SECOND REPORT ON THE STATE OF PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE IN GUYANA Compiled and Documented by Cleveland R PAUL Dept Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Resources National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute Mon Repos, EC Demerara, E-mail:
[email protected] SUBMITTED TO FAO COMMISSION ON GENETIC RESOURCES FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE May 2012 Reviewers Versions of this report were reviewed for technical content by the following specialists: NAME ORGANIZATION Herman Adams Coordinator, CAPGERNET and Plant Breeder, CARDI Trinidad and Tobago, St Augustine Campus Trinidad Patrick Chesney Chief Technical Advisor Guiana Shield Facility United Nations Development Programme 42 Brickdam and United Nations Place Stabroek, Georgetown GUYANA Anton Dey Bio-fuels Agronomist Wageningen Sugarcane for Ethanol Project State Oil Company (Staatsolie NV), Suriname Stefano Diulgheroff Plant Production and Protection Division Officer, FAO Rome, Italy Brenda J Forde Formerly, Head Dept Agronomy National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute Mon Repos Guyana Oudhu Homenauth Chief Executive Officer National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute Mon Repos Guyana Cyril Hunte Assistant Professor and Director of Graduate Studies Department of Economics Howard University Washington, DC 20059 Theodore Kisha Plant Geneticist/Lab Manager USDA-ARS, WRPIS Washington State University Pullman, WA 99164 Theodosius Velloza Deputy Registrar University of Guyana Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown Guyana i Preface The National Information Sharing Mechanism is a network of Guyanese institutions involved in the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA). One strategic objective is to document in a systematic way, information on activities related to the implementation of the 20 priority areas of the Global Plan of Action (GPA) for the conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA.