Interfaith Airport Chapels of Chicago Chicago Midway and O’Hare International Airports P.O. Box 66353 ●Chicago, Illinois 60666-0353 ●(773) 686-AMEN (2636) ●


WELCOME TO THE INTERFAITH AIRPORT CHAPELS OF CHICAGO! MASSES FOR THE FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED The O’Hare Airport Chapel and Midway Airport VIRGIN MARY, which Catholics observe as a holy day of obligation, Chapel are each a peaceful oasis in a busy venue. A will be celebrated at O’Hare Airport Chapel at 5 p.m. this Thursday, place to bow your head in prayer while lifting up Aug. 14 (Vigil), and at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. this Friday, Aug. 15. your heart and spirit! Prayer books and rugs, rosa- Mass will be celebrated at Midway Airport Chapel at 11:30 a.m. ries, and worship materials are available, as are this Friday, Aug. 15. chaplains for spiritual counsel. You are welcome The feast, which Anglicans refer to as St. Mary the Virgin, to attend Mass or Worship services and to come to and Orthodox Christians call THE DORMITION (Falling Asleep) the chapels (open 24/7) to pray or meditate. of the Most Holy May God bless your travels. Mother of God, com- — Fr. Michael Zaniolo, Administrator memorates how, at the end of her life on earth, Mary, CHAPEL BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES the mother of Jesus, was taken (“assumed”) into ● Birthday blessings and best wishes go out Deacon Luis Trevino heaven, body and soul. Monday, Aug. 11, and to Mr. Qazi Biabani this Saturday, Aug. 16. “The uninterrupted tradi- tion of the , wit- NTERFAITH ALENDAR VENTS nessed by Gregory of I C & E Tours (549) and other ● AUGUST 10: Narali Purnima or Rakhi is a Hindu celebra- Fathers of the Church, is tion marking the end of the monsoon by throwing coconuts to Va- the basis for the celebration,” according to Saints of the Roman runa, the sea god. Girls also tie amulets around their brothers’ Calendar (E. Lodi). “In 1946 Pius XII polled the Catholic wrists for luck. throughout the world and after their affirmative response, ● AUGUST 10: Zhongyuan Jie (Ghost Festival) is a day in he officially promulgated the of Mary’s assumption on Nov. which Taoists believe that the spirits of deceased ancestors visit the 1, 1950.” For more about this observance, see page 3 . homes of the living. Feasts are prepared and empty seats are left at the family table to allow both the living and the dead to sit down together and share a meal. 13TH ANNUAL GOLF OUTING SET AUG. 27 ● AUGUST 15: St. Mary the Virgin, Assumption of The 13TH ANNUAL INTERFAITH AIRPORT CHAPELS OF CHICAGO Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Dormition of the GOLF OUTING will be held Wednesday, Aug. 27, at the Bloom- Most Holy Mother of God are all Christian observances ingdale Golf Club, 181 Glen Ellyn Rd., Bloomingdale (collared shirts that commemorate how at the end of her life, the Blessed and soft spikes required). Proceeds will benefit the O’Hare and Mid- Virgin Mary was assumed, body and soul, into heaven way Airport Chapels. Best Ball Scramble-Bag Drop and Registration where she intercedes for us. will be from 8 to 8:45 a.m., with a 9 a.m. Shotgun Start. “I Source: The 2014 InterFaith Calendar, Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago invite you to come to the Golf ● Backyard : “Exploring Islam and Outing and/or the dinner,” Christian-Muslim Relations,” with Scott Alexander, says Fr. Michael Zaniolo, director of Catholic-Muslim Studies Program, Catholic Administrator of the Inter- Theological Union, Aug. 12-14, 7:15 p.m. refreshments, faith Airport Chapels. “It is 7:30 p.m., program with Q&A, free, at Ascension always a good time, the food Church, 808 S. East, Oak Park, (708) 848- 2703. is delicious, and we have some spectacular raffle Fight all error, but do it with good humor, patience, kindness, and love. prizes. If you cannot attend, Harshness will damage your own soul and spoil the best cause. —St. John Kanty please consider sponsoring a hole or golf carts as a way to take part in this important event.” The

MDW Airport Chapel ORD Airport Chapel cost is $160 per golfer, which includes greens fees, motorized golf Concourse C, Mezzanine Level Terminal 2, Mezzanine Level (Inside Security Checkpoint) (Outside Security Checkpoint) cart, coffee & donuts, halfway house lunch, beverage cart tickets, 2- Scheduled Services: Scheduled Services: hour open bar, and a BBQ buffet—featuring a whole roast pig! Ban- ROMAN CATHOLIC MASSES ROMAN CATHOLIC MASSES quet will immediately follow golf, estimated 2 p.m. social hour, 2 to SATURDAY VIGIL: 4:00 p.m. SATURDAY VIGIL: 4:00 & 6:00 p.m. 3 p.m.; dinner, 3 p.m.; cash bar after 4 p.m. For those not golfing, SUNDAY: 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. SUNDAY: 6:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., the banquet and social hour are available for $75 per person. Monday—Friday: 11:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. Download flyer at The Evening before Holy Day: 4:00 p.m. Monday—Friday: 11:30 a.m. deadline for registration and payment is next week Holy Day: Check Bulletin Announcements or Evening before Holy Day: 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 20. For more information, call Susan Holy Day: Check Bulletin Announcements or holydayschedule.html Schneider at 773-686-2636. ~ holydayschedule.html PROTESTANT WORSHIP ~ Our Lady of Victory: Radio hall-of-famer DJ Dick ISLAMIC JUMA’ PRAYER Saturday: 10:00 a.m., 12:00 & Biondi will make an appearance at a barbecue in Our 1:30 p.m. Friday: 1:15 p.m. ~ Lady of Victory parking lot Aug. 24 at noon, to welcome Sunday: 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon & students back to school for the fall, 4434 N. Laramie, for 1:30 p.m. PROTESTANT WORSHIP Sunday: 10:00 a.m. & 12:00 noon more info, call the school, at (773) 283-2229. Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — August 10, 2014 Truth shall spring out of the earth, and justice shall look down REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD from heaven. — Psalm 85:12 THIS SUNDAY’S GOSPEL FEATURES JESUS PICKING HIS WAY TO A boat of disciples through a storm of windy darkness over a sea of PRESENCE nighttime waves. At three in the morning, he finds them being It is difficult to be truly present to another. We speak of putting in an tossed about in their own storm of windy fear. Then Peter, who al- appearance or showing up. Even when we arrive, we are often dis- ways seems to say the right thing by saying the wrong thing at the tracted. We think ahead, or we review an right time, calls out across the tumult, “Lord, if it is really you, tell unsettled past. Nonetheless, we are at our me to come to you across the water.” So Jesus calls back and says, best when we truly show up. We are most “Come.” fully ourselves when we are absorbed in That is when Peter must decide if he will step off the platform something worthy of us: creative work, and into the roller coaster, or if he will play it good conversation, prayer. In these in- safe. Amazingly, Peter decides not to play it stances we are wholly ourselves and wholly safe but rather steps into the swirling storm outside ourselves. of life. There he begins to sink and drown, Elijah knew this kind of engagement. but it’s also there that he discovers God He was one of God’s great prophets. In reaching out and grasping him. Had he today’s first reading, he follows God’s played it safe and stayed in the boat, he command to journey to that most holy place, Mount Horeb. And might never have known God’s saving hand. there in great silence, Elijah encounters God. He also realizes that what Jesus came As for Peter and the apostles, they discover the presence of God preaching was not an amusement park of fun after the storm at sea. They and the sea and the winds are stunned and games but rather a kingdom where life is known only through into silent reverence. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. great risk. Such is the story of all of our lives when we must choose be- SUNDAY & WEEKDAY MASS READINGS tween a life of apparent security and the real life that is always re- vealed through risk and trust. Such choices may arise when we face the prospect of marriage counseling or first-time parenting or late- TODAY’S READINGS life parenting or job loss or spouse loss or health loss or even what First Reading — The LORD said to Elijah: “Stand on the mountain; may appear to be loss of faith. At these times, not to step out of the the LORD will be passing by” (1 Kings 19:9a, 11-13a). boat and into the swirling storm, not to risk all for the sake of all is Psalm — Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation to lose all. On the other hand, to step out, even though it be with (Psalm 85). great fear, is to meet our saving God.—Rev. Joseph J. Juknialis Second Reading — To the Israelites belong the covenants, the law, and the patriarchs; and from them comes the Christ (Romans 9:1-5). Living God’s Word Gospel — As Jesus walked on the sea, the disciples were terrified Those moments arise for each of us when we come face to face with (Matthew 14:22-33). death or the possibility of real failure. Then it is no longer so easy or The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, so enticing to step off the roller coaster platform, for suddenly the International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. ride is no longer carefree or without risk. Yet through the risk, it is READINGS FOR THE WEEK possible that life in God may be found. Monday: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Mt 17:22-27 Tuesday: Ez 2:8 — 3:4; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Mt 18:1-5, Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. 10, 12-14 Wednesday: Ez 9:1-7; 10:18-22; Ps 113:1-6; Mt 18:15-20 y Lord God, I have no idea where I am going, I do not see the Thursday: Ez 12:1-12; Ps 78:56-59, 61-62: Mt 18:21 — 19:1 M road ahead of me, I cannot know for certain where it will end. Friday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-7, 9-10, 13- Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I am following 14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe Ps 45:10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I Saturday: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 19:13-15 have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do Sunday: Is 56:1, 6-7; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Rom 11:13-15, 29-32; anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you Mt 15:21-28 will lead my by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore, I will trust you always, though I may seem to be lost and TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone. OVER THE LAST SEVERAL WEEKS, THE HISTORY OF CONFIRMATION HAS — From “Thoughts in Solitude” by Thomas Merton been set out as a rite following baptism and preceding First Com- ❧ munion. Eucharist was a sacrament of spiritual maturity, attuned to I have no special revelations of God’s will. My firm if that He the legal age of majority, which was considered to be fourteen years reveals Himself daily to every human being, but we shut our ears to or so. Medieval bishops were often generous, if not especially pious, the ‘still small voice.’ We shut our eyes to the ‘pillar of fire’ in front in seeing to it that children were confirmed be- of us. — Mohandas K. Gandhi fore adulthood. ❧ A pattern more familiar to us surfaced in I do not feel obligated to believe that the same God who has en- the Diocese of Toulon in France in 1748, where dowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo it was decreed that “children are to be confirmed their use. — Galileo Galilei only after receiving First Communion.” This was an amazing shift in practice that undermined Chicago Airports Catholic Chaplaincy publishes Mass intentions centuries of theology and tradition by which confirmation was seen in the O’Hare and Midway Airport Chapel bulletins each week. Dates in as a bridge between font and table. The innovation swept through 2015 are now available. Requesting a Mass intention is a traditional France and across Europe, despite constant complaints from . and meaningful way to honor a deceased loved one, or to offer a French-trained bishops like Cheverus of Boston and Carroll of Balti- thoughtful message of sympathy to the bereaved. Special intentions for more, founders of the American church, established the practice the living may be requested for one who is ill, as well as to observe spe- here. The order of the sacraments was thus disrupted in France and cial occasions, such as anniversaries and birthdays, or simply in thanks- giving. “Mass Intention Offering” slips are available on the vestibule in the , and remained an eccentric exception to the table, or call the chapel office weekdays at 773-686-2636. The Arch- rule until big developments in 1910. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. diocese of Chicago suggests a donation of $10. response, he officially promulgated the dogma of Mary’s assumption This Week in the Life of the Church on Nov. 1, 1950.” In the bull Munificentissimus Deus he de- clared: Being a compendium of feast days and notable events in Church history. "The remarkable unanimity of the Catholic episcopacy and faithful in the matter of the definability of our Lady's bodily as- Sunday, August 10, 2014 sumption into Heaven as a dogma of faith showed us that the ordi- ✙ We Remember: ST. LAWRENCE, deacon & martyr, the nary teaching authority of the Church and the belief of the faithful most famous of Roman martyrs, was killed four days after Pope which it sustains and directs were in accord, and thereby proved Sixtus. Lawrence became famous because of his youth, evangelical with infallible certainty that that privilege is a truth revealed by God love for the poor, courage before his torturers, and sense of humor and is contained in the divine deposit which Christ entrusted to His while dying. Tradition holds that he was roasted to death on a grid- bride the Church, to be guarded faithfully and declared with infalli- iron. He died on Aug. 10, 258. A beautiful basilica of St. Law- ble certainty.” (L) The International Dictionary of rence stands in Rome. (V) (by Richard Kennedy) notes that the Assumption is celebrated in ❧ the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, though Monday, August 11 , 2014 "Protestants reject this ." ✙ We Remember: The "little plant of St. Francis," ST. CLARE ❧ Offreduccio, was born in Assisi. On Palm Sunday of 1212, this 18- Saturday, August 16, 2014 year-old woman escaped from her wealthy home and received the ✙ We Remember: ST. STEPHEN OF HUNGARY (975-1038), religious habit from St. Francis. Clare became the mother and patron of bricklayers and stonemasons. Born of convert parents in Foundress of the Franciscan Second Order, called the "Poor Hungary in the 10th century, Stephen received a Christian educa- Clares." After a life of remarkable discipline, holiness and poverty, tion from the virtuous Italian Count Theodatus and from St. she died in 1253. (V) Adalbert, of Prague. After the death of his father, Stephen ❧ succeeded him as Duke of Hungary. Never aggressive but always Tuesday, August 12, 2014 persuasive, he established peace with neighboring nations and abol- ✙ We Remember: ST. PORCARIUS AND HIS COMPANIONS, ished idolatry from Hungary. At first, his subjects rebelled, for he martyrs. Abbot of the great abbey of Lerins on an island off the had uprooted the religion of their ancestors. With only a few men, coast of Provence, Porcarius and his monks were slaughtered by he diligently prepared for battle showing a determination through Saracen pirates about the year 732. (P) fasting, almsgiving and prayer. Generating faith with renewed ● WILLIAM BLAKE (1757-1827), poet and visionary who died vigor, he founded monasteries, churches and dioceses, which he Aug. 12, 1827. dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In gratitude, his people ❧ requested he be given the title of King. Bringing the crown from Wednesday, August 13, 2014 Rome, Pope Sylvester II anointed and crowned Stephen King of ✙ We Remember: ST. PONTIAN, pope and martyr, and Hungary in the year 1001. (The famous crown of St. Stephen was ST. HIPPOLYTUS, and martyr. In 230, Pontian be- captured in World War II by the American army and returned to came pope. The Roman Church at that time was divided, with the Hungary by the United States in 1978.) Until his death in 1038, rigorist priest Hippolytus leading one faction. In 235 Pope and Stephen was a just, peaceful, holy King who labored much to ad- priest were deported into forced labor in Sardinia and there were vance the Church in Hungary. In this he was helped by the monks of martyred for their common faith. Their bodies were brought back Cluny in France. ● On Aug. 16, 1966, the death of Jesuit Fr. to Rome, after the persecution, on Aug. 13. (L) John Courtney Murray in New York at age 63. John Courtney ✙ ST. TIKHON OF ZADONSK (1724-1783), bishop and monk, can- Murray's great religious and social achievement was the develop- onized by the Holy Synod of the Russian Church in 1861. ment of the proposition that church and state could not only be ● In 1596, the birth of FR. JOHN BOLLAND, SJ, in Julemont, Bel- separate, but that in separateness resided greater gium. He researched the lives of the saints. A group formed freedom and fuller theological possibilities for the around him (the ) which worked to discern the facts church itself. This was a radical idea in Catholicism about the saints as opposed to legends and embellishments. in the 1940's-50's, and in 1954 Murray was banned ❧ by his superiors from writing or lecturing further on Thursday, August 14, 2014 the subject. He obeyed. Murray's day came, how- ✙ We Remember: ST. MAXIMILIAN MARY KOLBE, Fran- ever, with Vatican II, though initially he was a pa- cisan priest and martyr at Auschwitz, 1941. Born in Poland in riah - "disinvited" as a peritus (consulting expert) 1894, today's saint, founder of the "Militia of Mary Immaculate," from 1962's opening session by the Apostolic Dele- was arrested by the Germans in 1941 and sent to gate to the United States, then Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi. New Auschwitz. Offering himself in the place of a Polish York's Cardinal Spellman corrected that in time for 1963's ses- sergeant, the father of a family, he was executed Aug. sion, and Murray went on to become the principal architect of the 14, 1941, and canonized Oct. 10, 1982. (L) "These council's landmark declaration on religious liberty, Dignitatis Nazis will not kill our souls, since we prisoners cer- humanae. 's Bishop Walter Kampe declared that the tainly distinguish ourselves quite definitely from our document was "the American contribution to the Council." (C) tormentors; they will not be able to deprive us of the ❧ Sources include: (A) Catholic Almanac, Felician Foy Our Sunday Visitor, 1995. (AP) A dignity of our Catholic belief," said St. Maximilian. Pilgrim's Almanac, Edward Hayes, 1992. (AS) All Saints, Robert Ellsberg, Crossroad, 1997. "We will not give up. And when we die, then we die pure and peace- (B) Book of Saints, Benedictine Monks, Morehouse, 1993. (CB) Cambridge Biographical Encyclopedia, 1999. (C) Catholic Book of Days, John Deedy, Thomas More, 1989. (BB) ful, resigned to God in our hearts." Big Book of Women Saints, Sarah Gallick, HarperSanFrancisco, 2007; (CCS) Catholi- ❧ cism, Chicago Style, Skerret et al, 1993. (D) Day by Day with the Saints, Patrick Moran, Friday, August 15, 2014 OSV, 1985. (E) Encyclopedia of Catholicism, Rev. R. McBrien, HC., 1995. (ES) Encyclope- dia of Saints, C. Jöckle, Alpine, 1995. (F) Famous Christians, Tony Castle, Servant, 1988. ✙ We Remember: ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIR- (G) Guide to the Saints, Kristin E. White, Ivy Books, 1991. (H) Heavenly Friends, Rosalie Marie Levy, DSP, 1984. (I) In His Likeness, Rev. Charles Yost, SCJ, STL, 1988. (JP 2) John GIN MARY: This solemnity, which Catholics observe as a holy day Paul II’s Book of Saints, Bunson, OSV, 1999. (L) Butler's Lives of the Saints I-IV, of obligation, Anglicans refer to as St. Mary the Virgin, and Or- Christian Classics, 1995. (L2) Lives of the Saints, O. Englebert, Barnes & Noble,1994. (LS) thodox Christians call THE DORMITION (Falling Asleep) of the Lives of the Saints, R. McBrien, HC, 2001; (LP) Lives of the , R. McBrien, 1997. (M) The Middle Ages, Concise Encyclopedia, H. Loyn, 1989. (OCY) Oxford Companion to Most Holy Mother of God, commemorates how, at the end of the Year, Blackburn, 1999. (ODP) Oxford Dictionary of Popes, J.D. Kelly, Oxford, 1987. her life on earth, Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken (“assumed”) (ODS) Oxford Dictionary of Saints, David Farmer, 1997. (PDS) Penguin Dictionary of Saints (3rd ed.), D. Attwater/C. John, 1995. (P) Pocket Dictionary of Saints, John Delaney, into heaven, body and soul. “The uninterrupted tradition of the Image, 1983. (S) Saints of the Roman Calendar, Enzo Lodi, Alba, 1992. (P) The Popes, Church, witnessed by Gregory of Tours (549) and other Fathers Eric John, Roman Catholic Books, 1994. (V) Vatican II Weekday Missal, Daughters of St. of the Church, is the basis for the celebration,” according to Saints Paul, 1975. (W) We Celebrate, We Commemorate, Patrick Walsh. This Week in the Life of the Church is compiled by Mike Brennan. Tax- of the Roman Calendar (E. Lodi). “In 1946 Pope Pius XII polled the deductible contributions to the Chicago Airports Catholic Chaplaincy are Catholic bishops throughout the world and after their affirmative welcome. E-mail: [email protected]. When you are not in Chicago, there are other airport chapels throughout the world. More information about these chaplaincies and their services is available at

AUSTRALIA Nairobi-Wilson London-City Adelaide LATVIA London/Gatwick Alice Springs Riga London/Heathrow Darwin MALTA London/Heathrow Hobart Luqa (Terminal 4) Launceston NETHERLANDS/ London/Luton Melbourne Holland London/Stansted Sydney-Bankstown Amsterdam/Schipol Manchester Sydney- NEW ZEALAND Newcastle International Auckland Sheffield Perth-Jandakot Christchurch Shoreham Perth-International Wellington Southampton AUSTRIA NIGERIA UNITED STATES Vienna-Schwechat Lagos/Murala OF AMERICA BELGIUM Muhamed Atlanta/Hartsfield Brussels/Zaventem NORWAY Boston/Logan BRAZIL Oslo Charlotte/Douglas Rio de Janeiro PHILIPINES Chicago/Midway CANADA Davao City Chicago/O’Hare Calgary Manila/Ninoy Cincinnati/N. Ken- Montreal/Dorval Aquino tucky Montreal/Mirabel POLAND Cleveland/Hopkins Ottawa Gdansk Corpus Christi Toronto Krakow Dallas-Fort Worth Vancouver Warsaw Denver Winnipeg Wroclaw Detroit Metropolitan CHINA-HONG PORTUGAL Ft. Lauderdale/ KONG Lisbon Hollywood Chek Lap Kok PUERTO RICO Houston/ COLUMBIA San Juan/Luis Intercontinental Bogotá/El Dorado Munoz Houston/Hobby CONGO Marin Indianapolis Lumbumbashi RUSSIA Jacksonville COSTA RICA St. Petersburg Miami Alajuela SOUTH AFRICA Minneapolis/St. Paul FRANCE Johannesburg Newark Lyon SPAIN New Orleans Nice Madrid/Barajas New York/ Paris/Orly SWEDEN John F. Kennedy Paris/Roissy Stockholm/Arlanda Orlando Chas de Gaulle SWITZERLAND Pasadena GERMANY Geneva/Cointrin Phoenix/Sky Harbor Frankfurt/Main Zurich Pittsburgh Dresden THAILAND Sacramento Munich Bangkok San Antonio Stuttgart TURKEY San Jose GHANA Istanbul/Ataturk Sarasota Accra Izmir/Efes Scranton/Wilkes HUNGARY UNITED KINGDOM Barre Budapest Aberdeen Seattle/SeaTac IRELAND Belfast (Northern St. Louis Dublin Ireland) Tampa ITALY Birmingham Washington DC- Milan/Linate Cardiff (Wales) Dulles Milan/Malpensa Durham-Teesside Washington DC/ Rome East Midlands- National Leonard de Vinci Derby ZAMBIA Torino Edinburgh-Scotland Chingola KENYA Glasgow Lusaka Mombassa Guemsey Channel Eldoret Islands Nairobi-Jomo Humberside Kenyatta Jersey/Channel Islands O’Hare Chapel Catholic Mass Intentions

● Denotes Living/Special Intention † Denotes Deceased/Memorial Saturday August 9, 2014 Requested By: 4:00 p.m. † Leo Bernadoni Family 6:00 p.m. † Peter Vaccarella Marie (Toni) Nee Sunday August 10, 2014 Requested By: 6:30 a.m. ● Paul Coslick Carl Coslick 9:00 a.m. † Stanley “Lefty” Novak Chicago Merton Chapter 11:00 a.m. ● Charlotte Marsh Allison Marsh 1:00 p.m. † Mary Forrette Marcine & John Forrette Monday August 11, 2014 Requested By: 11:30 a.m. † Francis & Jean Heger Marcine & John Forrette Tuesday August 12, 2014 Requested By: 11:30 a.m. † Kevin Dress Shannon Bachar Wednesday August 13, 2014 Requested By: 11:30 a.m. † Francis & Jean Heger Marcine & John Forrette Thursday August 14, 2014 Requested By: 11:30 a.m. † Dasie Lee Robinson Mr. & Mrs. John Schneider 5:00 p.m. † Todd Shields Lorenzo Church Friday August 15, 2014 Requested By: 9:00 a.m. † Drew J. Starsiak Dr. Mary Starsiak 11:00 a.m. † Anton & Anna Mankus Grandchildren

Midway Chapel Catholic Mass Intentions

Saturday August 9, 2014 Requested By: 4:00 p.m. † Stanley Lukasik Dan Frohnapple Sunday August 10, 2014 Requested By: 9:00 a.m. † Joan LeBeau Peter & Suzanne Daly 11:00 a.m. † Julie Ann Messerly Kent Oberg Monday August 11, 2014 Requested By: 11:30 a.m. ● Diane Chrapkiewicz John Dominici Tuesday August 12, 2014 Requested By: 11:30 a.m. ● Caleb Tabb Jim Klick Wednesday August 13, 2014 Requested By: 11:30 a.m. † Brian Allen Katherine Allen Thursday August 14, 2014 Requested By: 11:30 a.m. † Rick Harriman Patricia Melton Friday August 15, 2014 Requested By: 11:30 a.m. † Joan Winchell Debbie Tremont

Rev. Fr. Michael G. Zaniolo, STL, CAC — Administrator/Catholic Chaplain Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago Mr. Qazi M. Biabani — Imam Khateeb/Muslim Chaplain Muslim Community Center of Chicago Rev. Dr. Hutz H. Hertzberg — Protestant Chaplain The Moody Church of Chicago Mrs. Susan E. Schneider, CAP — Office/Business Manager/Fund Raiser Mr. Michael Brennan — Bulletin Editor