[email protected] for further information about this collection CHAYALE ASH-FUHRMAN [1-1-1] Key: CA — Chayale Ash-Fuhrman, interviewee JF — Josey Fisher, interviewer Interview Date: September 21, 1981 Tape one, side one: JF: This is an interview with Chayale Ash-Fuhrman, done on September 21, 1981 with Josey Fisher. Tape 1, side 1. Mrs. Fuhrman, can you tell me when and where you were born? CA: I was born in 1920 in the city of Kishinev. It was the capital of the province Bessarabia. Till 1918 Bessarabia was Russia. From 1918 and further till 1940 it belongs to Romania, so we were always using simultaneously three languages. Russian in the streets, Romanian in the school, and Yiddish at home. I was born there, my parents were born there, my brother was born there, my grandparents were born there, and all my youth, my childhood, I was in the same street, in the same house, grew up together with children, what most of them are not alive today, only one family what I met in 1973, when I went to see my town. JF: What kind of community was this? CA: Kishinev was a specific, very Jewish community. A lot of Jews came to Bes- sarabia from Russia after Romania took over the province, took it away from Russia, so a lot of Jewish people came in, so Kishinev became a really Jewish community. It was a lot Jews and Russians, no Romanians there, very little Romanian community, only the army what was standing around the town was Romanian people.