Bieler School of Environment École de l’environnement Bieler School of Computer Science École d’informatique


ongratulations to our newest alumni! élicitations à nos nouveaux diplômés! CI know you were looking forward to walking FJe sais que vous aviez hâte de monter sur across the Convocation stage and I am sorry scène pour recevoir votre diplôme, et je suis that the current situation regarding COVID-19 désolée qu’en raison de la pandémie, nous ne does not make it possible to hold Convocation puissions pas tenir les cérémonies de collation in person. I am pleased, however, that we will des grades en personne. Toutefois, je suis ravie be able to come together, virtually, to celebrate que nous puissions nous réunir virtuellement your achievements and success. Today, as we pour célébrer vos réalisations et votre réussite. celebrate our Bicentennial, we welcome you to Aujourd’hui, alors que nous célébrons le a network of more than 275,000 people across Bicentenaire de l’Université, nous vous more than 180 countries connected through accueillons dans un réseau de plus de 275 000 their alma mater. McGill’s alumni are committed membres répartis dans au-delà de 180 pays, to turning their knowledge, skills, and passions tous unis par une même alma mater. Les into making the world a better place. You will diplômés de McGill ont à cœur de mettre leurs fit right into this wonderful community. connaissances, leurs compétences et leurs During your time at McGill, you have passions au service d’un monde meilleur. developed the capacity to dive deeper, the Vous êtes parfaitement à votre place au sein de agility to adapt, and to take on the challenges cette formidable communauté. of tomorrow. This has been especially true in Lors de votre passage à McGill, vous avez the last months. I could not be more proud appris à aller au fond des choses, à vous of the strength and resilience that you have adapter avec souplesse et à relever les défis demonstrated. We hope that McGill has de demain avec détermination. Au cours des provided you with opportunities that will open derniers mois, ces acquis ont pris tout leur doors in your future, and allowed you to create sens. Votre force et votre résilience sont memories and friendships that will last pour moi une source de grande fierté. Nous a lifetime. espérons que l’Université McGill vous aura We must also thank everyone who helped ouvert un monde de possibilités et laissé des you get where you are today— parents, souvenirs et des amitiés impérissables. relatives, friends, mentors—this is a big Nous devons par ailleurs remercier tous moment for them as well, and I look forward ceux qui vous accompagnent aujourd’hui to us all coming together in-person to pour célébrer vos réussites — parents, proches, celebrate in the future. amis et mentors — en ce jour également si Please stay connected! important pour eux. Ce sera un grand plaisir de célébrer tous ensemble lorsque nous PROFESSOR SUZANNE FORTIER, O.C., F.R.S.C. pourrons nous réunir. Donnez-nous de vos nouvelles.



he Spring 2021 Convocation marks the last es cérémonies entourant la collation des T time The Honourable Michael A. Meighen Lgrades du printemps 2021 seront les toutes presides over the ceremonies as Chancellor of dernières que l’honorable Michael A. Meighen McGill. présidera à titre de chancelier de l’Université For the past seven years, Chancellor Meighen McGill. has played an important role in representing Au cours des sept dernières années, McGill both at home and elsewhere in the world. M. Meighen a occupé un rôle d’une grande As Chancellor, Mr. Meighen has served superbly importance en représentant McGill au pays - combining great wisdom, thoughtfulness and et à l’étranger. Il a assumé ses fonctions elegance, offering wise counsel, and presiding de chancelier sans faille, faisant preuve over our convocation ceremonies with a d’une grande sagesse, de bienveillance et remarkable combination of ceremonial style and d’élégance et prodiguant de judicieux conseils. warmth. His tireless commitment to McGill is Il a présidé les cérémonies de collation des admirable - he has been generous with his time grades de l’Université en témoignant d’une and guidance, and exemplifies the values of admirable maîtrise du protocole, arrimée à higher education. une profonde chaleur humaine. Il a consacré Over the course of his long association with à McGill d’innombrables heures et lui a fourni McGill, beginning as a student half a century de judicieuses recommandations. Par son ago, and later as a member of the Board of engagement indéfectible, Michael Meighen Governors, Chair of the McGill Fund Council, incarne les valeurs de l’enseignement supérieur. the Campaign Steering Committee, and Au fil de l’association de longue date qu’il a co-chair of Campaign McGill: History in the nouée avec l’Université, d’abord à titre d’étudiant Making, Mr. Meighen has never forgotten his il y a 50 ans, et plus tard, de membre du Conseil alma mater and his devotion to the University des gouverneurs, de président du Conseil des has taken many forms. Throughout the years, fonds, de membre du Conseil de financement de he has always been a wonderful ambassador la campagne et de coprésident d’Inventer l’avenir, for McGill and our community has benefitted in la campagne de financement de l’Université countless ways from his service. McGill, Michael Meighen n’a cessé de contribué We thank him for his unstinting and à l’essor de son alma mater. Année après année, steadfast engagement, trust and loyalty. l’engagement de ce formidable ambassadeur s’est concrétisé de diverses façons, et la communauté mcgilloise a profité abondamment des bienfaits auxquels il a contribué. Nous tenons à le remercier pour son engagement indéfectible, sa confiance et sa loyauté.


ear Members of the Class of 2021, hers diplômés de la promotion de 2021, D Congratulations on reaching this important C Félicitations! Vous venez d’atteindre un milestone in your academic career. jalon important. A university experience is challenging at Un parcours universitaire n’est jamais un the best of times. I hope you feel tremendous long fleuve tranquille, mais la pandémie est pride in having persevered through your usual venue semer des embûches inhabituelles sur lectures, labs and exams under these most votre route. Malgré tout, vous avez fait preuve unusual circumstances. de persévérance dans vos cours, laboratoires I have no doubt that the pomp and et examens, et j’espère que vous en tirez une circumstance of convocation was an occasion grande fierté. you were looking forward to celebrating with Vous attendiez sûrement avec impatience family and friends. Your virtual ceremony is l’occasion de célébrer en grande pompe avec still the occasion to mark the end of one great votre famille et vos amis lors de la collation experience with McGill, and the beginning of des grades. Bien que votre cérémonie sera a new phase in your life and your relationship virtuelle, profitez-en pour souligner la fin d’une with your alma mater. expérience enrichissante avec McGill et le Congratulations again, and welcome to début d’une nouvelle étape de votre vie et de the diverse alumni community that unites votre relation avec votre alma mater. McGillians worldwide. Je vous félicite une fois de plus et vous souhaite la bienvenue dans l’Association des LUCIANO D’IORIO, B.A. '99 diplômés, qui unit les McGillois du monde entier.

With 275,000 alumni around the globe, McGill is LUCIANO D’IORIO, B. A. 1999 always nearby. Keep connected to classmates, a mentor or future employer at Grâce à son réseau de 275 000 diplômés aux quatre coins de la planète, McGill n’est jamais loin. Trouvez vos futurs collègues, employeurs ou mentors sur le portail




05 + INTRODUCTION + INTRODUCTION Land Acknowledgement Reconnaissance des terres

+ THE UNIVERSITY SONG + L’HYMNE DE L’UNIVERSITÉ Hail! Alma Mater Hail! Alma Mater Hail! Alma Mater, we sing to thy praise; Hail! Alma Mater, we sing to thy praise; Loud in thy honour our voices we raise. Loud in thy honour our voices we raise. Long through the ages remain, if God will, Long through the ages remain, if God will, Queen of the Colleges, dear old McGill. Queen of the Colleges, dear old McGill. Choral arrangement by Mr. Francis Arrangements pour chœur par M. Francis Choinière. Performed by members of the Choinière. Interprétée par les membres des Schulich Singers under the direction of Schulich Singers sous la direction du Professor Jean-Sébastien Vallée. Professeur Jean-Sébastien Vallée. The soloist is Professor Matthew Treviño. Le soliste est le Professeur Matthew Treviño.

+ CHANCELLOR’S ADDRESS + DISCOURS DU CHANCELIER The Honourable Michael A. Meighen, L’honorable Michael A. Meighen, C.M., Q.C., LL.D. C.M., c.r., LL. D.

+ PRINCIPAL’S ADDRESS + DISCOURS DE LA PRINCIPALE Professor Suzanne Fortier, O.C., F.R.S.C., Professeure Suzanne Fortier, O.C., M.S.R.C., Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Principale et vice-chancelière, McCall MacBain Professor Professeure McCall MacBain

+ CONVOCATION ADDRESS + ALLOCUTION DE CIRCONSTANCE Professor Madhukar Pai, F.C.A.H.S., Professeur Madhukar Pai, F.C.A.H.S., Canada Research Chair Chaire de recherche du Canada in Epidemiology and Global Health, en épidémiologie et santé mondiale, Associate Director, McGill International Directeur Associé, Centre international de la Tuberculosis Centre tuberculose McGill

06 + MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN + MESSAGE DU DOYEN Professor R. Bruce Lennox, Dean, Professeur R. Bruce Lennox, Doyen, Faculty of Science Faculté des sciences

+ TEACHING, RESEARCH AND + PRIX D’ENSEIGNEMENT, DE RECHERCHE CAREER AWARDS ET D’EXCELLENCE EN CARRIÈRE Leo Yaffe Award Prix d’excellence en for Excellence in Teaching enseignement Leo Yaffe Professor Rustum Choksi, Professeur Rustum Choksi, Department of Mathematics and Département de mathématiques et de Statistics statistique

+ CONFERRING OF DEGREES + REMISE DES DIPLÔMES Professor Christopher P. Manfredi, Professeur Christopher P. Manfredi, Provost and Vice-Principal Academic Vice-principal exécutif et vice-principal aux études + CONFIRMATION OF DEGREES Chancellor Michael A. Meighen + CONFIRMATION DES DIPLÔMES Chancelier Michael A. Meighen + CONCLUSION + FIN


McGill University’s Convocation program Le programme de la Collation des grades de is not an official record of graduation. The l’Université McGill ne constitue pas une list of graduates is subject to final audit of preuve officielle de l’obtention d’un diplôme. degree requirements. La liste des diplômés est assujettie à une vérification finale des exigences liées au diplôme. 09 FACULTY OF SCIENCE FACULTÉ DES SCIENCES PROFESSOR BRUCE LENNOX, DEAN

DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Cristiana Spinelli Alycia Claire Noë Extracellular vesicle-mediated Critical function of superoxide ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES tumour-vascular interactions dismutase 1 (SOD1) in relation orchestrated by heterogenous to nitric oxide in mouse Arkadiusz Bembenek glioma stem cells. Studies on skeletal muscles Effects of moisture in idealized vasectasia as a new form of Direction: S. Hekimi models of the atmosphere glioma neovascularization José J. Pereira Rodrigues de Lira Direction: D. Straub; Direction: J. Rak T. M. Merlis The context dependence Yaakov Elisha Stern of adaptive divergence in Pei-Ning Feng Signal rewiring in Met- Trinidadian guppies Modulation of the MJO- dependent cancers Direction: A. Hendry Related Teleconnections by Direction: M. Park the QBO and the prediction Paul Quentin Sims skill of the NAO in S2S models BIOLOGY Behavioural innovation: Sources and predictors Direction: H. Lin; J. Derome; Léa Blondel of intraspecific variation T. M. Merlis Causes and consequences of in Trinidadian guppies movement in space and time: Andrés Alberto Pérez Hortal (Poecilia reticulata) a multi-level approach A heuristic data assimilation Direction: S. M. Reader strategy for precipitation in Trinidadian guppies observations Direction: A. Hendry; Nicolas Peter Soubry Direction: M. Yau; I. Zawadzki M. E. Scott Preserving the integrity of the highly dynamic bacterial Tiffany Anne Chin Mathieu Plante replisome The evolution of reproductive A generalized damage Direction: R. Reyes Lamothe parameterization within isolation in Daphnia the Maxwell Elasto-Brittle Direction: E. M. Cristescu CELL BIOLOGY rheology: applications to ice Scott De Vito Hana Alhassan Hakami fractures and ice arches in Cellular context determines Identification of the cell landfast ice simulations epidermal growth factor receptors for Fibulin-4 and Direction: B. Tremblay receptor signalling output in Latent. Transforming growth Nicholas Soulard the Drosophila ovary factor-ß binding protein-4, An analysis of atmospheric Direction: L. Nilson and their functional roles in teleconnection patterns, their Emma Judith Hudgins elastogenesis interactions and associated Predicting forest pests: Direction: D. Reinhardt boundary forcing Generalized models Libin Zhou Direction: H. Lin; T. M. Merlis for invasive species Using genetic and therapeutic BIOCHEMISTRY establishment, spread, approaches to study the and impacts role of Caspase-6 in Angelia Bassenden Direction: B. Leung Alzheimer disease Towards structure-guided Daneck Lang-Ouellette Direction: C. Autexier; design of next-generation P. Sjostrom aminoglycoside antibiotics Purkinje cell axonal torpedoes Direction: A. M. Berghuis enhance axonal spike fidelity CHEMISTRY and cerebellar function Alison Bain Yu Chen Direction: A. J. Watt Structural and functional The refractive index of characterization of CNNM Pablo A. Menendez Guerrero single aerosol particles: magnesium transporters Understanding changes measurements and models Direction: K. Gehring in Neotropical Amphibian Direction: T. C. Preston communities in the face of Luis Carlos De La Garza Becerra Alexandra Maïly Simond anthropogenic pressures: A Designing greener catalysts Examining the PI3K/ER spatial, phylogenetic for vegetable oil oxidation and signaling axis in transgenic and functional approach arene hydrogenation mouse models of luminal Direction: D. Green; Direction: A. H. Moores-François breast cancer T. J. Davies Direction: W. Muller

10 Michael Desmond Dore Sandeep Manjanna GEOGRAPHY Self-assembly of Multi-robot planning Diana Veronica Burbano sequence-defined DNA- strategies for non-myopic The human dimensions of polymers: hierarchy and spatial sampling biodiversity conservation: compartmentalisation Direction: G. Dudek A study of conservation Direction: H. Sleiman Joshua Romoff governance, tourism and Abdel-Hamid Elmehriki Decomposing the bellman livelihood dynamic in the Development of a equation in reinforcement “Iconic” Galapagos Islands, spiroalkylation method for learning Ecuador the stereoselective Direction: J. Pineau Direction: T. Meredith construction of a-Quaternary David Thibodeau Eleanor Skye Stephenson carbons, its application An intensional type theory of Akaqsarnatik: Food, power, to the total synthesis of coinduction with copatterns and policy in Arctic Canada (R)-puraquinoic acid, and Direction: B. Pientka Direction: G. Wenzel efforts towards HDAC/HIV-1 protease Tzu-Yang Yu MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS hybrid inhibitors Push and pull participant Ibrahim Al Balushi Direction: J. Gleason recruitment system for Adaptive spline finite element vehicular crowdsensing Benita Kapuku methods for fourth order Direction: M. Maheswaran Synthesis of novel elliptic problems chloroquine derivatives and EARTH AND PLANETARY Direction: G. Tsogtgerel SCIENCES insights into the interactions Nicholas Beck of a resistance protein Ge Li Quantifying extreme Direction: D. S. Bohle Fault zone geometrical multivariate risks with Ziling Luo complexity and material environmental applications Exploring and exploiting contrast on earthquake Direction: M. Mailhot; locality in computer modeling rupture propagation: C. Genest Observation and modeling of electrons and atomic nuclei Renaud Raquépas Direction: Y. Liu Direction: R. Khaliullin Tools and results in the study Wanlei Wei Andres Felipe Peña Castro of entropy production Accelerating Drug Human Induced Earthquakes, Direction: V. Jaksic; A. Joye Naturally Triggered Seismicity, Discovery through Method James Anton Rickards and Their Interactions Developments in Nucleic Acid Intersections of closed Direction: R. Harrington; Y. Liu Docking and Force Fields for geodesics on Shimura curves Small Molecules Caroline Elizabeth Seyler Direction: H. Darmon Direction: N. R. Moitessier Deformation along the Yang Fengrui subduction plate interface Tianyu Zhong Prescribed curvature measure above and below the Trapping ferrofluid patterns: problem in hyperbolic space seismogenic zone Insights into hierarchies of Direction: P. Guan order from self-organization of Direction: J. D. Kirkpatrick magnetic nanoparticles MICROBIOLOGY AND Clara Waelkens IMMUNOLOGY Direction: M. Andrews Magmatic processes in a silicic Jelani Clarke COMPUTER SCIENCE caldera-forming system: Valles caldera, New Mexico, USA Regulation of immune system Omar Asad Direction: J. Stix homeostasis by vitamin d Dynamic Object Partitioning signaling:implications for the and replication for Qiong Robert Wu central nervous system cooperative cache Fiber optic distributed Direction: J. Antel Direction: B. Kemme temperature sensing of soil moisture in waste rock Maria Elena Gentile Hanfeng Chen Direction: J. M. McKenzie Dissecting the Type 1 immune HorsePower: An array-based response to intestinal optimization framework for helminth infection query processing and Direction: I. King data analytics Marija Landekic Direction: B. Kemme Chronic invasive candidiasis Jimmy Li in murine CARD9-deficiency Visual mapping of semantic Direction: M. Divangahi; objects for view-invariant D. Vinh camera localization Direction: G. Dudek; D. P. Meger

11 Felix LaRoche-Johnston Andy Yuan Lee Gao Reesha Raja Examining the evolutionary Investigating the loss of The role of Leucine-Rich history and functional roles of sodium/proton exchanger Repeat proteins Amigo1 and Ll.LtrB, a group II intron from isoform 6 (nhe6) function Slitrk1 in the Formation and Lactococcus lactis in christianson syndrome Maintenance of Nervous Direction: B. Cousineau Direction: R. McKinney System Circuits Patrick Lypaczewski Erik Larson Direction: J. Cloutier Virulence and adaptation An investigation into Trisanna Leokadia Sprung-Much of Leishmania donovani novel synaptic plasticity Morphology of the sulci of the parasites mechanisms which are ventrolateral frontal cortex in Direction: G. Matlashewski disrupted in a mouse model the human brain and relations of fragile-X syndrome Ryan Pardy to cytoarchitecture Direction: D. Bowie Modulation of host immunity Direction: M. Petrides by Zika virus infection Maran Ma Shannon Marie Swikert Direction: M. Richer Technologies to promote Exploration of neural interface stability medulloblastoma NEUROSCIENCE Direction: T. Kennedy; tumorigenesis engenders Maude Bordeleau R. Lennox a mouse model of the The impact of maternal high- Seung Hyun Min rare tumor variant fat diet on the brain of Neural plasticity in normal and medullomyoblastoma adolescent mouse offspring’s amblyopic visual systems Direction: F. Charron brain: a focus on microglia, Lucas Arthur Sun Topham neurovasculature and Direction: R. Hess Chronic Pain and DNA myelination Ida Veronica Nathalie Nilsson Methylation in the Mouse Direction: M. M. Chakravarty; Cholesterol related genetics Prefrontal Cortex M. Tremblay in sproadic Alzheimer’s Direction: E. Vachon-Presseau; disease Mathilde Chevin L. Stone Therapeutic hypothermia Direction: J. Poirier Kathryn Lynn Vaillancourt and Interleukin-1 blockade as Liam Anuj O’Leary DNA methylation and cocaine neuroprotective strategies in Characterizing astrocytic dependence in the human neonatal encephalopathy and heterogeneity in the brain striatum arterial ischemic stroke of healthy individuals and Direction: G. Turecki Direction: G. Sébire depressed suicides Vivek Verma Charles Pierre Couturier Direction: N. Mechawar Role of immune system Single-cell transcriptomics Pelletier in chronic primary pain unravel the heterogeneity The role of the ventromedial conditions of glioblastoma frontal lobe in assigning Direction: L. Diatchenko Direction: K. Petrecca value to objects and spatial Lindsay Welikovitch Debra Ann Dawson locations The neuron-inflammatory Evaluation and applications Direction: L. Fellows effects of intracellular of network modeling methods Rowan David Hunter Pentz Aß: implications for the on a fine-scale in the human Nerve Growth Factor development of early visual cortex and in mild metabolism in the continuum Alzheimer’s disease cognitive impairment of Alzheimer’s disease Direction: C. Cuello Direction: A. Shmuel pathology Andres Jacinto de Leon Direction: C. Cuello PHARMACOLOGY Mechanisms of developmental Alexa Pichet Binette Issan Zhang neuronal remodeling in dorsal Brain and behavioural Pharmacological and root ganglia sensory neurons alterations across the lifespan nanotherapeutic modulators Direction: A. Fournier; P. and Alzheimer’s disease of glioblastoma and its Barker continuum microenvironment Ana Elisa Farias De Sousa Direction: S. Villeneuve; Direction: D. Maysinger Assessing novel and not so L. Collins novel cognitive strategies to Roland Pilgram improve episodic memory Development of methods and performance in schizophrenia applications to the study of Direction: M. Lepage the structure, function, and functional connectivity of cortical layers Direction: A. Shmuel

12 PHYSICS PHYSIOLOGY BIOLOGY Xue Ying Chua Hannah Guak Jihane Benbahtane An attempt to mechanically Metabolic regulation of Chelsea Elizabeth Bishop detect neuronal signals dendritic cell function and Victoria Chicatun Direction: P. Grutter activation Maria Jane Albertha Creighton Maxim Emelin Direction: C. M. Krawczyk Raina Fan Strings, effective theories, and Alexander Kiepas Georgiana Forguson the cosmological constant Defining the molecular Cole Diamond Larsen Direction: K. Dasgupta mechanisms that regulate Valentin Arthur Lucet breast cancer cell migration Naima Mohamed Gabriel Famulari Dat Nguyen Dynamic-shield intensity Direction: P. M. Siegel; C. Brown Heather Bauer Reid modulated brachytherapy Frédérique Truchon for prostate cancer Yun Hsiao Lin Jessamine Ruth Trueman Direction: S. Abbasinejad Enger Regulation of hematopoiesis CELL BIOLOGY Joshua James Montgomery and B-lymphocyte Digital frequency domain development by histone Swathi Adinarayanan multiplexing readout: design deubiquitinases Azriel Lopez Jauregui and performance of the SPT- Direction: A. Nijnik Mina Lotfi Kelahrodi 3G instrument and LiteBIRD Laurent MacKay CHEMISTRY Direction: M. Dobbs Modelling the dynamics Harrison Leland Cassidy Allen Mullins of cellular motililty, from Angela Marie Kaiser Treatment plan optimization adhesion dynamics to cellular COMPUTER SCIENCE and delivery using dynamic migration gantry-couch trajectories Direction: A. Khadra Kian Ahrabian Direction: J. Seuntjens PSYCHOLOGY Mohammad Amini Raviteja Chunduru Chanwook Park Kristin Jean Horsley Samy Coulombe Jet modification in strongly- Exploring associations Andi Dai coupled quark-gluon plasma between maternal blood Xiaoye Ding Direction: S. Jeon pressure, symptoms of Nicholas Xavier Kostas Dudek Ziggy Pleunis depression and anxiety, and Dipanjan Dutta gestational age at birth using Fast radio burst detection Anmoljeet Gill multivariate and functional and morphology with the Emma Gouné data analysis CHIME telescope Clément Jumel Direction: B. Ditto Direction: V. M. Kaspi Yawar Ismail Khalid Naomi Vingron Abhisek Konar Thomas Jan Rademaker Sightseeing in the theoretical Adrian Koretski Discovering biophysical no (Wo)Man’s land between Aayushi Kulshrestha principles in latent space language and visual attention: Amaury Leroy representations of immune Non-selective activation may Vincent Timothy Luczkow recognition guide attentional interactions Liheng Ma Direction: P. Francois beyond language processing Muhammad Hasnain Mamdani Mayank Singh Direction: D. Titone Yiran Mao Characterizing the quark Ivan Miloslavov gluon plasma using soft MASTER OF SCIENCE Pierre Michel Marie Orhan thermal fluctuations and hard ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC Yash Patel parton interactions SCIENCES Surya Penmetsa Direction: C. Gale Alika Utepova Anne-Sophie Fortin Haoxu Wang Xiaoya Wang Kai Melamed-Turkish Junhao Wang Theoretical cross sections for Minh-Tri Nguyen more accurate calculations of Yuchen Wang BIOCHEMISTRY dosimetric quantities Patrick Nadeem Ward Direction: J. Fernandez Varea; Ella Marie DeKemp Haiping Wu J. Seuntjens Rayan Fakih Qiutan Wu Cynthia Yu Feng Linwei Xu Eric Thomas Whiteway Mengjin Gao Isotope Engineering in CVD EARTH AND PLANETARY Alisha Amber Gerrior SCIENCES graphene Minza Haque Direction: M. Hilke Leigh Metteer Gabriella Elise Johnson Brindley William Smith Laure Poittevin De La Frégonière Jaclyn Chelsea Retallick Joshua Roccamo Anna Roesler

13 GEOGRAPHY PHYSICS Vincent André Lemieux Olivia del Giorgio Kyle Amirie Natalia Julia Lewandowski Rachel Anne Kendall Vincent Comeau Victoria Chantal Light Sam Lumley Nicolas Miro Fortier Yixiu Liu David Poissant Matthew William Arthur Lundy Eryn Lundrigan Florence Tan Talia Rebecca Martz-Oberlander Manal Mahmood Daniel Emile Zayonc Melissa Medina Peregrina Kristie Rose Mar Zhibin Zheng Marcus William Merryfield Faraz Moghbel Lingyu Zhou Cesar D. Rodriguez Rosenblueth Mayssa Moukarzel Bill Phuong Truong Neubarth MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS Emily Wilson Hong Nhu Nguyen Matthieu Cadiot Andrew Vincent Zwaniga Alexander Nowakowski Ryan Dennis Campbell Madison Odabassian Hip Kuen Chong PHYSIOLOGY Emma Yuko Okumura Xiaonan Da Daniel Borisov Louis Clement Petit Jean Ayoub El hanchi Mame Khadijatou Diagne Sarah Petrecca David Fleischer Kevin Pincha Dewage PSYCHOLOGY David Knapik Yasmina Richa Hovsep Mazakian Can Fenerci Ethan Richardson Baekyun Park Daniel Rodriguez Pardo Bartosz Syroka BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Ali Sadrarhami Seth Liam Graham Taylor ANATOMY AND CELL BIOLOGY Mary Sarfas Wen Zhang Olivia Serhan Silvana Ahmed Mona Sharafi MICROBIOLOGY AND Maria Andreou Erica Anne Sirdevan IMMUNOLOGY Carolina Augier Pina Dominique Brianne Slowey Jessica Bloom Nicholas William Kieran Youngmin Song Olivia Rachel Bonardi Orsolya Lapohos Hannah Mary Margaret Taylor Tegvir Singh Boora Julia Xiao Xuan Luo Alessandro Tesolin Solène Chaléat Elaine Thomson Rahul Thareja Montana Alexandra Chong Stéphanie Taylor Théberge NEUROSCIENCE Miranda D’Intino Melina Thibault Joelle Melanie Amir Jiahao Deng Tanisha Trivedi Hadi Assemani Tudor Dinu Olivia Marie Vaikla Nina Caporicci-Dinucci Ana Dominique Mariela Duran Gajanan Velupillai Thomas Chase Clark Fatemeh Emari Liangxinyi Wan Jean-Pierre Clément Rebecca Marelli Falutz Xinbei Wan Raquel Rousselet Farias Furat Fatima Brad Yi-Shing Wang Antonio Farina Melody Ghaly Yi Ning Wang Julia Marela Gutierrez Galindez Marjan Ghazi Jared Warden-Joseph Rana Ghafouri-Azar Larissa Margaret Godin Benedict John Wightman Charlie Henri-Bellemare José Andrés Guerra Laura Hsueh-Yien Wu Scott Huberty Gloriana B. Guipi Bopala Maxine T. N. Wu Matthieu Lenne Anthony Ha Yun Cong Xiao Jake Philip Levy Adrian Shawn Jun Haasler Brenna Yang Ji Min Lew Charlotte Isaure Hadjadj Zixuan Yang Danielle Nadin Aya Hajj Jiaqi You Anmol Nagpal Olivia Kay Hanna Golnaz Zahedi-Niaki Iskra Peltekova Erika Hazan Payman Zaminpeyma David St-Amand Alexander Junfan He Yiyun Zhang Anca Madalina Vochin Philip Li He Jiayi Zheng Yueh En Wang Derek Vincent Hoffman Muyang Zhou Sandy Wong James Vincent Houghton Stephanie Jiaxian Zhou Richard Zhang Lara Theresa Humes Doucet Nailya Ismailova APPLIED MATHEMATICS PHARMACOLOGY Dalya Kablawi Peter Manfred Gillich Evan Rizzel Gran Edmond Kaldany Martin Groffilier Lama Iskandarani Dong Suk Kang Chunyu Li Sally Lee Maha Lina Khemakhem Yi Lin Ziyue Zhou Lauren Khoury Marc Mekhanik Aaron Kiel Tatyana Pak Hakseong Kim Yifan Shen Rachel Maja Kim Bianca Michele Kwasiborski Nureen Jenna Ladhani

14 ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY Hannah S. Schaffer Szeptycki Jennifer Rhiannon Allen Danielle Davies Mathilde Bélair Georgia Adelle Douglas ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE AND PHYSICS Amanda Nicole -Burrill Sage Mackenzie Farley Christelle Bitar Connor Farrell Claire Emily Bettio Emily Joan Brown Parker Henry Fogler Jeremy Roffman Eleanor Burgess Bienvenue Habiyambere Katherine Joan Simzer Christina Charalampou Elizabeth Anne Hein Daniella Cross Jingyu Kan BIOCHEMISTRY Christian Mary Daniels Farren Alexandra Larsen Nana Appeakorama Agyemang Olympe Durrenberger Marianne Lemay Sarah Jane Alevy Yiting Fan Natalie Bess LeMessurier Maxime Bellefeuille Kim Gagnon-Clusiault Yi Li Victoria Bloquert Myoung Hoon Ha Andrew Nelson Martins Zerind Bota Brittany Haboucha Abe Mello Matthew Lok-Man Chang Sydnee Hall Guido Martin Merino Yiran Chen Marie Eugénie Hardouin Yonatan Mihaly Morocz Jiwon Choi Yue He Jenny Hyeyeon Oh Adamo Chranowsky-Mamone Kari Ann Hollett Matthew Peter Parmaklis Victoria Chui Vida Javidi Jacob Pollard Rose-Andréa Corneli Patrick-Nathael Javorcik Samantha Marie Pritchard Yimu Marie Dai Yannis Karamitsos Panagiotis Retsinas Ryan De Melo-Medeiros Anaelle Kingbede Evan Aitken Ross Iveta Demirova Claudia Koutsis Qinger Tang Yu Ding Micaela Leah Lewis Abdo-Jose Tomajian Alexandra Louisa Farkouh Yael Rachel Lewis Madelaine Julia Hannelore Wolff Li Yan Fei Caroline Liang Laiyi Xu Igor Fornes Stephanie Liu Merlin Zabrocki Anne-Sophie Fratzscher Alice Luo COMPUTER SCIENCE Zhao Han Danyu Luo Maanasa Veena Koripalli Yu Han Mao Kazi Shafin Ahmed Daniel Richard Krauss Hawa Master Elifsu Idil Ates Bohdan Kulinich Kenzie Ciera Melvill Ismael Atraoui Fabio Lança Nicole Alexandra Moore Long-Quan Bach Yeongjun Lee Thomas Owen O’Neill Sanger Daniel Baker Rebecca Abigail Liu Adrien Ikenna Osakwe Emilia Barbisan Fei Rui Long Gwénolé Jota Marcel Paquet Samuel Beaubien Aggie Mei Fai Ly Hélène Pfister Ahmed Ben Rejeb Sonya Madan Isabel Poissant Claire Bernardet Ramon Gozon Madrid Farida Fahmee Rahman James Michael Berry Olivia Joan Makinson Eve Karin Redican Heather Gail Bosiljevac Nathan Marko Markarian Alexa McKenzie Ripple Rayan Bouamrane Waeza Masnoon Eva Taziona Harvey Rodrigues Yacine Brahimi Paul Joseph McKay Youssef Habib Sammouh Nathaniel Edward Arthur Miranda Medeiros Lianne Ling Simon Branchaud Jisoo Nam Lee-Ann Spence Brigit Jean Simo Brown Laura Elena Neagu-Lund Gabrielle Reece Sweeney Hui Ling Cai Treasa Bridget O’Hagan Rachel Mitsuye Takasaki Yuhao Cao Thomas Pallone Sabrina Therrien Alison Ruth Caulfield Celia Pennimpede William Burgoyne von Herff Lingzi Chang Heyuan Qin Louise Yumeng Wang Jacob Andrew Charles Mohamed Reda Rhanmouni Zhe Xie Zhenghua Chen Manon Erika Ruppert Yue Yan Sheng Xiang Cheng Aelicia Abdurahman Schmitt Hongju Yoon Shalom Kenechi Chianu Jasper Sim Zhiwei Zhang Robin Sunghoon Cho Mathusan Sureshkumar Jae Yoon Choi BIOLOGY AND MATHEMATICS Veikko Tapani Vuokila Valerian Clerc Kevin Wang Karina Kwan Audrey-Anne Couillard Joon Sung Won Zhining Sui Gabriel Yves Crene Kangning Yang Runa Taguchi Edrick Da Corte Henriquez Qianyi Zhang Raphaël Tremblay Dibbyajit Dam Adam Gerrit Zieleman Lauren Abigail Woods Hani Azmi Damlaj Corinne Brianna Darche Leah Leslie Dawson Samantha Elizabeth Difeo

15 Ming Zhou Dong Hamza Salah EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE Xiang Dong Dylan Mark Sandfelder Shannon Elizabeth Wallace Isidora Duma Ali Saqib Albert Faucher Yann Louis Sartori ENVIRONMENT Danlu Fei Dara Shahriari Anna Buchanan Jeremy Frandon Xiaobin Shang Yidan Cui Joshua Simcha Friedman Ruth Kiara Silcoff Laurianne Debanne Alisa Gagina Karine Song Hannah Margaret Farnworth Ziang Gao Yifei Tang Yujin Kang Jahangir Gasimov Ferial Taoussi Thomas John Leicester Deneille Meeghan Guiseppi Javier Tobar Catherine Anna Ross Rui Guo Yuta Jean-Philippe Usuike Libby Rothberg Yuzhou Guo Mathieu Carol Vachon Kariann Grace Szemethy Liora Gut Daniel Desmond Van Acker Brit Simone van Amerom Charles M. Hardy Stefan Varnev Lorena Vidal Hanisah Binti Hilmi Trung Vuong Thien GEOGRAPHY Yimeng Hu Jifeng Wang James Thien Tri Huynh Jiuqi Wang Colby Mathieu Bilodeau Rebecca Jaubert Xiaohan Wang Brandon Andrew Taylor Xintong Jiang Yanan Wang Tianqi Xing Miya Morita Keilin Zhizun Wang GEOLOGY Mhd Said Khalifeh Gregoire Woo Zoha Khan Mingkun Xia Maude Bilodeau Hongjun Kim Ege Yay Émilie Saucier Brian Kirotich Kaan Gunay Yilmaz IMMUNOLOGY Vitaly Kondulukov Hyunjoe Yoo Yasmine Azzi Helen Agnes Kulka Leyao Zhang Jude Balit Ujjwal Kumar Chunyao Zhao Jackson Feijia Chen Younghoon Kwon JianChen Zhao Andreas Dionisopoulos Trevor John Francis LeFebvre Yiyang Zhou Benjamin Gordon Oi Kwan Leung COMPUTER SCIENCE AND Shayan Hajhashemi Benjie Li BIOLOGY Zenan Jiao Kehan Li Andrea Lafleur Sixian Li Jonathan Patrick Broadbent Sarah Marie Lapin Yanchun Li Xingyu Chen Laura Leclair Ziqi Li Tumini Noma Cookey Serena Mayar Jessica Liu Marie France Cornellier Arundhati Girish Nair Jiaxi Liu Sanya Amish Dalal Laura Rendon Lin Shuang Liu Furaha Damien Anqi Yan Linghang Liu Chelsea De Bellis Yanhan Liu Rohit Garudadri MATHEMATICS Xing Han Lu Isabel Sophie Hadziomerovic Anny Hang Blandine Albisetti Yiheng Lu Gabriel Steffan Borochof Yunhao Luo Duy Viet Hoang Grace Xinyue Hu Jacob Michael Szanto Canel Ngoc Khanh Luu Yinglin Dai Ali Mahmoud Nghi Nhu Phuong Huynh Soon Jae Jo Candice Djorno Inès Moreno Yixuan Geng Stefan Nils Morgan Orla Roisin Mahon Maja Milinkovic Lucius Xavier Hatherly Daniel-Paul Murray Andreas Hatziiliou David Nahon Linnea Qiuyu Munro Harsh Patel Jiawei Hu Erin Elizabeth O’Neill YuYang Hua Marc-Antoine Ouimet Victoria Marie Pittard Vibha Vinay Rao Injy Ihab Fathy Barakat Louise Iris Oyarzabal Maharshee Karia Nathalie Paquin Beatriz Romero Quineche Benjamin Zvi Rudski Sacha Aidan L’Heveder Sung Bin Park Sarah Lavecchia Nicholas Michael Paun Lukas Herbert Maxwell Shannon Jovi Singh Sidhu Feng Liang Nicolas Perrot Ziqing Liang Saphia Emilie Jeanne Petard Sungeun Song Yixiong Sun Jiangyue Liu Elizabeth Murphy Poggie Qing Zhe Liu Emily Qin Yuan Xiang Yi Yi Xiao Rui Ma Chenjing Qiu Louis Marin Xijing Quan Xiang Chen Zhu Yuxue Zhu Sarah McCann Kangrui Ren Claire Michelle Quarterman Benjamin Patrick Rogers Andrew Rambidis Kelly Christine Rombough Shujuan Shen

16 Jiayi Wang Killian Sheriff Tiphaine Maylis Pierre Tian Qi Wang Simon Tartakovsky Sutapa Saha Yushuo Wang Gabriel Jaime Tchekemian Nina Eve Seuntjens Maeve Ivy Wildes Clément Dominique Didier Virally Dania Shaban Kaiyuan Xiao Da Sen Ye Abrahim Sleiman Yichun Yao Zhi Zhang Gabriella Kaitlin Spiegler Kaixin Zhang Sophia Johanna Stegeman MICROBIOLOGY AND Yuxiu Zhang IMMUNOLOGY Tia Tabody Ziye Zhang Jamie Anne Thon Mohan Zhao Rachad Aita Matan Tordjman Huangchen Zhou Ariana Arduini Lauren Rebecca Tyler Jiawen Zhou Lauren Michelle Bennett Erika Katalin Verreault Laine Annie Berry Shirley-Shuwen Wang MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER Aanya Bhagrath SCIENCE Zovya Kataryn Wasylyk Priya Bharadwa Joelle Weinerman Julie Alhosh Jessica Beth Carstens-Kass Dylan Wong Noah Gabriel Brüstle Émilie Sterling Charette Kwok Hin Wong Michael Roger Cesare Venessa Yi-Wen Chen Marcus Melvin Yee Liam Walker Chung Rachael Chow Tongmeng Zhang Jérémi Tô Leszek Do Dinh Daniela Cosevoi William Jingyi Zhang Zhechen Feng Clemence Marie-Therese Cuillerot Olivier Filion Emma Nicole Derrick NEUROSCIENCE Geoffrey Fowles Jia Du Houman Azizi Quentin David Fruytier Frederick Eberstadt Hannah Beaudoin Antoine Gaulin Joey El-Achkar Megan Elizabeth Brookbank Abdelhadi Ghalmi Demitri Evangeliou Qingyang Chen Marcel Goh Lixuan Feng Nicole Victoria Cherepacha Karla González Sagan Paige Hunt Ghim Armaan Fallahi Olivier Grenier-Leboeuf Cristina Gitlan Rajae Faraj Emma Guthrie Ryan Justin Hanula Rushali Gandhi Yu Jia He Myriam Harbec Samir Gouin Eric Y. Hu Matthew He Amanda Ashley Hadwen Caitlin Hutnyk Pei-Chi Hsu Alyssa Hajj Assaf Mithila Kandasamy Lin Tao Hu Min Ju Han Prathna Kanthasamy Maryssa Iacobelli Lyla Hawari Tyler Kastner Thea Elizabeth Jarman Alina Tao He Ding Wen Li Jiazhen Jin Jade Yi-Tu Ho Yao Liu Mohammad Zafir Kaiser Andy Huang Bingchan Ma Robert Lee Kidd Fei Huang Laura Antonova Minkova Chaeyoon Kim Jessie Khalil Gabriela Moisescu-Pareja Eei Jin Kim Justin Sebastien Khalil Harry Ralph Moroz Cooper Kimball-Rhines Hamza Lahmimsi Neil Franklin Pereira Milena Kukolj Marc-Antoine Largie Denali Relles Amber Lynn Lacombe Gail Lee Roland Riachi Reese Ladak Maya Rachel Liverant Salih Bera Sogut Claire Madigan Latendresse George Costin Cristian Lungoci Pierre Jean Vénéreau Ingrid Jiayin Lu Sitki Cem Parlar Marielle Sophie Walet Ingrid Luo Vinh-Phuc Pham Ke Han Xiao Yunfan Lyu Braxton Shane Paul Phillips Rosie Y. Zhao Qihang Ma Francesco Luca Pisegna Clara Aisling MacMahon MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS Corinne Robert Erica Mandato Dylan John Rochon-Terry Itamar Aharony Michelle Nicole Mazur Ella Sahlas Sébastien J. Avakian Sydney Grace Merritt Dar’ya Sas Christian Hellum Bye Naomi Ariel Milla-Koch Hannah Amy Judith Scholes Rodrigo Miguel Chavez Zavaleta Victoria Claire Montgomery Aryan Shah Bastien Fajardo Maya Nijhoff Asser Kuang Chieh Sheng Raphaël Guasch Narmin Nojoomi Arielle Shibi Rosen Lucas Arie Hak Bridget Irene O’Brien Tudor Sintu Christian Ivov Ivanov Kamsiyochi Chikamara Ogbudibe Emma Somer Panagiotis Kaloyannis Jordan Ortona Hamza Tamani Henri Lamarre Eszter Pal Tatiana Tibuleac David Olivier Linteau Matteo Anthony Pannunzio Michelle Wang Tristan Martin Theodoros Papadopoulos Tenia Tian Yu Wang Alev Orfi Jaipur Pereira Yingqi Wang Matthew Steven Scott Sara Perlman-Arrow

17 Luc Edward Wilson Jingling Miao Kazmir Sobotkiewich Mengyi Zhao Taylor Morganstein Roxane Thériault Yixuan Zhao Montanna Mae Jeanne Mosher Felix Thiel Linqiao Zhou Michael Nikolidakis Théo Thomasz Urtubey Stefanie Sylvie Nolet Juliann Eileen Michelle Wray PHARMACOLOGY John Norton Xingqi Zhu Nader Al Sabbakh Sofia Paoli Rolan Alattar PHYSICS AND COMPUTER Emma Gabrielle Paulus SCIENCE Sarah Ali Alexia Piercey Giuseppe Argento Jessica Pietrobon Anna May Brandenberger Elizabeth Ann Bader Jonathan Lucas Primiani Eitan Buffaz Emma Christina C. Bainbridge Karter Romeo Nicolas Courtemanche Patrick-Brian Bielawski Amanda Scanga Cummins Jacob Michael Blaney Min Seok Seo Sarah Sonya Fairbrother Sydney Quinn Bucci Steven Alexander Serafini William Frost Meghan M. Bussiere Suyi Shao Alexander Douglas Keelty Gass Xinyi Chen Jongwon Son Nicola Grenon Vinci Leah Chiu Rita Zhouhao Su Anthony Ivakhnenko Dong Hyuk Choi Yi Ling Sun Saida Jaime Elizondo Jennifer Sona Choi Kulsum Tai Jacob Lee-Howes Ju Wuan Choi Anh Quan Truong Jing Liu Charlotte Clayton Julia Tuccinardi Michael Joseph MacInnis Beatrice Collibee Elise Van Leer Gurleen Kaur Padda Marguerite Dao Devin Kathleen Walker Wisang Sugiarta Alec de la Durantaye Zhuoer Yuan Vivek Thaker Shayan Dehgani He Zhang Lan Xi Zhu Justine Desrochers Qiaochu Zhang PHYSIOLOGY Rim El Osta Yun Ying Zhao Salodin Al-Achkar Samantha Lucie Ellement Yujing Zhou Bilal Mohammad Ali Sarah Elouneg Jin Xin Zhu Lauren Sydney Fleshner Samantha Aversa Kathryn Laura Freeman PHYSICS Madeline Jean Avery Arianna May Galbraith Thomas Charles Abbott Julio Baratta Sabrina Rose Goldring Sébastien Monarque Bélanger Frank Michael Battaglia Tyler Gurberg Youssef Bestavros Mahdi Bedrouni Grace Heppell Joe Singh Bhangal Alexandra Carla Bobica Peter Hyunwuk Her Audrey Bourdon Briana Cabral David Marton Ho-Tieng Dixin Chen Ndey Yassin Camara Mohtariz Islam Daniel Crook Victoria Juliette Carenso Celia Jarweh Megan Agatha Cvitan Naim Komei Chabaytah Sara Ann Jean Son Thanh Dao Pearl Chang Alyson Jiang Jehan Dastoor Juliano Colapelle Jianning Jiang Taylor Dibblee-Barkman Maximilian Daigle Évangéline Joron Juan Felipe Duran Emma Sarah Dallaire Leah Beatrice Kanee Taj Dyson Dylan Delaney Janson Cyriac Kappen Raphaël Froment Xavier Frédéric Desroches Simona Kobrinsky Martin Gallois Nikoletta Diamantopoulos Jeremy Korman Ingrid Gendron Gabriella Doueihy Sin Young Kwon Gabriel Giampa Nabih El-Helou Carly Labrie Ian Thomas Hendricksen Gavin Conor Frame Shayann-Melissande Laguerre Ian Howse Gizelle Margueritte Francis Anthony Chun-Yau Lau Paul Kaiser Erphon Ghatreh-Samani Catherine Minhthao Le Emma Myra Klemets Bruno Giammatteo Jack Legler Dylan Lazarus Adam Gilker Sarah Levi Noah William Pollard LeFrancois Julia Handfield Sheena Li Zeke Liu Micaela Leigh Hartslief Yue Li Yiqiu Ma Misha Hubacek Jeffrey Liao Zacharie Martel Nikki Li Huebener Xinyi Lin Erik Moore Xuerou Jiang Lyubomir Lyubenov Samuel Mottard Pranamika Khayargoli Manan Madhok Mathilde Papillon Sunnie Kim Serene Madi Brandon Ruffolo Leina Kingdom Leah Rose Mappalakayil Katherine Sarah Savard Max Kowalczyk Tessa Juliette McHattie Griffin Edward Schwartz Jasmine Lee Margaux Meilhac Chengfeng Shen Jessica Emily Levens Simon Loiselle

18 Phoebe Clare Lombard Stephanie Frankel Jiachengyue Wang Victoria Madejchuk James Garneau Yuhao Wang Shaida Mahmoud Sarah Gaudreau Haohang Xia Vassilis Marinis Rebecca Bing Le Gaumer-Klein Mobassera Zaman Ryan McGregor Mila Gavrilovic Tianyi Zhang Gillian Jane McLaughlin Natasha Odessa Grimard STATISTICS Pasquale Mulé Sophia Harman-Heath Lily Shum Nicholson Marim Magdy Ibrahim Yantong Chen Marina Pauline Nysten Samantha Jacobson Yujin Joung Andrea Oliveira-Carneiro Marie Alexandra Camille Jamala Yang Liu Laura Carolina Orjuela Hoyos Emily Maria Jeanne Wei Shao Tung Celina Pasquale Seokhwan Kim STATISTICS AND COMPUTER Megane Pepin Zophia Skye Louise Kindrachuk SCIENCE Meagan Rose Quigley Emma Stewart Langlois Michael Ramzy Agaby Salma Rakani Jieun Lee Patrick Béland Madison Grace Reinders Viveca Lee Jiuyue Cai Ishana Marlene Rue Kaylie Leitman Yuhao Cai Malcolm Isaiah Ryan Juliette Gabrielle Lennox Yuxin Chen Katherine Scott Iris Yuqi Liu Andrew Nicholas Jun Yip Cheng Benjamin Ross Serafin Chu Xuan Lu Kexin Fang Alberto Maria Sobrero Di Lu Samuel Paul Finestone Leah Elisheva Soto Emma Malcomber Ariella T. Fuzaylov Xiaomeng Sun Yara Mardini Zhenting Ge Yuetong Wang Teodora Zdravkova Markova Zichen He Kinda Wassef Darian Ailee McCabe Dingtao Hu Shi Chen Xu Laura Sophie McGowan Jiachen Huo Gabriel Moses Kussner Yallen Aynslie McIntyre Benjamin Jiang Michelle Yang Anthony Angelo Minichiello Churui Jiang Celine Chia-Ling Yu Chelsea Osei Owusu Carolyn Kolaczyk Anna Natalia Zarzycki Ziwei Pan Alex Daniel Le Minjie Zheng Dahlia Crecco Piccirelli Cheuk Hang Leung Maria Zogheib Stefan Pirvu Qixuan Li Laetitia Raposo-de Oliveira PHYSIOLOGY AND MATHEMATICS Xintong Li Erika Rosanelli Eunice Yi Liu Megha Kodancha Amrita Kaur Sandhu Xiaoxi Liu Hao Yi Qiu Sorin Thode Yitong Liu Anthony Quint Liliana Turcanu Yuxuan Liu Zoe Vogeli PHYSIOLOGY AND PHYSICS Shiyun Luo Lingyin Wang Yael Mitelman Zhi Bo Chang Ting Wang Jia Mo Kiarash Ghasemi Wan San Wendy Wang Jia Dong Song Leslie Unger Ye Wo Zhiying Tan Yue Tong Wu PLANETARY SCIENCES Jiyi Wang Jue Tian Xing Émilie Anne Laflèche Ruiyang Wang Qingyue Xue Sihan Wang PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Ying Wang Ba Viet Nguyen Anthony Anastasopoulos Zhuoran Wang Ruiying Wang Sebastian Ballesteros Ramirez Wuyu Wei Xin Yue Zhou Stacey Lynn Beard Yichao Yang PSYCHOLOGY Veronica Mary Boychuk Zisheng Ye Justin Yu Ammar Alany Hehuimin Cheng Jack Dziewonski Zhiqiao Yu Elise Bryn Askew Zijun Yu Roland Yaw Baah Laetitia Fesselier Justin Jiang JingYi Zhang Jessie Susan Bull Tianyu Zhang Laurianne Buron Brendon John Keirle Geoffrey Taerim Kim Xinyi Zhang Ruilin Chen Shi Qi Zhou Vickie Ann Claveau Bo Wen Li Alexandra Condescu Muhang Li Michael Anthony De Meo Tingyu Shen David Anthony Diaco Haoxuan Shi Caitlin Dunne Brandon Michael Smith Nicolina Esan Milo Sobral Sophie Rose Filion Dany Stefan Meagan Forest-Dionne Renata Ter


BACHELOR OF ARTS AND Abigail Annette Couture Wanrong Huang SCIENCE (Psychology) (Sustainability, Science (Sociology) and Society) Flora Aldridge Yaëlle Cudicio Florence Jarry (Cognitive Science) (Sustainability, Science (Cognitive Science) Nicole Jessica Amir and Society) Andrea Karam (Cognitive Science) Julia Aimée Leona Daley (Cognitive Science) Rhys Aidan Xavier Arrieta (Sustainability, Science Aline Karda (Cognitive Science) and Society) (Mathematics) Miranda Baillie Hana Takeda Darling-Wolf (Economics) (Cognitive Science) (Computer Science) Esther Kim Saskia Micaela Balny d’Avricourt (Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, (Cognitive Science) (Cognitive Science) and Social Justice Studies) Annika Klein Kismet Bandeen Jade Dubuc (Chemistry) (Cognitive Science) (Cognitive Science) (Latin American Studies) Marie E. Beauvais Lacasse Alana Mary Dunlop Katharine Ewa Michi Kocik (Cognitive Science) (Cognitive Science) (Biology) Keren Orr Bensimhon Sabina Elkins (English) (Psychology) (Cognitive Science) Freya Inge Lambrecht (Jewish Studies) John Jakob Arthur Etter (Sustainability, Science Fjolla Berisha (Biology) and Society) (Cognitive Science) (Philosophy) Zoe Lapomme Kieran Singh Bhatia Sana-Eve Faraji (Software Engineering) (Cognitive Science) (Cognitive Science) (Economics) Jennifer Bilbul Paloma Fernandez-Mc Auley Teresa Lee (Cognitive Science) (Cognitive Science) (Mathematics) Aiman Hadif Bin Abdul Razak Alexandra Lin Marie Fong (Philosophy) (Cognitive Science) (Cognitive Science) Ronny Shai Litvack-Katzman Abaigeal Maura Breakwell Camille Celeste Forest (English) (Psychology) (Sustainability, Science (Biology) (Anthropology) and Society) Sarah Tomoe Lostie Sophie Bulman Ramel Ghezraoui (Sustainability, Science (Cognitive Science) (Cognitive Science) and Society) Mikka Isabel Cabral Ryan Glazer Bryn Heather Manns (Biology) (Economics) (Cognitive Science) (International Development (Biology) Matthew Dawson McClintock Studies) Maximilien Godbout (Mathematics) Geraldine Calderon (Cognitive Science) (International Development (Cognitive Science) Lidia Rosemarie Greselin Studies) Marie-Claude Carignan (Cognitive Science) Dean Meluban (Sustainability, Science Siena Marie Grevatt (Cognitive Science) and Society) (Cognitive Science) Ethan Lewis Mendell (Biology) Gil Grunfeld (Cognitive Science) Carla Castillo (Cognitive Science) Anneli Madison Merivaara (Cognitive Science) Julian Guidote (Cognitive Science) Jessica Helena Chan (Cognitive Science) Matthew Charles Milton (Cognitive Science) Katelin Leigh Hallchurch (Cognitive Science) Zihao Chen (Chemistry) Nour Amin Mohsen (Computer Science) (Art History) (Cognitive Science) (Economics) Emilienne Belle Hamel Aleksandra Roza Mrozek Denis Chmoulevitch (Sustainability, Science (Cognitive Science) (Cognitive Science) and Society) Neha S. Nair Lucia Core Chaitanya Hebert (Cognitive Science) (Cognitive Science) (Sustainability, Science Robyn Annette Isoye Nakano Caitlin Jane Woodley Costello and Society) (Biology) (Biology) Alexander Huai-Chung Hsu (Anthropology) (Political Science) (Cognitive Science) Adelaide Naprawa (Cognitive Science)

20 Samuel Nordale Monami Dorone Waki (Cognitive Science) (Sustainability, Science Paloma Noriega and Society) (Cognitive Science) Anthony Wang Anna Kathryn Nuechterlein (Cognitive Science) (Cognitive Science) Qiulin Wang Xuejing Pan Environment) (Cognitive Science) Deirdre Elizabeth White Alexa Papanastasiou (Cognitive Science) (Biology) Alessia May Woolfe (Anthropology) (Cognitive Science) Emma Pietri Gabriel Joseph Wooten-Soto (Cognitive Science) (Cognitive Science) Grace Qian Wenwen Xu (Cognitive Science) (Cognitive Science) Vivian Qiang Yawan Xu (Cognitive Science) (Cognitive Science) Akhila Bhavani Rao Dongchen Yu (Cognitive Science) (Philosophy) Ayoub Rebaine (Psychology) (Cognitive Science) Jiayao Zhang Zoe Richards (Cognitive Science) (Sustainability, Science Luo Qi Zhang and Society) (Cognitive Science) Lancelot Rodrigue Wanxin Zhang (Sustainability, Science (Computer Science) and Society) (Economics) William Rondeau Xinyi Zhang (Cognitive Science) (Psychology) Viola Halle Ruzzier (Economics) (Anthropology) Xinyi Zhang (Biology) (Cognitive Science) Chloé Savignac Chen Zhao (Cognitive Science) (Cognitive Science) Eva Senechal Zimeng Zhao (Cognitive Science) (Cognitive Science) Ru Yi Shen Diwei Zhu (Biology) (Sustainability, Science (International Development and Society) Studies) Hazel Shields (Cognitive Science) Emily Sarita Singh (Cognitive Science) Vanessa Maria Skubic (Mathematics) (Economics) Linnea Soli (Environment) Lia Helen Spear (Cognitive Science) Alexander Stoljar Gold Cognitive Science) Vasantha Susarla (Sustainability, Science and Society) Nathalie Odette YIn Tai (Environment) Samuel Alexandre Valcin-Barabé (Chemistry) (Economics) Mathilde Van Liefferinge (Computer Science) (Geography)




Sarah Armstrong Rose Lacombe Lydia Roy ★ McGill Alumnae Society ★ Gerry Friars Undergraduate ★ Governor General’s Convocation Prize Research Convocation Collegiate Bronze Medal Mary Elizabeth Bergen Award ★ Médaille d’Or du Ministère de ★ Lewis A. Fischer Memorial Kathryn Landry l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et Convocation Award ★ Blackwood Convocation de l’Alimentation du Québec Didier Codère Lortie Prize in Microbiology Xinyue Xu ★ Cutler Shield Tracy Liu ★ Girvin-Robertson Convocation Chloé Fleurent-Grégoire ★ Robert Haddon Common Prize in Microbiology ★ Prix de l’Ordre Professionel Convocation Prize ★ Ping Kwan Lau Convocation des Diététistes du Québec Audrey Morneau Prize NS / TIO PRI Alexandra Kerasias ★ Lieutenant Governor’s C X E IN T ★ Harrison Convocation Prize Youth Medal T D IS I Morgan Emma Passmore D S T Lieutenant Governor’s & I ★ N Youth Medal S C D T R I O A N W S A FACULTY OF ARTS FACULTÉ DES ARTS

CONVOCATION Annapurna Elizabeth Aryal Brianna Cheng Declan Daniel Gemmill COLLATION DES GRADES ★ Prize of the Ambassador of ★ C.C. Bayley Prize in History ★ Prince of Wales Gold Medal Switzerland in Canada for ★ Maurice Goldenberg for Mental and Moral Italian Book Memorial Scholarship Philosophy 2021 Frédéric Aubé Justine Coutu Chelsea Antunes Gerbrandt ★ Cherry Prize ★ Albert Hirschman Prize ★ Mathias Prize spring Alexandra Marian Barnes Colette de Kerckhove Kathleen M. Wilkinson Grantham printemps ★ Algy Smillie Noad Memorial ★ McGill Alumnae Society Prize ★ Norman Prentice Award Prize Hannibal Jack de Pencier Sarah Mohamed Mahmoud Hafez ★ Catherine M. Shaw Early ★ Janet L. Morton Prize ★ Fred Victor Stone Memorial Drama Award Navjot Dhanoa Prize Annabelle Berthiaume ★ W.O. Judkins Memorial Prize Albert Nathan Jun-Yi Ho ★ Governor General’s Gold in Art History ★ Neil Stewart Prize Medal Emily Draicchio Kira Hoelscher ★ McGill Alumni Association ★ W.O. Judkins Memorial Prize ★ Lionel Shapiro Award for Graduate Award in Art History Creative Writing Daisy Rea Bonsall Aliza Margaret Ellner Chloe Ray Holmquist ★ Peterson Memorial ★ Cremona Memorial Prize in ★ Catherine M. Shaw Scholarship in Classics Linguistics Shakespeare Award Sofia Boudreau Sarah Haley Farb ★ Shakespeare Gold Medal ★ School of Social Work ★ Allen Oliver Gold Medal Xiaozhe Hu Alumni Award Sophia Francis Garnett ★ Hubert Marleau Prize Christiane-Marie Cantwell ★ Kay MacIver Memorial Prize Ffion Eirwen Hughes ★ Woodhead Memorial Prize ★ Lionel Shapiro Award for ★ Howard Weinroth Memorial in Greek and Latin Creative Writing Essay Prize Chieh Chang ★ Peterson Memorial Prize in ★ Leah and Isidore Finkelstein ★ The Judy Badasz Award English Literature Prize in History in Art History

23 Héloïse Huynh Sara Laure Rahajason Jacqueline Tam ★ Prize of the Ambassador of ★ Paul F. McCullagh Prize in ★ Peta Tancred Prize Switzerland in Canada Ancient Greek and Latin Léo Antoine Tronchon for French Meera Raman ★ Allen Oliver Gold Medal Cynthia Lazzaroni ★ Honourable Sheila Thuyen Viet Truong ★ Richard F. Salisbury Prize Finestone Award in ★ Mary Keenan Scholarship in in Anthropology Women’s Studies English Charles Campbell Mascia Will Alexander Schumer Arimbi Sri Wahyuputri Wahono ★ Allen A Lang Essay Award ★ Paula Bonato Memorial ★ Allen Oliver Fellowship Angelina Mazza Prize Diontay Wolfries ★ Chester Macnaghten Prize Sophie Noa Sklar ★ Peterson Memorial Jacqueline McClaran ★ Mary Mysak Award in Asian Scholarship in Classics ★ McGill Alumnae Prize Religions Gillian Shihan Xu ★ W.M. Birks Award ★ W.M. Birks Award ★ Dora Forsyth Prize Keisuke Nakajima Everett Stamm Cunyuan Zhao ★ Henry Chapman Medal ★ Brian Coghlan Memorial ★ Governor General’s Silver Seth Obadia Prize in Economics Medal ★ Hubert Marleau Prize Sydney Raffaella Stevenson ★ Norman Prentice Award


Carla Abbatemarco Behnam Gholitabar Omrani Rony S. Saikali ★ McGill Associates Prize ★ McGill Associates Prize ★ Jacob Jonker Memorial Prize in Translation in Management ★ Resolute Forest Products Asli Akdemir Sherlie Grecy Prize ★ Tata Communications Prize ★ Edward C. Webster Prize Kiana Zolfaghari in French as a Second in English as a Second ★ Tata Communications Prize Language Language in French as a Second Anne Cournoyer Oscar Josselin Language ★ McGill Associates Prize ★ American Express Prize in Translation in Management - Rana Basel Falah Treasury/Finance ★ Edward C. Webster Prize Huamin Liu in English as a Second ★ Resolute Forest Products Language Prize


Oladipupo Abraham Ajayi Stamatis Kouniaris Thien Duy Vuong ★ Dr. Marvin and Mandy ★ Dr. Paul A. Marchand and ★ Dr. James McCutcheon Werbitt Award In Dentistry Maurine McNeil Marchand Medal Christina Marie Angelopoulos Prize Nathaniel Jordan Weinstein ★ Dr. Soo Kim Lan Prize ★ McGill Alumnae Society Prize ★ Dr. J.K. Carver Award in Dentistry Lorenzo Daniel Marcil ★ Dr. W.G. Leahy Prize Stéphanie Guay ★ Dr. A.L Walsh Prize Stephanie Wiseman ★ Dr. A. Gerald Racey Prize ★ Prix d’Excellence ★ Canadian Dental Joohwan Hyun Jean Robert Vincent Association Student ★ Prix Micheline-Blain Maryam Ahmad Tarar Leadership Award ★ Dr. A.W. Thornton Gold Medal ★ Dr. Marvin and Mandy Werbitt Award In Dentistry


Sarah Al Ani Tessie Jacqueline Ann Lumley ★ Chantal Malard Memorial Prize ★ Miriam (Khaner) Marcus ★ Jean M. Gwynne Award Emily Aronoff Awards Michelle Racine ★ Gold Medal Rosanna Lambert Verrillo ★ McGill Alumnae Society Prize Marilyse Dubois ★ Miriam (Khaner) Marcus Katherine Anne Willcocks ★ Jean M. Gwynne Award Awards ★ Teaching and Leadership Sean Erik Harrop Andrew James Laplante Award ★ Gold Medal ★ Jean M. Gwynne Award Jammy Zou Saharnaz Hemmati ★ Chantal Malard Memorial ★ Jean M. Gwynne Award Prize


Sinan Abi Farraj Alexandra Simandl Jacobson Jack Jia Xin Song ★ Ernest Brown Gold Medal ★ British Association Medal ★ British Association Medal for Highest Ability ★ Society of Chemical Industry Leïlah Yadia Kelly Sory throughout the Merit Award ★ McGill/École Polytechnique Undergraduate Program Elise Janho Memorial Prize (December Federico J. Aguilar Castellanos ★ Raymond Cox Memorial 6, 1989) ★ Birks Silver Medal Prize in Civil Engineering Maria Teleman Alexander Bevacqua Thomas Hyo-min King ★ Wilfred Truman Shaver ★ Charles Michael Morssen ★ Wilfred Truman Shaver Scholarship Gold Medal for Exceptional Scholarship Pranshul Thakur Engineering Promise Samuel Kohn ★ British Association Medal May-Doan Bi ★ David Farley Book Prize in ★ David E. and Ronnie ★ Wilfred Truman Shaver Urban Planning Schouela Memorial Prize Scholarship Hansen Liu Francesco Tummillo Tea Canton ★ British Association Medal ★ Robert Forsyth Prize ★ Wilfred Truman Shaver Zheyu Liu in Civil Engineering Scholarship ★ British Association Medal Frédéric Verrier-Paquette Ora Tmima Cohen Michael Kurt Mayer ★ Wilfred Truman Shaver ★ British Association Medal ★ The Derek Drummond Scholarship ★ McGill Alumnae Society Award in Architecture Morgan Vorsteher-Styrczula Prize ★ Wilfred Truman Shaver ★ McGill Alumnae Society Prize Hermine Marie Demael Scholarship ★ Wilfred Truman Shaver ★ Wilfred Truman Shaver Antoine Mercier Scholarship Scholarship ★ Harry Pearce Prize Cedric Tristan Kostic Welt Zakaria Essadaoui Derek Mossop ★ Allen Cook Prize in Civil ★ British Association Medal ★ British Association Medal Engineering Michael Forest Natalia Pavlasek Raymond Haoqin Yang ★ Harry Pearce Prize ★ CSME Gold Medal ★ British Association Medal Gabrielle Goldman Rappaport ★ Prof. Gar Lam Yip Memorial ★ Karl Fischer Scholarship ★ Wilfred Truman Shaver Prize ★ Wilfred Truman Shaver Scholarship Cyril Yared Scholarship Antoine Raymond ★ British Association Medal Louis-Simon Guay ★ British Association Medal Zhi Chao Zhang ★ Harry Pearce Prize Jonathan Roy ★ Harry Pearce Prize Celia Hameury ★ Class of ’51 Structural Ziqi Zheng ★ British Association Medal Engineering Prize ★ British Association Medal William Harris Dimitrios Sinodinos Chang Zhou ★ Roy H. Yaralli Memorial ★ British Association Medal ★ Dr. Alfred S. Malowany Award Esmee Smit-Anseeuw Memorial Prize ★ Professor Jules W. Stachiewicz Memorial Prize


Audrey J. Bella Bernasconi Malaya Scarlett Tanis Powers Nicolas J. Jonathan St-Amant ★ Montreal Bar Association ★ Rosa B. Gualtieri Prize ★ Caron Memorial Prize Prize Jennifer Eira Rogers ★ Elizabeth Carmichael Monk, Emma Carbonneau ★ Chief Justice Greenshields Q.C. Property Law Prize ★ De Grandpré Chait Real Prize in Criminal Law ★ Elizabeth Torrance Gold Estate Award ★ McGill Alumnae Society Medal Jasmin Ethier Convocation Prize ★ Gerald S. Tritt, Q.C. Prize ★ Maxwell Cohen Award Bhreagh Dorothy Ross ★ Philip F. Vineberg, Q.C. Peter Moses Gibaut ★ Stanley Kandestin, Q.C. Award ★ J.S.D. Tory Writing Award Prize Verity Anne Thomson Jennifer Lachance Adam Joseph Rossiter ★ Dawson A. McDonald, Q.C. ★ Louis H. Rohrlick Memorial ★ Cheryl Rosa Teresa Doran Memorial Prize Prize Award ★ Philip Meyerovitch, Q.C. Jia Rui Lan Anna Rotman Prize ★ I.M.E. Prize in Commercial ★ William Kagan Memorial Jenna Zarina Topan Law Prize (Fall 2020 Convocation) ★ Yoine Goldstein Book Prize Kirstie Katherine Russell ★ Aimé Geoffrion Medal in Bankruptcy and ★ J.S.D. Tory Writing Award (ex aequo) Insolvency Law ★ Philip Meyerovitch, Q.C. Hannah Elizabeth Young Jessica Michelin Prize ★ Montreal Bar Association ★ F.R. Scott Prize in Sarah Nicole Spadotto Prize Constitutional Law ★ Aimé Geoffrion Medal Linda Zhang Larissa Andrea Parker (ex aequo) ★ Bereskin & Parr Prize in ★ Nathan Cotler Memorial Industrial and Intellectual Prize in Human Rights Law Property ★ Principal David L. Johnston Medal


Jennifer Au Garrett Grossman Abhinav Pal ★ Herbert E. Siblin Award ★ L.J. Forget & Company ★ Commerce 1925 Award Durga Balasubramanian Award Melissa Palumbo ★ Dr. J.A. Coote Prize in Evan Hirschbach ★ Dean’s Medal for Organizational Behaviour ★ Peter S. Wise Memorial Great Distinction in the and Human Resource Prize MBA Program Management Emily Huang Daniel James Powell Odile Barbeau ★ Hugh Howson Memorial ★ Commerce 1925 Award ★ Dr. M. Richard Gelfand Prize Eric William Storrer Prize in Marketing Sydney Michelle Kalyn ★ Misawa Homes Prize in Michael William Brintnell ★ Stephen S. Goldbloom International Business ★ L.J. Forget & Company Memorial Prize Xinyi Wang Award Jinghong Lin ★ Finestone Economics Anthony Caruso Juliano ★ Alumnae Society Prize Prize ★ Medal For Great Distinction Louise Anne Odile Morteveille Wenzhou Yang in the Professional (part- ★ Allen Oliver Fellowship ★ Laddie Millen Memorial time) MBA Program Karyann Nadeau Prize Olivia Margaret Fata ★ Laddie Millen Memorial Xin Hao Yang ★ Commerce 1925 Award Prize ★ Commerce 1925 Award Tina Garabedian John-Anthony Simon Neemeh ★ McGill Accounting ★ Laddie Millen Memorial ★ Commerce 1925 Award Society Prize Prize


Safina Adatia Jessica Halle Rachel Hier Jin Yong Patrick Park ★ Dr. Allen Spanier Prize for ★ H.S. Birkett Memorial Prize ★ Scriver-Steinberg Professionalism in Medicine in Otolaryngology Convocation Prize in Sonia Anchouche Sara Abdel-Raouf Ismail Human Genetics ★ Dr. Mark Cohen Prize in ★ Brian Newton Memorial Alessandro Pedicelli Ophthalmology Award ★ Reilly Madsen Memorial Adelia Canuto Stephanie Kerwin Prize ★ McGill Alumnae Society Prize ★ Barbara Ann Altshuler Prize Lindsay Jane Penner Susanna Cere in Nursing ★ Canadian Physiotherapy ★ Canadian Association of Audrey Le Association Award Occupational Therapists’ ★ Psychiatry Prize Oumeet Ravi Award Amanda Lee ★ F. Moyra Allen Prize Naomi Chevrier ★ Sandra Perlman Memorial Léanne Roncière ★ Newell W. Philpott Prize in Prize ★ Reilly Madsen Memorial Prize Obstetrics and Gynecology Alicia Lessard ★ Ronald Douglas Naymark Ravi Datar ★ Campbell Keenan Memorial Award ★ Alexander D. Stewart Prize Prize in Clinical Surgery Maria Ruscio Jeffrey Christopher Downey Karine Maghalian ★ Anne Marie Fong Hum ★ Gordon A. Maclachlan Prize ★ Pearson Education in Memorial Prize Emmett Dwyer Canada Book Prize Sabrina Lasry-Shemie ★ Helen M. Gault Award Alfiya Mukharyamova ★ Prize in Vascula Surgery Marina Lara Fesdekjian ★ E. David Sherman Award in Lea Sultanem ★ McGill Alumnae Society Prize Geriatric Medicine ★ Elizabeth Ann Munro Gordon Elie Ganni Alexander Ni Prize ★ J. Francis Williams Prize ★ Holmes Gold Medal ★ Montreal Children’s Hospital in Medicine and Clinical Kacper Edward Niburski Prize for Pediatrics Medicine ★ John H. Altshuler Prize in Excellence Adam Gosselin Family Medicine Andràs Làszlò Tikàsz ★ Dr. Allen Spanier Prize for Alexa Nunziato ★ Mona Bronfman Sheckman Professionalism in Medicine ★ Pearson Education in Prize in Psychiatry Frédéric Grou-Boileau Canada Book Prize Nicholas Hendrik Zelt ★ Wood Gold Medal Alexandra Onsy ★ Strachan Alexander Hartley Eric Ryan Harvey ★ Lexy L. Fellowes Memorial Award ★ Robert Forsyth Prize in Prize Mikaela Zobolas Surgery Tanisha Mehendi Panjwani ★ Evelyn Rocque Malowany ★ Carol Rutenberg-Silver Prize in Nursing Memorial Award


Mary Bridget Esler Geneviève Gates-Panneton Charlotte Hausknost ★ Salsinger Tani Gold Medal in ★ McGill Alumnae Society ★ Bernard Shapiro Prize Music Performance Prize


Jude Balit Micaela Leah Lewis Lianne Ling Simon ★ Major Hiram Mills Medal ★ Redpath Museum ★ Muriel Roscoe Prize in Biology Jessica Beth Carstens-Kass Excellence Award Hannah S. Schaffer Szeptycki ★ E.G.D. Murray Prize Yael Rachel Lewis ★ J.S. Marshall Prize in Microbiology ★ Redpath Museum Simon Tartakovsky Matthew Lok-Man Chang Excellence Award ★ Horace Watson Medal ★ Society of Chemical Industry Sixian Li and Prize Merit Award ★ Dean’s Convocation Prize Michelle Wang Jehan Dastoor Simon Loiselle ★ Dean’s Convocation Prize ★ Anne Molson Gold Medal ★ Dr. Kathleen Terroux Prize Luc Edward Wilson Dylan Delaney in Physiology ★ Dean’s Convocation Prize ★ Major Hiram Mills Medal George Costin Cristian Lungoci Yue Tong Wu Bastien Fajardo ★ Dean’s Convocation Prize ★ Dean’s Convocation Prize ★ P.R. Wallace Prize in Physics Jenny Hyeyeon Oh Yun Cong Xiao Yiting Fan ★ G. Stafford Whitby Prize ★ Dean’s Convocation Prize ★ Penhallow Prize in Biology in Polymer Chemistry Laiyi Xu Olivier Filion ★ Professor Denis F.R. Gilson ★ R.F. Robertson Prize in ★ Gowrisankaran Prize in Prize in Chemistry Chemistry Mathematics and Statistics Andrea Oliveira-Carneiro ★ Society of Chemical Industry Sydnee Hall ★ Dr. Kathleen Terroux Prize Merit Award ★ Fantham Memorial Prize in Physiology Justin Yu in Biology ★ McGill Alumnae Society ★ Jack Blumer Prize in Science Marie Eugénie Hardouin Prize Merlin Zabrocki ★ Frank Rigler Prize in Ecology Mathilde Papillon ★ Clifford B. Purves Prize Alexander Junfan He ★ Robert E. Bell Prize in Physics ★ Professor Denis F.R. Gilson ★ Dean’s Convocation Prize Evan Aitken Ross Prize in Chemistry Alina Tao He ★ Anne Molson Prize ★ R.F. Robertson Award in ★ Anna and Robert Skomoroski in Chemistry Physical Chemistry Prize in Science Benjamin Zvi Rudski Yiyun Zhang Nikki Li Huebener ★ Dr. Feng Qian Convocation ★ Dean’s Convocation Prize ★ Dr. Kathleen Terroux Prize Prize Yuxiu Zhang in Physiology ★ Governor General’s Silver ★ Charles Fox Memorial Prize Justin Sebastien Khalil Medal Rosie Y. Zhao ★ Anna and Robert Skomoroski Émilie Saucier ★ Edward Rosenthall Memorial Prize in Science ★ Logan Gold Medal Prize in Mathematics Émilie Anne Laflèche Katherine Sarah Savard ★ Laurie Hendren Memorial ★ David Harrigan Memorial ★ Moyse Travelling Scholarship Prize Prize Kuang Chieh Sheng Natalie Bess LeMessurier ★ Dean’s Convocation Prize ★ Professor Denis F.R. Gilson Arielle Shibi Rosen Prize in Chemistry ★ Anna and Robert Skomoroski Sarah Levi Prize in Science ★ Dean’s Convocation Prize


DEAN’S HONOUR LIST TABLEAU D’HONNEUR DU DOYEN A graduand identified as being on the Dean’s Un diplômé inscrit au tableau d’honneur Honour List must have earned a cumulative du doyen doit avoir obtenu une moyenne grade point average within the top ten per pondérée cumulative qui le place dans le cent of their faculty’s graduating class. premier décile de sa promotion.

HONOURS PROGRAMME SPÉCIALISÉ Honours programs demand a high degree of Un programme spécialisé exige un niveau de specialization and require students to satisfy spécialisation élevé. Les étudiants doivent specific departmental requirements while satisfaire aux exigences propres à leur maintaining a good academic standing. This département tout en obtenant de bons category is designed to prepare students for résultats académiques. Cette catégorie graduate study. Joint Honours programs are prépare en général les étudiants à des études available in related disciplines. supérieures. Des programmes spécialisés mixtes existent dans des disciplines FIRST CLASS HONOURS connexes. Graduating students registered in an Honours program who obtain a certain MENTION « TRÈS BIEN » cumulative grade point average as La mention « Très bien » est attribuée aux established by their faculties are awarded étudiants inscrits à un programme spécialisé “First Class Honours.” qui obtiennent une moyenne pondérée cumulative équivalente à une norme fixée par DISTINCTION leur faculté. The notation of “Distinction,” is awarded to students who have completed the required DISTINCTION number of McGill credits for graduation and La mention « Distinction » est décernée aux whose cumulative grade point average is in étudiants qui ont obtenu le nombre the top 25 per cent, but below the top ten per réglementaire d’unités de McGill en vue de cent of their faculty’s graduating class. l’obtention de leur diplôme, ainsi qu’une moyenne pondérée cumulative qui se situe MEDALS AND PRIZES dans la tranche supérieure de 25 pour cent Details of the various medals and prizes pour leur promotion, mais en deçà de la awarded to students may be found in the tranche supérieure de dix pour cent. calendars of the faculties and of the School of Continuing Studies. PRIX ET MÉDAILLES Divers prix et médailles sont décernés aux étudiants. On trouvera des précisions à ce sujet dans les annuaires des différentes facultés et dans celui de l’École d’éducation permanente.


During the past year, the following Au cours de l’année écoulée, retired professors were accorded the les professeurs retraités suivants designation of professor emeritus or se sont vus décerner le titre de emerita, as the case may be: professeur émérite :

FACULTY OF AGRICULTURAL AND FACULTÉ DE SCIENCES DE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES L'AGRICULTURE ET DE L'ENVIRONMENT James W. Fyles James W. Fyles FACULTY OF ARTS FACULTÉ DES ARTS George Di Giovanni George Di Giovanni John Anthony Hall John Anthony Hall Peter C. W. Hoffmann Peter C. W. Hoffmann Nancy F. Partner Nancy F. Partner Richard Schultz Richard Schultz Victoria Zinde-Walsh Victoria Zinde-Walsh FACULTY OF EDUCATION FACULTÉ DE SCIENCES DE L'ÉDUCATION Alenoush Saroyan Alenoush Saroyan FACULTY OF ENGINEERING FACULTÉ DE GÉNIE Alberto Perez-Gomez Alberto Perez-Gomez FACULTY OF MEDICINE FACULTÉ DE MÉDECINE Hugh P. J. Bennett Hugh P. J. Bennett Richard L. Cruess Richard L. Cruess Sylvia Cruess Sylvia Cruess Serge G. Gauthier Serge G. Gauthier Vera Hirsch Vera Hirsch Michael Kramer Michael Kramer Ashok Malla Ashok Malla David S. Mulder David S. Mulder FACULTY OF SCIENCE FACULTÉ DES SCIENCES Louis Lefebvre Louis Lefebvre