CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1788 HON
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E1788 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 6, 2011 RECOGNIZING EIGHT NIGHT who have demonstrated an ability to inspire, Congress reinstated the right to sue, and STALKERS OF THE 4TH BAT- lead and innovate. Fittingly, the Hall is located President Obama signed into law, the Lily TALION, 160TH SPECIAL OPER- in Seneca Falls, the site of the 1848 Women’s Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in 2009. ATIONS AVIATION REGIMENT, Rights Convention which adopted the Declara- BARBARA MIKULSKI (1936–) is the first fe- RECIPIENTS OF THE DISTIN- tion of Sentiments demanding that women male Democratic Senator elected in her own GUISHED FLYING CROSS ‘‘have immediate admission to all the rights right. During her more than 30 years in the and privileges which belong to them as citi- Senate, she has worked on legislation pro- HON. ADAM SMITH zens of these United States.’’ moting equal health care for American women, OF WASHINGTON Nearly 250 women have been honored by Medicare reform, better care for veterans, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES induction into the National Women’s Hall of greater student access to quality education Thursday, October 6, 2011 Fame. They come from many fields—they are and much more. This year she became the educators, actors, writers, politicians, vision- longest serving female Senator in U.S. history. Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I aries, philanthropists, athletes and scientists— Dr. Donna Shalala (1941–) is an educator, rise today to honor CWO–4 Bernard Litaker, but they share a talent for making a difference scholar and politician who was the longest Jr., CWO–3 Maciek Mankowski, CWO–3 Todd and inspiring us all. The eleven women who serving Secretary of Health and Human Serv- Peterson, Staff Sgt. Benjamin Tate, Staff Sgt. were inducted into the National Women’s Hall ices (1993–2001). She has been president of Stanley Yeadon, Sgt. Jason Brown, Sgt. Jer- of Fame this past weekend have truly made Hunter College which is located in my district, emy Gribble, and Spc. Matthew Jones who re- their mark on this country and on our history. chancellor of the University of Wisconsin- ceived the Distinguished Flying Cross for their St. Katharine Drexel (1858–1955), a mis- Madison and is currently President of the Uni- extraordinary service and valor. I recently had sionary who dedicated her life and fortunate to versity of Miami. the privilege to meet with the leadership of help native Americans and African Americans, Kathrine Switzer (1947–) broke the gender these eight brave servicemen of the 4th Bat- is the second American-born person to be rec- barrier in 1967 when she was the first woman talion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regi- ognized as a saint. St. Katharine founded the to officially enter the Boston Marathon. She ment (Airborne) located at Joint Base Lewis- Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. During her has completed over 37 marathons and has McChord, and believe that they have achieved lifetime, she and her order founded more than dedicated her career to creating Opportunities the pinnacle of military excellence. sixty missions and schools, including Xavier and equal sports status for women. In 1977, The Distinguished Flying Cross is awarded University in Louisiana. she founded the Avon International Running to members of the Armed Forces of the United Dorothy Harrison Eustis (1886–1946) co- Circuit and in 1984 she was a leader in mak- States who distinguish themselves through founded the nation’s first dog guide school, ing the women’s marathon an official event in heroism above and beyond the call of duty The Seeing Eye. Born in Switzerland, Eustis the Olympic Games. She is an Emmy Award- while participating in aerial flight, an award started breeding German Shepherds for civic winning sports commentator. which these men have undoubtedly earned. duty. Morris Frank, a blind American man, Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me On a late September 2009 evening in Af- contacted her for help in acquiring a guide in rising to celebrate the National Women’s ghanistan, these men embarked on a high-pri- dog. She moved to America and, together with Hall of Fame and its eleven remarkable 2011 ority, high-risk mission that would necessitate Frank, established The Seeing Eye, which has inductees. that they put their lives at risk to protect other trained 15,000 dogs to assist nearly 6,000 in- forces. The unexpected call required them to dividuals. f quickly develop and execute a plan, but the Loretta C. Ford (1920–) is a international ensuing enemy fire would force them to adapt leader in nursing who is best known for co- IN RECOGNITION OF DR. BRUCE A. to the increasingly dangerous situation. The founding the nurse practitioner model, which BEUTLER, RECIPIENT OF THE pilots gave heroic flying performances, expanded nurse’s scope of practice and al- 2011 NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSI- expertly navigating their helicopters while call- lowed them to perform a broader range of du- OLOGY OR MEDICINE ing out enemy threats to their gunners. ties. Upon completing their objective and reach- Abby Kelley Foster (1811–1887) was a HON. PETE SESSIONS ing safety, they learned they would need to re- major figure in the anti-slavery and women’s OF TEXAS turn for a casualty evacuation. Once again rights movements. An organizer, lecturer and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES landing their aircraft mere meters from their fundraiser, she worked tirelessly for the ratifi- Thursday, October 6, 2011 target, the men held off enemy fire and suc- cation of the 14th and 15th amendments and cessfully flew the target to safety. Facing helped lay the groundwork for the 19th Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to seemingly insurmountable odds, not once but amendment granting women suffrage. recognize Dr. Bruce A. Beutler for winning the twice, these eight brave Night Stalkers dem- Helen Murray Free (1923–) is a pioneering Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, along- onstrated skillful flying and venerable courage chemist who conducted research that revolu- side two other scientists, for discoveries in in the face of danger. tionized diagnostic testing in the laboratory how the immune system functions. Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues in the and at home. Her work on dip-and-read strips Initially, Dr. Beutler began searching for a House of Representatives please join me in has made it easier and cheaper to test for dia- receptor with the ability to bind congratulating these eight brave men for their betes, pregnancy and other conditions. lipopolysaccharide (LPS). After devoting a commendable service and thanking them for Billie Holiday (1915–1959) is one of the great deal of time cloning LPS receptor genes, the sacrifices they have made for their coun- greatest jazz vocalists of all time. Her unique Dr. Beutler and his colleagues made an impor- try. style continues to influence jazz and pop vo- tant discovery in 1998—a Toll-like receptor f calists more than fifty years after her death. (TLR) that activates signals when bound with IN TRIBUTE TO THE ELEVEN EX- Coretta Scott King (1927–2006) was a cele- LPS. This discovery spurred further research TRAORDINARY 2011 INDUCTEES brated champion of human and civil rights in innate immunity and now, over a dozen of TO THE NATIONAL WOMEN’S through non-violent means, in partnership with different TLRs have been identified. I applaud HALL OF FAME her husband, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Dr. Beutler’s dedicated efforts and know that following his death. this finding will provide our medical community Lily Ledbetter (1938–) is best known for her with greater understanding about how immune HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY fight to achieve pay equity. As she was retiring systems respond to diseases, keeping us on OF NEW YORK from her position as a manager with the the forefront of medical research. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, In 2008, he was elected to the National Thursday, October 6, 2011 Ledbetter was advised anonymously that she Academy of Sciences. He currently serves as Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- had been paid considerably less than her the Director of the Center for the Genetics of ognize the National Women’s Hall of Fame male colleagues. She subsequently initiated a Host Defense at UT Southwestern Medical and the eleven women who were formally in- lawsuit against Goodyear. She won in trial Center. Dr. Beutler is the fifth faculty member ducted into the National Women’s Hall of court, but the Supreme Court later overturned from UT Southwestern Medical Center to be Fame on September 30 and October 1, 2011 the verdict because she had not filed within awarded a Nobel Prize since 1985. in Seneca Falls, New York. 180 days of the discriminatory act even Mr. Speaker, I ask my esteemed colleagues Since 1969, the National Women’s Hall of though she was unaware of the discrimination to join me in congratulating Dr. Beutler on re- Fame has showcased great American women at the time. Thanks in part to her advocacy, ceiving this prestigious award. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:50 Oct 07, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06OC8.007 E06OCPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.