
Side 3

STHENO: So, you left home to have an affair with the world’s most arrogant God?

MEDUSA: He’s a friend. Nothing more.

STHENO: He’s not very friendly.

MEDUSA: He’s a God. Like you said. They like to cause scenes. He’s harmless.

STHENO: You’re foolish to think that.

MEDUSA: All of the women in the temple are pure. There are no ‘affairs’. would punish us and he knows that.

STHENO: Oh I’m sure he does. But I’m not so sure he cares.

MEDUSA: I haven’t seen you in two years, and this is what you want to talk about? You sound jealous.

STHENO: Of what?

MEDUSA: Of me. That I’m useful, respected and well liked here. Why did you come?

STHENO: Athena sent for me.

MEDUSA: That’s a lie.

STHENO: I have a letter. Look. You can tell she wrote it, it’s her writing.


STHENO: It says you’ve been here the whole time. If I was still interested in finding you.

MEDUSA: Why would she do this?

STHENO: I have no idea. You’re her high priestess. Ask her yourself.

MEDUSA: It must be a mistake.

STHENO: It’s a bit too well detailed to be a mistake. Read it. “Please do your best to keep this correspondence a secret. I would be hard pressed if she knew I wished for her departure.”

MEDUSA: The end instructs you not to tell me.

STHENO: That’s how deception works.

MEDUSA: So why are you here telling me!?

STHENO: Because I am not a part of your order! Athena means nothing to me. I’m here to bring you home, and if that means showing you that she’s spoiled, arrogant, liar—

MEDUSA: Watch what you say about her here. I certainly won’t defend you if you upset her. I suggest you leave.

STHENO: What about this isn’t clear to you? They don’t want you here anymore. You’re making a fool of yourself. It’s time to come home.

MEUDSA: Home to what? Side 3

STHENO: To your sisters and your parents.

MEDUSA: Our parents don’t care about me.

STHENO: Our parents don’t care about anyone! Where did you get this idea that and I were somehow treated so much better than you were? All three of us were lucky-- every day-- that neither of them got angry enough to devour their own young.

MEDUSA: And yet you stay with them.

STHENO: Not anymore. The sea is big enough to hold us all. Your sisters would like to spend time with you.

MEDUSA: I don’t have sisters. No—that’s not true. The priestesses here are my sisters now. I’ve been made—

STHENO: High priestess. told me.

MEDUSA: You seem surprised.

STHENO: I am. It hasn’t even been two years. It’s unheard of.

MEDUSA: Well now, you’ve heard of it. So why would I leave?

STHENO: You might not think so, but I’m only trying to help you.

MEDUSA: And you’re sure there’s no ulterior motive here? Side 3

STHENO: I don’t have one. But maybe you do.