RABBI’S NOTES INSIDE: by Rabbi Michael Mishkin ◾◾ Sexual Politics in the Story of , Monday, March 2 Pharaoh, & ◾◾ Author of The City Game, Matthew Goodman, Antisemitism Today March 5

Shalom Friends, Last month, Dr. Annette Kasle and I presented a This issue of the TBI Tablet three-part series on Dr. Deborah Lipstadt and her book is sponsored by Antisemitism: Here and Now. Dr. Lipstadt, a professor of ADINA SCHNEIDER Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies at Emory University, is one of the world’s leading scholars on the & JEFF FREILICH history of the Holocaust, antisemitism, and Holocaust in honor of the Bar Mitzvah denial. If you have not read her book, I encourage you to of their son do so. It’s an important book, which explains some of the history of antisemitism, and the different ways that antisemitism manifests itself in ABRAM contemporary times. In explaining the theological origins of antisemitism (which is a very small part of the book), Dr. Lipstadt goes back to the origins of Christianity and the riff that took place at that time, between the Jewish community and the new Christian community. However, from a biblical perspective, antisemitism goes Sign Up Online to Order Your back much further than that. To enrich our discussion, Annette Kasle presented two biblical texts, which have a lot to say about antisemitism and the necessary response MISLOACH MANOT to antisemitism. BASKETS Rabbi continued on page 2 Select “ALL” for Misloach Manot and you will be entered into a raffle for a High Holiday Parking Space PURIM CARNIVAL Sunday, March 8 11:30 AM FUN! FOOD! GAMES! and don’t forget PURIM SPIEL & READING Monday, March 9 • 5 PM

Visit us online at www.tbiport.org Contact us at 516-767-1708 Rabbi continued from page 1 The first text is the beginning of the story the Egyptian enslavement of the Israelites (Exodus 1:8-22). This text opens, saying: Temple Drive, Port Washington NY 11050-3915 A new king arose over Egypt who did not know Joseph. And he said to his people, T: 516-767-1708 F: 516-944-6461 ‘Look, the Israelite people are much too numerous for us. Let us deal shrewdly with them, www.tbiport.org so that they may not increase; otherwise in the event of war they may join our enemies in fighting against us and rise from the ground.’ Rabbi It’s amazing how similar Pharaoh’s words are to antisemites’ words throughout Michael Mishkin history. First, this new king didn’t remember—or didn’t care to remember—that an Cantor Sharon Grainer Israelite (Joseph) had done great things for Egypt in the past. This is like the Nazis Cantor Emeritus ignoring the major contributions of German Jews to Germany, including serving Baruch Blum in the German army during WW I. Second, the fact that the Israelite community President is getting larger in Egypt doesn’t mean they are threat. But, since Pharaoh wants Rita Shumsky to enslave them and persecute them, tells perpetrates the lie that the Israelites, by Vice President, Ritual David Volpe increasing in size, have become a menace to Egypt. Pharaoh then goes on to spell Vice President, Fundraising out the ways the Israelites are a potential threat, saying, “the Israelites could join Steve Castar our enemies and fight against us.” Here is another antisemitic canard, one that has Vice President, Administration been used for millennia – the Jews are not loyal to the countries, in which they live. Louis Silfin Another troubling part of Pharaoh’s speech is when he says, “let us deal shrewdly Vice President, Education Adina Kay-Gross and Eden Kasle with them.” Why should they need to deal shrewdly with the Israelites? By using Vice President, Membership that word, Pharaoh was sending a message to his people: the Israelites are not like Jen Latner us. They are tricky, powerful, and conniving. Therefore, we must be deceitful in Vice President, Communications Eric Letuchy how we deal with them. Treasurer In response to Pharaoh’s speech, the Egyptians enslave the Israelites. Then, Andrew Silver the Egyptians turn up the dial on their persecution and deal “ruthlessly” with the Financial Secretary Israelites. Finally, Pharaoh “[charges] all his people saying, ‘Every [Israelite] boy that John Teeger is born you shall throw into the Nile, but let every girl live,” (1:22). What starts Corresponding Secretary David Cooper with speech, moves to violence and persecution, and then to murder. In addition, Recording Secretary Pharaoh initially dehumanizes and demonizes the Israelites, which incite his people Susan Levbin to participate in the persecution of the Israelites, and then he emboldens his people Trustees to go even further—charging them to murder all of Israelite baby boys. Alan Doubert Jack Mishan Mark Fridman Lane Palmer The second biblical text we discussed, comes from the Book of . After Sheryl Gordon Adam Smith Haman hatches his evil plot to murder all of the Jews, sends Queen Halona Jaffe Mike Smolow Helene Hechtkopf Andrew Sollinger Esther a message, telling her she must speak out against the plan. Esther is afraid, Laura Landau Scott Tashlik and her fear prevents her from speaking up. Mordecai responds to Esther saying, Jenny Markman Alison White Jill Mellow silence is not option. His words are: “Do not imagine that you, of all the Jews, will Trustees Emeritus escape with your life by being in the king’s palace… And who knows, perhaps you Elkan Abramowitz Joel Greenblatt have attained to royal position for just such a crisis,” (4:13-14). Mordecai knows Saul Muchnick when antisemites act out, the community must respond. What was true in the time Sisterhood Presidents of Mordecai and Esther, remains true today. We cannot be silent out of fear, or Alisa Schindler and Michelle Mondschein apathy, or by downplaying an act of hate. We must speak out against antisemitism, Men’s Club Presidents Jon Brooks and Michael Nerenberg and should report it to the police and the ADL. Mordecai has another lesson for us Immediate Past President too. If we are not outraged by antisemitic attacks that happen to other Jews, because Matthew Engel they don’t look like us—meaning Hasidic and ultra-Orthodox Jews—we are making Director a big mistake. An antisemitic attack against any Jew, is an attack against all of us. Cathy Seldin In addition, we should not imagine that it can’t happen to us. If it’s happening to Director of Education and Engagement Anya Morgulis other Jews, it can very easily happen to us too. In contemporary times, Mordecai’s Preschool Director message is even broader – if we see any minority group being attacked (verbally or Diana Snaider physically), we should not remain silent. Again, we should not imagine that it can’t

TBI Tablet is published monthly by TBI. Submissions happen to us. Dr. Lipstadt passionately expresses this view, saying: must be received by the tenth of the month prior to the “The existence of prejudice in any of its forms is a threat to all those who value an issue in which they will appear. inclusive, democratic, and multicultural society. It is axiomatic that if Jews are being

Rabbi continued on page 4


On January 20, 2020, Martin Luther King Day, four on the Port Washington Peninsula came together as a Jewish community to perform mitzvah projects benefitting many local and national organizations. It was a day of service to honor the legacy of Dr. King and his vision of “Beloved Community.” The day started at Community Synagogue and after a program of inspirational prayers, songs and readings we headed to our own synagogues (TBI, RSNS, and Port Jewish). The turnout at TBI was wonderful and included a multigenerational cross section of our congregation. The excitement in the Social Hall was palpable. Kids were in charge of selling baked goods and hot beverages. There were stations to sort crayons and to sort coins. A group of people was decorating bags to be filled with snacks for the INN and Our Lady of Fatima. We didn’t forget the pets; playthings were made for the animals at the North Hempstead Animal Shelter. A popular table was the sorting of hundreds of trading cards for Commons4Kids children’s charities. Twenty-pound bags of rice were divided into smaller bags to be distributed at Our Lady of Fatima. Not hard getting volunteers for that job. Meanwhile in the kitchen—our “cooks” were making vegetable lasagnas! Many organizations, as well as the children, adults, and pets they help benefited from our “labors.” Our day of giving service and doing Mitzvot benefitted us as well! It was a wonderful, feel good, day. In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”

SHEVAT/ADAR 5780 TBI TABLET | PAGE 3 Historic Civil Rights Activist Speaks at TBI Mazal Tov Submitted by Bob Epstein February Birthdays Lila Shapiro On Sunday, January 12, TBI’s Library Nathan Mishkin and Social Action Committees co- Grayson Levy sponsored an inspiring and educational Leo Fridman program in commemoration of Dr. Cooper Holzman Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Our guest Sonia Robins speaker, civil rights activist and author, Caleb Gagne Bernice Sims, recounted her experiences Ailey Benjamin as a youth volunteer in rural Mississippi Charlotte Kraus during the summer of 1964. That Tyler Schwartz “freedom” summer stands out as one of the most significant periods in the rich history of the civil rights movement. February Anniversaries Utilizing a presentation with background music from the 60’s, Ms. Sims spoke Ray Mills and Rachel Andron to our adult congregants and Kitah Zayin class. Her talk was relatable, engaging Paul and Sharon Rappaport and compelling and served as a good history lesson for our religious school students. Ms. Sims brought us all back to a time where groups of courageous We list all children’s birthdays up until the students, volunteers, and community organizers from many different backgrounds age of ten. We make every effort to include came to the deep South to join in the struggle of African Americans to change everyone, but if we miss your child’s birthday the pervasive culture of racial discrimination which they were subjected to in or your anniversary we do apologize and ask their everyday lives. Also essential to their goals were equal access to voting and that you let us know as soon as possible so we representation in government. can be sure to correct it. Our speaker discussed her remarkable memoir “Detour Before Midnight” in which she shared her moving first-hand account of the last few hours that she and her family shared with courageous civil rights workers, James Chaney, Mickey Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman before they were abducted and murdered by Rabbi continued from page 2 the KKK on Father’s Day of 1964. She expressed just how painful it was for her to targeted with hateful rhetoric and revisit these memories for many years prior to publishing her memoir. It was heart- prejudice, other minorities should warming to hear of the positive influence both her parents played as role models in not feel immune; this is not likely her maturation as a person and in her extraordinary commitment to the struggle for to end with Jews. And, conversely, equality for all. if other minority groups are being Ms. Sims entertained questions from the audience after her presentation and targeted with hatred and prejudice, stayed to meet everyone. Ms. Sims also noted that she participated in a North Jews should not feel immune; this is Hempstead documentary entitled “Defining Moments” in which she was one of no likely to end with these groups, more than a dozen residents to provide oral histories of their roles in the civil rights either,” (Antisemitism: Here and Now, movement. Indeed, Ms. Sims brought to TBI very powerful living history. p. xi). Let us be vigilant about acts of hate being directed towards any group. If we see a group being attacked, let us speak out and get involved. And may our convictions, courage, and actions help us to form TBI Office Hours TBI Office Emails strong alliances with other groups, so Cathy Seldin, Synagogue Director that they will stand with us when we Monday–Thursday: 9 am–4 pm [email protected] are being threatened. Friday: 9 am–3 pm B’shalom, Please call to schedule an Julie Cheevers, Office Manager appointment with the [email protected] Rabbi Michael Mishkin Synagogue Director. [email protected] [email protected]

PAGE 4 | TBI TABLET FEBRUARY 2020 Spell and Kvell: A Yiddish/Hebrew/Jewish Word to the Future National Championship Can Make All the Difference in the World By Mark A. Schneider,TBI Past President & TBI Tablet Editor-at-Large

Sit down for a spell, have a knaidel and story could end here but it turns out, someone kvetching about her kichel learn why we could all k’vell with pride Yiddish and Hebrew words have since, gave Meryl the spilkes.” In still another again this year. one might say, “knaideled” their way Scripps Bee, a Pennsylvania girl spelled Turns out we’re just a few short into America’s national spelling bee the Hebrew-derived word “hesped” months away from this Spring’s 2020 competitions. Cut forward five years to (defined as a eulogy or oration at a National Scripps Spelling Bee. In fact, 2019’s Scripps National Spelling Bee Jewish memorial service). A North right now the local, city and state competition. The word “Yiddishkeit” Carolina contestant challenged but wide competition and eliminations are almost stumped a young California wound up correctly spelling the word already under way. If you’re a fan of contestant. The word was defined as “a “hechsher” (defined as a rabbinical these annual televised Scripps Spelling Jewish way of life.” When the 7th grader certification or endorsement of food Bees, it will be interesting to take products that conform with note of all the Yiddish and Jewish traditional Jewish dietary laws. words that in the past have made a So now that it’s clear that winning difference. correctly spelling Yiddish/Hebrew/ For example, a few years ago, Jewish vocabulary words can be I met a student from a Bayside someone’s trophy and scholarship Middle School. He competed prize to a bee victory, as a public and eventually won his school’s service, here’s a list of some spelling spelling bee competition. Then words one might want to know for came the five borough challenge. a future competition. Feel free to He won that, too. Next, he won share this list with your children the New York State Spelling Bee and/or grandchildren, or maybe competition which meant he even set up, enjoy and test your would be going with his family own family spelling bee prowess to Washington D. C. to compete with these potentially winning in the nationally televised Scripps words: — — bissel (a little); Spelling Bee. Since I had met bubbe (grandmother); bubleleh him months before, I eagerly (a term of endearment); chutzpah followed the program and excitedly (nerve); knish; kvell (to show watched ESPN as he made it to pride); kvetch (to complain); kasha the final four, then two. One more varniskes; (buckwheat noodles); correctly spelled word and he’d win (small dumplings); the $30,000 college scholarship mensch (honorable); meshuggeneh grand prize. The thirteen year (crazy, ridiculous); mishegas old stood on the stage and the (crazy); mishpocheh (family); judge gave him the word, which, when asked the judge for the language of schlep (to carry); shlemiel (an awkward asked, the judge defined to him as origin, the straightforward answer given person); schlimazel (someone with bad a “German word of Yiddish origin” was “Yiddish.” The student laughed luck—now think “Laverne & Shirley!); meaning “a dumpling or a small matzah nervously and went on to spell the word schmooze (small talk); schmatte (old ball.” Standing not-nervously at the correctly. garment); tchotchke (knick-knack, toy microphone, the student calmly said During another year’s competition, or item); tsimmes (a sweet stew); zayde “k-n-a-i-d-e-l.” In a matter of seconds, the spelling word “kichel” was given (grandfather). the confetti and balloons rained down with a definition of a “Yiddish sweet Mazel tov. Good luck. on him and he received his winning cracker popular in Jewish cuisine.” The Questions or comments? Please sit trophy and prize. sentence incorporating the definition down for a spell and email to me at So let me spell it out for you. The was (no kidding) “the thought of [email protected].

SHEVAT/ADAR 5780 TBI TABLET | PAGE 5 BAR MITZVAH OF Sexual Politics Abram Freilich in the Story It is with much nachas that we anticipate the Bar Mitzvah of Purim of our son Abram Jeremy Freilich on February 15, 2020. Abram was born 3 weeks early on a cold winter night With Dr. Annette Kasle in January and has been a constant source of warmth and happiness since. He is named after his two great grandfathers, Abe Freilich and Gerry Schneider, who would have been so proud of the young man he has become. Abram is great company. He is easy to be with, loving, and fun. He goes out of his way to connect with his extended family and by doing so has reaped the benefits of these experiences. Whether its sitting down to his Grandmother’s baked chicken and split pea soup on Friday night, having an egg cream while lounging on his Grammy and Zaide’s cozy couches, driving 2 hours to his Uncle Andrew to watch the Super Bowl, kicking Monday, March 2, 10:30am the soccer ball with his Uncle David, or keeping up to date on the latest English Premier League stats to discuss with his Pappa, he is constantly making close bonds Once again Dr. Kasle takes a look at the with his multigenerational family. biblical texts behind the . Preparing for his Bar Mitzvah is another example of how Abram connects with Join us Monday, March 3 at 10:30am as those around him and finds joy in the process. It has hard to imagine that the boy we delve into Megilat Esther. who could never sit still in synagogue and protested going to Hebrew School would The Scroll of Esther, known now be sitting at the dining room table with his father cheerfully singing Shabbat as the Megillah, is chanted in the prayers and connecting with his parents and his heritage in a new way. synagogue on the eve of Purim and In a family of somewhat intense individuals, we are pleased to say that Abram again the next morning. It is the last has found a way to find balance in his life. He studies for school but not too much; of the five scrolls that form part of the he can get rowdy with his friends but never gets into any real trouble. He probably third division of the Bible, known as works hardest on the sports field but even when the games are intense you can the Ketuvim, or Writings. usually see him smiling. His favorite expression is “it’s good enough” and most of Megillat Esther tells the story the time he is right. We hope he can continue on this path as it will ultimately lead of the salvation of the Jews of the to a life filled with success and contentment. Persian Empire. The Scroll of Esther is As Abram has matured and become more aware of the world around him, he has universally known as the Megillah, not become shocked by homelessness. When walking down the streets of Manhattan he because it is the most important of cannot imagine how it is possible that people are suffering in the corners and alleys the five scrolls, but due to its immense of our cities while we all just walk by, barely noticing. He started to make sure he popularity, the prominence that is given has cash in his pockets so he can attempt to brighten even a moment of someone’s to its public reading, and the fact that it existence. Abram has started volunteering at the soup kitchen Masbia and will be is the only one that is still generally read donating a portion of his Bar Mitzvah gifts to The Long Island Coalition for the from a parchment scroll. Homeless. We would like to thank Cantor Grainer for her clear and patient style of teaching. It was a pleasure listening to Murray Singer and Abram discussing Parshat Yitro together. Murph’s open and inclusive style helped Abram formulate his ideas and organize them into a provocative D’var Torah. Thank you to Rabbi Mishkin tot shabbat for working with Abram and being a constant source of warmth and spirituality for please join our family over the past decade. Thank you to Cathy Seldin for always offering wise temple beth israel’s advice and Julie Cheevers for her calm and helpful presence at TBI. tot shabbat programming We invite the entire TBI community to join us as we celebrate this milestone in Abram’s life. on the following dates: february 8 march 7 + 21 • april 18 may 2 + 16 • june 13 + 27

PAGE 6 | TBI TABLET FEBRUARY 2020 Over 1500 Meals Served Best Selling and Counting NY Times By Louise Cooper and Ilyse Wofse Author Matthew Mostly Mitzvahs started 19 years ago as a program to involve our Bnai Mitzvah Goodman children in a meaningful activity to show the true meaning of Tikkun Olam. We morphed it from the Adopt a Family program from FEGS, a social service portion Comes to TBI of UJA, to be more manageable and provide the biggest impact on both our children and the recipients. Small groups of children join us in the kitchen monthly March 5 @ 7:30pm where we inform them about the needy family recipients, discuss Kashrut and teach cooking techniques in the process of making an entree, salad, side dish and dessert. Once the meals are prepared they are packed up and the children, together Matthew Goodman is a New York with their parents, personally deliver them. This is where the other half of the Times bestselling author, his new book, magic happens. Our children are exposed first-hand to those in need and the act of The City Game is a finalist for the 2019 personally handing over their hard work to those families fills them with pride in National Jewish Book Awards. It tells what they have done. Sometimes a child just like themselves is on the other side the full story behind the legendary of the door, which is a lesson that cannot be duplicated in any other way. We truly 1949-50 City College basketball team believe this is why we have continued these 19 years and counting as we continually that went on to become the only hear back from both the parents and children how meaningful the experience is for basketball team in history to win both them individually and, even sweeter, as a family. We also hear from the recipients the NIT and NCAA tournaments in the their joy in meeting our children and eating their homemade delicious meal - a same year. The City Game is a riveting double win. story of how the heroes of this team, So why are we personally invested in the continuation of this program all these every one of which was Jewish or Black years? It blends our commitment to Tikkun Olam and our love for cooking, and went on to become fallen idols the we get to share that in an inspiring way with classes of children and families as they following year. Not just a sports story, go through our religious school. It certainly hasn’t been easy all these years for in the The City Game is also a story of postwar beginning we had no funds and we supported the program from our pockets to get New York City history and the lure of it going. Four years ago FEGS closed their doors which after 80 years was a great money to talented, but young people. loss to all the communities they assisted. So we spent that summer devising another plan to continue Mostly Mitzvahs and fortunately we found a way to collaborate with one of the people we worked with at FEGS who also wanted our program to succeed. There are not many voluntary activities people do for 19 years and despite all the challenges and frustrations we do it for TBI’s children and families, the families we help, and the spirit of Tikkun Olam.

SHEVAT/ADAR 5780 TBI TABLET | PAGE 7 Preschool News By Diana Snaider, Preschool Director

We all returned from our December they built a magnetic maze. STEAM break as if it were spring break! We is all about planning, discovering, had such beautiful weather our first experimenting and using your week back for all of the children to imagination. play outside. On our colder days We started a new round of the children enjoyed playing in our enrichments for the winter. We wide open social hall. From riding continued with soccer, amazing athletes, cars, building with our imagination stem with Snapology and Incredible playground, playing soccer and riding Edibles. In Incredible Edibles our first on the roller coaster they have been session was making delicious healthy having a blast! Outside fresh air is our fruit kebabs. They were able to cut up number one priority for the children, their fruit, make patterns and dip into weather permitting. It is so important chocolate. So many fun and delicious for them to play outside as often as recipes ahead of us! possible. We began our winter session of First In STEAM Miss Brooke, has been Friends with Miss Sam. There are many doing a study on things that sink and fun things happening at TBI Preschool. float with the 3 year old class. They Remember to like our Facebook Page tested all different objects and built a and share with others! boat out of aluminum foil trying to Enrollment forms for Summer make it float. They also tested to how and Fall 2020 are on our website at many objects the boats could hold tbiport.org. If you would like to set up before sinking. The Pre-K class did a tour please call Diana Snaider in the a study on magnets. They predicted Preschool Office at 516-767-1708 ext. 7 which objects would be magnetic and or email at [email protected].

Thursday Sessions Lifelong Learning Never Stops with Rabbi Sharyn Perlman BRINGING BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND PRAYERS TO LIFE Writing As Reflection: Make meaningful connections between Torah & our lives today WITH PAM COBRIN 9 Sessions: Meets once a Month (Sept thru May), 7:30pm–9:30pm, Mondays: 2/24, 3/30, 4/27, 5/18 Cost: $30 per session

Join Professor Pam Cobrin, Director of the Speaking and Writing Programs at Barnard College, as she leads monthly programs where we use writing (ours Meeting for 5 weeks and others) to explore our relationship with various texts and ourselves. February 6 &13 • March 5,12 & 19 • How does the act of writing help us connect to our conscious and unconscious thoughts? NEXT MEETING • How does writing raise questions that challenge our thinking and our Thursday, February 13 sense of the world? Answer these questions and more... 10:30am–12pm Space is limited RSVP: [email protected] RSVP: [email protected]

PAGE 8 | TBI TABLET FEBRUARY 2020 Celebrate a Special Shabbat with Temple Beth Israel

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Special TBI class at Orangetheory @ 6:30 PM to Benefit Preschool with Sunday, March 1 | 1 1:45pm–2:45pm $30pp Orangetheory 1013 Port Washington Blvd. RSVP: [email protected] Space is limited (max. 30) Pray, sing Sponsored by TBI Men’s Club & Sisterhood & celebrate! Other upcoming Men’s Club event dates: March 26: Bar Night @ Sullivan’s Quay April 26: Daytime Brewery Tour

February 2020 Shevat/Adar 5780


8pm Casino Night 2 7 Shevat 3 8 Shevat 4 9 Shevat 5 10 Shevat 6 11 Shevat 7 12 Shevat 8 13 Shevat

PS PJ Day 10:30pm Bringing 6:30pm Service & 9:30am Services 4:00pm RS 7:30pm Kidney Prayers to Life FNL w/Naomi Less 11:00am Tot Shabbat 8:00pm Exec. Bd Mtg 6:10pm TBI Awareness Program w/Rabbi Perlman CL: 5:01pm & Jr. Congregation 9 14 Shevat 10 15 Shevat 11 16 Shevat 12 17 Shevat 13 18 Shevat 14 19 Shevat 15 20 Shevat Tu Bishevat 9:00am Minyan 5pm PJ Library 4:00pm RS 10:30pm Bringing 7:00pm Service 9:30am Service 12 Noon Mostly 8:00pm Ed. Comm. 6:10pm TBI Prayers to Life Oneg Abram Freilich Bar Mitzvah Mitzvahs Mtg. 8:15 Board of Trustees w/Rabbi Perlman CL:5:10pm Abram Freilich 16 21 Shevat 17 22 Shevat 18 23 Shevat 19 24 Shevat 20 25 Shevat 21 26 Shevat 22 27 Shevat

PS Closed President’s Day 6:45pm Service 9:00am Minyan TBI Closed PS & RS Closed PS Closed PS Closed CL: 5:18pm 9:30am Service 23 28 Shevat 24 29 Shevat 25 30 Shevat 26 1 Adar 27 2 Adar 28 3 Adar 29 4 Adar Men’s Club Islander Game 6:30pm Service & RS Closed 7:30pm Writing as FNL w/Naomi Less 9:00am Minyan Reflection CL:5:26pm 9:00am Minyan


THE BAM FUND (BE A MENSCH) The Gindi family in honor of Cantor Bob Epstein and Beth Hisler wish mazel Susan Isaacs and Elkan Abramowitz Grainer- Thank you for working with tov to Naomi and Robert Jackman on in loving memory of Rose Isaacs, Harry! Nathan becming a bar mitzvah! beloved grandmother of Susan. Sondra Winder in honor of her Joan and Daniel Konas in loving THE LIBRARY FUND friendship with Nancy and Jay memory of Herman Hyman, beloved Jay and Nancy Feldman in loving Feldman. grandfather of Joan. memory of Della Feldman, beloved Diane and Steve Greenlick express their Joan and Daniel Konas in loving mother of jay. appreciation for the kindness and memory of Alexander Hyman, Susan Isaacs and Elkan Abramowitz best wishes recieved for Diane on her beloved father of Joan. in loving memory of Helen Isaacs, recovery from surgery. Lisa Naiburg and Dan Kisch wish beloved mother of Susan. Sandra and Stephen Marcus wish sincerest condolences to Susan Mazel tov to Irene and Hilton Silver on sincerest condolences to the Genicoff ont he loss of her beloved the marriage of their grandson Max Schuckman family on the loss of mother Adele Klein. to Melissa Leifer...Nancy and Jay Irving Arouty, beloved father of Mitch Jack and Susan Genicoff in loving Feldman. Schuckman. memory of Stanley Diamond, beloved Nancy and Jay Feldman, in honor of uncle of Jack. Ronnie Peshkin. THE MAHZOR FUND The Golub family in loving memory of Nancy and Jay Feldman, in honor of Joan Miller in loving memory of her Rebecca Doft-Katz. Barbara and Bert Taffet. beloved husband David Miller. Nancy and Jay Feldman, wish Susan Isaacs and Elkan Abramowitz in THE PRESCHOOL FUND loving memory of Harry Abramowitz, condolences to Susan Genicoff and Jack and Susan Genicoff in loving Elkans beloved father. family on the loss of her beloved memory of Howard Diamond, Beverly Taubel wishes mazel tov to mother Adele Klein. beloved uncle of Jack. the Gordon family on Benjamin Judith and Morton Sloan wish Jack and Susan Genicoff in loving becoming a Bar Mitzvah. condolences to Susan Genicoff and memory of Dora Diamond, beloved Beverly Taubel wishes mazel tov to the family on the loss of her beloved grandmother of Jack. Golan family on Jordan becoming a mother Adele Klein. Bar Mitzvah. Susan and Richard Levin wish THE RABBI’S Beverly Taubel wishes Refuah Shlema to condolences to Susan Genicoff and DISCRETIONARY FUND family on the loss of her beloved Esther Levine...speedy recovery. Al and Judith Siegel “thanks to Rabbi mother Adele Klein. In honor of Allison and Jon White, with Mishkin for saying mishebarerach for Nancy and Jay Feldman wish Yasher thanks...Nancy and Jay Feldman. our girl Janet!” Koach to Ben Gordon- for a beautiful Joan Miller in loving memory of her THE CHUMASH FUND mitzvah! beloved husband David Miller. Mazel tov to Dan and Sheryl, Benjamin Nancy and Jay Feldman wish Yasher Judith and Morton Sloan in honor of and Simone on Benjamin becoming Koach to the entire Gordon family on Rabbi Mishkin’s warmth and kindness a bar Mitzvah! Nancy and Jay a beautiful service. during Morton’s illness. Feldman. Nancy and Jay Feldman wish all the best Arnold Abramowitz and family in to Beth Hisler and Bob Epstein good loving memory of Claire Abramowitz, THE BUILDING FUND health and good times in retirement! his beloved mother. Heidi and Michael Jaffe in loving Bob and beth Hisler wish sincerest The Golub family in loving memory of memory of Fannie Cheven, beloved condolences to Susan Genicoff on Julie Golub, beloved sister of Daniel grandmother of Heidi. the loss of her beloved mother, Adele Golub. Mindy and Sean Mintz wish mazel Klein. The Golub family in loving memory tov to the Gindi family on Harry’s Bob Epstein and Beth Hisler wish of Ruth Golub, beloved mother of becoming a bar mitzvah. continuued good health to Lenny Daniel Golub. Mindy and Sean Mintz wish mazel tov Holland. Ellen, Ani and Max Levine in loving to the Gordon family on Benjamin’s Bob Epstein and Beth Hisler wish memory of Burton Fine, beloved becoming a bar mitzvah. mazel tov to Mark Damsky and Amy father and grandfather. Sugarman on Caroline becoming a THE CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY Ellen, Ani and Max Levine in loving bat mitzvah! FUND memory of Barry M Levine, beloved Joan Miller in loving memory of her husband and father. beloved husband David Miller.

PAGE 10 | TBI TABLET FEBRUARY 2020 Sisterhood Contributions

Honor someone’s simcha, express sympathy, or wish someone refuah shlema by making a contribution to Sisterhood, and a card will be sent on your behalf. For a minimum contribution of $10.00, you can choose from the Building Beautification Fund (BBF), Flower Fund (FF), School Equipment Fund (SEF), Torah Repair Fund (TRF), or the Women’s League Torah Fund Campaign (WLTF). JNF Tree certificates are available for a minimum contribution of $18.00. Please e-mail Deborah Brooks at [email protected] and send your contribution (payable to TBI Sisterhood) to TBI, c/o Deborah Brooks.

Sincere condolences to Susan Mazal tov to Adina Schneider and Genicoff on the passing of her beloved Jeffrey Freilich on their son Abram mother Adele Klein becoming a Bar Mitzvah Board and Officers WLTF Board and Officers WLTF Sisterhood WLTF Eleanor and Victor Himel FF Joan Hulkower BBF Sisterhood WLTF

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Author Matthew Goodman Coming to TBI, March 2


HONORING EVENT CHAIRS THE BRODSKY & ENGEL FAMILIES Alyssa and Jack Hattem | Beth and Louis Silfin with the L’Dor V’Dor Awards THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2020 Muriel & Bert Brodsky, Rebecca & Lee Brodsky, Temple Beth Israel, 1 Temple Drive, Port Washington Karina & Jeffrey Brodsky, Kim & David Brodsky, 7:00 PM Light Dinner and Wine Jessica & Craig Miller 7:45 PM Program, follwed by Dessert Dietary Laws Observed JoAnn & Mark Engel, Ilana & Matt Engel THE EVENT WILL FEATURE A GUEST SPEAKER SCROLL OF HONOR ASTON BRIGHT CHARGE: $45 (the charge represents the value of the event A firefighter from Plantation, Florida, Aston Bright and is not tax-deductible) joined EVP *(Emergency Volunteers Project), which recruits and PLEASE RESPOND BY THURSDAY, MARCH 5 trains American firefighters to be deployed in Israel. To RSVP or for more information, contact Shari Abel-Saunders at 516-762-5802 or [email protected].