Birds, Bards, Buffoons and Brahmans
Archipel Études interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien 88 | 2014 Varia Birds, Bards, Buffoons and Brahmans : (Re-)Tracing the Indic Roots of some Ancient and Modern Performing Characters from Java and Bali Oiseaux, bardes, bouffons et brahmanes : en retraçant les racines indiennes de certains personnages de spectacle anciens et modernes de Java et de Bali Andrea Acri Electronic version URL: DOI: 10.4000/archipel.555 ISSN: 2104-3655 Publisher Association Archipel Printed version Date of publication: 10 October 2014 Number of pages: 13-70 ISBN: 978-2-910513-71-9 ISSN: 0044-8613 Electronic reference Andrea Acri , “Birds, Bards, Buffoons and Brahmans : (Re-)Tracing the Indic Roots of some Ancient and Modern Performing Characters from Java and Bali ”, Archipel [Online], 88 | 2014, Online since 10 September 2017, connection on 27 August 2021. URL: ; DOI: Association Archipel VARIA ANDREA ACRI 1 Birds, Bards, Buffoons and Brahmans: (Re-)Tracing the Indic Roots of some Ancient and Modern Performing Characters from Java and Bali 2 Introduction12 On the basis of evidence gathered from Old Javanese textual sources—most notably the 9th-century Old Javanese Rāmāyaṇa kakavin (RK) and the early 13th-century Sumanasāntaka3—and Central Javanese temple reliefs, I have elsewhere proposed to identify some figures of itinerant ascetics-cum-performers (e.g. thevidu s, Old Jav./Skt. vidu)4 as localised counterparts of Indic prototypes, namely low-status, 1. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre, Singapore. 2. (1) The spelling of Old Javanese words follows the system used in Acri 2011b, discussed in Acri and Griffiths 2014 (e.g.
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