DEBATS · Annual Review, 3 · 2018 —135 / 152 DOI: 10.28939/iam.debats-en.2017-11 ISSN 2530-898X (print) ISSN 2530-8262 (electronic) The city of València in the poetry of Vicent Andrés Estellés Jordi Oviedo UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE VALENCIA SAN VICENTE MÁRTIR
[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4690-688X Received: 17/05/2018 Accepted: 15/08/2018 ABSTRACT This article reviews the relationship between the poetry of the Valencian writer Vicent Andrés Estellés and the city of València as a centre of a certain literary geography. Based on a corpus of the author’s poetic texts selected from the 1950s, we can see the evolution of València’s presence, with its different nuances and intensities, in Estellés’ poetry. Books such as Llibre de meravelles treat spaces in diverse ways: the streets and the city itself are associated with fulfilled or repressed desire, while interior spaces are linked to death and anxiety. Likewise, the sources of this relationship between poetry and the city, as well as the network upon which it is built, are also analysed. Thus, journalism and cinema—especially the latter—become the main cultural systems that comprise the poetry of urban spaces. Keywords: València, Llibre de meravelles, urban poetry, literary geography, cinema and literature, Catalan poetry. Corresponding author: Jordi Oviedo. Rúa Compostela, 1, 1º, E36700, Tui (Pontevedra). Suggested citation: Oviedo, J. (2018). The city of València in the poetry of Vicent Andrés Estellés. Debats. Journal on Culture, Power and Society, 3, 135-152. DOI: Le vieux Paris n’est plus (la forme d’une ville change plus vite, hélas! que le coeur d’un mortel) Le cygne, BAUDELAIRE CITY, MODERNITY, AND CULTURE trend based on a certain idea of confusion and the A brief review of the relationship between feeling of ontological chaos which became more contemporary literature and culture and cities brings popular throughout the 20th century.