SI-4) Focus Goals: Value/Return on Investment (FA-5
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VEGAS PBS ANNUAL PROGRAMMING PRODUCTION PLAN NETWORK AFFILIATION AGREEMENTS SCHOOL CABLE AND EBS CHANNEL RETRANSMISSION CONSENTS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDER AUTHORIZATIONS 2019-2020 Strategic Imperatives: Clarity and Focus (SI-4) Focus Goals: Value/Return on Investment (FA-5) District Regulations 3312 and 2310 require Board approval for all purchases over $50,000.00 and $25,000.00, respectively. To accomplish channel scheduling and planned local productions, Vegas PBS contracts with network program providers and independent producers to accomplish a licensee-approved community service programming and a local production plan. Adoption of this plan grants Vegas PBS authority to purchase programming and production resources for those projects. The plan may be amended by Board action through the year if grant funds are secured for significant local program productions. Specific independent contractors are hired throughout the year following standard purchase order issuance by the Purchasing Department. The Purchasing Department has reviewed the request for purchase and has determined that contracting for these services may be exempted from the competitive bidding process in accordance with Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 332. Vegas PBS has presented an annual production plan to the Board of School Trustees since 1996. For this item, board members act in their capacity as Federal Communication Commission (FCC) approved television licensees responsible for serving viewers in the station’s multi-state and four county service region. The programming and production plan authorizes national network programming affiliation agreements for KLVX-DT Channel 10’s three over the air channels and a possible fourth channel, plus six over the air Educational Broadband Service (EBS) channels serving school sites, three noncommercial educational cable channels, and 29 Clark County School District (CCSD) Classroom Cable channels. It authorizes local program productions and the necessary professional service providers to complete the approved productions. The annual production plan outlines known local productions and network affiliations for each broadcast or non-broadcast public service media channel operated by Vegas PBS. It also authorizes staff to seek funding for licensee-authorized local productions that would be produced only if sponsorship funding is secured. PRODUCTIONS FOR CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Educational program productions for CCSD planned for the 2019-2020 fiscal year include producing and editing 100 hours of original District content for distribution via television or educational broadband service broadcasts, internet streaming, video on demand, and/or DVDs; 20 weeks of Inside Education programs, plus an additional 24 programs if private sector funding is secured; 4 School Matters programs within Inside Education; 2020 African American Challenge; 2020 CCSD Spelling Bee; 2020 Varsity Quiz and Jr. Varsity Quiz playoffs and championship rounds; 2020 Nevada Science Bowl; the Superintendent’s annual State of the District address. Proposed additional educational promotional or Internet productions include three or more Ready To sLpoeats;rn (RTL) one or more PBS KIDS Writers Contest spots; American Graduate: Getting to Work videos increasing student and parent awareness of Career and Technical Education (CTE) skill career pathways; 4 videos highlighting the hospitality and construction industries for inclusion in the Workplace Essential Skills curriculum; cyber security career videos for the Nevada Department of Education; 6 Scholastic Workforce Spots promoting Professional Development Education (PDE) training and the Thomas Axtell Reference 3.41 Page 1 of 5 June 13, 2019 VEGAS PBS ANNUAL PROGRAMMING PRODUCTION PLAN NETWORK AFFILIATION AGREEMENTS SCHOOL CABLE AND EBS CHANNEL RETRANSMISSION CONSENTS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDER AUTHORIZATIONS 2019-2020 CCSD/ Vegas PBS proctored center testing; monthly spots for the Clark County School District (CCSD) Job Application Fairs; 18 Java with Jara conversations; 14 Trustee educational service announcements; producing spots to encourage timely registration for school, bus, and free and reduced lunches (FRL); informational spots on Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) free vaccinations; summer food programs, magnet school application periods; producing required video training materials as requested; the twice-monthly meetings of the Board, and requested streaming of additional meetings or community meetings. PRODUCTIONS FOR PUBLIC TELEVISION Privately funded ongoing public television weekly program productions include Community Billboard, about local nonprofit events and special town hall events, and Nevada Week, an issues-based weekly public affairs series. Currently funded seasonal, one-time specials, or short series include: Outdoor Nevada and Cleveland Clinic’s Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health documentaries; on-air fund drives; and The Showgirl: A Las Vegas Icon. Seasonal, weekly, quarterly or stand-alone specials contingent upon securing sponsors include: Water History Highlights: Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance (LVGEA) Water Start/Desert Research Institute (DRI) / Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) water technology projects; University of Nevada, Southern Nevada and Desert Research Institute (DRI) speaker series; future ongoing #VegasStrong specials; Outdoor Nevada season 4, season 5, and Outdoor Nevada Remixed, highlighting features from the first three seasons for national distribution; Election 2020 debates or community forums; and local companion pieces to the following national titles in the PBS national programming pipeline: Retro Report, Sesame Street 50th Anniversary, The Black Church and The Asian Americans. Funding for multiple history documentaries on topics either selected by the Las Vegas Centennial Commission or that are supplemental to the PBS National Program Schedule (NPS) will be sought. Promotional productions include spots promoting program tune-in; sponsor identification; national heritage celebrations; Value PBS local spots; early childhood literacy; summer reading, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) programs, and the Nevada Special Needs Resource Library. The station and its Southern Nevada Public Television board will explore funding possibilities for 4 weekly production concepts, including an arts and culture series like the former Art Scene, a dining review series, a business and labor issues program, and a series on indoor recreation for locals. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDERS Vegas PBS proposes to enter into agreements with independent contractors to assist in the production of these programs, to serve as replacements during absences of staff assigned to externally funded productions, and to provide consulting services in the areas of grant writing, donor events, audience measurements, language translation, and closed captioning. Additionally, when staff vacancies occur, freelancers will be hired from funds in salary accounts to complete projects on schedule. Vegas PBS proposes to contract with available professional service providers effective June 14, 2019, through June 30, 2020, for: • Videography, editing, audio/video technicians, education consultants and production assistants at approximate rates up to $75.00 per hour, and for independent hosts/producers for local public Reference 3.41 Page 2 of 5 VEGAS PBS ANNUAL PROGRAMMING PRODUCTION PLAN NETWORK AFFILIATION AGREEMENTS SCHOOL CABLE AND EBS CHANNEL RETRANSMISSION CONSENTS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDER AUTHORIZATIONS 2019-2020 television specials, for an approximate rate of up to $100.00 per hour, plus pre-approved, out-of- pocket travel expenses related to the production or grant solicitation or fulfillment requirements to include Great Teaching and Leading project; and other contracted and customized workforce productions; • The Programming Service for Public Television, or similar programming consultant for $60,000.00 per year • Captions Unlimited captioning for live closed captionists for an approximate rate of $110.00 per hour • Gail Knowles, or similar person as membership consultant for $40,000.00 • John Burke, or similar person as Host of Outdoor Nevada for $70,000.00 • Chris Defranco, Quiet Films, or Similar Company as a production company to produce local content for $50,000.00 • Outdoor Nevada production assistant for $50,000.00 • A Host of Nevada Week for $65,000.00 • Nevada Week production assistant for $50,000.00 • Las Vegas Interpreters Connection, Spanish translation for $10,000.00 • Additional workshop coordinators, producers/reporters, talent/hosts, program narrators, and transcriptionists as productions dictate at negotiated rates between $200.00 and $750.00 per completed production, as outlined in the terms and conditions of the CCSD Contract for Services of Independent Contractor • Channel 10 and FOX channel 5 purchased digital television transmitters from the same manufacturer. To lower staff training costs, the stations contract with a transmitter engineer at a rate of $70.00 per hour for part-time transmitter inspections, periodic maintenance, and on-call emergency repairs at night A pro forma Contract for Services of Independent Contractor has been approved as to form by the District and the FCC counsel. NETWORK AFFILIATION AGREEMENTS The Vegas PBS Channel 10 programming seeks to serve the region with three or more, 24-hour-a-day, over-the-air program channels.