PATRICK J. HAYES ______980 North Lawrence Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19123 Telephone: 347-325-0926 (cell); Email: [email protected]


Doctor of . School of Religious Studies, Department of and Religious Educaon. The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.

Dissertaon tle: The Catholic Commission on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs, 1945-1965. Director: Rev. Joseph A. Komonchak (Research Assistant to Dr. Komonchak, 1999-2000)

Master of Sacred . Specializaon in historical theology. Yale Divinity School, , New Haven, CT.

Master of Divinity. Yale Divinity School, Yale University, New Haven, CT.

Master of Educaon. Specializaon in Social Studies Educaon. Teachers College, , New York, NY.

Bachelor of Science in Speech. Major: Interdisciplinary concentraons in Communicaon, Polics, & Law. Double Minor: History & Print Journalism. Emerson College, Boston, MA.


ARCHIVIST: Balmore Province of the Congregaon of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists), Brooklyn, NY 11209 (2008-present). Preservaon and records management for an archive dang to the 1730s and a library dang to the 1500s.

VISITING PROFESSOR IN THEOLOGY: Department of Theology, University of Makeni, Makeni, Sierra Leone (February-June 2010). Courses: Business Ethics, Contemporary Ethics in Development, Phenomenology of Religion. Funding for this posion was sought and obtained through the Catholic Solidarity Fund for Africa. Ongoing consultant.

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES: Department of Theology and Religious Studies, St. John’s University, Staten Island, NY 10301 (2006-2008). Courses: Perspecves on Chrisanity: A Catholic Approach; Mystery of God; Chrisan Marriage; Worship, Liturgy, and Sacraments; Perspecves on the ; Jesus in Chrisan Tradion; Mary and the .

VISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY: Department of Theology, Marymount College of Fordham University, Tarrytown, NY 10591 (2004-2006). Courses: Faith and Crical Reason; Introducon to the Old Testament; , Religion in America, The Catholic Tradion.

VISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY: Department of Theology, Quincy University, Quincy, IL 62301 (2003-2004). Courses: Sacraments (two secons); Gender and Person in Chrisan; Theology of Death; Catholic Life and Thought (two secons); Chrisan Sexuality; Chrisanity in America; Special Topics: Catholic Intellectual Giants; Moral Reasoning (Diocese of Springfield in Illinois Diaconate Formaon Program).

ADJUNCT INSTRUCTOR: Department of Theology, Fordham University, Bronx, NY 10458 (Fall 2000- Spring 2003). Courses: Medieval Theology, Faith and Crical Reason (six secons), Introducon to the New Testament. Manuscript reader: Fordham University Press.

ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: Collegium: A Colloquy on Faith and Intellectual Life, Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT 06437 (July 2000-February 2001). Maintained donor contact, edited bi-annual newsleer, liaison with Fairfield University and the consorum of 56 Catholic colleges and universies naonwide.


Affiliaons: • American Catholic Historical Associaon; American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia; Columbia University Seminars in American Religious History; Instute of Redemptorist Historical Studies/North America; American Society of Church History; Delaware Valley Archivists Group.

Service: • Board of Managers, American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia (2016-present). • Editor, Redemptorist North American Historical Bullen (October 2012-present). • Advisory Board Member, Sierra Leone Policy Watch (March 2012-March 2013). • Advisory Board Member, Archives of the Archdiocese of New York (December 2011-present). • Member of the Theological Commission for the Cause for Sainthood of the Servant of God, James A. Walsh, founder of the Catholic Foreign Mission Society (Maryknoll); Archdiocese of New York (November 2010-present). • Steering Commiee, Roman Catholic Studies Group of the American Academy of Religion (October 2008-November 2011). • Commiee on Awards, College Theology Society (June 2008-June 2011). • Editorial Commiee Member, Crical Studies in History (February 2008-present). • Conference organizer: and the Catholic Worker Movement—Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, Marymount College of Fordham University (February 24, 2006). • Project Manager and Parcipant, “Passing on the Faith; Passing on the Church,” a funded program on the future of Catholicism in America, Curran Center for American Catholic Studies (2005-2007). • Convener, Secon on American Catholic Life and Thought, College Theology Society (2004-2010). • Commiee on Faculty Development, Marymount College of Fordham University (2004-2006). • Book Review Editor for H-Catholic (2004-2009).

Selected Honors, Grants, Fellowships: • Peter R. D’Agosno Traveling Fellow, October to November 2013, for use of Roman archives. Project tle: An Inventory of the Archivio Generale Redentoris’s Collecons on the American Province of the Redemptorists. Sponsored by the Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, University of Notre Dame. • Grant Recipient, Academy of American Franciscan History, 2011-2012, Berkeley, California, assigned to write the history of Franciscan higher educaon in the United States. • Vising Scholar in Ethics (accredited as full professor), United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Solidarity Fund for Africa, spring 2010, University of Makeni, Sierra Leone. • Gilder Lehrman Center Senior Fellow, New York, summer 2009, for use of the Schomburg Research Center for research on Black Catholics in America, 1900-1940. • Helena Rubinstein Fellow, “American Religious Responses to Reichkristallnacht,” a two-week funded summer instute at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C., August 14-23, 2007. • Catholic Press Associaon, 2nd place recognion for Best Essay in Scholarly Magazines, for “Jesuit Making: The Case of St. ’s Cause in Nineteenth-Century America.” American Catholic Studies 117:4 (Winter 2006): 1-32. • Grant Recipient, Naonal Endowment for the Humanies Summer Instute: St. in the Thirteenth Century Context—, Siena, Assisi (Summer 2006). • Travel Grant Recipient, Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, University of Notre Dame (Summer 2004). • Graduate Student Award, American Maritain Associaon (Fall 2002); • Monsignor Johannes Quasten Fellow, Catholic University of America (Spring 2001 to Fall 2002). • Fellow, Acton Instute for the Study of Religion and Liberty (Summer 2001). • Grant Recipient, Iona College Arts Council (Spring 2001). • Amaturo Fellow, Collegium: A Colloquy on Faith and Intellectual Life (Summer 2000). • Winner of the Internaonal Cardinal Suenens Prize for Best Graduate Essay (1999). • Research Fellow, Yale Divinity School (Spring 1998). • Fellow, NY Council on the Humanies Summer Instute (1992).

Selected Papers and Addresses: “A Prelate Abroad: Patrick Cardinal Hayes and the Dublin Eucharisc Congress of 1932.” Historians of the Tweneth Century United States Conference, Dublin, University College Dublin, June 12-13, 2017.

“Redemptorist Collaborators with Communies of Women Religious in the Nineteenth Century United States.” History of Women Religious in Great Britain and Ireland Conference, Dublin, University College Dublin, June 8-9, 2017.

“Footprint on the Esquiline: The Legacy of Redemptorist Father Edward Douglas, a Scot in Rome.” Symposium North Atlanc Communies in Rome, 1622-1939, Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, Notre Dame Global Gateway, Rome, Italy, June 6-7, 2017.

“Father James Sheeran: An American Catholic in the Civil War.” Book talk. American Catholic Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 21, 2017. “Father James Sheeran’s Civil War Chaplain’s Diary: A New Lens on America.” Book talk. Charles Izard Maceuen Civil War Round Table, Union League Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 26, 2017.

“Father James Sheeran Returns to New Orleans.” Book talk. Louisiana State University Special Collecons Library, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, April 7, 2017.

“Some Reflecons on the Status of Religious and Diocesan Archives in the United States.” Symposium on Catholic History and Archives, University of Aberdeen, November 7-8, 2016.

“A Patroness for the Council? Building a Movement for Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Aid of Church Unity.” Ecclesiological Invesgaons Conference: Remembering the Future, Georgetown University, May 21-24, 2015.

“Cops and Robbers on the Lower East Side: A Crime Scene at the Redemptorist’s Church of the Most Holy Redeemer, 1897.” American Catholic Historical Associaon Spring Meeng, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, March 2015.

“Redemptorists and Vacan II: A Study of the Vice-Province of San Juan, 1965-1975.” American Catholic Historical Associaon Winter Meeng, , January 4-6, 2015

“Redemptorists and Vacan II: Moral Threads in the American Context.” I Religiosi e il Concilio Vacano II, Rome, Italy, November 12-14, 2014.

“Redemptorists and Vacan II: A Case Study of the Vice-Province of San Juan, 1960-1975.” Lived History of Vacan II, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, April 2014.

“James Sheeran: Redemptorist Chaplain and Confederate.” American Catholic Historical Associaon Annual Meeng, Washington, D.C., January 3-5, 2014.

“Redemptorists on East River Islands, 1845-1855.” Researching New York: Religion in New York, University at Albany—SUNY, November 14-15, 2013.

“The Franciscan Educaonal Conference, 1914-1974.” American Catholic Historical Associaon, January 4, 2013, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Invited Lecture: “A Catholic Brain Trust: Catholics and the Weal from 1950 to the Present.” American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, April 10, 2012.

Invited Lecture: “Father Drumgoole’s Catechecal Playland: Educaon as Refuge in 19th Century New York,” Staten Island in American History and 21st Century Educaon, College of Staten Island of the City University of New York, March 19-20, 2011.

Invited lecture: “Patrick Cardinal Hayes and the Catholic Club of New York, 1910-1933.” American Irish Historical Society, New York, New York, October 25, 2010.

“GMO’s and the Ethics of Food.” New Wine/New Wineskins Biennial Conference, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, June 24-27, 2010.

Invited lecture: “The Role of the Catholic University in Development.” Good Governance and Human Rights Project: Social Policy, Ethics, and Development Workshop for Members of Parliament of Bombali, Port Loko, and Kambia Districts, June 12, 2010, University of Makeni, Sierra Leone.

“Construcng a Genuinely Interfaith Narrave: How One Balmore Rabbi Laid the Foundaon for in America.” Mid-Atlanc Meeng of the American Academy of Religion, Balmore, Maryland, March 26, 2009. “The Context and Example of Holiness: The Case of Blessed Seelos, C.Ss.R.” American Catholic Historical Associaon, St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana, April 6, 2008.

“Miracle Narraves in the See of Brotherly Love.” Chronicle of Faith: Celebrang the Bicentennial of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Immaculata University, Immaculata, Pennsylvania, April 5, 2008.

Invited Paper: “, SJ, and the American Project: A Demonstraon of Catholicity.” Organizaon of American Historians Annual Convenon, New York, New York, March 28-31, 2008.

Invited Paper: “The Naonal Catholic Welfare Conference: An Analysis of Its Refugee Policies in the Wake of Reichkristallnacht.” Middle Tennessee State University Holocaust Studies Conference, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, November 8-10, 2007.

“The Princeton Statement (1949): A Lile Known Document Affecng -State Relaons.” Roger Williams University Inaugural Conference on Church-State Relaons, Providence, Rhode Island, June 3-6, 2007.

“‘In the Twinkling of an Eye, All Pain Le Me’: Georgetown’s Miracle Cures, 1824-1825.” New England Historical Associaon, Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, Massachuses, April 22, 2006.

“Jesuit Dominance of Nineteenth-Century American Miracle Narraves.” Annual Meeng of the American Catholic Historical Associaon, Philadelphia, January 5-8, 2006.

“The Future of Catholic Higher Educaon: The Case of the Single-Sex College.” Faculty Resource Network Conference, Huston-Tillotson College, Ausn, Texas, November 18-19, 2005.

“Vacan II Remembrance Project: The Pedagogy of Tesmony Among Women Religious.” Annual Meeng of the Oral History Associaon, Brown University, Providence, November 3, 2005.

“Fama Sanctas: Joseph Duon of Kalawao and the Construcon of Heroic Virtue.” American Catholic Historical Associaon Spring Meeng, University of Dayton, April 2005.

“Miracles and the Stock Market Crash of 1929.” Fall Meeng of the New England Historical Associaon, College of St. Joseph in Vermont, October 16, 2004.

“Miracles as an Ecumenical Problem: The Case of St. Peter Claver’s Cause in Nineteenth Century America.” 50th Annual Convenon, College Theology Society, Catholic University of America, June 2004.

“Miracles from the Grave: Father Patrick Power and the Hope for America’s First Irish-American Saint.” 50th Annual Convenon, College Theology Society, Catholic University of America, June 2004.

“Massachuses Miracles: The Search for the Holy in Catholic Boston, c. 1929.” College of Charleston Conference on Saints and , Charleston, South Carolina, February 20-22, 2004.

“Elite Catholic Isolaonism in the United States: Impediment or Failure in the Fight Against Nazi Genocide?” 32nd Annual Scholars' Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches, Kean University, Union, NJ (March 2-5, 2002). To be published in the volume of the Conference Proceedings and on CD-Rom.

Respondent, U. S. History Secon: Northeast Popular Culture/American Culture Associaon; subject: North American Catholics. Southern Conneccut State University, New Haven, CT (November 2-3, 2001).

“J. Elliot Ross and the Naonal Conference for Chrisans and Jews: A Catholic Contribuon to Tolerance in America.” Roman Catholic Studies Group, American Academy of Religion Annual Meeng, Nashville, TN (November 2000).


A Catholic Brain Trust: The History of the Catholic Commission on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs (University of Notre Dame Press, 2011).

Editor, The Making of Modern Immigraon: An Encyclopedia of People and Ideas (Greenwood/ABC-CLIO, 2012). In addion to eding 300,000 words, I have also contributed the following: “Introducon: The Making of Modern Immigraon” s.v. Immigraon and Religion s.v. Immigraon Bibliography s.v. Immigraon Timeline s.v. U.S.-Mexico Border Relaons (with Judith Ann Warner)

Co-editor (with Christopher Denny and Nicholas Rademacher), A Realist’s Church: Essays in Honor of Joseph A. Komonchak (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2015).

Editor, Miracles: An Encyclopedia of People, Places and Supernatural Events from Anquity to the Present (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2016). About 40% of the entries were wrien by me. Named an Outstanding Academic Title, 2016, by Choice.

Editor of The Civil War Journal of Father James Sheeran, C.Ss.R., Confederate Chaplain and Redemptorist (Catholic University of America Press, 2017).

St. Peter the Apostle: A History, 1842-2017 (Tappan, NY: Custombook, 2017).

Contracted as author of By Word and Deed: The History of Franciscan Higher Educaon in America, 1850-2000 (Academy of American Franciscan History, forthcoming).

Proposal stage: Hecker and the Early Paulists, a volume in the Classics of Western Spirituality Series, Paulist Press.

The following projects are in development: Apathy’s Andote: How American Catholics and Jews Struggled Together to Save Europe’s Immigrants, 1935-1940.

The Cradle That Bore Him: Patrick Cardinal Hayes and the Labor for Souls in New York, 1867-1938.

Selected Arcles and Essays: In process: “The World of Father Frankie: Francis J. Connell, C.Ss.R., as America’s Moral Barometer, 1940-1965.”

Accepted for publicaon: Encyclopedia of American Women’s History, ed., Hasia Diner (New York: Facts on File, forthcoming). s.v. “Colleges, Women’s, Catholic.” s.v. “Good Shepherd Sisters.” s.v. “Nuns.” s.v. “Seton, Elizabeth Ann.”

“A Patroness for the Council? Building a Movement for Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Aid of Church Unity,” in Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue, Vladimir Lanovic et al. (Eds) (New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, forthcoming).

“‘The Incenve to Serve God More Faithfully’: Redemptorists and Their Relaons in Religion,” U.S. Catholic Historian 35:2 (Spring 2017): 79-101.

Encyclopedia of Religion and Polics, ed. Frank J. Smith (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2016). s.v., “Birth Control.” s.v., “Canon Law.” s.v., “Holocaust.” s.v., “.” s.v., “ Theory.” s.v., “Neuhaus, Richard John.” s.v., “-Penitent Privilege.”

(with Christopher Denny) “Introducon: A Realist’s Church,” in eds., Christopher Denny, Patrick J. Hayes, and Nicholas Rademacher, A Realist’s Church: Essays in Honor of Joseph A. Komonchak (Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 2015), 1-18.

“Holy Redeemer College: The Redemptorist House of Studies in Brookland,” Potomac Catholic Heritage (Spring 2015): 1-25.

“Ebola Ravages Sierra Leone,” The Living Church (October 31, 2014): 21-23, online at hp://

(with Rev. Gilbert A. Enderle, C.Ss.R.) “Louis F. Hartman: The Contribuons of a Redemptorist Biblical Scholar,” U.S. Catholic Historian 31:4 (Fall 2013): 27-46.

“Catholic Acon in the Archdiocese of New York: The Catholic Club, 1919-1938,” in eds. Jeremy Bonner, Mary Beth Fraser Connelly, and Christopher Denny, Rediscovering the Community of Faith: Catholic Acon, the Second Vacan Council and the Transformaon of American Lay Identy, 1929-1979 (New York: Fordham University Press, 2013), 21-45.

“New Advances in Franciscan Studies: Gaining on the Poor Man of Assisi,” Catholic Library World 84:1 (September 2013): 25-29. Winner of the 2014 Brubaker Award by the Catholic Library Associaon.

“The Francis Xavier Murphy (1914-2002) Collecon of the Balmore Province Archives: A Bibliography,” Spicilegium Historicum Congregaonis SSmi Redemptoris 61:2 (2013): 425-462.

“Redemptorists on East River Islands: A Fearless Ministry to New York’s Most Abandoned,” (with Rev. Carl Hoegerl, C.Ss.R.) Redemptorist Historical Bullen 35 (Spring 2013): 1-14.

“In the Beginning Was the Word,” Plenful Redempon 4:3 (Fall 2012): 6-7.

“‘Bless me Father, For I have Rynned’: The Vacan II Journalism of Father Francis X. Murphy, C.Ss.R.” U.S. Catholic Historian 30:2 (Spring 2012): 55-75.

The Encyclopedia of the 1960s, eds. James S. Baugess and Abbe Allen Debolt (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2012). s.v., “John XXIII, Blessed .” s.v., “Paul VI, Pope.” s.v., “Vacan Council II / Second Vacan Council.”

“Father Drumgoole’s Catechecal Playland: Educaon as Refuge in Nineteenth Century New York,” American Catholic Studies 123:1 (Spring 2012): 25-49.

“Redemptorist Biographers: Digging into the Lore and Legend of the Balmore Province,” U.S. Catholic Historian 29:3 (Summer 2011): 17-26.

Encyclopedia of Chrisan Civilizaon, ed., George Kurian (Malden: Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, 2011). s.v. “Roman Catholic Church” (core entry). s.v. “Catholicism” (core entry). s.v. “Catholic Ecclesiascal Law” (core entry). s.v. “Koinonia.” s.v. “Reliquaries.” s.v. “.” s.v. “Lourdes, Apparions at.” s.v. “, Saint.” s.v. “Priesthood.”

“Estote Firmi: New York’s Local Church under Cardinal Spellman’s Watch—Some Foundaons for an Intellectual Journey,” in eds. Christopher McMahon and Christopher Denny, Finding Salvaon in Christ: Essays on Christology and Soteriology in Honor of William Loewe (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publicaons, 2011), 23-48.

“A Library for Salone,” Catholic Library World 81:3 (March 2011): 194-200.

“The Fog of Post-War: Leer from Sierra Leone,” Commonweal (October 22, 2010): 12-14. Online at: hp:// “Father Paul Wason and the Quest for Chrisan Unity,” The Living Church (January 17, 2010): 6-10. Online at: hp:// quest-for-church-unity This arcle led to a consultancy and appearance on a brief film on Fr. Paul.

“American Catholics Respond to Kristallnacht: NCWC Refugee Policy and the Plight of Non-Aryans,” in ed. Maria Mazzenga, American Religious Responses to Kristallnacht (New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2009), 111-144.

“Jacques Maritain and the ‘Princeton Statement’ on Church-State Relations: Reflections on a Little Known Text,” in ed. William Collinge, Faith and Public Life, CTS annual volume 53 (Maryknoll: Orbis Press, 2008), 110-131.

“Disarming Retribuvism: Toward and Authenc Forgiveness for Peacemaking,” in eds. K. Duffey and Deborah S. Nash, Jusce and Mercy Will Kiss: Paths to Peace in a World of Many Faiths (Milwaukee: Marquee University Press, 2008), 41-58.

“Massachuses Miracles: Controlling Cures in Catholic Boston, c. 1929,” in Saints and Their Cults in the Atlanc World, ed. Margaret Cormack (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2007), 111-127.

“Jesuit Saint Making: The Case of St. Peter Claver’s Cause in Nineteenth-Century America.” American Catholic Studies 117:4 (Winter 2006-2007): 1-32.

“Revelaon and Polics,” Review of Polics 68:1 (Winter 2006): 163-166. Review of Irvine H. Anderson, Biblical Interpretaon and Middle East Policy: The Promised Land, America, and Israel, 1917-2002.

Review essay: Journal of Religion and Popular Culture XIV (Fall 2006), online at hp:// relst/jrpc/bc14-consumingvisions-print.html. Review of Suzanne Kaufman, Consuming Visions: Mass Culture and the Lourdes .

“Elite Catholic Isolaonism in the United States: Impediment or Failure in the Fight Against Nazi Genocide?” in ed. Dennis B. Klein, et al., The Genocidal Mind: Selected Papers from the 32nd Annual Scholars Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches (St. Paul: Paragon House, 2005), 139-155.

“COPS: Pung the Gospel into Acon in San Antonio,” in Kathleen Maas Weigert and Alexia K. Kelley, eds., Living the Catholic Social Tradion: Cases and Commentary (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Lilefield, 2005), 139-149.

“Diocesan Histories: A Comprehensive Review and Annotated Bibliography,” Catholic Library World ().

“J. Elliot Ross and the Naonal Conference of Jews and Chrisans: A Catholic Contribuon to Tolerance in America,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 37:3/4 (2000): 321-332.

Book Reviews, Encyclopedia Entries, Media Appearances: I have published over 200 book reviews on a variety of subjects in the following print journals, online journals, or syndicates: America, American Catholic Studies,, Catholic Historical Review, Catholic Library World, Catholic News Service, Choice, Church History and Religious Culture, Cistercian Studies, Collegium News, EH-Net: Economic History Reviews, H-Catholic, History: The Journal of the Historical Society, Horizons: The Journal of the College Theology Society, Journal of American History, Journal of Ecclesiascal History, Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Journal of Psychology and Theology, Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, Mission Studies, Pastoral Life, Review of Polics, The Jurist, The Living Church, The Living Light, Theological Studies, Theology Today. In the second edion of the New Catholic Encyclopedia, I produced the largest number of entries, mostly dealing with naonal Catholic agencies and the Roman curia. I’ve been an occasional commentator for radio, television, and film on a variety of subjects related to the Catholic Church, including most recently a docu-drama on the life of St. John Neumann for Czech television and EWTN as well as a twelve-part series entled Mysteries of the Church. Addionally, I consulted on the producon of Urban : The Story of Catholic Philadelphia, made in conjuncon with the 2015 World Meeng of Families.