Quantum Chromodynamics Caterina Doglioni - Lund University Note on references: all the images from experiments are taken from the experiment websites unless otherwise noted + diagrams and tables taken from Cahn&Goldhaber / Halzen & Martin Introduction About me Master’s thesis in Rome (Italy) Summer Student at CERN (Switzerland) PhD in Oxford (UK) Post-doc in Geneva (Switzerland) Lecturer in Lund since April 2015 Member of the ATLAS Collaboration Dark Matter, jet and HASCO enthusiast This week: found either here or work-lurking on a desk outside Always found at
[email protected] Wikipedia/NASA What I do: http://www.hep.lu.se/staff/doglioni/ @catdoglund 2 Introduction About Quantum ChromoDynamics Large Hadron Collider: Quark and gluon (→ jet) factory Force describing interactions of quarks and gluons: QCD Measure QCD processes: Precision measurements of the Standard Model Search for deviations from QCD: look for new particles decaying intoWikipedia/NASA quarks and gluons 3 Introduction A warning: not all of QCD is in these lectures Goal: brief introduction to basic concepts of QCD in chunks of ~ 25’ each, 5’ Q&A / activity after each chunk, then 10’ break More detailed references and slides can be found as links Wikipedia/NASA on the slides or at the end of the lectures 4 Introduction Outline of the QCD lectures •Lecture 1: Quarks gluons and strong interactions •1.1 From the hadron zoo to the quark model •1.2 Experimental proof of the quark model •1.3 Strong force: confinement and asymptotic freedom •Lecture 2 (Tuesday): Experimental