Safe Horizon SafeAnnual Horizon Report 2015 2015 Annual Report Safe Horizon Annual Report 2015 1

Table of A Message from Our Board Chair

Contents For more than three decades, Safe Horizon has been a beacon of hope for survivors of crime and abuse. When people have nowhere else to turn, they come to Safe Horizon and we are there for them Message from Board Chair Steve Parrish with open arms. This past year alone, Safe Horizon touched the 1 lives of more than 250,000 people.

We could not have done this without the generous support of our Message from CEO Ariel Zwang 2 donors and partners.

Domestic violence, , human trafficking, sexual assault, 2015 Highlights 3 youth homelessness and all family and community violence are issues we must face both here in and around the world. These are tough problems that can seem daunting. But Child Advocacy Centers 4-5 rather than shrink back from the challenge, the more than 600 employees of Safe Horizon are out there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year working to help victims, their families and #PutNailinIt & 6‑7 move us all closer to a society free from violence and abuse.

I have a quote I am fond of: “Leaders deal in the commodity of 8-9 ATP & Streetwork hope.” That’s exactly what the people of Safe Horizon exemplify through their work day in and day out.

10-11 Hotlines & DVLP In 2016, let’s continue working together to help end domestic violence. Let’s make progress in the fight to raise awareness of how to prevent child abuse. Let’s keep making it clear that human 12-13 Community Programs trafficking, sexual assault and youth homelessness is, and always will be, unacceptable.

14-15 2015 Financial Summary Let’s all continue to be champions for survivors and their families who need help and hope during their darkest hours. Our Generous Supporters 16-17 With Gratitude,

Steven C. Parrish Chair, Board of Directors 2 Safe Horizon Annual Report 2015 Safe Horizon Annual Report 2015 3

A Message from Our CEO 2015 Highlights

Thank you to each Safe Horizon works day and night toward our vision of a society Bronx CAC Opening Event In December, 2014 Dr. Lisa O’Connor, Deputy of our individual, free of family and community violence. In 2015, Safe Horizon opened our Bronx Child Program Officer, participated in a three-day joint Advocacy Center (CAC) in collaboration with United Nations and UNICEF global technical foundation, corporate and In 2015, we came closer to making our vision a reality by launching our partners at the New York City Mayor’s Office consultation in Mexico City. Dr. O’Connor was government supporters our #PutTheNailinIt campaign to end domestic violence. During of Criminal Justice, the New York City Police one of two participants representing the United the campaign, which launched in April, we asked people to make a Department, the Administration for Children’s States. The consultation included representatives for helping Safe Horizon donation, paint their ring fingernail purple to show their support Services, District Attorney’s Office, the from 20 countries and brought them together to move tens of thousands and share the image on social media. With the help of celebrities New York City Law Department and Montefiore discuss the social service response to violence against of victims from crisis to such as Alan Cumming, Tamron Hall and Kyra Sedgwick the Medical Center. Our CACs now serve all five women and girls. Over the course of the three days, campaign raised tens of thousands of dollars and engaged millions boroughs, helping children and their families heal representatives identified core social services that confidence in 2015. We of people on social media. We are excited to build on our success as and find justice. should be available to victims and standards for are proud to serve as the we continue the #PutTheNailinIt campaign in 2016. each social service. The UN and UNICEF goal nation’s leading victim’s Champion Awards was to gather best practices to inform a report of Safe Horizon also made strides in providing enhanced mental Safe Horizon’s 20th Annual Champion Awards these social services and their standards to solicit services organization; this health care services to our clients and all residents of New York Dinner honored Alan Cumming, Miss America governments around the world to pilot the adoption is made possible because City. The city approved two new Safe Horizon counseling sites, Kira Kazantsev and Verizon. The event raised $1 of these standards. one that is open to both our clients and the public located at our million to help victims of violent crime and abuse. of supporters like you. /Bronx Community Program and the other based inside a Safe Horizon domestic violence shelter, a first of its kind International Delegates & Visits in New York. As the nation’s leading service provider for victims of crime and abuse, Safe Horizon often We also advocated for, and got, increased funding for Child hosts international visitors to share and learn Advocacy Centers (CACs) across the state of New York. From New best practices from foreign agencies and York City to Buffalo, CACs provide the coordinated response, governments. From March till May, we were investigation and prosecution of sexual and or physical child abuse honored to have visitors from Russia, London, cases and – most importantly – treatment for victims and their Greece and Australia to showcase our Domestic families. With increased funding from our government partners Violence Shelters, Hotlines, Child Advocacy and donors like you, we were able to help thousands of children and Centers and more. their family members heal and find justice in 2015.

These are just a few examples of how you have helped more victims become survivors and helped us move closer to realizing our vision of a society free from community and family violence. Thank you!


Ariel Zwang Chief Executive Officer 4 Safe Horizon Annual Report 2015 Safe Horizon Annual Report 2015 5

Child Advocacy Centers

Safe Horizon’s Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) are child-friendly facilities for children up to age 12 who have endured sexual or physical abuse.

The official ribbon cutting from Safe Horizon’s Bronx CAC opening ceremony.

With the February 2015 opening of Safe Horizon’s fifth CAC located in the Bronx, we are now able to provide critical resources and services to families dealing with child abuse in each borough of New York City. Serving more than 5,000 children and nearly 3,000 caregivers in 2015, CACs provide treat- ment and healing to our community’s youngest vic- tims of violence and abuse as well as their families.

Located in each of the five boroughs of New York City, Safe Horizon’s CACs provide critical help to families in crisis due to child abuse. Each of our CACs bring together multiple agencies under one roof who are involved in the response to these cases and treatment for victims and their families. The Administration for Children Services, pediatri- cians, the New York Police Department, Assistant District Attorneys and Safe Horizon staff including child forensic specialists and counselors, are all present at each Safe Horizon CAC.

Handmade arts and crafts like this tree create Howard Thompson of WPIX giving a speech at the Murals at our CACs help to create a welcoming interactive displays for children. opening ceremony of Safe Horizon’s Bronx CAC. environment for children and their families. 6 Safe Horizon Annual Report 2015 Safe Horizon Annual Report 2015 7

1 in 4 women experience domestic violence in their lifetime. We can stop that.

#PutNailinIt & Domestic Violence

In late 2014, the now famous Ray Rice incident helped spark a national conversation about domestic violence. Safe Horizon, partnering with the advertising agency Arnold Worldwide, decided it was time to create a campaign to work towards finally ending domestic violence.

Currently, an estimated 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 On social media, nearly 20,000 Twitter conversations Generous corporate support men will be a victim of domestic violence during took place around the #PutTheNailinIt campaign, from partner’s such as Airbnb helped make #PTNII their lifetime according to the Center for Disease generating an estimated 82 million views. Celebrity an incredible success. Control (CDC). Joining with dedicated individuals spokespeople including Tamron Hall, Alan Cumming, and corporate partners such as AirBnB, Safe Horizon Kyra Sedgwick, Miss America 2015 Kira Kazantsev launched the #PutTheNailinIt campaign in April and others lent their voices to help raise awareness 2015 to help change those facts. of the campaign. Supporters also raised more than $70,000 dollars, with Airbnb making a challenge gift This campaign simply asks people to: of $10,000 to match individual contributions during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. 1. Make a donation

2. Paint their left ring fingernail any shade of purple Visit to learn more and find Celebrities from Alan Cumming to Tamron out how you can do your part to end domestic Hall lent their voices and support to the 3. Share an image of their painted fingernail on violence for good. #PTNII campaign. social media with the hashtag #PutTheNailinIt 8 Safe Horizon Annual Report 2015 Safe Horizon Annual Report 2015 9 ATP & Streetwork

ATP Safe Horizon’s Anti-Trafficking Program (ATP) has been working to end labor and sex trafficking since 2001. ATP is the largest service provider for trafficking victims and survivors on the East Coast. Working intensively with nearly 200 clients in 2015, and providing counseling Ixchel (far right) is coaching volunteers on how to prepare some of the 65,000 meals Streetwork serves to homeless youth every year. to more than 1,000 others, ATP’s work is critical in creating communities free from human trafficking. Streetwork Shandra Woworuntu (left), former ATP client ATP provides a wide array of services help those and Ileana Taylor (right), ATP Staff Since 1984, Safe Horizon’s Streetwork Project has who experience trafficking to reclaim their lives been giving homeless young people refuge from the and regain hope. Social and legal services are fully city’s harsh streets; and the critical resources they integrated, a unique feature not common among need to build a stable life. anti-trafficking organizations. ATP clients can work with case managers to obtain emergency Streetwork provides various programs and services to housing, social services, advocacy, long-term homeless youth at four locations in New York City. legal aide, visa applications and more. At two drop-in centers, one in Harlem and the In 2015, ATP partnered with the Kings other on the Lower East Side, homeless youth can County District Attorney’s Office to co-lead get canned food, shower, pick up donated clothing, the Human Trafficking Task Force. receive HIV testing and get support from staff The task force, which provides services to when applying for jobs and housing. all victims of trafficking, is comprised of more than 35 federal, state, local New York At our overnight shelter, clients can sleep in a warm City agencies and service providers. bed instead of on cold concrete or a subway car.

By leading the way in anti-trafficking Lastly, a mobile outreach team goes out each evening, efforts in New York City and beyond, no matter how low the temperature is, offering food, ATP helps bring hope to thousands. water, socks or even a ride to homeless youth.

We remind these vulnerable young men and women that help is available to them. In 2015, Streetwork Project staff had more than 21,000 contacts with street involved youth, served more than 65,000 meals and worked with more than 1,000 individual clients. Abdul, a longtime client of Streetwork, was recently featured in a NY Times article. Gimella is a proud peer advocate with Streetwork. 10 Safe Horizon Annual Report 2015 Safe Horizon Annual Report 2015 11

Hotlines & DVLP

Hotlines Safe Horizon’s three Hotlines – for Domestic CRIME VICTIMS HOTLINE: Violence, Crime Victims and Rape and Sexual Helps victims of violent crime Assault – are the gateways to support for victims of and abuse. violence and abuse. The Hotlines operate 24 hours Getting ready to answer just one of the nearly It takes a team to make our a day, seven days a week, for individuals and families 100,000 calls our Hotlines receive each year. programs a success. who urgently need resources and referrals or who simply need someone to listen. SEXUAL ASSAULT HOTLINE: Provides confidential support for those Our Hotlines answered nearly 100,000 calls in who have experienced a form of sexual 2015, assisting callers with help in finding the most appropriate programs and services to move from assault, such as rape. crisis to confidence. Our Hotlines are staffed with multi-lingual operators who can administer crisis counselling, assist callers with safety planning, advocate on their behalf to the New York City DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE: Police Department and or connect the caller to the Assists callers to plan for their safety and city’s domestic violence emergency shelter system. can connect callers to a domestic violence shelter. Our operators also provide the reassurance to callers that someone is there on the other end of the line, willing to help them in their greatest time of need, Hotline staff often provide a person’s first Hotline staff are there to support each other too. without judgement. interaction with Safe Horizon.

DVLP Those who experience domestic abuse often face complicated legal situations while attempting to regain a sense of safety and stability. Safe Horizon’s Domestic Violence Law Project (DVLP) helps these clients navigate the legal system with expertise in matters such as obtaining orders of protection, child custody and child support.

Providing free legal representation, information and consultations, DVLP worked with more than 700 clients and provided services over the phone to an additional 300 plus callers in 2015. Director Cynthia Domingo-Foraste leads the With a dedicated staff, DVLP serves Cynthia and her staff researching Domestic Violence Project in Brooklyn. hundreds of clients every year. legal materials for a client’s case. 12 Safe Horizon Annual Report 2015 Safe Horizon Annual Report 2015 13

Community Programs

Our Community Programs For survivors of domestic violence, rape and sexual assault and families of homicide victims, serve all five boroughs of New the Community Programs serve as a critical resource in the survivor’s movement from crisis York City and provide help to to confidence. Each center provides essential victims of violent crime and services including: case management, counseling, therapy, referrals, emergency assistance with abuse. Located in centralized housing and housing transfers and support and easily assessable areas, these groups, all free of charge. community based programs We also operate a Helpline answering calls and are open to anyone who needs referring crime victims to appropriate resources – in 2015 we helped nearly 6,000 clients through our services. our Helpline and in person at our Community Program locations.

Jennifer, a dedicated social worker, is just one of As a social worker, Katherine views it as her life’s the incredible staff members who works at our Community programs seek to brighten mission to help others. Community Programs. client’s lives, like this sun. 14 Safe Horizon Annual Report 2015 Safe Horizon Annual Report 2015 15

How We Spent Our Funds 2015 Financial Summary Expenses FY 2015 FY 2014 Domestic Violence and Hotlines $23,112,355 $22,304,693 Community and Court Programs 11,707,234 12,041,814 Where Our Funds Come From Children, Youth and Mental Health 10,629,146 9,165,449 Management 8,129,387 7,951,278 Revenue FY 2015 FY 2014 Development 1,387,670 1,060,573 Grants $47,484,715 $44,941,446 Total Expenses $54,965,792 $52,523,807 Contributions 4,139,640 4,368,694 In-Kind Contributions 2,589,714 2,018,244 Special Events 758,022 1,078,270 2.5% 2.0% Investments 188,967 84,138 Development Development Fees 1,859,593 2,082,915 14.8% 15.1% Interest Gain/(Loss) 25,922 72,318 Management Management Miscellaneous 236,211 249,855 Total Revenue $57,230,940 $54,895,880 FY 2015 FY 2014 82.7% 82.9% Programs Programs 0.8% 0.6% Other Other 3.2% 3.8% Special Events Special Events 1.3% 2.0% Fees Fees Programs we supported 11.7% 11.6% Contributions Contributions (including (including 23.4% 21.5% in-kind) FY 2015 in-kind) FY 2014 Children, Youth Children, Youth and Mental and Mental Health Health

FY 2015 50.9% FY 2014 51.2% 82.9% 82% Domestic Domestic Grants Grants Violence and Violence and Hotlines Hotlines

Net Assets FY 2015 FY 2014 25.8% 27.3% Beginning of year $22,133,159 $19,761,086 Court, Community Court, Community and Criminal Justice and Criminal Justice End of year $24,398,307 $22,133,159 Change in Net Assets $2,265,148 $2,372,073 For complete financial statements and the Independent Auditor’s Report, please visit our website at 16 Safe Horizon Annual Report 2015 Safe Horizon Annual Report 2015 17

Megan Driscoll, LLC Cornicello LLP Crystal & Company Paula McGlarry The New-Land Foundation, Inc. Cybergrants, Inc. Jennifer and Matthew Daly Alexandra McTague Yoko Ono Raquel Damadeo Regina and John Daly Gigi Mahon Our Generous Supporters Openfield Marketing (UK) Limited Antoinette Delruelle and Stephen Dantonio Susan Maier Gabrielle R. Propp Joshua Steiner James Deadwyler Arriana Marion The Edward and Ellen Roche Relief The Difference Card Robert L. Deak Mike Mason The extraordinary generosity Linda Lam Stephanie Kugelman Vick and Jeff and Shari Brodsky Foundation Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield Frances Del Rosario The V & L Marx Foundation of the following individuals, Stephen and Carolyn McCandless Edward Vick Jennifer and Paul Germain Andrew and Samantha Saperstein The Fair Share Foundation Martha and Kevin Delehanty MEC New York corporations and foundations Mons Concepit Foundation Alex Libin The Heckscher Foundation for Charles and Mildred Schnurmacher Phillip G. Fairweather, M.D. The DeLisi Family Foundation The Louis Messer and Helen Messer provided vital support to Safe Nash Family Foundation Brian P. McCann Children Foundation, Inc. Keith L. Forest Joshua Dembowitz Charitable Foundation Horizon between July 1, 2014 The Orchard Farm Foundation Laura J. McGrath Help for Children Howard and Barbara Sloan Kurt Freund Nicola Dingemans Morris and Helen Messing Family and December 31, 2014. We are Bertha Person Gigi Mahon HSBC Michael Slocum Yves Gaden Sheila and Drew Dunphy Charitable Fund grateful for your partnership! Sarah Peter Rohit Menezes and Vanessa Southern Humanity United Thomas Michael Triplett Major Garrett Earthshare New York Metzger-Price Fund, Inc. The Raether 1985 Charitable Trust The Miami Foundation The Jaharis Family Foundation Verizon Foundation Global Giving Foundation Ross Eaton Edward & Sandra Meyer Publication Listing Joshua S. Silver Morris and Helen Messing Family Joann and Todd Lang The Winters Family Fund Kenneth J. Goldman Eileen Fisher, Inc. Foundation, Inc. Gifts of $500,000 + The TJX Companies, Inc. Charitable Fund Maverick Capital Foundation Anonymous (2) Barbara G. Gottlieb Carol and Roger Einiger Lacey Micallef News Corp Women of the Channel Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Morgan Stanley Tami Hoag Ivor Elrifi and Corina Gayk Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Robin Hood Foundation Barbara S. Mosbacher National Basketball Association Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Hotel, Restaurant & Club Employees Everyday Hero Funding Gabe Miller Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 Joshua and Beth Nash Verizon Wireless Alliant & Bartenders Union Local 6 Joan Fabio Heath Miller Gifts of $250,000 to $499,999 Nancy and Howard Adler New York City Association of Hotel The Judith C. White Foundation John Antimisiaris Umit Kaya Joseph and Jessica Falencki Barbara S. Mosbacher The Gerstner Family Foundation Meredith Ball Concierges Lois Ballinger Thomas Kennedy Alfred Feinman Diana C. Mousally Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999 Jeremy Blocker Martin Newman, Esq. Susan Baumel-Cornicello Denise Kohn and Adam Blank Aaron Fine Kathleen Nekola Gifts of $100,000 to $249,999 BNY Mellon Community Partnership Ostgrodd Foundation Celia Goldwag Barenholtz and Paul Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS Leathwaite International Inc. Peter J. Firestein and Network for Good The Avon Foundation for Women Antoinette Delruelle and Denise Pappas K. Barenholtz Brooklyn Nets The Luminescence Foundation, Inc. Sheree S. Stomberg New York City Association of Hotel Foundation for a Just Society Joshua Steiner Stephen Payne Credit Suisse Foundation Sam and Sharon Carpenter Michelle McHale FLSV Fund Administration Services Concierges H. van Ameringen Foundation Linda Fairstein Geri and Lester Pollack Epstein Teicher Philanthropies Channel Company Marks Paneth LLP Michael Forrest Newmark Grubb Knight Frank Verizon Foundation Furth Family Foundation P.W. of the Irvington Presbyterian Mary J. Hutchins Foundation, Inc. Matthew Cunningham Rohit Menezes and Vanessa Southern David W. Frankel Paula K. Oppenheim Yves Gaden Church Elton John AIDS Foundation The Dammann Fund, Inc. James Morgan Mark Freedman Ostgrodd Foundation Gifts of $50,000 to $99,999 Louise Grunwald Dana Ross MAC AIDS Fund John Drzik New York Hotel and Motel Trades Lawrence and Elizabeth Frers Eda Ozmen Morgan Stanley Gloria M. Hausman Rotary Club of New York Vincent Mulford Foundation Empire Education Group, Inc. Council, AFL-CIO Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management P.W. of the Irvington Presbyterian Jane Orans Tami Hoag Andrea Schiferl Martin Newman, Esq. Firefighters for Kids Fund New York Mets Services, Inc. Church The Foundation Denise Kohn and Adam Blank Elizabeth and David Sherman Pfizer, Inc. The First Presbyterian Church in the New York Shakespeare Festival David P. Garten Denise Pappas Joann and Todd Lang Kent Simons John A. Reisenbach Foundation City of New York PIMCO Jim Gerace David Pauley Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999 Eric Larson and David N. Slarskey Richmond County Savings Fitzpatrick, Cella, Harper & Scinto Prescott Fund for Children & The Kimberly Cramer Germ Eddie Pelto Epstein Teicher Philanthropies Rabbi Marcus Burstein Howard and Barbara Sloan Foundation Norma Green Family Foundation Youth, Inc. Foundation John Perlmutter The Frances L. & Edwin L. Cummings The Helene Marks Early Start Peter J. and Susan Solomon Select Equity Group Foundation Greenberg Traurig LLP Pzena Investment Management LLC DeNora and Mark Getachew Ilyssa and Michel Pimienta Memorial Fund Foundation, Inc. Lee Stahl and Toby Stahl-Maranga Simon & Schuster Robert Gutenstein Peter Reynolds Edward Goldberg Michael Poulos Mary J. Hutchins Foundation, Inc. Parsons at The New School Charitable Foundation James F. Hefelfinger The Roosevelt Hotel ShariLeigh Gordon Rebecca Quinn-Vogel Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 MAC AIDS Fund Alexandra and John A. Porges Mark E. Stroock II The Jockey Hollow Foundation Carol and Ted Sattler Lee Gottlieb Fund, Inc. Joel Rampoldt Maverick Capital Foundation Michael Slocum Judy and Warren Tenney Foundation Cheryl Abel-Hodges and John Hodges Kasirer Consulting Kirill Skok Patricia L. Gould Sue Ellen Rittmaster Steven and Diane Parrish United Way of New York City Alan and Barbara Weinschel Airbnb, Inc. Linda Lam Second Wave Recycling Elisabeth Grippando Liz Roberts Select Equity Group Foundation USA Rx Teresa Wilde Aon Foundation Leonard Litwin The Staples Foundation Glenda Guerri Joel Roffman The Judith C. White Foundation Minzalia Zoubtsova Lily Auchincloss Foundation, Inc. Lovelight Foundation Mark E. Stroock II Jan Guifarro Adrienne Rosen Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 Anonymous (2) Anonymous (1) The Avon Foundation for Women Macquarie Group Truist a.k.a FirstGiving Rachel Haber and Ari Mentzel Jeff Rosenstock Lily Auchincloss Foundation, Inc. Nancy B. Clark and Charles R. Clark Alan Mcintyre Washington Square Films Harnisch Family Foundation Marcia and Philip Rothblum Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499 The extraordinary generosity of the The Dammann Fund, Inc. Colgate-Palmolive Company Joshua and Beth Nash Ariel Zwang and Gordon Mehler Julie Harris Foundation, Inc. following individuals, corporations Discovery Shared Services Barbara A. Abeles The Columbus Foundation National Football League Anonymous (2) Walter and Gail Harris Mitchell E. Rudin and foundations provided vital Debra J. Fine and Martin I. Schneider Alpha Beta Chapter of Omega Phi Joseph W. Conroy The New York Bar Foundation Havas Worldwide Charu Sarma support to Safe Horizon between Charles A. Frueauff Foundation, Inc. Beta Sorority, Incorporated Cooley LLP Nordstrom Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499 Tony Hayes William Schwartz January 1, 2015 and December HSBC Jocelyn Anker Derek and Elizabeth Cribbs NY Giants Barbara A. Abeles Michael Hepinstall The Sherry Netherland, Inc. 31, 2015. We are grateful for your Monica Keany and Dan Zwirn Bank Leumi USA Davis Polk and Wardwell, LLP The Orchard Farm Foundation Karen Adler and Peter Kaplin High School of Art and Design Faith and Milo Silberstein partnership! Alice Lawrence Foundation Inc. Sally E. Barker Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps The Polo Ralph Lauren Foundation Johane Alexandre Thomas Holdstein David N. Slarskey Lovelight Foundation Bay Ridge United Methodist Church Ernst & Young LLP The Raether 1985 Charitable Trust Alpha Beta Chapter of Omega Phi Debra Inwald Petra Slater Publication Listing The Mary Kay Foundation The Estée Lauder Companies, Inc. Sheldon Richardson Beta Sorority, Incorporated Miriam Katowitz and Arthur J. Radin Liz Slote Gifts of $500,000 + Yoko Ono Thomas and Marcia Borger EvolveMKD John Romeo Edward and Tania Bakalarz Amy Katz and Irving Scher Mark C. Smith Charles and Leigh Penner Kevin and Lorraine Byrnes News Corp Debra J. Fine and Martin I. Schneider May and Samuel Rudin Family Bank Leumi USA L. William and Brit Kay Peter J. and Susan Solomon PVH Foundation, Inc. David and Barbara Caplan Philip Morris International Charles A. Frueauff Foundation, Inc. Foundation, Inc. Linda and William Berliner Denis P. and Carol A. Kelleher Ellen L. Sporn The Edward and Ellen Roche Relief Robert G. Chambers Robin Hood Foundation Jim and Kristin Fulton Samlyn Capital Joyce Berman Charitable Foundation Lee Stahl and Toby Stahl-Maranga Foundation Betsy Cohn Hope L. and John L. Furth Sonia Sande and Simon Emrich The Bernheim Foundation, Inc. Rachel Kelleher Charitable Foundation Gifts of $250,000 to $499,999 Charles and Mildred Schnurmacher Cooley LLP Linda Fairstein and Michael B. Shore Group, Inc. BNY Mellon Victor and Elena Kiam Edward Stillman Foundation, Inc. The DeLisi Family Foundation Capital One Bank Goldberg Joshua S. Silver John Bovenzi The Klingenstein Foundation Roger and Lee Strong Michelle D. Smith Downtown Elves Inc. The Gerstner Family Foundation Goldman Sachs Gives U3 Advisors Brooklyn College Douglas and Robin Klion Michael Takata The Winters Family Fund Alfred and Harriet Feinman NEO Philanthropy, Inc. Pamela and Stephen Hootkin United Health Group John Buchanan Ko Hin Corp Timothy Taylor Foundation IAC Webster Hall Donna Campbell Heni Koenigsberg and Marc Plonskier Louann Tedrick Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Gifts of $100,000 to $249,999 David W. Frankel Barry Jacobson Ashley Whisper Scott Campion Yakov Kofner Ryan Toohey Cheryl Abel-Hodges and John Hodges David P. Garten FJC – A Foundation of Philanthropic Joseph P. Day Realty Corporation White & Case LLP Dave and Barbara Caplan Eric and Jennifer Komitee UBS Financial Services, Inc. Celia Goldwag Barenholtz and Paul ShariLeigh Gordon Funds Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family Howard and Leslie Chatzinoff Daniel and Vivian Korich USA Rx K. Barenholtz Elisabeth Grippando Foundation for a Just Society Foundation Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 Jean-Francois and Veronique Ronald Kremnitzer Robert Villency Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS Rachel Haber and Ari Mentzel Living Trust of Sally Gott Monica Keany and Dan Zwirn Nancy and Howard Adler Christory Lauren’s Kids Foundation Jay Vogel Joyce C. Crofton Charitable Fund Walter and Gail Harris The Hearst Foundations The Charles S. Keene Meredith Ball Church of the Ascension Kirk Lavine Gregg Walker Empire Education Group, Inc. Lilly Hartley Stephen and Carolyn McCandless Foundation U/A Sonia Barreno Teddy Cillis John Lester Harvey Weinberg Goldman Sachs & Co. Debra Inwald Steven and Diane Parrish Michele Kirschbaum Beacon’s Closet, Inc. Pete Clarke Kelly Levesque Alan and Barbara Weinschel Robert Gutenstein Joy V. Jones PVH Corp. John & Patricia Klingenstein Fund Bea Close The Leon Levy Foundation Amy Wilson and David Flannery Gerry Hodes Anya Kamenetz The TJX Companies, Inc. Hasan Ugur Koyluoglu Thomas and Marcia Borger Scott Cocker Marjorie R. Lewis Rachel Wolther Pamela and Stephen Hootkin Miriam Katowitz and Arthur J. Radin H. van Ameringen Foundation Eric Larson and Brinker International The Betsy and Alan Cohn Kyoko Lin The Yale Club of New York City The Rosalie Katz Family Amy Katz and Irving Scher Rabbi Marcus Burstein Manny and Joanne Chirico Foundation, Inc. Wanda Lucibello Rich Yannaco Gifts of $50,000 to $99,999 Foundation, Inc. Lee and Daney Klingenstein Alice Lawrence Foundation Inc. John Colas Hector and Fabio Cotza The M&T Charitable Foundation Magda Yrizarry Michele Kirschbaum Ko Hin Corp Geoffrey C. Bible The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation Cornicello, Tendler & Baumel- Joyce C. Crofton Charitable Fund Laura J. McGrath Anonymous (3) Safe Horizon’s Hotlines Multilingual | Available 24-Hours Daily

Domestic Violence Hotline 800.621.HOPE (4673)

Sexual Assault Hotline 212.227.3000

Crime Victims Hotline 866.689.HELP (4357)

Centralized Helpline 855.234.1042

If you are in immediate danger, call 911

Safe Horizon has been at the forefront of helping victims of crime and abuse through their crises for over 35 years. We are woven into the fabric of New York City, and we are here when and where you need us—in the courts, in your community, and at the other end of a telephone any hour of the day or night.