Reflecting on God's Word
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Interfaith Airport Chapels of Chicago Chicago Midway and O’Hare International Airports P.O. Box 66353 ●Chicago, Illinois 60666-0353 ●(773) 686-AMEN (2636) ● Week of August 10, 2014 FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION THIS FRIDAY WELCOME TO THE INTERFAITH AIRPORT CHAPELS OF CHICAGO! MASSES FOR THE FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED The O’Hare Airport Chapel and Midway Airport VIRGIN MARY, which Catholics observe as a holy day of obligation, Chapel are each a peaceful oasis in a busy venue. A will be celebrated at O’Hare Airport Chapel at 5 p.m. this Thursday, place to bow your head in prayer while lifting up Aug. 14 (Vigil), and at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. this Friday, Aug. 15. your heart and spirit! Prayer books and rugs, rosa- Mass will be celebrated at Midway Airport Chapel at 11:30 a.m. ries, and worship materials are available, as are this Friday, Aug. 15. chaplains for spiritual counsel. You are welcome The feast, which Anglicans refer to as St. Mary the Virgin, to attend Mass or Worship services and to come to and Orthodox Christians call THE DORMITION (Falling Asleep) the chapels (open 24/7) to pray or meditate. of the Most Holy May God bless your travels. Mother of God, com- — Fr. Michael Zaniolo, Administrator memorates how, at the end of her life on earth, Mary, CHAPEL BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES the mother of Jesus, was taken (“assumed”) into ● Birthday blessings and best wishes go out Deacon Luis Trevino heaven, body and soul. Monday, Aug. 11, and to Mr. Qazi Biabani this Saturday, Aug. 16. “The uninterrupted tradi- tion of the Church, wit- NTERFAITH ALENDAR VENTS nessed by Gregory of I C & E Tours (549) and other ● AUGUST 10: Narali Purnima or Rakhi is a Hindu celebra- Fathers of the Church, is tion marking the end of the monsoon by throwing coconuts to Va- the basis for the celebration,” according to Saints of the Roman runa, the sea god. Girls also tie amulets around their brothers’ Calendar (E. Lodi). “In 1946 Pope Pius XII polled the Catholic wrists for luck. bishops throughout the world and after their affirmative response, ● AUGUST 10: Zhongyuan Jie (Ghost Festival) is a day in he officially promulgated the dogma of Mary’s assumption on Nov. which Taoists believe that the spirits of deceased ancestors visit the 1, 1950.” For more about this observance, see page 3 . homes of the living. Feasts are prepared and empty seats are left at the family table to allow both the living and the dead to sit down together and share a meal. 13TH ANNUAL GOLF OUTING SET AUG. 27 ● AUGUST 15: St. Mary the Virgin, Assumption of The 13TH ANNUAL INTERFAITH AIRPORT CHAPELS OF CHICAGO Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Dormition of the GOLF OUTING will be held Wednesday, Aug. 27, at the Bloom- Most Holy Mother of God are all Christian observances ingdale Golf Club, 181 Glen Ellyn Rd., Bloomingdale (collared shirts that commemorate how at the end of her life, the Blessed and soft spikes required). Proceeds will benefit the O’Hare and Mid- Virgin Mary was assumed, body and soul, into heaven way Airport Chapels. Best Ball Scramble-Bag Drop and Registration where she intercedes for us. will be from 8 to 8:45 a.m., with a 9 a.m. Shotgun Start. “I Source: The 2014 InterFaith Calendar, Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago invite you to come to the Golf ● Backyard Theology: “Exploring Islam and Outing and/or the dinner,” Christian-Muslim Relations,” with Scott Alexander, says Fr. Michael Zaniolo, director of Catholic-Muslim Studies Program, Catholic Administrator of the Inter- Theological Union, Aug. 12-14, 7:15 p.m. refreshments, faith Airport Chapels. “It is 7:30 p.m., program with Q&A, free, at Ascension always a good time, the food Church, 808 S. East, Oak Park, (708) 848- 2703. is delicious, and we have some spectacular raffle Fight all error, but do it with good humor, patience, kindness, and love. prizes. If you cannot attend, Harshness will damage your own soul and spoil the best cause. —St. John Kanty please consider sponsoring a hole or golf carts as a way to take part in this important event.” The MDW Airport Chapel ORD Airport Chapel cost is $160 per golfer, which includes greens fees, motorized golf Concourse C, Mezzanine Level Terminal 2, Mezzanine Level (Inside Security Checkpoint) (Outside Security Checkpoint) cart, coffee & donuts, halfway house lunch, beverage cart tickets, 2- Scheduled Services: Scheduled Services: hour open bar, and a BBQ buffet—featuring a whole roast pig! Ban- ROMAN CATHOLIC MASSES ROMAN CATHOLIC MASSES quet will immediately follow golf, estimated 2 p.m. social hour, 2 to SATURDAY VIGIL: 4:00 p.m. SATURDAY VIGIL: 4:00 & 6:00 p.m. 3 p.m.; dinner, 3 p.m.; cash bar after 4 p.m. For those not golfing, SUNDAY: 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. SUNDAY: 6:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., the banquet and social hour are available for $75 per person. Monday—Friday: 11:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. Download flyer at The Evening before Holy Day: 4:00 p.m. Monday—Friday: 11:30 a.m. deadline for registration and payment is next week Holy Day: Check Bulletin Announcements or Evening before Holy Day: 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 20. For more information, call Susan Holy Day: Check Bulletin Announcements or holydayschedule.html Schneider at 773-686-2636. ~ holydayschedule.html PROTESTANT WORSHIP ~ Our Lady of Victory: Radio hall-of-famer DJ Dick ISLAMIC JUMA’ PRAYER Saturday: 10:00 a.m., 12:00 & Biondi will make an appearance at a barbecue in Our 1:30 p.m. Friday: 1:15 p.m. ~ Lady of Victory parking lot Aug. 24 at noon, to welcome Sunday: 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon & students back to school for the fall, 4434 N. Laramie, for 1:30 p.m. PROTESTANT WORSHIP Sunday: 10:00 a.m. & 12:00 noon more info, call the school, at (773) 283-2229. Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — August 10, 2014 Truth shall spring out of the earth, and justice shall look down REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD from heaven. — Psalm 85:12 THIS SUNDAY’S GOSPEL FEATURES JESUS PICKING HIS WAY TO A boat of disciples through a storm of windy darkness over a sea of PRESENCE nighttime waves. At three in the morning, he finds them being It is difficult to be truly present to another. We speak of putting in an tossed about in their own storm of windy fear. Then Peter, who al- appearance or showing up. Even when we arrive, we are often dis- ways seems to say the right thing by saying the wrong thing at the tracted. We think ahead, or we review an right time, calls out across the tumult, “Lord, if it is really you, tell unsettled past. Nonetheless, we are at our me to come to you across the water.” So Jesus calls back and says, best when we truly show up. We are most “Come.” fully ourselves when we are absorbed in That is when Peter must decide if he will step off the platform something worthy of us: creative work, and into the roller coaster, or if he will play it good conversation, prayer. In these in- safe. Amazingly, Peter decides not to play it stances we are wholly ourselves and wholly safe but rather steps into the swirling storm outside ourselves. of life. There he begins to sink and drown, Elijah knew this kind of engagement. but it’s also there that he discovers God He was one of God’s great prophets. In reaching out and grasping him. Had he today’s first reading, he follows God’s played it safe and stayed in the boat, he command to journey to that most holy place, Mount Horeb. And might never have known God’s saving hand. there in great silence, Elijah encounters God. He also realizes that what Jesus came As for Peter and the apostles, they discover the presence of God preaching was not an amusement park of fun after the storm at sea. They and the sea and the winds are stunned and games but rather a kingdom where life is known only through into silent reverence. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. great risk. Such is the story of all of our lives when we must choose be- SUNDAY & WEEKDAY MASS READINGS tween a life of apparent security and the real life that is always re- vealed through risk and trust. Such choices may arise when we face the prospect of marriage counseling or first-time parenting or late- TODAY’S READINGS life parenting or job loss or spouse loss or health loss or even what First Reading — The LORD said to Elijah: “Stand on the mountain; may appear to be loss of faith. At these times, not to step out of the the LORD will be passing by” (1 Kings 19:9a, 11-13a). boat and into the swirling storm, not to risk all for the sake of all is Psalm — Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation to lose all. On the other hand, to step out, even though it be with (Psalm 85). great fear, is to meet our saving God.—Rev. Joseph J. Juknialis Second Reading — To the Israelites belong the covenants, the law, and the patriarchs; and from them comes the Christ (Romans 9:1-5).