Setting Targets and Corresponding Action Plan Within the Framework of the Protocol on Water and Health in the Republic of Tajikistan

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Setting Targets and Corresponding Action Plan Within the Framework of the Protocol on Water and Health in the Republic of Tajikistan SETTING TARGETS AND CORRESPONDING ACTION PLAN WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE PROTOCOL ON WATER AND HEALTH IN THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN Dushanbe – 2018 Table of contents Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Foreword ................................................................................................................................................ 5 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 6 1. Identification of target indicators in the framework of the Protocol on Water and Health in the Republic of Tajikistan ..................................................................................................................... 9 1.1 Protocol on Water and Health and target indicators inventory methodology (evaluation of achievements and review). ................................................................................................................. 9 2. Summary of characteristic features of the water supply and sanitation. ................................ 12 3. Assessment of changes per target area of the Protocol on Water and Health in Tajikistan for the period 2012-2018. ........................................................................................................................ 14 3.1. Area I. Quality of drinking water supplied. .......................................................................... 14 3.2. Area II. Reduction of the scale of outbreaks and incidents of water-related disease .......... 14 3.3. Area III. Access to drinking water ......................................................................................... 15 3.4. Area IV. Access to sanitation ................................................................................................ 17 3.5. Area V. Levels of performance of collective systems and other systems for water supply . 17 3.6. Area VII. Application of good practices to the management of water supply ...................... 19 3.7. Area XI. Quality of discharges of wastewater from wastewater treatment installations to waters within the scope of the Protocol ........................................................................................... 19 3.8. Area XIV. Quality of waters which are used as sources for drinking .................................... 20 3.9. Area XVIII. Identification and remediation of particularly contaminated sites ................... 21 3.10. Area XIX. Effectiveness of systems for the management, development, protection and use of water resources ...................................................................................................................... 22 3.11. Area XX. Frequency of publication of information on the quality of drinking water supplied and on other waters relevant to the Protocol ................................................................... 23 4. Reviewed target indicators in the field of Protocol on Water and Health in the Republic of Tajikistan............................................................................................................................................. 24 5. Linkages between the Protocol on Water and Health and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), relevance of target indicators ............................................................................................................ 26 6. Review of target indicators ....................................................................................................... 32 7. Correlation of target indicators with Sustainable Development Goals .................................... 37 8. Recommended plan of action to implement target indicators ................................................ 40 Abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank WUA Water Users Association AMA Antimonopoly Agency under the GRT AS Academy of Sciences of RT SA Statistic Agency under the GRT WB World Bank EECCA East Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia WHO World Health Organization GOST State Standard MDG Main Department on Geology under the GRT SUE State Unitary Enterprise SCI/SPM State Committee on Investment and State Property Management DWC Dushanbe Water Canal EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EEC European Economic Commission ZHKKH Housing and Communal Services SMA Stakeholder Ministries and Agencies IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management CSUE Communal State Unitary Enterprise CEP Committee on Environment Protection under the GRT MoFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs MHSPP Ministry of Healthcare and Social Protection of Population of RT LEAB Local Executive Authority Bodies MES Ministry of Education and Science of RT MoF Ministry of Finance of RT MoJ Ministry of Justice of RT MEWR Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of RT MEDT Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of RT 1 NDS-2030 National Development Strategy of RT for the period till 2030 NPDWP National Policy Dialogue on Water Policy NGO Non-Government Organizations AAI Acute Intestinal Infections UN United Nations WSP Water Safety Plan UNDP United Nations Development Programme GRT Government of the Republic of Tajikistan MtDS Mid Term Development Programme of RT for 2016-2020. RT Republic of Tajikistan Sanpin Sanitary rules and norms MM Mass Media SPA Sanitation Protected Areas SAHSSP State Agency on Healthcare Surveillance and Social Protection under the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Protection FS Feasibility Study FSR Feasibility study report DOM Department of operation and maintenance KWC Khujand Water Canal KMK Khojagii Manzilii Communali – Household communal services SDG Sustainable Development Goals UNICEF UN Children’s Fund 2 The Working Group on improving the elaboration of target indicators and plan of action within the context of Protocol on Water and Health in the Republic of Tajikistan was established by the order of the Minister of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan as of 1 June 2018 # 22, in line with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan as of 2 May 2018, #21417 (29-4). Experts participating in the Working Group are listed below: Rahimzoda S.N Head of the Working Group, First Deputy Minister of Energy and Water Resources; Sharipov G.B. Working Group Coordinator, Deputy Head of the Division of Water Resources of the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources; Members of the Working Group Khamidova M. Senior specialist of the Main Department of Economic Development of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade; Makhmudova Sh.N. Attache of the Economic Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Inomov A.B. Head of the Department of Civil Legislation and Defense of the Ministry of Justice; Kholikova Z. Deputy Head of the Division of Finance and Economic Activities in Large State Enterprises of the Ministry of Finance; Rashidov M. Senior specialist of the Main Division on Budget Policy of the Ministry of Finance; Vohidov S.D, Head of the Division of Sanitary and Epidemiologic Safety, Emergency Situations and Medical Aid, Ministry of Healthcare and Social Protection of the Population; Sharipov J.V. Senior specialist of the Division on External Support Coordination of the State Committee on Investment and State Property Management; Shukurov I. Head of the Department on State Control on Utilization and Water Resources Protection of the Committee on Environment Protection; Sattorov B.A. Head of geologic surveillance UE “Southern Geologic Expedition” Main Department of Geology; Mirzoev M.K. Senior specialist of the Department on Water, Sewage and Energy, SUE “HMS”; 3 Kodirov M. Specialist of the production and technology department SUE “Dushanbevodokanal” 4 Foreword The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) – World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe Protocol on Water and Health (“Protocol”) was adopted by the member states of UNECE and of the European Bureau of WHO in 1999. The objective of the Protocol is to promote, nationally as well as in transboundary and international contexts, the protection of human health and well-being, both individual and collective, within a framework of sustainable development, through improving water management, including the protection of water ecosystems and through preventing, controlling and reducing water-related disease. Albeit Tajikistan is not a Party to the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Water resources and International Lakes (Water Convention), the country understands its relevance and responsibility in resolving the issues outlined by the Protocol. In accordance with Articles 21 and 22 of the Protocol, the Republic of Tajikistan may accede to the Protocol, not being a party to the Convention. The Protocol addresses issues under the competence of several ministries and departments, specifically the Ministry of Healthcare and the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources. The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources and the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Protection of the Population, represented by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Service, have taken an active part in the activities and meetings carried out under the Protocol since 2010. Against this backdrop, the elaboration of national targets in the context of the Protocol, with financial support from the Government of Norway, was launched in 2012, and, since 2016, this activity has continued
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