The Grapevine August 2014 Subtropical trees Thrive in Frost at Monto Subtropical trees Thrive in Frost at Newsletter of the Hinkler Monto branch of Rare Fruit Australia, Inc. By Peter Myers P.O. Box 5839, Bundaberg Allan Knight grows West, Qld 4670. subtropical trees in the frost, at Mungungo, near Monto in President: Eddy Dunn the North Burnett region. ph. (07) 4154 4466 (m) 0427 794 524 It's a highland area 120 km
[email protected] west of Bundaberg. Secretary: Laree Chapman He bought the 800-acre
[email protected] block in 1972, but it was not until about 2000 that he began an orchard, growing Treasurer: Kevin Chapman Allan with Red Shahtoot mulberry. "A lot better than the White," ph. (07) 4155-3331 stone fruits, Finger Limes and other natives. He only started he says. The White is sweeter, but the Red has more tang. Notice growing "exotics" about 6 the bare earth - Allan says it keeps his trees warmer in winter. Editor: Peter Myers, 381 years ago, when he joined the Goodwood Rd, Childers 4660. Rare Fruit Council (now RFA). ph. (07) 41170125
[email protected] His orchard is a work in progress, currently about 3 acres, and he also has a few acres of rainforest. He cultivates about 80 kinds of exotic trees and In this issue 160 kinds of natives. Access to the coast is difficult: circuitous dirt Subtropical trees at Monto p.1 roads through Mt Perry or Kalpowar State Forest, or a roundabout bitumen road through Biggenden, Mimusops Maxima p.3 so Allan has only occasionally been able to attend meetings.