22 Residents Comprehensive Fracture Course Faculty: Lunch /SpineSymposium Wednesday - Friday, October 5 - 7

Timothy A. Moore,MD John C.France,MD Richard J.Bransford,MD registration isrecommended will benefitnotbeexcluded. Attendanceislimited,soearly This courseistargetedforPGY2–PGY4’s, otherswhofeelthey Target Audience post test. well asanonlinebasicsciencepre-testandonsiteclinical materials. Detailswillbesentwithregistrationconfirmationas This courseoffers pre-courseeducationalon-demandvideo pelvis/polytrauma/acetabulum, plusalunch-timespinesession. articular, diaphyseal,&,geriatrics,pediatrics,and fundamental principlesoffracturecaredistributedamongsixtopics: techniques, andhands-onskillslabexercises.Moduleswillcover extensive opencase-baseddiscussion,videodemonstrationsof The moduleswillhavearapid-fireseriesofmini-lectures,an and 5experiencedfacultyeducatorspermodule. in six(6)separatesmallgroupmodules,with22-24residents The ResidentsComprehensiveFractureCoursewillbepresented Course Description Program Chairs Toni M.McLaurin,MD&MarcusF. Sciadini,MD , October 5–7,2016 Wednesday –Friday, RESIDENTS COMPREHENSIVEFRACTURECOURSE www.ota.org

. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lectures/Case-Based Discussions Topics Case-Based Discussions reatment Algorithms: LowEnergy-High Fragment Modules -on SkillsLabs Hands-on SkillsLabs

Module Leaders: FracturesArticular Module One Module Leaders: Diaphyseal Fractures Module Two Lag Screw/CompressionPlatingRadiusandBridgeUlna Intramedullary NailingProximal Intramedullary NailMechanics Primary BoneHealingvs.Callus Supracondylar Femur Olecranon Bicondylar PlateauFracture Intercondylar FemurFracture Olecranon Fracture Intra-articular DistalHumerusFracture Supracondylar Femur Tibial Plateau Elbow Distal Humerus Anatomy andRadiographs Anatomy/Approaches (incl.Osteotomy) Implant PositionandSurgical ORIF -IntramedullaryNailing T Medial/Posteromedial Fragment Monteggia Reduction andImplant (Open ReductionInternalFixationForearmFracture) Tension BandingandPlating

Specific Fractures

Timothy S. Achor, MD Frank A. Liporace,MD David B.Weiss, MD Michael P. Leslie,DO



Tibia Fracture


Failed Fixation Plating Mechanics T B3 DistalFemurFracture Lateral PlateauFracture T Olecranon Fractures Post-Operative Treatment Classification Radiography Anatomy Lateral T T errible Triad otal Elbow Arthroplasty errible Triad ibial Plateau Articular Fragment

Residents Comprehensive Fracture Course

Wednesday - Friday, October 5 - 7 23



Conor Kleweno, MD Christina Boulton, MD Open Fractures Anthony I. Riccio, MD Anthony I. Riccio, MD R. Lane Wimberly,

Type - Nonoperative Principles Type

Pubic Diastastis with Symphyseal Plate Damage Control and Hemodynamic Stabilization Open Fractures Pelvic Ring – Stability and Reduction Stable LCI Pelvic Radiographs & SI Screws Radiograph & Model Interpretation Session Polytrauma Patient V Sheet W Supra-acetabular & Iliac Crest Pelvic Ex Fix Unique T Distal Humerus Femur Intra-articular Forearm Fracture Reduction Spica Casting Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning of Supracondlar Flexible Elastic Nailing of Femoral Shaft Fracture Module Six Polytrauma, Pelvis and Acetabulum Module Leaders: Module Five Pediatrics Module Leaders:

Lectures Case-Based Discussions Surgical Video ertical ShearorUnstablePelvis Hands-on Skills Labs rap /PelvicBinder Presented in partnership with OTA and POSNA Presented in partnership with OTA Case-Based Discussions Fractures iming ofChildren’s Fractures ofChildren’s Aspects Videos Hands-on Skills Labs/Videos Lectures

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

alus Fractures Proximal Humerus IM Hip Nail Femoral Neck Locked Plating Basics Intertrochanteric Distal Humerus T Calcaneus

Articular Fracture Charisse Y. Sparks, MD Y. Charisse Carla S. Smith, MD S. Andrew Sems, MD Andrew S. MD M. McAndrew, Christopher

AO/OTA 43.C3 with Staged External/ 43.C3 AO/OTA

Talar Neck Fracture with Involvement of Talar Body Talar Neck Fracture with Involvement of Talar Talar Neck Fracture Talar Treatment with External Fixation Treatment

Subtle Multiple Displaced Metatarsal Shaft Fractures Divergent Lisfranc Injury

Distal Proximal Humerus Fracture Locked Plating Sliding Hip Screw Periprosthetic Femur Fractures Distal Radius Osteoporosis Evaluation and Management Femoral Neck Periprosthetic Fracture Management Intertrochanteric Hip Fractures T External Fixation of a Comminuted Sanders II Joint Depression Sanders IV Fracture with Blood-filled Blisters in 60 Mid-Foot/Tarso-Metatarsal Definitive Hawkins II Hawkins III LisFranc T Low Energy - Partial High Energy - T Classic Maissoneuve Injury Ankle Fractures Geriatric Module Leaders: Module Four

Module Three Ankle Foot and Module Leaders:

Pre-Registration Deadline September 30, 2016; On-site Registration - additional $100. See Page 49. - additional $100. See Registration 30, 2016; On-site Deadline September Pre-Registration RESIDENTS COMPREHENSIVE FRACTURE COURSE FRACTURE COMPREHENSIVE RESIDENTS

Hands-on Skills Labs Surgical Video

Case-Based Discussions

Ankle FracturewithUnstableSyndesmosis rimalleolar Hands-on Skills Labs/Videos

OldRooferwhoSmokes Year

withDisplacedPosteriorMalleolus rimalleolar Lectures/Case-Based Discussions ibial PilonFractures Lectures Topics