State Overview and Ecological Framework Table IN2. Oklahoma's

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State Overview and Ecological Framework Table IN2. Oklahoma's 24 Table IN2. Oklahoma's Species of Greatest Conservation Need Cross-referenced by Region grass - Cross Prairie Prairie Prairie WGCP Ozarks Timbers Tallgrass Taxonomic Ouachita Mountains Shortgrass Mixed Common Name Group Large Rivers Bird-voiced Treefrog Amphibian X (Hyla avivoca) Crawfish Frog Amphibian X X X X (Lithobates areolata) Four-toed Salamander Amphibian X (Hemidactylium scutatum) Green Toad Amphibian X X X (Anaxyrus debilis) Grotto Salamander Amphibian X (Eurycea spelaeus) Hurter's Spadefoot Amphibian X X (Scaphiopus hurterii) Kiamichi Slimy Salamander Amphibian X (Plethodon kiamichi) Lesser Siren Amphibian X X (Siren intermedia) Many-ribbed Salamander Amphibian X (Eurycea multiplicata) Mole Salamander Amphibian X (Ambystoma talpoideum) Oklahoma Salamander Amphibian X (Eurycea tynerensis) Ouachita Dusky Salamander Amphibian X (Desmognathus brimleyorum) Ozark Zigzag Salamander Amphibian X (Plethodon angusticlavius) Rich Mountain Salamander Amphibian X (Plethodon ouachitae) Ringed Salamander Amphibian X X (Ambystoma annulatum) Sequoyah Slimy Salamander Amphibian X (Plethodon sequoyah) Southern Red-backed Amphibian X Salamander (Plethodon serratus) Texas Toad Amphibian X (Anaxyrus speciosus) Three-toed Amphiuma Amphibian X (Amphiuma tridactylum) American Golden Plover Bird X X X X X X X (Pluvialis dominica) American Woodcock Bird X X X X X (Scolopax minor) Bachman's Sparrow Bird X X X X (Aimophila aestivalis) Baird's Sparrow Bird X X (Ammodramus bairdii) State Overview and Ecological Framework 25 grass - ntains Cross Large Rivers Prairie Prairie Prairie WGCP Ozarks Timbers Tallgrass Taxonomic Ouachita Mou Shortgrass Common Name Group Mixed Bald Eagle Bird X X X X X X X (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) Bird X X X X X Barn Owl (Tyto alba) Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii) Bird X X X X X X X Black Rail Bird X X X X X (Laterallus jamaicensis) Black-capped Vireo Bird X X (Vireo atricapillus) Blue-winged Warbler Bird X (Vermivora pinus) Brown-headed Nuthatch Bird X X (Sitta pusilla) Buff-breasted Sandpiper Bird X X X X X (Tryngites subruficollis) Bullock's Oriole Bird X X (Icterus bullockii) Burrowing Owl Bird X X (Athene cunicularia) Canvasback Bird X X X X X X X (Aythya valisineria) Cassin's Sparrow Bird X X (Aimophila cassinii) Cerulean Warbler Bird X X (Setophaga cerulea) Chestnut-collared Longspur Bird X X X (Calcarius ornatus) Ferruginous Hawk Bird X X (Buteo regalis) Golden Eagle Bird X X (Aquila chrysaetos) Golden-fronted Woodpecker Bird X (Melanerpes aurifrons) Greater Prairie-Chicken Bird X X (Tympanuchus cupido) Harris's Sparrow Bird X X X X X X (Zonotrichia querula) Henslow's Sparrow Bird X X X X (Ammodramus henslowii) Hooded Warbler Bird X X X (Setophaga citrina) Hudsonian Godwit Bird X X X X X (Limosa haemastica) Interior Least Tern Bird X X X X X (Sternulla antillarum) Juniper Titmouse Bird X (Baeolophus ridgwayi) Kentucky Warbler Bird X X X X (Oporornis formosus) State Overview and Ecological Framework 26 grass - airie Cross Large Rivers Prairie Pr Prairie WGCP Ozarks Timbers Tallgrass Taxonomic Ouachita Mountains Mountains Shortgrass Common Name Group Mixed King Rail Bird X X X X X (Rallus elegans) LeConte's Sparrow Bird X X X X X X (Ammodramus leconteii) Lesser Prairie-Chicken Bird X X (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) Lesser Scaup Bird X X X X X X X (Aythya affinis) Little Blue Heron Bird X X X X X X X (Egretta caerulea) Loggerhead Shrike Bird X X X X X X (Lanius ludovicianus) Long-billed Curlew Bird X X X X (Numenius americanus) Louisiana Waterthrush Bird X X X X X (Parkesia motacilla) McCown's Longspur Bird X X (Calcarius mccownii) Mountain Plover Bird X (Charadrius montanus) Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Bird X X X X (Ammodramus nelsoni) Northern Bobwhite Bird X X X X X X (Colinus virginianus) Northern Pintail (Anas acuta) Bird X X X X X X X Painted Bunting Bird X X X X X X (Passerina ciris) Peregrine Falcon Bird X X X X X X (Falco peregrinus) Pinyon Jay Bird X (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) Piping Plover Bird X X X X X (Charadrius melodus) Prairie Falcon Bird X X X X (Falco mexicanus) Prairie Warbler Bird X X (Setophaga discolor) Prothonotary Warbler Bird X X X X X (Protonotaria citrea) Red Knot Bird X (Calidris canutus) Red-cockaded Woodpecker Bird X (Picoides borealis) Red-headed Woodpecker Bird X X X X X X (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) Rusty Blackbird Bird X X X X (Euphagus carolinus) Scaled Quail Bird X X (Callipepla squamata) State Overview and Ecological Framework 27 grass - Cross Large Rivers Prairie Prairie Prairie WGCP Ozarks Timbers Tallgrass Taxonomic Ouachita Mountains Mountains Shortgrass Common Name Group Mixed Short-eared Owl Bird X X X X X (Asio flammeus) Smith's Longspur Bird X X X X X (Calcarius pictus) Bird X X X X X X Snowy Egret (Egretta thula) Snowy Plover Bird X X (Charadrius alexandrinus) Solitary Sandpiper Bird X X X X X X X (Tringa solitaria) Sprague's Pipit Bird X X X X X (Anthus spragueii) Swainson's Hawk Bird X X X X (Buteo swainsoni) Swainson's Warbler Bird X (Limnothlypis swainsonii) Swallow-tailed Kite Bird X (Elanoides forficatus) Trumpeter Swan Bird X X X X X X X (Cygnus buccinator) Upland Sandpiper Bird X X X X X X X (Bartramia longicauda) Western Sandpiper Bird X X X X X X (Calidris mauri) Whip-poor-will Bird X X (Caprimulgus vociferus) Whooping Crane Bird X X X X (Grus americana) Willow Flycatcher Bird X X X (Empidonax traillii) Wilson's Phalarope Bird X X X X X X X (Phalaropus tricolor) Wood Stork Bird X X (Mycteria americana) Wood Thrush Bird X X X X (Hylocichla mustelina) Worm-eating Warbler Bird X X (Helmintheros vermivora) Yellow Rail (Coturnicops Bird X X X X noveborancensis) Alabama Shad Fish X X X (Alosa alabamae) Alligator Gar Fish X X X (Atractosteus spatula) American Eel Fish X X X (Anguilla rostrata) Arkansas Darter Fish X X X X X (Etheostoma cragini) Arkansas River Shiner Fish X (Notropis girardi) State Overview and Ecological Framework 28 grass - Cross Prairie Prairie Prairie WGCP Ozarks Timbers Tallgrass Taxonomic Ouachita Mountains Mountains Shortgrass Mixed Common Name Group Large Rivers Black Buffalo Fish X X X (Ictiobus niger) Blackside Darter Fish X X (Percina maculata) Blackspot Shiner Fish X X (Notropis atrocaudalis) Blue Sucker Fish X X X X (Cycleptus elongatus) Bluehead Shiner Fish X (Pteronotropis hubbsi) Bluntface Shiner Fish X X X X (Cyprinella camura) Brown Bullhead Fish X (Ameiurus nebulosus) Cardinal Shiner Fish X X (Luxilus cardinalis) Chub Shiner Fish X X (Notropis potteri) Creole Darter Fish X (Etheostoma collettei) Crystal Darter Fish X X (Crystallaria asprella) Cypress Minnow Fish X (Hybognathus hayi) Flathead Chub Fish X (Platygobio gracilis) Goldstripe Darter Fish X (Etheostoma parvipinne) Harlequin Darter Fish X (Etheostoma histrio) Ironcolor Shiner Fish X (Notropis chalybaeus) Kiamichi Shiner Fish X X X (Notropis ortenburgeri) Least Darter Fish X X (Etheostoma microperca) Leopard Darter Fish X (Percina pantherina) Longnose Darter Fish X X (Percina nasuta) Mooneye Fish X (Hiodon tergisus) Mountain Madtom Fish X (Noturus eleutherus) Neosho Madtom Fish X (Noturus placidus) Orangebelly Darter Fish X X (Etheostoma radiosum) State Overview and Ecological Framework 29 ss gra - Cross Large Rivers Prairie Prairie Prairie WGCP Ozarks Timbers Tallgrass Taxonomic Ouachita Mountains Mountains Shortgrass Common Name Group Mixed Ouachita Mountain Shiner Fish X (Lythurus snelsoni) Ozark Cavefish Fish X (Amblyopsis rosae) Ozark Minnow Fish X (Dionda nubila) Paddlefish Fish X X X X (Polyodon spathula) Pallid Shiner Fish X X X (Hybopsis amnis) Peppered Shiner Fish X (Notropis perpallidus) Plains Minnow Fish X X X X X X (Hybognathus placitus) Plains Topminnow Fish X (Fundulus sciadicus) Prairie Speckled Chub Fish X X (Macrhybopsis australis) Red River Pupfish Fish X X X (Cyprinodon rubrofluviatilis) Red River Shiner Fish X X X (Notropis bairdi) Redfin Darter Fish X X X (Etheostoma whipplei) Redspot Chub Fish X X (Nocomis asper) Redspot Darter Fish X (Etheostoma artesiae) River Darter Fish X X (Percina shumardi) Rocky Shiner Fish X X (Notropis suttkusi) Scaly Sand Darter Fish X X (Ammocrypta vivax) Shorthead Redhorse Fish X X (Moxostoma macrolepidotum) Shovelnose Sturgeon Fish X X (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) Silverband Shiner Fish X (Notropis shumardi) Southern Brook Lamprey Fish X (Ichthyomyzon gagei) Spotfin Shiner Fish X (Cyprinella spilopterus) Sunburst (Stippled) Darter Fish X (Etheostoma mihileze) Taillight Shiner Fish X (Notropis maculatus) State Overview and Ecological Framework 30 grass - Cross Large Rivers Prairie Prairie Prairie WGCP Ozarks Timbers Tallgrass Taxonomic Ouachita Mountains Mountains Shortgrass Common Name Group Mixed Wedgespot Shiner Fish X (Notropis greenei) Western Sand Darter Fish X X X (Ammocrypta clara) Crosstimbers Coil Invert - X (Helicodiscus tridens) Gastropod Lidded Oval Invert - X (Patera indianorum) Gastropod Oklahoma Liptooth Snail Invert - X (Millerelix deltoidea) Gastropod Ouachita Mantleslug Invert - X (Pallifera tournescalis) Gastropod Ouachita Slitmouth Snail Invert - X (Stenotrema unciferum) Gastropod Ozark Mantleslug Invert - X (Megapallifera ragsdalei) Gastropod Rich Mountain Slitmouth Snail Invert - X (Stenotrema pilsbryi) Gastropod Shadow Gloss Snail Invert - X X (Zonitoides kirbyi) Gastropod Slope Ambersnail Invert - X X (Catinella wandae) Gastropod Smooth-lip Shagreen Invert - X (Inflectarius edentatus) Gastropod Tulsa Whitelip Snail Invert - X X (Neohelix lioderma) Gastropod Wax Coil Snail Invert - X (Helicodiscus nummus) Gastropod Wichita Mountains Pillsnail Invert - X (Euchemotrema wichitorum) Gastropod
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