CSG Journal 2020-21REV4-CALIBRI-1-Package
Castle-building in Britain and France under the House of Montgomery-Bellême c. 1000-1112 Old Montgomery (Hen Domen), Powys. Built by Roger de Montgomery (1071-4?) and remained in use until the mid 13th century. View form the north-east. © Paul R. Davis. THE CASTLE STUDIES GROUP 156 JOURNAL NO. 34 Castle-building in Britain and France under the House of Montgomery- Bellême c. 1000-1112 Neil Ludlow The House of Montgomery-Bellême was the Montgomery or ‘Hen Domen’). In 1093, Earl most influential baronial family of late eleventh- Roger led an army across Wales into Dyfed century Britain and Normandy, with one of the establishing a castle at Cardigan, and at largest non-comital estates in northern France. Pembroke which he granted to his youngest At its height, the family held around 80 castles son Arnulf. Roger died the following year, and on both sides of the Channel. Its British estate was succeeded in his British estates by his was established under Roger de Montgomery second son Hugh (Chibnall 1973, 303 and n. (d. 1094) who, like his father, was the ducal 1) – who himself was killed in 1098 and was vicomte of the Hiémois, a large area of central in turn succeeded by his older brother Robert Normandy (see Fig. 1), and possessed extensive ‘de Bellême’ (Chibnall 1975, 225). lands in and around the valley of the River Dives Meanwhile, Roger and Mabel’s third son Roger as well as the family seat at Montgommery, ‘the Poitevin’ had received a substantial grant Calvados (Chibnall 1969, 21-3, 47-9; Mason in northwest England, based on Lancaster, 1963, 1; Round 1899, 526; Thompson 1987, 252, before 1086 (Chandler 1989, 2; Mason 1963, 257, 260-2).
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