SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Full Council Report of: Chief Executive ______________________________________________________________________________ Report to: Full Council ______________________________________________________________________________ Date: 18th March 2016 ______________________________________________________________________________ Subject: Sheffield City Region (SCR) Devolution Agreement: Ratification of the Proposal ______________________________________________________________________________ Author of Report: Laurie Brennan Policy and Improvement Officer
[email protected] 0114 2734755 ______________________________________________________________________________ Key Decision: YES ______________________________________________________________________________ Reason Key Decision: Affects 2 or more wards ______________________________________________________________________________ Summary: This paper sets out the proposed SCR Devolution Agreement which represents the next step towards Sheffield and Sheffield City Region (SCR) securing greater local control of the powers needed to unlock our economic potential. The proposed Agreement includes a range of vital powers and long-term funding for SCR, including major £900m (£30m a year for 30 years) investment fund; the full devolution of adult skills; the powers to franchise the bus network in SCR (subject to the Buses Bill); and the co- commissioning of services to help people get back into work. Government made clear that access to substantial devolved powers