Making Room in the Property Canon
Making Room in the Property Canon INTEGRATING SPACES: PROPERTY LAW AND RACE. By Alfred Brophy, Alberto Lopez & Kali Murray. New York, New York: Aspen Publishers, 2011. 368 pages. $40.00. Reviewed by Bela August Walker* I. Introduction Property is oft considered the province of the antediluvian, far situated from modern concerns, particularly issues of race and diversity. Even more so than other areas of legal academia, Property remains the province of dead white men. Courses and casebooks continue to hark back to Blackstone, the epitome of the antiquated.1 The thread of old English law continues throughout the semester, to the consternation of many a first-year law student. It should come as no surprise that Property is then viewed as lifeless, the course least accessible, least relevant, most obscure. Nonetheless, Blackstone once avowed, “There is nothing which so generally strikes the imagination, and engages the affections of mankind, as the right of property . .”2 This adage may prove still true. If property is dead,3 long live Property!4 Integrating Spaces: Property Law and Race takes on one aspect of this potential impasse. Alfred Brophy, Alberto Lopez, and Kali Murray address a long-standing absence and bring the Property casebook into the twenty-first * Associate Professor, Roger Williams University School of Law. For their sage advice and discerning counsel, I am indebted to M.J. Durkee, Sheila Foster, Jack Greenberg, Tanya Hernandez, Sonia Katyal, Jennifer Flynn Walker, and Patricia Williams. 1. Even Integrating Spaces cannot resist beginning its tale with the Englishman’s “‘despotic’ dominion.” ALFRED BROPHY, ALBERTO LOPEZ & KALI MURRAY, INTEGRATING SPACES: PROPERTY LAW AND RACE 3 (2011) [hereinafter INTEGRATING SPACES].
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