AS ISO 10006-2003 Quality Management Systems-Guidelines for Quality Management in Projects
AS ISO 10006—2003 ISO 10006:2003 AS ISO 10006 Australian Standard™ Quality management systems— Guidelines for quality management in projects This is a free 7 page sample. Access the full version online. This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee QR-008, Quality Systems. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 3 September 2003 and published on 10 November 2003. The following are represented on Committee QR-008: Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Australian Industry Group Australian Information Industry Association Australian Organisation for Quality Bureau of Steel Manufacturers of Australia Certification Bodies (Australia) Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (Commonwealth) Department of Defence (Australia) Department of Industry Science and Resources (Commonwealth) Institution of Engineers Australia Main Roads Department, Queensland Master Builders Australia Quality Society of Australasia Royal Australian Chemical Institute Keeping Standards up-to-date Standards are living documents which reflect progress in science, technology and systems. To maintain their currency, all Standards are periodically reviewed, and This is a free 7 page sample. Access the full version online. new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued. Standards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments which may have been published since the Standard was purchased. Detailed information about Standards can be found by visiting the Standards Australia web site at and looking up the relevant Standard in the on-line catalogue. Alternatively, the printed Catalogue provides information current at 1 January each year, and the monthly magazine, The Global Standard, has a full listing of revisions and amendments published each month.
Quality Management ISO Audit & Performance Systems Instructor: Jurandir Primo, PE
PDHonline Course M482 (5 PDH) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quality Management ISO Audit & Performance Systems Instructor: Jurandir Primo, PE 2012 PDH Online | PDH Center 5272 Meadow Estates Drive Fairfax, VA 22030-6658 Phone & Fax: 703-988-0088 An Approved Continuing Education Provider PDH Course M482 Contents: I. BASIC QUALITY CONCEPTS V. PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS 1. Total Quality Management (TQM) 1. Six Sigma 1.1. Total Quality Management Evolution 2. The Five W´s and One H 2. Quality Management System (QMS) 2.1. Five W´s and One H Applied to Six Sigma 2.1. TQM and QMS Relationship 3. Ishikawa Diagrams 2.2. Quality Gurus Main Contribution 4. The 6 M´s Used by Toyota 2.3. The Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycles (PDSA) 5. Control Charts 2.4. TQM Failures 5.1. Control Charts Definition 3. Quality Assurance (QA) 6. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) 3.1. Components of QA Program 6.1. Critical Analysis - FMECA 4. Quality Control in Civil Construction 6.2. FMEA Terminology 4.1. Quality in Electrical Services 7. Risk Levels 4.2. Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Relations 8. Statistical Quality Control (SQC) 8.1. The Mean II. ISO 9000 BASIC STANDARDS 9. Histograms 10. Pareto Analysis 1. ISO Quality Management Systems 11. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) 1.1. ISO 9000 Latest Revision 12. 5S – Work Area Organization 1.2. ISO 9000 Audit 13. Design of Experiments (DOE) 1.3. Non-conformance Report 14. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) 15. Production Planning and Control (PPC) III. ISO 10000 MAIN GUIDELINES SERIES 15.1.
INNOVATIONS WELL DONE 20 YEARS OF INNOVATIONS CELEBRATE CHECK OUT OUR 20TH ANNIVERSARY CAMPAIGN CONTENT 05 33 55 79 EDITORIAL INTERVIEW PORTFOLIO SOCIAL WITH CSMO RESPONSIBILITY 07 35 67 85 COMPANY PROFILE SERVICES INNOVATIONS HUMAN RESOURCES 09 37 71 87 WHY US? CUSTOM SOFTWARE INTEGRATED ENVIRONMENT SOLUTIONS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Page Page 3 13 39 73 89 4 Page Page MANAGEMENT MOBILE AND WEB PARTNERSHIPS & FINANCE APPLICATIONS MEMBERSHIPS 25 41 75 93 TIMELINE NEARSHORE TECHNOLOGIES SECURITY OUTSOURCING 29 45 76 95 INTERVIEW REFERENCES SCIENCE AND CONTACT WITH COO RESEARCH 31 53 77 INTERVIEW CLIENTS MARKETING WITH CTO EDITORIAL “2019 WAS A VERY SUCCESSFUL YEAR FOR QBSW, THAT IS WHY WE ENTERED THE NEW YEAR 2019 was a very successful year for implementing online communication During the year, we managed to acquire QBSW. We reached record turnover, with our clients and partners. several new customers—one from Austria we had a large number of contracted Thankfully, we were already familiar with and others from the Slovak banking WITH EQUALLY projects, and our number of employees communicating online with our foreign and finance sector. We have launched was the highest in company history. clients, and we already had systems a marketing campaign aimed at foreign Page 5 OPTIMISTIC We entered the new year with equally in place for remote communication markets, and we are also communicating 6 Page Page optimistic expectations. It was a perfect within teams (as three of our teams are intensively with chambers of commerce year to celebrate QBSW’s twentieth located outside of Bratislava). and other partners while searching for EXPECTATIONS ” anniversary.
Comparative Analysis of the ISO 10006:2003 Against Other Standards and Guidelines Related to Software Project Management
Comparative Analysis of the ISO 10006:2003 against other Standards and Guidelines related to Software Project Management Brenda L. Flores-Rios1, Oscar M. Rodríguez-Elias2, Martín Olguín-Espinoza1 1Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, 2Instituto Tecnológico de Hermosillo 1{bflores | molguin}, Abstract. Nowadays, the Project Management field is in a stage in which its processes and concepts are being normalized and harmonized. The standard ISO 10006:2003 is an example of it. The goal of this standard is to provide an orientation about the concepts, elements, and guidelines for the quality of Project Management practices through eleven processes. This paper presents a comparison of the processes defined in the ISO 10006 with those defined in the PMBOK of PMI, ICB of IPMA, SWEBOK and the Mexican Standard NMX-I- 059-NYCE-2005. The purpose of this work is to describe a conceptual framework to be taken into account in project management initiatives for software processes, which can be used by software project managers. 1 Introduction The need of having highly motivated and prepared personnel in software development processes has been discussed since the sixties [1]. Today, despite that the software industry considers itself as a solid industry, and although most of the software projects are developed by highly specialized people, surprisingly, this is an industry characterized by not having highly quality products and services [2]. Software quality implies the necessity of accomplishing some parameters to allow establish the minimal levels by which a product can be considered a quality product [3]. Reports and statistical analysis have been performed to determine the status of software projects, for instance the project European Software Process Improvement Training Initiative (ESPITI), and Extreme Chaos of the Standish Group.
INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 10006 First edition 1997-12-15 Quality management — Guidelines to quality in project management Management de la qualité — Lignes directrices pour la qualité en management de projet iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW ( ISO 10006:1997 b20cf14ee596/iso-10006-1997 r A Reference numbe ISO 10006:1997(E) ISO 1006:1997(E) Contents Page 1 Scope ....................................................................................... 1 2 Normative references ....................................................................... 1 3 Definitions ......................................................................................... 1 4 Project characteristics ........................................................................ 3 4.1 General .................................................................................... 3 4.2 Project management ................................................................ 3 4.3 Organization ............................................................................. 3 4.4 Project phases and project processes ...................................... 3 5 Quality in project management processes ........................................... 3 5.1 General ..................................................................................... 3 5.2 Strategic process .......................................................................iTeh STANDARD PRE 4VIEW 5.3 Interdependency management processes ...............................
8th International Quality Conference May 23rd 2014 Center for Quality, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac 1) MANAGING OF RISKS AND QUALITY IN Bojan Stojcetovic Milan Misic1) PROJECTS Zivce Sarkocevic1) 1) Abstract: On each project affects a large number of risk Dragan Lazarevic events, its managing is difficult and requires many Danijela Zubac1) interventions. Risk events also greatly affect the quality of the project. Delivering the project with demanded 1) High technical school of quality customer should be primary objective of project professional studies, Zvecan, manager. But to achieve that it’s necessary to manage Serbia quality in all project activities. Managing of risk and quality in projects is described in paper that follows. Keywords: projects, quality management, risks management 1. INTRODUCTION 2. RISK Risk and quality management has Risk is an uncertain event or condition been designated as two of the main areas that, if it occurs, has an effect on at least of the Project Management Body of one project objective. Objectives can Knowledge (PMBOK) by the Project include scope, schedule, cost and quality Management Institute, which is the largest [1]. Outcomes of risky events can be both, professional organization dedicated to the positive and negative. project management field. It is impossible to imagine a project The presence of risk creates surprises without risk. Of course some projects will throughout the project life cycle, affecting be high-risk, while others have less risk, everything from technical feasibility to but all projects are by definition risky to cost, market timing, financial performance, some extent. strategic objectives and of course quality.
Standards for Enabling Trade— Mapping and Gap Analysis Study
Standards for Enabling Trade— Mapping and Gap Analysis Study An IA-CEPA Early Outcomes Initiative November 2017 Standards For Enabling Trade—Mapping and Gap Analysis Study 2 An IA-CEPA Early Outcomes Initiative – November 2017 Contents ListofFigures..............................................................................................................3 Abbreviations...............................................................................................................4 Terms..........................................................................................................................6 Acknowledgements......................................................................................................8 ExplanatoryNotes........................................................................................................8 Foreword.....................................................................................................................9 Recommendations.....................................................................................................10 ExecutiveSummary....................................................................................................11 Introduction................................................................................................................13 ProjectPurpose.........................................................................................................13 Objectives..................................................................................................................13
CATÁLOGO DE NORMAS BOLIVIANAS 2011 0 CATALOGO DE NORMAS BOLIVIANAS 2011 PRESENTACIÓN CATÁLOGO Presentamos el Catálogo Anual de Normas Bolivianas, que recopila la relación de documentos normativos vigentes y cuyo propósito, es el de brindar al usuario un sistema de consulta eficaz y oportuno de todas las normas técnicas bolivianas NB aprobadas. Este documento es considerado como una herramienta de información imprescindible para la localización de las normas NB; posibilitando de esta manera a nuestros usuarios, la disposición de un medio sencillo de acceso al extenso mundo de la normalización. Las normas técnicas bolivianas - NB, son el resultado de un gran esfuerzo de más de 4 000 técnicos, quienes, en representación del gobierno, de los sectores privados de la producción, la distribución y el consumo y del sector científico en sus diferentes ramas, en forma activa y decidida, participan a través de 19 sectores económicos que cubren prácticamente todos los campos de la ciencia y la tecnología de nuestro país, en la elaboración de normas a nivel nacional; todo esto, con el propósito de establecer un orden de una actividad específica para beneficio de los consumidores y productores. Es por todos sabido que disponer de una información actualizada, resulta básico para las empresas, por ello IBNORCA, ha dedicado un especial esfuerzo en este año, para mejorar y adaptar a las nuevas posibilidades tecnológicas, sus productos y servicios de información. Con la convicción de que la satisfacción de nuestros clientes es nuestro primer objetivo, estaremos encantados de atender cualquier sugerencia que nos transmitan los usuarios de nuestros servicios. Dirección Nacional de Normalización DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE NORMALIZACIÓN 1 CATALOGO DE NORMAS BOLIVIANAS 2011 ÍNDICE Pág.