November 2012 Opportunities for Private Sector Investment in the Malawian Agricultural Sector Prepared by Methodology Information contained in this report was captured and qualified over a four-month period by Monitor Group. The data used to inform the recommendations was derived from both primary and secondary research. As part of this research, more than 75 individuals—representing a cross-section of agribusinesses, investors, donors, NGOs, and public sector actors across Malawi—were interviewed in order to gather a wide range of perspectives on agricultural investment opportunities and key enabling environment requirements. Disclaimer This report was written by Monitor Group, an independent, global management consultancy firm with funding provided by USAID as technical assistance to the Malawian Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security. Information and prospectuses shared within should not be regarded as an offer to buy, sell, or otherwise deal with any investment referred to herein. Contact For more information, please contact: Mr. Daisi Kachingwe Desk Officer for the Trade and Marketing Unit Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security
[email protected] Dr. Jeffrey H. Luhanga, PhD Principle Secretary Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security
[email protected] Acronyms & Abbreviations ACE African Commodity Exchange AfDB African Development Bank AH Auction Holdings ASWAp Agriculture Sector Wide Approach BESTAP Business Environment Strengthening Technical Assistance Project CAADP Comprehensive African Agricultural Development