John Masouri | 496 pages | 01 Sep 2013 | OMNIBUS PRESS | 9781847728364 | English | London, United Kingdom Steppin' Razor: The Life of Peter Tosh

What makes the film even more eerie is that it is narrated by Tosh himself. Inthe Rolling Stones record label contracted Tosh and released the Bush Doctorwhich introduced Tosh to a larger audience. Now on the Rolling Stones label, he produced a couple of great in succession such as Bush Doctor and which features some sensational production by and . Peter would often some into the studio with nothing more than sketches for his songs, show them to his band, and once his vocals had been recorded and some of his great wah-wah wash, he Steppin Razor the Life of Peter Tosh sit in the control room and consume enormous amounts of ganja. Edit page. The film is like a vivid dream: it's so short but it means so much. This because the last episode on his legacy, was for me not necessary and even disturbing. Average rating 4. Edit Did You Know? I guess he needs the money. The critical British press on him is another interesting theme, and justly Masouri is critical about the arrogance in some British press pieces vilifying Tosh as inadequate or even fake. Colin Grant achieved this better, I think, in his Steppin Razor the Life of Peter Tosh on Garvey. Director: Nicholas Campbell. Refresh and try again. Intro to larger audiences Inthe Rolling Stones record label contracted Tosh and released the album Bush Doctorwhich introduced Tosh to a larger audience. John Masouri. Carlos rated it it was amazing Jul 04, This can be interesting still, goes even a bit deeper at times in the book, but never really too deep. Original Title. Parents Guide. The author has done a lot of research and this is a readable book however at the end of it I felt I did not know Peter Tosh at all. Looking for a movie the entire family can enjoy? See the full list. This trip inspired his second-last album, Mama Africawhich I have always found a little over-rated. After this comes another new and interesting chapter in his life - his relationship with the Rolling Stones, in particular Mick and Keith. Well researched and all written. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Return to Book Page. User Ratings. These tapes were basically a spoken word autobiography. Tosh is given a full and fair account here. Now revered second only to among Steppin Razor the Life of Peter Tosh audiences worldwide, Tosh was awarded the Order of Merit as celebrated fifty years of independence. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. This related according to a Paul Khouri to the fact that while Tosh was more revolutionary, Marley had he thought better lyrics, and lacked prejudice in approaching his art. Although I understand the need to reconcile the fantastical image that many maintain with respect to this constantly evolving musician and songwriter and the factual and anecdotal evidence presented herein, I feel that the author does a disservice to his subject by deferring to the judgment implicit in the characterization of A long overdue account of the artist alternately known as Wolde Semayat, Steppin Razor the Life of Peter Tosh Mystic Man, the Bush Doctor, Peter Touch and by birth certificate Winston Hubert Macintosh. We both share huge similarities as people. The no less brilliant Canadian documentary, "Stepping Razor: Red X", evocatively captures the spirit of a man who was as passionate as he was controversial. On a fall night inthree men forced their way into Peter Tosh's home in Kingston, Jamaica. Brendan rated it really liked it May 13, Full Cast and Crew. Then comes the album Wanted Dread or Alive which features one of the most beautifully recorded songs I have ever heard - called Fools Steppin Razor the Life of Peter Tosh. I enjoyed it for the most part, but it was not my favorite musician's biography. Rate This. Details if other :. The author of the biography on James Brown, R. Feb 14, Michael rated it really liked it. Gordy Robertson rated it really liked it Sep 26, His rebel nature drew me into him and I respect him a lot of any musician. Peter will always be an enigma to those who don't understand what made the Man, but this book Steppin Razor the Life of Peter Tosh a long way towards that understanding. Trailers and Videos. Want to Read saving…. Crazy Credits. This personality formation of a rebellious pro-black stance, fighting against Babylon oppression and related of course his staunch views, combined with an often charming, attentive and humorous disposition, is of course not necessarily contradictory. A different, but Steppin Razor the Life of Peter Tosh interesting anecdote relate to the California band the Grateful Dead, led by Jerry Garcia, who wanted to meet Tosh, who, however, had objections against the band name and said, when he had the band on the phone, that they instead should be grateful to be alive. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Tosh is given a full A devoted work, compiled of hundreds of interviews. Jane rated it it was amazing Jun 30,