ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 24 · 2014 · 1 original scientifi c article UDC 712.253(497.5)"18" received: 2014-01-27 PUBLIC PARKS IN CROATIA IN THE 19TH CENTURY WITHIN A EUROPEAN CONTEXT Mladen OBAD ŠĆITAROCI University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture, Kačićeva 26, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia e-mail:
[email protected] Bojana BOJANIĆ OBAD ŠĆITAROCI University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture, Kačićeva 26, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia e-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT The theme of this article are public parks in towns and spas in Croatia from the 18 th century and up until WWI (until 1918). Due to its geographical location Croatia has always been under a dual cultural infl uence: Italian, from the southeast and across the Adriatic Sea, and from the northwest from Austria and Germany. The most signifi cant public parks in Croatia are compared to similar parks in Europe. In comparison, public parks in adjacent regions have been chosen (Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, Italy), within countries of Central and Western Europe. Comparisons are conducted according to the time (year) of the establishment of the park. This comparison allows for monitoring of the appearance of parks and their further development within the same time periods and within different countries. Key words: landscape architecture in 19th century, public parks, city parks, urban planning history I PARCHI PUBBLICI NELLA CROATIA DEL 19O SECOLO NEL CONTESTO EUROPEO SINTESI Il tema dell’articolo sono i parchi pubblici nelle città e nei luoghi turistici e curativi della Croazia dal 18°secolo alla fi ne della Prima guerra mondiale (fi no al 1918).