Free Concert -Aft Sunday at 2 P.M
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--"'"'"'"rtrorl -1... Free Concert -aft Sunday at 2 p.m. on Platt Field Danny Kaleikini & Friends (See story on page A-tf A,;,7 crr . 14 6'. 'w .ts.,esr Danny Rti 'Mani Shnazz HAWAH MARINEcti Voluntary payment for delivery to MICAS housing/$1 per four week period VOL. 9 NO. :13 KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII, AUGUST 20, 1980 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES Change Pearl sailors receive new commander PEARL HARBOR - Rear Adm. served as the Naval Inspector Stanley J. Anderson will relieve General in Washington, D.C. Rear Adm. E.S. Briggs as Com- Before assuming that position in mander, Naval Logistics July 1977, he was commander, Information School set Command for the commander-in- Submarine Group Six in chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet, and as the Charleston, S.C. The rear admiral The next Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard Commander Naval Base, Pearl was born Nov. 5, 1927 in Information School is scheduled for 5 p.m. Monday. Harbor, during change-of- Minneapolis, Minn. He is married The classes are slated to run through Aug. 29 in the command ceremonies Friday. to the former Lora Zarubin of San Fellowship- Hall of the chapel building at Naval Station, Francisco, Calif. They have one -Pearl Harbor. The 25 -hour course will provide up-to-date Adm. Donald C. Davis, the son, Jay. information on 30 or more topics about programs and commander-in-chief, U.S. Pacific benefits. available to military personnel and their families. Fleet, will be the key speaker for Briggs has been nominated for Special programs stressing personal development, life Friday's 10 a.m. ceremony at the promotion to vice admiral and r. skills training and family support have been Included. l'earl Harbor Naval Station. assignment as deputy commander. The memo offer a film about the Hawaiian Islands and Anderson, a 1951 graduate of the in chief and chief-of-staff, U.S. bib , a elide allow depicting Hawaii's history and multi-cultural Rear Adm. E.S. Briggs U.S. Naval Academy, previously Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor. Rear Adm. Stanley J. Anderson composiffon. Theiiels no charge for the school and it is open to all Navy, marine Corps and Coast Guard active duty personnel. The course is also available for military spouses, dependents, fiancees and fiances. Persona attending the classes should Hawaii celebrates Admission Day be registered for the course no later than Friday. Trensportation to and from Pearl Harbor will be provided Tit some military commands for their personnel and Hawaii commemorated its 21st meant much more than adding' GOING BACK TO 1959, March Eisenhower signed the Statehood the Senate voted 76 to tomor- Military deperiderito. For additional n, call 474- anniversary as the 50th state another star to the national was when Proclamation, declaring y. Friday, with the celebration of ensign. Silica then, the islands 15 in favor of introducing the row Admission Day. 8278 413' ,474cfi yilcoc Btidigile$00k- Statehood Day. have undergone a period of rapid stateV88 hill. -At 10:4 a.m. the The great Ain in ostamonian and expansion and evolutIone,New 'following day, the U.S. House of Thf 'State holiday is traditional- -.61* s*s U.S. 'history was the result of a people, new jobs, new businesses, Representatives voted 323 to 89 in ly celebrated on the third Friday in long struggle by Hawaii's people construction and a tremendous favor of the proposal: President August each year. for full- fledged citizenship and boom in the tourist industry, have Dwight I). Eisenhower signed the Game winning streak representation. all played major roles, whether bill into law March 18, 1959. All state offices, banks and .. good or bad, in Hawaii's economic many businesses will be closed. on.cof the lest winning streaks in television gime- ADMISSION TO THE Union growth. After a statewide people's vote, Happy 21st Anniversary, Hawaii! show hist° ry melded last week when Lt.j.g.Tom McKee finally Instills 89th game op the television game series "Tic Tar Dough." The F-19 pilot with Fighter Squadron-124, Naval Air Station, Miramar, Calif had won 88 games in 46 shows, He oilseed only 32 of 45 questions and his winnings added up to'all3T11,700 cash profit and eight shiny new automobiles. Thne in service extension WASHINGTON, MCNews - The maximum time in service limit for staff non-commissioned officers has been eattatuled as a result of e recent policy change by headquarters Marine Corps. MEATING A DATE - Tech Sgt Ricky Mullin, Sergeants major and master gunnery sergeants can now veterinary technician at MCAS Kaneohe have 33,years total service before retiring; first and master Bay, checks the dates on pre-packaged sergeants may have 30 years; gunnery ecrgoantai 28 Years; luncheon meats for sale at the air station and staff sergeants, 28 years. commissary. The veterinarians' duties go In the past, total time in service for servants major and beyond just treating sick animals. For *Rory mutter gunnery sergeants could not wooed 30 Alarm first see page A-8. and master. sergeants, 27 years; gunnery sergeants, 25 Yeetso gad staff sergeants 20 years. The tfealsitns, approved July 8 bYthsClonsknandant, was Made to help fill staff NCO shortages in high-skill al fields and special MUets, Watt as teeruiter and Inarnickw. Staff NCO. affiroted trY the shwas who te remain in the Marine Corp. cart request to do so normal reenlistment procedures. Alastad policy change,, sergeants major and master sergeants can now retire up to sis months after anniversary. Traditionally, they woe required to the month of their 30th year in service. Photo by Sat Choa or Committee recommends 11 7% pay hike A joint House-Senate Committee quarters allowance has been was recommended for personnel Defense to pay a continuation concluded its deliberations recommended. However, the receiving per diem assistance. bonus to aviation officers with recently on the fiscal year 1981 president has the authorization to between six and 18 years of service. Defense Authorization Bill. Many reallocate up to 25 percent of the FOR INDIVIDUALS plan- of the issues resolved at the proposed increase in basic pay into ning to make the military a career, UNDER RECOMMENDA- conference will have n direct effect quarters allowance, subsistence there is a proposed retired pay none of the committee, a family on the men and women of the Navy allowance or into basic pay for computation included. Retired pay separation allowance would and Marine Came. personnel with more than four for personnel entering the service authorize payment to E-1 a years of service, after Oct. 1, will be computed based through EA s with less than four ALTHOUGH THE proposed on an average of the highest three years service. recommendations must still he PERSONNEL ELIGIBLE for years of bogie pay rather than the Champua will provide coverage adapted by the House of bonuses at the time of their final basic pay. Those service for routine infant medical care and Representatives and the Senate, reenlistment could also receive members who entered before Oct. 1 an increase from $350 to $1,000 and also approved by the increased funds for their services. will not be affected by this Maximum per month would he president. it is anticipated the Nuclear trained personnel could provision. It will he calculated on awarded to handicapped depen following changes to existing laws receive as much as $20,000, while the basis of basic pay at the time of denta should the joint committee's will become effective Oct, 1. non -nuclear trained personnel retirement. request be approved. may receive up to $18,000. A recommended aviator bonus An 11 7 percent pay increase in A figure of up to $50 per day and will provide discretionary Other compensation related basic pay, subsistence and up to $75 per day in high cost areas authority for the Secretary of proposals are under consideration. by publishers Published by Community Publications, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Navy or the U.S Marine Corps. Opinions expressed and writers'herein are their own and not to he considered an Official expression of the Department of the Navy or the U.S. Marine Corps. The appearance of advertisements in this publication including inserts. does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the U.S. Marine Corps of the firms, products or Services advertised. PageReenlist A-2, August 20, 1980 Marine Corps benefits outweigh civilian disadvantages noogu, Tenn., with a he had joined the Both did those jobs not income is around company that manu- Marine Reserves after during their first $1500, Kevin estimates, WASHINGTON the unemployment rate factures parts for his first active duty enlistments. compared to the $1200 MCNews LCpI among veterans aged nuclear power plants. tour. They were stationed he says they made Warren Sales is a 20.24 was 22.1 percent. He held that job for six Sales, who was a together at the Naval while Audrey worked at crewman on a 155 self- That compares with the years and was able to sergeant in the Re- Air' Station, Whidbey, Sikorsky and he as a propelled howitzer at national unemploY- provide a comfortable serves and was up for Island, Wash., when security guard. They the Marine Corps Air moot rate of 12.7 life for his family on promotion to staff Audrey first got out in both agree that job Ground Combat Can percent for non-veterans $27,000 a year. sergeant, had to take a 1978 to work for security - not the ter, Twentynine Palms, in the same age group.