboro. Life Runners, St. Louis. Birthright of St. Charles. Mary Queen of Angels. [email protected] Birthright of St. Louis. Missouri Catholic Conference. Birthright Tri County. Missouri Life Caravan. Birthright of Wentzville. Missouri Right to Life, Eastern. Catholic Medical Association. Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life. Charlotte Lozier Institute. Our Lady’s Inn. Coalition for Life St. Louis. Pauline Books & Media. Couple to Couple League. [email protected] Students for Life of America. Covenant Network. Vitae Foundation. EWTN Global Catholic Network.


Abortion Healing Ministry. Natural Family Planning. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Fund. Good Shepherd Children & Family Service. Our Lady of Guadalupe Convent. support/our-lady-of-guadalupe-convent Hispanic Ministry. Peace & Justice Commission/Racial Harmony. Marriage & Family Life. Respect Life Apostolate. Youth Ministry. Twitter: @ProLifeStL | 19 Opportunities to Give

ANNUAL CARDINAL RIGALI ROSE FOR LIFE CATHOLIC APPEAL GENERAL ENDOWMENT Our ministry is made The Rose for Life Endowment Fund allows donors to possible through generous provide long-term financial support to the ongoing donations to the archdiocesan yearly appeal. activities of the Respect Life Apostolate. ARCHBISHOP NAUMANN GIVING TO RLA THROUGH ENDOWMENT FOR PROJECT RACHEL YOUR WILL OR TRUST Donations are restricted to support archdiocesan post- The Respect Life Apostolate is truly grateful for the abortion ministry efforts. support we receive from each and every donor! If you are considering a charitable gift to the RLA, gifts can be made in the following manner through your will or PRO-LIFE SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT trust: Donations are restricted to support the scholarship • A specific dollar amount. program that provides a subsidy toward tuition at • A percentage of your estate. Catholic high schools. • A particular asset such as real estate or other valuables. LIFELINE COALITION You may also name the RLA as a beneficiary of a CAMPAIGN retirement plan. The LifeLine Coalition is a group Please contact Cynthia Haehnel at 314-792-7556 of social service agencies and or visit to learn more details or other pro-life caregivers who are ways to give to the RLA. committed to assisting women in crisis pregnancies. The LifeLine Coalition Campaign is an annual drive through the parishes to raise money FRIENDS FOR LIFE to provide women with practical assistance including GENERAL FUND medical expenses, food, clothing, housing, counseling, Donations fund the operation and adoption services, and spiritual guidance. support the programs and activities of the RLA. BLESSED TERESA OF CALCUTTA FUND Archbishop Robert J. Carlson ENDOWMENTS established the Blessed Teresa The interest in the fund is directed annually to the Fund at the 2009 Respect Life respective activities of the Respect Life Apostolate, Convention. In accordance leaving the principal gift untouched. Gifts can be with his vision, the Respect made by naming the endowments as a beneficiary of a Life Apostolate will be faithful will, bequest or life insurance policy. Cash donations, stewards of every donation we receive to help relieve charitable gift annuities, or donations of stocks and the crisis situations of expectant parents and parents securities are also accepted and appreciated. who are raising their children in our Archdiocese.

20 | Facebook: Respect Life Apostolate-St. Louis AS THE WORLD’S LARGEST RELIGIOUS MEDIA NETWORK, EWTN has a tremendous opportunity to push back against the culture of death that is celebrated in today’s mainstream media and fight for all human life. But this is more than an opportunity—it is central to our mission.

EWTN is the only media network delivering weekly content dedicated to the pro-life movement. Shows like EWTN PRO-LIFE WEEKLY and our EWTN NEWS group help expose the truth about abortion, educate all people on the gravity of this issue, and uphold the values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all. It is our responsibility to bring the Truth of the Eternal Word to the world and to carry out Mother Angelica’a charge to “do good today while you have the opportunity”.

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