PATRICK J. HAYES ______980 North Lawrence Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19123 Telephone: 347-325-0926 (Cell); Email: Pjhayesphd@Gmail.Com
PATRICK J. HAYES _____________________________________________________________________________________ 980 North Lawrence Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19123 Telephone: 347-325-0926 (cell); Email: EDUCATION: Doctor of Philosophy. School of Religious Studies, Department of Religion and Religious EducaRon. The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. DissertaRon Rtle: The Catholic Commission on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs, 1945-1965. Director: Rev. Joseph A. Komonchak (Research Assistant to Dr. Komonchak, 1999-2000) Master of Sacred Theology. SpecialiZaRon in historical theology. Yale Divinity School, Yale University, New Haven, CT. Master of Divinity. Yale Divinity School, Yale University, New Haven, CT. Master of Educa;on. SpecialiZaRon in Social Studies EducaRon. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY. Bachelor of Science in Speech. Major: Interdisciplinary concentraRons in CommunicaRon, PoliRcs, & Law. Double Minor: History & Print Journalism. Emerson College, Boston, MA. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: ARCHIVIST: BalRmore Province of the CongregaRon of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists), Brooklyn, NY 11209 (2008-present). PreservaRon and records management for an archive daRng to the 1730s and a library daRng to the 1500s. VISITING PROFESSOR IN THEOLOGY: Department of Theology, University of Makeni, Makeni, Sierra Leone (February-June 2010). Courses: Business Ethics, Contemporary Ethics in Development, Phenomenology of Religion. Funding for this posiRon was sought and obtained through the United States Catholic Bishops Solidarity Fund for Africa. Ongoing consultant. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES: Department of Theology and Religious Studies, St. John’s University, Staten Island, NY 10301 (2006-2008). Courses: PerspecRves on ChrisRanity: A Catholic Approach; Mystery of God; ChrisRan Marriage; Worship, Liturgy, and Sacraments; PerspecRves on the Church; Jesus in ChrisRan TradiRon; Mary and the Saints.
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