Bibliography, p. 482


Reference to collections of essays is made in abbreviated form under the name of the author whose article is listed; the full citation appears under the title of the collection. References to the Pendragon Press cite its location at Stuyvesant, NY, during the late 1980s and the 1990s—or its present location at Hillsdale, NY, after 1999—depending on the publication date of the book in question.

Abraham 1935. Abraham, Gerald. “Handel’s Clavier Music,” Music and Letters (16 October 1935): 278-285.

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Aristotle 1995. Poetics, in English and Greek; edited and translated by Stephen Halliwell. With Longinus, On the Sublime, edited and translated by W. Hamilton Fyfe; revised by Donald Russell; and Demetrius, On Style, edited and translated by Doreen D. Innes; based on the translation by W. Rhys Roberts. 2nd ed., Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995.

Arlin 1965. Arlin, Mary. “Harmonic Rhythm in Selected Fugues from the Well Tempered Clavier, Book 1.” M.Mus. thesis, Indiana University, 1965.

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______1977. Baker, Nancy Kovaleff. “The Aesthetic Theories of Heinrich Christoph Koch,” International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music 8/2 (December 1977): 183-209.

______1980. Baker, Nancy Kovaleff. “Heinrich Koch’s Description of the Symphony,” Studi Musicali 9/2 (1980): 303-316.

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University of California Press, 1994; orig. publ. New York: Hill & Wang, 1988): 11-94, 95- 135 and 136-148.

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______1987. Berry, Wallace. Structural Functions in Music. New York: Dover, 1987. Bibliography, p. 487

(First published, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1975.)

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______1995. Best, Terence. “Handel’s Second Set of Suites de pieces pour le clavecin and Its Editorial Problems, in Georg Friedrich Händel: Ein Lebensinhalt—Gedenkschrift für Bernd Baselt (1934-1993): 167-186.

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