Appendix 1. Table 1: Fish Species of Conservation Concern Occurring in the TSBR1

Species International Status Significance Giant IUCN Critically Fishing Lot No. 2 may be an important gigas Endangered; CITES nursery area Appendix I Leaping Barb IUCN Critically not recorded from Lake, but Chela caeruleostigmata Endangered possibly occurs Jullien’s Golden Carp IUCN Endangered; recorded from Tonle Sap Lake Probarbus jullieni CITES Appendix 2 Laotian Shad IUCN Endangered populations have recently drastically declined Tenualosa thibaudeaui due to factors outside of the Tonle Sap Tricolor Sharkminnow IUCN Endangered depicted on FiA’s Endangered Fishes of Balantiocheilos melanopterus Asian Bonytongue/Asian IUCN Endangered; occurrence in TSBR not confirmed Arowana CITES Appendix I Scleropages formosus Thicklip Barb IUCN Data Deficient recorded in Tonle Sap, but little known Probarbus labeamajor Giant IUCN Data Deficient becoming increasingly rare throughout its Pangasius sanitwongsei range Giant Barb not listed, but requires numbers have declined drastically Catlocarpio siamensis urgent evaluation and immediate conservation attention Puntioplites bulu not listed formerly common, but has recently become very rare. Depicted on FiA’s Endangered Fishes of Cambodia. Occurrence in TSBR requires confirmation. Sabretoothed Thryssa not listed depicted on FiA’s Endangered Fishes of Lycothrissa crocodilus Cambodia Four-barred Tigerfish not listed occurrence in TSBR not confirmed. Depicted Datnioides quadrifasciatus on FiA’s Endangered Fishes of Cambodia Wallago leeri not listed occurrence in TSBR not confirmed. Depicted on FiA’s Endangered Fishes of Cambodia Albulichthys albuloides not listed depicted on FiA’s Endangered Fishes of Cambodia Elephant-ear Gourami not listed occurrence in TSBR not confirmed. Depicted Oxonedus exodon on FiA’s Endangered Fishes of Cambodia Botia genus not listed several species recorded in first half of 20th Century, but no recent records 1adapted from Davidson 2006 and IUCN 2006